Chase's Life 2

Some of you ask and here it is. This is the sequel to 'Chase's Life' and i hope you enjoy it.

Apologize for any grammar mistakes and confusion!

Chapter 1:

It's been a month since Davenport told Chase he was bionic. Since then Davenport and the other's helped Chase with his bionic abilities. Davenport, Chase and the others were all in the lab training.

"Alright Chase you ready to try your force field" Davenport asked

"Yeah I'm ready"

"Alright Adam use your heat vision on Chase but take it easy"

"Got it" Adam and Chase faced each other

"You ready Chasey"

"Do your best" Adam shot his heat vision at Chase. Chase was able to put up his force field to protect himself "Come on Adam. I know you can do better than that" Adam increased the power of his heat vision

"Okay guys I think that's enough" Davenport said

"No keep going, I can handle it" Chase said

"Chase your chip has only been activated for a couple of weeks now. Your body hasn't gotten use to your bionics fully" Chase's force field collapsed and Adam's heat vision hits Chase in the chest causing him to fall to the ground

"CHASE" Everyone shouted. Adam goes over and helps him to his feet

"Chase are you okay" Adam asked

"Yeah, just a little tired"

"My heat vision shouldn't have worn you out that much"

"It's wasn't your heat vision Adam. Chase's body hasn't gotten use to his bionics. So when he used his force field for too long it drained his energy but he should be fine. He just needs to go upstairs and rest on the couch"

"I'll take him up" Adam helped Chase to the elevator

"Hey Davenport I was meaning to ask. Why doesn't Chase have to sleep in a capsule like Adam or me?" Bree asked

"The chips were never supposed to be fused with the human nervous system. So when fused it caused some problems which makes you guys glitch. For the last fifth teen years you and Adam chips have been active, so while your guy's nervous system was getting use to the chips it was also trying to get use to your bionics. Meaning you glitch when it takes too much, Chase's chip was never activated so his nervous system is perfectly fused with his chip. So when he uses his bionics it doesn't take much meaning he doesn't glitch"

"So you're saying Chase will not glitch at all"

"Only when his emotions get the best of him, like you and Adam"

"So let me get this straight. Mine and Adam's chips have been activated for years and our nervous system is still trying to get use to the chip"


"But because Adam and I use our bionics our nervous system is also focusing on our bionic use while still trying to get use to the chip"


"So that is what makes us glitch"

"Pretty much"

"Since Chase's bionics were never activated his nervous system had an easier time adjusting with his chip"

"That's correct"

"So now that is his chip and nervous system is fused. His nervous system can now focus on his bionics"


"I'm confused but thank you for trying to explain to me" Bree walked to the elevator

"Girls" Davenport whispered to himself

Bree exited the elevator to find Chase on the couch asleep and Adam sitting next to him

"How is he" Bree asked

"Once his head hit the pillow he was out like a light" Bree went over and began to mess with Chase's hair

"He looks so cute asleep"

"Then you won't think he's cute when he snores or drools"

"How's he been doing at night?"

"He wakes every once in a while from a nightmare"

"Are they about Keith?"

"Every once in a while, but he knows he's safe now. So I'm not that worried"

"You want to know something"

"What gossip from school do you have now" Adam asked

"Not that, the other day Chase and I were talking about you. He said he always wanted a brother who would protect him and keep him safe. Before Davenport told Chase we were his siblings he hoped somehow you were that brother. Looks like he got what he wanted" Bree looks over and sees tears running down Adam's face "Are you crying" Adam wiped away the tears

"No I just got something in my eye and this stupid soap opera messes with your emotions"

"Adam you're watching the sports channel"

"Sports make me cry"

"How do they make you cry?"

"I feel bad for the ball because it gets kicked and thrown all day"

"It's okay to cry Adam, that doesn't make you weak"

"I know it doesn't I just don't cry"

"Well if you need me I'll be at Caitlin's. Her boyfriend broke up with her again and I have to go comfort her"

"Again that's the fourth time this weak"

"Trust me I know" Bree got up and left the house. Adam got up and went into the kitchen for a snack. Davenport exited the elevator and made his way to the living room

"How is he" Davenport asked

"He's fine, I laid him down with a pillow and blanket and he was out"

"I just hope he doesn't have a bad dream. Did he have last night?"

