Chapter 1

~Who wants...Helia Knightly?~

"Girls, Wake up!" Came my mom's chirpy voice from other side of my room with a soft knock at the door.

"I'm up,"I mumbled, opening my eyes but then shutting them quickly when the bright sunlight filled them.

I groaned .It was quite sunny today, a little too sunny actually.

I averted my eyes away from the window and stared up at the ceiling for blinking back the tears and bringing myself into full senses. After I was fully awake and in my conciousness, I stood up from the bed and turned in the dirction of my door to answer her properly.

"Mom, we are up, " I said loud enough for my mom to hear, fumbling for my shoes.

"Okay, dear!" She replied, sweetly.

I heard faint sound of clicking of heels and then a knock at the opposite door. It was my brother's room.

'Stella' I remembered, thinking about my Brother. It didn't make sense but anyway.

I looked over my shoulder at Stella, who was still fast asleep even after the noises. She slept like a 'dead'. I've known it for a long time but never actually got over the fact.

Sunlight made her features more beautiful. Her blonde hair were shining and looking more luscious in the Sun. Her pale skin, high cheek bones, glossy lips alpwed under the sunlight. She had beautiful hazel orbs whivh were covered by her eyelids at the moment.

She was curled up in her bed, like a baby with her hair all over her face She was desperately trying to remove her hair from her face.

'She should be awarded' . I laughed quietly. Strolling over to her bedside, I sat beside her and shook my head.

I observed her for a few seconds then I did the most risky thing. I shook her shoulder. "Stella dear, Wake up" I spoke softly. It was a pretty big deal for anyone who woke Stella up.

She threw a pillow at me still sleeping and scooted to edge of the bed, muttering angrily. Move on more inch Stel and you'll be longer on that comforting bed. I ducked to avoid the pillow from hitting me. She covered her face with pillows and sheets, like they would protect her from everything.

'Stubborn girl' I whistled.

I stood up from the bed, thinking of a way to tease her. A difficult task for me as I wasn't expert in such things and also I never got the chance to think about them because we always had an expert with us, Musa Melody.

Musa was a mastermind in mischievousness and she was the most popular prankster of our school. She had pulled prank on almost every single teacher of the school including the principal. She had done so many pranks but was never caught. Every single student of the school new about her pranks but didn't have the guts to tell teachers because they were afraid that they would be the next victim.

I again started thinking, keeping Musa's point of view in mind. I thought about weird things that Musa could attempt but they all were useless here as Stella could never be effected by such stupid things. She was a carefree person, actually very carefree. She could ignore anything but she could never ignore one thing.


Boys' attention and approval had always been important things in her life. She was quite sensitive about boys. She was popular in boys since middle school and was girls' role model in styling.

I sighed, giving up.

I picked up my phone from the night stand, examining it's exterior.I felt something different about my phone. After looking at it for a few seconds, I noticed the phone was pink. Why was my phone pinky pinky?. It was white till last night but now it was completely changed.I looked up from my phone and at Stella.I groaned but it was useless. I unlocked the phone and checked my messages and calls.

A text from Sam. A smile grew on my face.

"Stella, Sam is coming to pick you up in fifteen minutes. He just texted me" I said, grinning to myself. The poor guy didn't even know that she was here.

Sam was Stella's younger brother. He was a good looking guy,having those curly blonde hair and blue eyes.A girl's ideal boyfriend type. He was on the football team and it gave him a big plus point.

Stella spent last night at my house because her parents and brother weren't home, so she took her stuff and came here for sleep over. I was grateful to her for that , because I was feeling very bored.

"What?" Cried Stella, shoting up from the bed and throwing the pillow from bed. The pillow hit Millo,my pet cat, making her fall out of the bed. I giggled at the poor cat.

"Finally, you're up! " I clapped my hands and stood up from the bed.I picked up Millo and played with her paws. She was so adorable.

"Wait a sec, I came in my own car" She narrowed her eyes at my facial expression as she stood up from the bed."You were lying,weren't you?"

I bowed mockingly and sat on my love seat.

