Naruto's eye twitched in anger as the sun began to set. He sighed for what was probably the twelfth time in the last two hours. For two hours Naruto had been tied to the log during their bell test. The test has left Naruto feeling...lacking. He had felt for such simple tricks time after time. Kakashi had treated pretty much every tactic of his with the most disrespect and the one time he did manage to catch the cyclops ninja off guard, he turn his whole plan on his against him. He belittled him the whole test. Calling him loud, a loser, an idiot. While Naruto had done better than say, Sakura, that wasn't saying much considering that all she did the test was faint. The only one who showed any real skill was…

Naruto grimaced as he rolled the name around in his mouth. Sasuke. Fucking Sasuke Uchiha. He was SOOOO perfect. Everything thing he touched turned to fucking gold and sunshine as far as the villagers and his fan girls were concerned. The Jinjuriki couldn't fathom exactly why though. Okay yeah I mean, Naruto could admit to himself that Sasuke was...talented...a little. I mean, who was no Uzumaki Naruto but he was...alright. And yeah okay MAAAAYBE he was a bit cool. But Naruto could strike fear into the hearts of men and women alike with one word. Prank. And his eyes were boring! I mean black eyes and black hair? Pffft. Naruto was the only one in the village with hair this goddamn golden and with eyes that fish wish they could swim in! Plus…

"I have fucking whiskers! I mean honestly, I'm the most exotic thing in this godforsaken village!" Naruto all but screamed. Naruto sighed again. Thirteen times now. Still, when Naruto thought back to the test today and how Kakashi handled Sasuke it made him seethe. True, he shut Sasuke down like he did Naruto and Sakura but at least Sasuke got him to put down the fucking book. He showed Sasuke that much respect to take him seriously. Respect. Something that everyone gave to Sasuke. Where was Naruto's respect? Why did no one give a damn about him but seemed so ready to suck the Uchiha's dick?

'Because he doesn't have a demon sitting in his stomach.' Naruto thought bitterly. Which Naruto found funny. Considering that the Sharingan, at least to Naruto, looked like demon eyes from what Iruka had them study in class. Well, no one ever said life was fair. Being tied to this log proved that to him.

"THIS IS TOTAL BULLSHIT! BELIEVE IT!" Naruto screamed to the heavens as if they could or would listen to it. They say there are stages of of death. The whiskered face genin remembered hearing Iruka talk about it. But what were they?


"I...I bet this is all just one big joke. HAHAHA! Pull one good prank on the prank master himself! Any minute now they'll come back and untie me! And they'll probably have ramen! And Sakura will ask me out on a date! Yeah!..."


"Those...those absolute...PIECES OF SHIT! I'M GONNA PUNCH KAKASHI SO HARD I KNOCK HIS FREAKING HEADBAND STRAIGHT! And I'll...I'll...Okay I won't do anything to Sakura but…I'LL BREAK SASUKE'S PRECIOUS FACE! See how many fan girls you get when your face looks like Choji's ass! I'll stand tall as I eat ramen over their dead corpses! Just wait!


"Hokages...are...are you there? First, Second, and Fourth? Look, I know you don't know me but I'm a future one of you. may not seem like it since I'm tied to a log but I am like, the most awesome of awesome ninja that ever lived. I mean, not right at the moment but give it...three years tops and I'll be the best. Anyway ya see I seem to have gotten myself into quite the...situation. Look I'm not asking for much. Just send me a sign that I'll get out of this. All I need is a sign and I'll have the strength to get past this. I'll...I'll study more. Train even harder. Anything! On my word as a future Hokage I'll serve whoever comes and saves me! I'm hungry and exhausted! Give me a sign!"

Naruto got his sign. A few of them actually. The rain that began to pour over his head pretty much reflected his mood at the moment. Lucky for Naruto though, his first shot of good luck at all today, someone did show up. Naruto could hear a presence in front of him but the rain made his normally wild spiky hair hang limply in front of his face.

"Who's there?! Could you help me please? My team-"

"You look pitiful. Dobe."

Naruto growled a growl that would make Kiba proud. 'Just my freaking luck. Of all people to come back.'

"So, what were you saying about serving your savior?"

