A/N: Disclaimer: the following is a non-profit fan-based fiction. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, and Akira Toriyama. Elfen Lied is owned by Lynn Okamoto, Shueisha, Studio Arms, AT-X, ADV Films, and Madman Entertainment. Please support the official release.

All I dare claim ownership towards is this fic itself, and the OCs held within: the human Yulina, the Saiyan Scarza, Diclonious Subject #Five-Six-Two, aka Kimeka and the half-Saiyan Diclonius Lillith, aka Ramea.

Also, I did read Dragon Ball Minus before writing this. I opted to use a variant on 'Bardock: The Father of Goku' because there are less plotholes, which I will point out in the footnotes. Short version is, having Gine is nice, but the storyline presented doesn't quite mesh with what was established at the very beginning.

Chapter One: Aberrant Origins

=Planet Earth, May 2, Age 730=

"Security Breach in Sector Three! Personnel Unresponsive! Security Breach in Sector Three! Personnel Unresponsive!" an automated alarm rang out in the Saseba Vector Research Facility as a steel door crumbled and folded, seemingly of its own accord. Several armed guards took positions on both sides of the corridor, leveling rifles and handguns loaded with Teflon-coated tungsten bullets at the pink haired, naked girl running through with tears in her eyes.

"Please help! There was an accident in the test room and a researcher got hurt!" She pleaded with the armed men, though for a few moments, none dared move toward her. "Please help!"

Then a lead guard called out from the back. "Stand down, men, this Diclonius is safe. It's only Number Five-Six-Two. She's never once turned her vectors on humans, provoked or otherwise." She continued as she walked towards the concerned girl and draped a too-large jacket over her. "The little sweetheart even volunteers to help with our research on vectors now and then. Go get someone from the infirmary and join us inside. That's an order!" She then knelt down to speak with the girl at her own level in a motherly tone. "Okay, Five-Six-Two, I'll need you to just calm down and explain while we go back inside and help out, okay?"

"…Okay Ms. Larenai…" the girl sniffled and led guard captain Larenai back inside; holding hands for comfort and security. "I'm sorry about the door… I got scared the angry guards would think I did it on purpose and hurt me…"

"I understand completely. We can fix the door later, but people are a little harder." The guard captain smiled and took the jacket back off the girl once they were inside. "Go ahead and put your clothes back on, Five-Six-Two. We only make you take them off so we can see more clearly what your muscles do when you use your vectors in the test. I have a feeling you're done at least for the day."

"Thank you Ms. Larenai. The researcher is over there," the little Diclonius pointed to the limp form of a man in a labcoat. He was bleeding from the mouth and a twenty-pound cannonball rested on the floor next to him. "It… it hit him in the belly… is he okay?"

Capt. Larenai checked the scientist's pulse and found none. "He'll live, but he'll be out for a while. We'll probably have to reassign him to a desk job upstairs, Kim—er, Five-Six-Two." She lied to the girl's face, unable to bring herself to ruin the child's innocence before knowing the details; berating herself silently for almost breaking protocol and stripping the girl's anonymity from the recording. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"Uh-huh," the girl replied, drying her final tears away on the sleeve of the little blue dress she now wore. "We were testing how resilient my vectors were with a game of catch again… but when we got to that heavy one I had to use all four and…" here she pointed to a puddle on the floor "…I must have slipped on the sweat from earlier in the game, because I started spinning and the ball went around and then he was-yelling-at-me-tostopsoIletgoand-" the guard had to muzzle the girl with her hand.

"Calm down. It's okay, but nobody can understand you when you talk that fast, sweetie." She then took her hand off the child's face. "Now, what happened after you slipped and started spinning?"

The horned child took a deep breath to calm herself once more and restarted. "He started yelling really loud to stop, so I let go of the ball and the next thing I knew there was a big banging noise and he was on the floor… I couldn't figure out what the buttons on his desk do so I just opened the door to go get help."