"Urrggghhh"She yelled,her face red like tomato .She threw her hands up in exasperation and went into the washroom stumbling over her shopping bags.

"What happened?" Asked Mom, poking her head in the room, wearing a worried expression on her face.

Mom was really a very sweet person. She was quite a friendly and cheery person. She was a good listener and a great adviser too. I had inherited my love for nature from her.

She had tanned skin like me, Long honey brown hair reaching her waist and pools of emerald. She had a really curved figure.I was called as her 'Carbon copy'.

"Flora?" Mom's concerned voice snapped me out of my trance. How could be a person that much caring?.

"Stella in her morning attitude happened" I chuckled and waved my hand to show that it wasn't serious.

She relaxed visibly. "Alright!but come downstairs soon, I am making breakfast." She closed the door after a last look and a small smile.

"Come out, Flo!" ordered Stella from the other side of the bathroom.

I was in bathroom taking a shower because 'Stella The Great' had decided to take us all shopping, which included me,Musa, Tecna, Bloom and Aisha. She said that we were starting our classes as senior and we had no new clothes.

Since when new classes meant new clothes?

However, Stella had made us all buy an entire store last week . When Stella declared that we were going shopping everyone tried to get out of it by acting ill or busy but Stella went straight to their houses and brought them to my house with force.

Stella spent 2 hours in the bathroom getting ready and now she was ordering me to get out just after 10 minutes.

When I asked her to come out her words were like 'beauty need it's time'.

I really wanted to know how that guy 'Blake' kept up with he her. Whenever he went out with her it was just shopping or sometimes Starbucks.I sometime pity that guy but mostly not because I didn't like his attitude towards us. He was always hostile and rude to us for no reason. He had cheated on Stella in the past and I told her that he was still cheating but Stella never listened. I left it there then because I didn't want to hurt my friend.

"Just give me a second, Stel" I shouted at door.

"You've just 5 minutes to get ready" Stella said and after that I didn't hear anything.

Fewwwhhh, she is such a pain sometimes.

I came out of the shower covered in towel. I went in my walk in closet and slipped on a pair of faded skinny jeans and a cute buttoned up baby pink top. I put on a pair of pink pumps which had cute white bow on them, my brother, gifted them to me on my last birthday which was 2 weeks ago.

Brandon was my elder brother and was in the same year as me because he was just 11 months older than me. He had brown hair and chocolate brown eyes like my father. He was football team captain and the cheerleader captain, McKenzie Piper, was her girlfriend for two years. She was so fake but still Brandon liked her.

Brandon was a tan handsome guy and had darkest shade of brown as hair colour. His long fringe complimented his strong features. He had quite muscular body because of the amount of workout he was doing in gym.

(A/N:I love Brandon's hairstyle)

I dried my hair and styled them in a side braid. I put on light amount of makeup to make it look natural. It included a mascara, a thin liner and a nude shade of lipstick. I put on a pair of pink studs in ears and a ring which I always wear.

I headed out of my room and went downstairs in the living room where everyone was sitting or actually waiting for me. I stifled my laugh because Musa and Tecna were looking furious and were giving Stella venomous looks. Aisha wasn't paying attention to anyone because she was probably texting Roy (A/N: I like Roy more than Nabu). Stella and Bloom were gossiping as always.

"Hey guys!" I said, with a bright smile on my face.

"Hey!" everyone chorused, leaving their activities. I went and sat beside Tecna.

"Let's go for shopping now " Stella said and fist pumped,jumping.

Musa said amused at Stella gesture, "How could be someone so crazy about shopping? ".

"Musa,meet Stella Solaria"I whispered to them,looking at her. Everyone laughed, standing up in unison.

"Wait!" exclaimed Mom, running into living room. We stopped in our tracks and turned to her.

"Flora can you bring me these things?" She asked, handing me a list. It must be grocery list.

"Mom, Brandon can bring you these things" I whinned looking at the closed list.

"Yeah, He can but he is busy with his friend Sky right now" Mom said ,looking upstairs, like she could see through the walls and right now she was looking at Brandon.