"No but the night before he did"

"Did he tell you what it was?"

"He said he was in the woods looking for us. After a while a man with a mask began to follow him. Once the man caught him, he took off his mask and it was Keith. After that he woke up"

"Poor Chase"

"Do you think he'll get over it?"

"I don't think so Adam, a lot has happen to Chase and it's going to be while before he gets over it"

"Can't we just talk to him about it?"

"I wish it was that simple"

"How hard can it be?"

"Look at it like this Adam. You have a river, a nice flowing river. That nice flowing river is Chase, things are great. Now you have some beavers and they begin to build a damn blocking the water from flowing smoothly. Think of the damn as Keith okay, the more the damn is there the less the water flows smoothly"

"I don't get it"

"Chase is not a nice flowing river anymore; the damn A.K.A Keith is blocking him from flowing nicely. As long as Keith is in his mind he won't be fine"

"Just move the damn"

"Oh my lord never mind"

"So what about the beavers" Davenport exhaled slowly

"Where's Bree"

"She went over to Caitlin's to deal with some boyfriend problems"

"I was going to have you guys train some more"

"I don't want to" Adam said

"No I think were done for the day. If you need me I'll be in the lab" Davenport headed towards the elevator. Adam looked in the fridge for a snack. Leo came into the house with a smile on his face

"Adam guess what"


"I got the new Apocalypse Four game"

"No way!"

"Yes and I heard it has a billion more zombies then the last three did combined"

"Dude let's play it" Leo looks and sees Chase asleep on the couch

"Chase is asleep on the couch"

"I know lets go to Davenport's game room. He's in the lab so he won't know"

"Good idea, he has a bigger TV" Adam and Leo rushed upstairs

Chase opened his eyes and found himself in a forest. He got to his feet and looked around the place hearing the sound of chirp from birds

"HELLO" Chase yelled "IS ANYONE OUT THERE" he tried to listen for a response but heard nothing "ADAM, BREE" he heard no response. He looked to his left and found a man standing next to a large tree. Chase got nervous and began to back up slowly "WHO ARE YOU?" the man began to walk towards Chase slowly "GET AWAY" the man continued to walk forward. Chase turned around to run but bumped into a glass wall "What the" he felt the glass wall and realized he was in a glass box. He turned around and found himself face to face with the strange man "Who are" Chase asked

"Take off the mask and find out" the strange man said. Chase hesitated but took of the mask. Once Chase saw the face he froze in his spot "Hello KID" Chase sees Keith with a black eye and a stitched up nose with a busted lip

"No, this can't be happening. Leave me alone"

"This time we finish things" Keith grabbed Chase's throat and lifted him off his feet

"Please… stop" Keith went up to Chase's ear

"Not this time" he whispered. Chase felt something enter his body, he looked down and found Keith stab him in the stomach with a knife "Now just sleep" Keith pulled the knife out slowly and let go of Chase. He fell to ground gasping for air while holding his stomach. Keith lifted Chase's head so there eye to eye "Good-bye" Keith stabbed Chase in the chest

Chase jolted his eyes open and screamed at the top of his lungs. He felt the sweat drip down his face and the sharp pain his stomach and chest. He breathed heavily while holding himself trying his best to forget the nightmare. Seconds later Adam and Leo rushed from upstairs into the living room

"Chase" Adam yelled rushing over to him. Adam held Chase close and began to rock him back and forth "You okay buddy" Chase didn't respond. He continued to breathe heavily and shake in Adam's arms "Was it another bad dream?" Adam asked

"Yeah" Chase stuttered

"You're alright it was only a dream. Can you tell me what it was?"

"I was… in the forest again… he was there and I couldn't escape… he stabbed me in the stomach… then the chest" Chase began to cry

"Hey it was only a bad dream okay. Nothing is going to happen to you okay"

"I just… want the nightmares… to stop" Chase said into Adam's chest

"I know you do Chasey I know you do" After twenty minutes Chase managed to fall back asleep. Adam laid him back on the couch and covered him up

"Will he be okay" Leo asked

"I think so, he just needs to rest"

"Do you want to play down here?" Leo asked

"Yeah so I can keep a close eye on him" Leo headed back upstairs "Oh Chase I really hope you feel better soon. I can't stand to see you like this much longer"

Done with the first chapter. Hoped you enjoyed it. Please review!