Naruto swore that was the first time he ever saw Sasuke smile. And what a frightening sight it really was. Two minutes later Naruto was untied and walk uncomfortably close to Sasuke. If it was up to him he'd be as far away from the raven haired boy as possible. But it was either this or get rained on. The only reason why Naruto was with Sasuke right now and not at home drying off was because he was '"Order"

"Are you seriously gonna me...make me…" Naruto could even finish the sentence. As he looked at Sasuke, who had basically showed indifference to him after giving him the order to follow him, he swore he saw Sasuke grin evilly. If only for a second.

"Serve me. And yes. I heard what you said. Anyone who came to save you I believe. And I was the one person with an ounce of pity to come back and make sure you weren't still tied to that log." Naruto almost flinched at Sasuke's cold tone. Naruto couldn't deny no one else had come for him. Not even Sakura. It wasn't like he had parents at home that would come looking for him if he turned up too late. If Sasuke hadn't showed up…

"Yeah I know but I mean...come on! What would you even need from me?!" Naruto argued as they finally left the training grounds and began to walk through the village.

"Doesn't matter. Whatever I want." Sasuke's tone left no room for argument.

"Yeah but…" Naruto started weakly. Anything he was gonna say was cut off when Sasuke abruptly came to a halt. Slowly Sasuke rounded on him and gave Naruto a glare that actually sent a cold shiver up Naruto's spine.

"Naruto you are the dead last. That means you were literally the worst ninja that graduated." Naruto's anger was clearly evident on his face but Sasuke held up a hand to stop any outburst "However your willingness to power through any problem and stick to your nindo might be more powerful than anyone else's. For that I can respect. You stick to your promises like glue. Are you really gonna start now? And ruin any respect I actually hold for you?"

Naruto was floored. He couldn't believe what was happening right now. It was like...Sasuke was blackmailing him with his nindo! That...that...wait.

"Wait. You respect me?" Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Yes, but I'll stop if you back out of one of your promises." Naruto sighed. Fourteen times.

"Okay okay I get it. But can we at least promise that whatever you order me to do won't reflect bad on my ninja career. I worked really hard to get where I am and I'd rather not die or something because you ordered me to jump in front of a kunia for you." Naruto hated the thought of actually going along with this. But it seemed like he had no other choice really. I mean he could totally defy Sasuke in any and every way but that would mean break his nindo. And Naruto Uzumaki NEVER broke his nindo.

"Psh, as if I'd need you to defend me dobe. Don't worry, I'm not gonna have you off yourself for me. I'm expecting you to do that when you slip and fall on your kunai." Sasuke smirked as irritation and anger spread all over Naruto's face.

"Anyway, I'm giving you an order right now. It's getting late and I haven't eaten yet. So we're gonna go get something to eat. I guess ramen will have to do." Naruto's eyes suddenly emitted light so bright that the sun became envious. Sasuke had to put a hand over his eyes as his world suddenly became bright white from the light Naruto was casting on him. Eventually the light disappeared as the blonde jinchuriki began to dance around while repeating "Ichiraku! Ichiraku!"

"You're paying for both of us." Naruto's shoulders slumped. But he bounced back with heavy enthusiasm. I mean yeah, he had to pay, but he probably would have stopped to get something to eat anyway before going home. And he guessed food tasted better with company. Even if it was...him.

"Yeah yeah lets just hurry! We're burning daylight!" Naruto yelled as he sped off towards the ramen stand. Knocking several people to the ground in the process. Nobody noticed the small smile Sasuke shown before switching back to his usual scowl. "You idiot it's already night. Hey! Wait up dobe!"

Naruto shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he waited for his ramen to be placed in front of him. He snuck a glance at Sasuke who was looking over the menu with an unreadable expression his face. His normal expression basically. While Naruto was happy to be away from that log and at his favorite place to eat, he was quite confused of why Sasuke was with him. He and Sasuke never hung out. Actually they could barely stand more than a few seconds being in each other's presence. Even when they were kids and Naruto would see him sitting at the on the docks near the lake, the most they would exchange was a glare before moving on with their business. Of course smiles would grace their faces afterwards but neither of them would know that. This was the first time Naruto was really alone with him. What the hell should he say?