Sky was Bloom's boyfriend and Brandon's bestfriend. He was also on the football team. They were bestfriends since the first day of middle school and were inseparable. He was a blondie with ocean blue eyes and Pale skin.

Riven was Musa's boyfriend. He was short tempered and stubborn person but was a good friend of us. He wasn't that much talkative and he was also on the school's football team. He had magenta spiked hair, darkest shade of brown as eye colour and pale skin.

Timmy was Tecna's boyfriend. He was a nerd and a very shy person. A genius with a great IQ level. He was a teacher's pet and was the friendliest person. He had strawberry blonde hair and teal eyes.

Roy was Aisha's boyfriend. A football player and a good person. He was tan and had blonde hair. He had the lightest shade of blue as eye colour. His hairstyle was a mix of Brandon's and Sky's.

They were the most popular guys of our school because they were on the football team except Timmy. He was popular because he was football players' best friend. They were called as popular 5. They were like brothers to one another. They had another bestfriend.

Helia Knightly.

My one and only crush. He was the guy, I liked till now and still have the hope that I would see him someday. I was attracted towards him, since the day I saw him for the first time. I had never thought of any guy except him. I day dreamed about him, I wrote poetry for him...I was simply crazy about him but like all the typical love stories, he never knew I existed.

Actually, it was a question. Maybe he ignored me on purpose. Whh would someone like a nerd and tree hugger?. I wasn't even beautiful.

"Sky is here?" Bloom questioned me, breaking my train of thoughts. Her eyes were darker than usual and the look she was giving me ,it could really kill. What did I do?. I didn't know myself.

"You heard it,Bloom"Musa said,annoyed, looking at her was resting her arm on my was way too grumpy today.

"Stop whining everyone" ordered Stella, a goof grin on her face, and went out of the main door.

"But..."started Bloom but Tecna took grasped both of her arms and dragged her out.

"Let's go!" I held Musa's hand and went out of the house.


What was that?

I was in the washroom when I heard someone cry outside.

Was there any robber or serial killer?

I became afraid all of a sudden.A bad feeling took over in the pit of my stomach.I started having bad thoughts for no reason.

What if he was here to rob us...or kill us?if he tried to shoot us?What would I do?.My reflexes are not fast neither I have supernatural powers. What if he kidnap us,make us bald and work for him?...What if he makes us his slave forever? I would miss all the fun of my life. I would miss all the latest fashion trends and I would have to dress like those 12 princesses in that Disney movie.

I would miss my shoes, clothes, make-wait what?

Why was I talking like Stella? I didn't like fashion that was just Stella thing not mine. I couldn't be like her.

"Flo,let's go" Bloom burst open the washroom,panting heavily.

She pulled me by my arm and started walking out of the washroom.

"Where are we going? What happened? Is there any serial killer? Where are others?" I started rambling. "Did something happen to them?Why are you not replying me? Spe-"


I felt something collided with me my head and after a few seconds pain shot through that part. I looked at Bloom and it dawned on me that she had thwacked me on my head.

"Shut up and listen to me" Bloom ordered,anger evident on her face.

I fell silent immediately not wanting to make her more angry. I lowered my gaze as I felt shameful for my behavior.

"I'm sorry Flora for know" She apologized, awkwardly shifting her weight from one foot to other.

"Oh, it's alright". I looked up and waved her off. "Now can you please tell me what happened?"

"Two boys pushed Musa and tried to run away with her bag-" I cut off Bloom mid sentence, "What?"

"Let me continue" She glared at me."So as I was saying, Musa didn't let them get away with her bag, so they ran away without the bag".

"So, it was Musa who had cried?" I asked,reaching the counter where everyone else was standing.

"No, it was the boy whose hand Musa had twisted" Tecna chuckled,resting her arm on Aisha's shoulder.

Musa winked and bowed. "It was nothing special, just the usual Musa"
We all laughed at her.

"Now, who wants-" Musa started but suddenly her phone started ringing and she unlocked the phone to check the caller ID "Helia Knightly?". She looked up from the screen of her phone, her eyes wide and jaws dropped open.

"Whaaaa?" We all cried in unison.