I'm so excited to start working on this. and to remind you guys, this is sasnuaru not narusasu. Also, I decided to start writing again, because it helps with my depression a lot. There's not really any inspiration, I just need some sort of distraction. I hope you guys understand that.

Warnings: this story WILL contain smut scenes and yaoi boyxboy and all that. but this is NOT NaruSasu or NaruSasuNaru or even SasuNaruSasu. This story is only SasuNaru.

This will also include MPREG. I've read about so many ways that a mermaid can reproduce and give birth. So I'll just go along with whatever seems accurate and legit, besides its about creativity and imagination. So my sources are my own imagination and a few stuff I googled for help.

Disclaimer: Naruto or any other character belongs to Kishimoto.



Chapter 1

The first day at the beach house wasn't as great as Sasuke would have hoped. He had set his hopes too high probably, but still, he didn't think it would be this low from them. There was no WiFi, which was every teenagers worst nightmare, and there wasn't really many things he could do.

At the beginning of summer, it's still rainy season for them which sucks a lot. That meant that he wouldn't be able to take strolls or to make sand castlesーas his parents had said he might do once they arrived. His boredom was killing him alive, and he hated it. Maybe he sounded bratty and stuck-up when he said it, but this wasn't the luxury he was hoping for. Even with knowing his parents got paid well and were one of the wealthiest families ever.

But his parents were strict, and somehow Sasuke knew they were secretly planning this. Or maybe it was his older brother who planned this. It could be, since they both hated each other with so much passion. But there was love... somewhere there. Not visible, but there.

After the first week, all Sasuke did was spend time in his room playing those shitty old games you'd see in an old windows laptop. Other times he'd spend his time drawing or pairing with some of the art supplies he had brought with him. Besides that, he just ate when it was necessary and slept when the time came.

The second week the weather was a little better than before. He went in the afternoon to the beach, forgetting to bring his sandals. When his feet touched the hot sand, he immediately ran back inside the house and never came out again. Itachi had teased him about it, and when he had seen his little otouto(1) running so fast he had burst out laughing. The younger Uchiha had stomped upstairs after glaring at his bother. What a bastard, he thought.

By the third week, he had gone to the beach during the night. Finally, he had buried his feet in the cool sand, as he looked at the stars that cast upon the ocean's water. He also noticed the full moon that was reflecting on the water brightly. As the soft waves moved farther up the shore, they soaked his legs with cold water.

Sasuke shivered but didn't move away since it had felt nice against his skin. Instead he lay back against the sand, stretching out his arms and resting them behind his head. As he closed his eyes, he listened to the distant sounds along with the ones that surrounded him. It wasn't very long until the peace was broken, the raven shot up when he felt someone kick his side softly.

"I'm not going to be calling you in for dinner all the damn time Sasuke, you missed it so now it's cold. Go inside and eat something, then you can come back out again when you're done, otouto." With that said, Itachi turned around, making sure to kick some sand behind him to hit Sasuke.

He scowled and stood up, dusting himself off and stalking inside the beach house to eat something. He was going to argue and refuse to eat by the way Itachi had said things. But he decided against it once he realized how hungry he was. As he was getting distracted all the time, he didn't eat as much as he used to. Which was the opposite of what people told you that happened during summer. That's why he didn't trust what people said sometimes, they probably read it off the Internet or something.

As Sasuke was nearing the beach again, he could see the outline of a body laying by the shore. It was so unexpected, and he probably wouldn't have noticed it if he didn't have his contacts on at the time. He slowed down his pace, and realized that it was a naked blond boyーwas he dead? Sasuke didn't know, but curiosity got the best of him, and he got nearer.

Just two steps away from the body, he noticed the young boy was closing his eyes. He also took note that he was dry, so he must of not drowned. Which doesn't explain why he was naked, or why he wasn't wet. It was merely less than ten minutes that he had taken eating. The boy wouldn't have dried off that fast, unless he was trying to skinny-dip and instead ended up passing out. There was many possibilities, but Sasuke just had to make sure that he hadn't arrived onto a death scene.

All of a sudden, something he would have never expected to happen happened. One second Sasuke was kneeling down by the boy, and the next he saw a splash of colors taking over his blonde hair. The raven haired boy stumbled back, a few, a gasp leaving his lips as one of his arms slipped on the sand. He sat up as quick as he could and once he did, his eyes locked with alluring bright blue eyes.

He shouldn't have just walked away, Sasuke told himself. Maybe this was one of those porn dreams he had, where he met a cute blonde boy with blue eyes and they'd have sex where ever they were. Whether it was in a classroom bent over his desk, or even now, just randomly naked on the shore of the beach.

This was real though, and he could tell. Just a few moments ago Itachi had been talking to him. There was no way, his older brother would have ever walked in any of his dreams.

Realizing he was staring, Sasuke stood up and looked away from the naked blonde. He cleared his throat and tried avoiding eye contact, "I was making sure you weren't dead."

It was silent for a few seconds, and when seconds turned into minutes Sasuke just had to look. He looked at innocent eyes, seeing him tilting his head to the side as if he didn't understand what Sasuke had just said. He also saw how the boy blinked slowly a few times, looked around himself and then opened his mouth and then closed it.

Was this kid stupid?

Sasuke rolled his eyes, was there no one on earth that could be both beautiful and smart?

"Look kid, I don't know what kind of games you are trying to play with me. But you can stop, and go put on some clothes at least." Even if he would have liked it the way it was right now, it was kind of awkward for him, since it wasn't part of one of his erotic dreams.

"HーHu...Hu..Huma..Human..nn?" The blonde boy raised his hand and pointed at him.

"Yeah," Sasuke nodded, "Just, like, you. Shocking isn't it? But seriously, you should quit with this stupid façade you are doing dobe."

The boy just smiled and tilted his head to the side again. His blue eyes trailed all over Sasuke's body, but not in a sexual way, more in like an observing kind. When he stopped, he made a move and started to stand up.

Sasuke thinking that he was going to start to leave, also started walking away himself, but instead the boy stumbled a few times and ended up knocking both of them over. This time, he was sure that all that was going through the boy's head was intent of idiocy.

Groaning, Sasuke blinked a few times and glanced up at blue eyes that met his onyx dark ones. But he broke it by making them trail down to look at the position that they were in. The boy was straddling him down, but what made it bad was the fact that his ass was pressing against...something... ehum.. yeah.

The older boy groaned again and fell against the sand accepting that his fate had come to this. He wasn't sure if it was bad or good. But he did have acknowledge that it didn't matter because he had seen one of the beautiful person ever.

(1) otouto - A word in the Japanese language often meaning 'younger brother'.

You guys probably already know that, but who knows? There might be new people in the SN ship, which is great! At least you're not part of the SS ship with the Ss-sheeples so yay~ Until next chapter! -Liz