'How's the family? The dead family. Yeah...mine is dead too. I think. Wow you know I have some dark thoughts.' Naruto thought with a shudder.

"Ya know I keep seeing you glance at me dobe." Sasuke said, eyes never leaving his menu. Naruto had the decency to blush and quickly turned his face away.

"'s just weird! We've never...ya know...hung before." Naruto said in a quiet voice.

Sasuke cocked his eyebrow. Was the dobe nervous? Then again he never really saw Naruto with anyone. When they were much younger he would occasionally see him skipping class with Shikamaru, Choji, and Kiba but that was years ago. Sasuke himself had to admit that it was a bit...weird for Naruto and himself to be "hanging out" especially at this hour.

"I suppose that's true. However, we are teammates now. And we're gonna have to intrust each other with ours lives. I believe it would be best to get used to being around each other." Naruto nodded as if he was being lectured.

"Wait!" realization dawning on him "If that's true shouldn't we have gotten Sakura?" Sasuke sighed and turned to Naruto with a serious expression.

"You want to bring Sakura here Naruto?" Naruto just nodded his head like it was the most simple question in the world.

"And what exactly would happen if Sakura was with us right now?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto scratched his head in thought for a moment as he tried to play out a what if scenario in his head.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura sat on the stools as Naruto shoveled mouthful after mouthful of ramen down his throat. Naruto was in another world as he ate the food of the gods with a more than happy expression on his face. Finally though all good thing must come to an end and Naruto finished his seventh bowl. Naruto turned to see Sakura talking animatedly with Sasuke who was doing his best to ignore her. Now that Naruto thought about it, Sakura had been talking to Sasuke the whole time!

"So that we've really become genin...I was thinking that maybe we could-"

"No thanks." Sasuke shut her down quickly.

"Sakura! I'd love to go out on a date with you!" Naruto exclaimed much to Sakura's annoyance.

"NO WAY!" Sakura screamed as Naruto hung his head in defeat. It really sucked. She was so blinded by Sasuke that she couldn't see the awesomeness of the orange clad ninja in front of her! Still, that just was how things were. He wanted Sakura, Sakura wanted Sasuke, Sasuke kill his brother. Naruto sighed heavily as he heard Sakura begin to chat up Sasuke again.

Naruto shook away his thoughts and looked at Sasuke with an almost displeased face.

"I guess she would...hit on you the whole time. And ignore me." Naruto admitted through gritted teeth. Sasuke only nodded.

"Exactly. And I'd rather not deal with it." Sasuke said in a matter-of-fact like tone.

"Grrrrr! I just don't get it! What does everyone see in you that's so great?!" Naruto said pointing an accusing finger at Sasuke.

"Psh, you tell me." Naruto wasn't expecting that.. Sasuke was known as a lot of things and among them arrogance was one of them. People often called the last Uchiha arrogant and girls even found that to be an admirable trait. They said confidence was sexy. Naruto had expected Sasuke to come out and proclaim how much better he was then him and why the Uchiha were the mightiest clan ever and blah blah blah. But it seemed Sasuke was being humble.

"You don't have an answer?" Naruto said with a confused voice.

Sasuke snorted "Don't mistake it dobe. I know I'm a great ninja." 'Yeah...humbled my ass. Then again, I don't have much room to talk.' Naruto thought to himself as Sasuke continued on "But ninja skills have nothing to do with me as a person. Sakura, Ino, Ami, any of those girls who fight over me know nothing about me. They don't know what I like, what I dislike, what annoys me, nothing someone who really likes someone should know. When they talk to me it's always about them. Do I like THEIR hair? Do I want to hear what THEIR day was like? Do I want to hang out and do what THEY want? It's all about them. They don't see anything about Sasuke. They just see the Uchiha name."

