This is part of my modern AU series I started some time ago and also posted on my tumblr. The One-Shots are connected with each other, however there is no specific order to the events. Please enjoy.

She waits impatiently, fingers fidgeting and twiddling with her ever present scarf, watching the red digits of her alarm clock blink rhythmically as if mocking her. The minutes don't go by fast enough as she stares back at the blue screen, waiting for that stupid 4 to finally turn into a 5 like she has done so many times over the past few months.

Absentmindedly, her fingers strum across the polished surface of her desk in a melodic pattern, unconsciously thrumming a familiar song that reminds her so much of the time when they first started going out. Of times when everything was a little easier still.

She is not nervous, and most definitely she's not scared – a little anxious maybe, if at all. However, as soon as his picture appears on her screen her heart beat accelerates, pulse humming wildly and she's feeling like a teenage girl all over again.

She takes the call almost immediately, trying to calm her raging nerves as she waits for the video to connect. A tender smile lights her face when it does and she finally sees him – blue eyes stoic as ever, yet there is a softness to them she hasn't seen in a long time.

His greeting is gentle, voice smooth and rich, and the subtle quirk of his lips warms her heart in the most delicious ways. On instinct, elegant fingers reach to touch the monitor, entertaining the idea of him actually being within her reach, for her to caress. Tears well in her eyes – longing and joy alike – as she breathes the three words that have been constantly haunting her mind every waking moment: "I miss you."