Naruto stared wide eyed at Sasuke as he finished. That was the most he had ever heard Sasuke speak at once before. He honestly didn't even think Sasuke ever really paid attention to his admirers. He had always been envious of Sasuke because of how many girls just seems to flock around him. They basically worshipped the ground that he walked on and gave him their undivided attention always. Something Naruto always seemed to crave. Attention. More than once he had wished he and Sasuke could just switch bodies just for a day to see what it would be like if every girl was trying to get into his pants. But the way the onyx eyed ninja seemed to describe his experience, it sounded so...empty. The girls reasoning suddenly seemed so shallow. And given the fact that basically every guys held Sasuke with disdain because they were jealous of him (Naruto in included) he could see that maybe Sasuke was just lonely. Much like him.

"Here ya go Naruto! Two bowls or beef ramen. And one of the same for Sasuke." Ayame suddenly appeared in front of Naruto with their food, breaking Naruto out of his thoughts. Naruto drooled hungrily as the smell sent his hunger into maximum overdrive.

"Thanks a bunch Ayame!" Naruto exclaimed as she set the bowls down before him and Sasuke.

"No problem. And they're on the house today. Think of them as congrats for becoming genin today you two." Ayame said with a big smile on her face.

"Wow! Thanks a lot Ayame!" Ayame smiled and ruffled his hair affectionately. That is until she heard what sounded like a growl. When Ayame looked up though as she saw was Sasuke sending her a small smile.

Ayame shook her head and figured she'd have been working too hard. Ayame gave the boys one last smile before walking to the back. Naruto had already began to dig into his food and in a few seconds was already finish with the first bowl. However, his thoughts drifted back to his rival sitting next to him. It seemed like maybe there was more to Sasuke than he thought.

"So...what's the deal with you and your brother?" Cue the sounds of chopsticks being dropped. Naruto looked up to see Sasuke staring at him with a shocked expression.

"What?" Naruto questioned.

A horrid look graced over Naruto's face as Sasuke's body began to tremble. His head was down so Naruto couldn't see his face but Sasuke's body continued to tremble.

'Oh god! My carelessness has finally got me into hot water. He's gonna destroy me now!' Naruto thought to himself in a panicked voice as Sasuke's body finally stopped trembling. A new horror like Naruto had never imagined he'd witness in all his life. Sasuke's head snapped up and he began to laugh. A laugh that made Naruto want to bolt from stool. Sasuke held his stomach as his laughed echoed along the street, making the few people out turn their heads at the Uchiha. Each one gave a fearful expression at hearing and seeing Sasuke express emotion. They decided it was time to get the fuck out of there and quickly went about their business.

"Wha...What's so funny ya bastard?!" Naruto asked after he recovered.

Sasuke wiped tears from his eyes as his laughing finally came to a stop. Naruto thanked kami for that.

"Sorry about that dobe. It's just, you are literally the FIRST person to ever ask me about Itachi. Everyone else just tip toes around the subject or pretends not to know my situation. But you just bluntly asked. I guess it was just kind of funny." Sasuke said.

Naruto wasn't surprised by this. No one asking about Itachi that is. Naruto knew that if he had better control over his mouth and didn't say everything that popped into his head he would have probably have done the same. But he wasn't known for his modesty! Believe it! 'Believe that I'm an asshole! Whoa...where did that come from?'

"My brother is...scum. Absolute scum. He murdered everybody. My aunt. My Uncle. My friends. Dad and even...even our mother." Naruto could see Sasuke clenching his fist hard "And everybody just ignores the fact. Why don't you smile? Don't you want friends? Ha. As if they could ever understand the pain of going home to an empty district. Blood wiped away, but the stains always remain. Blood of your friends. Family. Your people. They treat me like I'm supposed to just forget everything that was ripped away from me. By my brother of all people."

Naruto just stared at Sasuke with a sadden expression. Naruto would never know the feeling of having everything he ever wanted. Only to have it destroyed by a once trusted loved one. Naruto suddenly felt like he understood Sasuke a little better. He stopped staring at him with sadden eyes. Naruto himself hated pity and he had a feeling Sasuke was the same way. Sasuke didn't need pity. He needed an ally.

Naruto slurped his noodles loudly "Hmm. I see. I see. Lets kick his ass." Naruto said simply as he began to devour his second bowl.

Sasuke looked up with a shocked expression. He stared at Naruto who looked like he was busy trying to drown himself in his bowl of ramen.

"Come again?" Naruto lifted his head out of his bowl and grinned at Sasuke who was still staring at him in surprise.

"You heard me. I said lets kick his ass! What he did was beyond fucked up and he should pay. But to take out a whole clan in one night means he's like, super strong. So you're gonna need help! And who better to help bring a dangerous missing nin to justice than the future Hokage himself!" Naruto flexed a little to make his point.

Sasuke himself didn't know what to say. No one had ever really listened to him about Itachi. He didn't even know why he told Naruto of all people. He just did. He expected Naruto to give him pity. Say what it shame it was to lose his whole family in one day. The last thing he expect was for Naruto to say he would help him get his revenge. he dobe truly was an interesting person.

"Heh, and what makes you think you'll ever come to Itachi's level?. Let alone mine dobe." Sasuke said with a smirk.

"Ha! You two? I'll surpass any and all Uchiha! Psh, when we meet him you just kick back and watch me dish out an ass whipping so fierce, you might actually feel bad for the poor bastard!" Naruto boasted proudly ass he poked out his chest.

"Pft, you're an idiot. You know that?"

"Don't talk to the future Hokage like that! And eat your ramen. You waste any and i'll kick your ass!"

"Whatever dobe."

Sasuke and Naruto walked the quiet streets of Konoha. They were headed to Sasuke's house but Naruto didn't know that. Once they were done eating they had made small talk. Telling each other their training methods and such. Naruto told many stories of pranks that he played. He was surprised that Sasuke actually listened intently to what he had to say. He would sometimes shake his head and call him a dobe or another insult but he still listened. And even if he tried to hide it, Naruto could tell Sasuke was trying his best not to smirk at his stories or laugh. He could often see Sasuke's lips twitch. The only other person who actually listened to Naruto like Sasuke did had been Iruka. It made Naruto happy to finally be around someone who didn't seem to hate his presence. Though he still was having trouble believing it was Sasuke of all people. Naruto shook his head of those thoughts.

"So you gonna tell me where we're going ya bastard?" Naruto asked while he put his hand behind his head lazily.

"My house." Sasuke said simply.

"Ya know, I don't think anybody our age actually knows where you live. Sakura would kick my ass if she knew I got to see it before you did." Naruto chuckled lightly even though it was more than true.

"Like her and the other girls did when you kissed me yesterday?" Naruto choked on his own spit.

"Oi! Why you gotta bring that up again?! Some kid accidentally fell into me!" Naruto said with crocodile tears running does his face.

Sasuke laughed lightly on the inside as they continued to walk in comfortable silence. A few minutes later they arrived at a huge compound. Naruto was marvelled at the size of this place. It seemed like it could fit at least ten families inside!

"Wow! This place is huge! Way better than my crummy apartment!" Naruto said in awe.

"Memorize it well dobe. We have to meet Kakashi at the training grounds at 8:00 am tomorrow. I'm ordering you to be here at 8:00 on the dot." Sasuke said with no room left to argue. However he was dealing with Naruto…

"Wait! That makes no sense! If we have to meet Kakashi at that time-" Sasuke cut Naruto off.

"Naruto, twice now he's shown up late. Trust me, we won't be late." Sasuke assured. Naruto seemed like he wanted to argue, but it wasn't like he could do much. It was an order after all.

"Okay okay Sasuke, I better get home." Sasuke nodded and turned to go inside "Hey Sasuke!"

Sasuke looked back to see Naruto walking away with the same lazy posture. "Ya know...maybe you're not so bad after all." was all Naruto said as he walked away. Sasuke stared at Naruto until eventually his figured faded into the darkness.

Sasuke smiled as he went into the house and shut the door. And that's when it happened. Something that nobody ever thought they'd hear The Sasuke Uchiha do. Sasuke Uchiha...squealed. A squeal that would put any fangirl to utter shame and make her turn in her fangirl license. One 'Poof!' later and Sasuke was no longer there. Instead, there stood a woman. A girl with long black straight hair that reached to the middle of her back. Her lips were much fuller than the thin lips of Sasuke Uchiha. Where Sasuke was obviously flat chested the woman that stood there was supporting B cups. She wasn't anything special but she was bigger than most of the girls her age. And maybe most importantly, instead of the scowl that lived on Sasuke face, the girl had a dreamy look to her face. This wasn't Sasuke Uchiha! This was Satsuki Uchiha!

"My...My first date with Naruto! I mean yeah it was an order but he was so nice! And we spoke a lot. He even listened to me and...he even offered to help." Satsuki gave a dreamy sigh as she slid down the front dear.

For years Satsuki watched Naruto from afar. Under the disguise of "Sasuke" obviously. The point of her posing as a guy was so that she wouldn't be assigned a husband. From birth Satsuki was raised to be a boy. Mikoto feared for her daughter. Women were not the warriors of the Uchiha clan. They were more so designated breeding stocks for the men to keep the clan going. Mikoto, who was an unhappily married Uchiha woman, did not want this future for her daughter. Mikoto beg her husband Fugaku not treat Sasuke as a boy. It a lot of arguments and pleading but Fugaku eventually agreed. It seems even he didn't want the future his daughter would have when she was born. So at birth Satsuki was trained to walk like a man. Talk like a man. Act like a man. Mostly she imitated her older brother Itachi. Very few knew of Satsuki's secret and they dare not spread it. No one wanted the anger of the clan leader Fugaku coming down on their heads. It was a secret that died with the rest of the Uchihas. The only other person who knew was obviously the Third Hokage. Who seemed happy enough to keep her secret.

Satsuki continued to go on with her life after her family died. Hating Itachi each and every time she had to walk home to an empty home. An empty district. She also hated how everyone kissed her ass. Nobody seemed to care about HER. They only cared that everyone else died. What a pity for "Sasuke Uchiha". Girls shamelessly threw themselves at her with no intention on getting to know the real her. Er, him. Whatever. Everybody treated her like she was some princess. But one person didn't. Naruto treated her like he treated anyone else. He didn't try to go easy on her in spars. He didn't refrain from calling her rude names. And if she pissed him off he attempted to clobber her. Key word: attempt. He treated her like a person and not like a piece of meat. The crush started there.

She loved his no retreat personality. Even though he could have possibly be one of the worst ninjas ever, he managed to get by with sheer determination. His sunny outlook on life even though he was just as lonely as her. Satsuki just couldn't get him out of her head! So when she learned that they would be on the same team she had to stop herself from jumping up and whooping for joy. She could barely control her anger as she listened to Kakashi belittle him during the bells test. She tried her best to take those bells from Kakashi and when she did she would offer one to Naruto. Screw Sakura! Always treating HER man like crap!

She hated the fact that Naruto was the one tied to the log. However she had to keep up her act and feigned indifference. But she had a nagging feeling something might be wrong. So she went back to check on him. Sure enough he was still there tied up. And talking to himself. And it was SO freaking cute! When she heard him bargaining with the...past Hokages, she couldn't miss the opportunity! Having her cute Naru-chan serve her?! Yes please!

So now the question was what to do? There was only one thing to do.

"I'm gonna make him my bitch!" She screamed to the heavens. Hey, just because she was really a girl didn't mean she suddenly would be submissive. Naruto was hers and now she'd do with him whatever she wanted. True, it would probably take him a while to get over the shock of Sasuke really being Satsuki, but he'd get over it.

Satsuki rubbed her legs together as she imagined Naruto's bright, blue, innocent eyes staring up at her from between her legs as he tongue ran between her folds.. Running her finger through his beautiful blonde locks while she urged him on to go deep.

"I need a cold shower!" She proclaimed. Yes, Naruto would be hers tomorrow. And the day afterwards. FOREVER.

Yes, for the first time in a while, things were looking up.


Welcome to my first fanfic! If you've finished this chapter then yes, this shall be a harem and mostly smut. Probably will have some gender bending but not a lot of it. While this is smut, i'm trying to give it somewhat of a story ya know. I will be following through the original storyline with changes here and there. I've been reading fanfiction for years and i've always wanted to take my shot at it. I'm not great, but I hope I can entertain a lot at least! :D If you were sad about the lack of a lemon i'm sorry, I just wanted to flesh out some stuff first. Plus I wanted to see what people thought to see if I'd even continue ya know?

Please review of course! LoonaTic Fringe OUT!