Captain Larenai shook her head and pulled the still very upset child into a close hug. "You panicked, but still did the right thing, Five-Six-Two. You went to find help. Next time shout out why you're destroying the door so the system alarm can be cancelled by security staff, okay?" While she said this, she was actually listening on an earpiece while security personnel confirmed the girl's story against audio from the test room.

"It checks out, Captain. This was just an accident of timing," An official-sounding voice confirmed. "You can put away the incapacitator now."

'You say that as if I even took one out for Kimeka. She's a klutz, not a killer.' She thought to herself. While this was Number Five-Six-Two's, or rather Kimeka's, first fatality, it was far from her first destructive slip-up during a test. Hell, it wasn't even her fifteenth. "All taken care of, Five-Six-Two, you're not in any trouble. Let's get you back to your room and I'll get you something sweet for being such a good girl and getting help for a hurt researcher." The girl nodded agreement and followed the trusted adult out of the lab and back to the Diclonius Habitation Area.

The girl looked up at her escort about halfway there, once they couldn't be heard by the lab's recording anymore. "Um… Ms. Larenai?" She asked, "The new girl across the hall from my room was crying last night… when I asked why, she said she missed her 'mommy' and 'daddy'. What are those? Did she have some friends like you before coming to the lab?"

As innocent as the young girl's question was, it still caught the kind guardswoman so off-guard as to stop her mid-stride. Having no idea what parents even were was something she expected of Kimeka. But the child was very smart for her age, so that didn't lessen the meaning of the follow-up question when context clues would have at least told her parents were very precious to those that had them. "N-not exactly, Kimeka… " Taking everything into account, the girl had basically just claimed Larenai as a mother-figure, and upon reviewing her interactions with the Diclonius, it would be more disturbing if she hadn't once learning such things exist. "A 'mommy' and 'daddy' are two people called 'parents' when referring to both. They're… the two people that brought your neighbor into the world."

The girl looked thoughtful on this all the remaining way to her room, before asking another question just as they opened the door, "…does everyone have 'parents', Ms. Larenai? Even me?"

It took an iron will and a heart of stone to look at this girl's face and tell the girl that her parents existed and just had to be too busy to visit, as Capt. Larenai was instructed she should in the event of this happening when assigned as Five-Six-Two's personal escort. The woman lacked both after getting to know the child over the years and admittedly had started to see her as a niece, if not daughter. "No, Kimeka… you did, but I'm afraid they're both dead." The girl's immediately deflating mood spurred her keeper to continue on, giving the girl a sweet piece of candy. "Your parents loved you dearly, Kimeka, but they couldn't care for you. The arrangement was made for you to come here shortly after being born, because the alternative was a life of continual pain and they wanted none of that for you. Here in Saseba, you were fed, healthy, and relatively safe. I requested the director give me the contact information for your parents when we became friends, so I might learn a bit more about you. I only really needed to know if you had any food allergies for these special treats but instead, he showed me their obituaries."

"Their whatth?" Kimeka asked around the chocolate jawbreaker Larenai had given her. Thankful she wound up with someone so happy to answer her curiosity rather than a bully like some of the other horned girls in the facility.

"…A short story about their lives written for people that died." The grown-up clarified. "Your mother got sick and couldn't afford medicine… and your father worked himself to death taking care of her and trying to make the money doing any work he could… I'm sorry you'll never get to meet them." Once more the two hugged, bringing warmth and comfort to the little girl. "I don't know about your friend's parents, but at least you know about yours now." Already struggling not to make a completely career-ending emotional decision, Larenai looked down. At that same moment Kimeka looked up at Larenai with those big shining crimson orbs and sealed the decision with a single, honest question that totally destroyed what little resistance the guardswoman had left.

"…Ms. Larenai? Would you mind if I called you 'mommy' from now on? Your description of one sounds a lot like how you treat me…"

Larenai couldn't believe it was happening, but it was. To Hell with what they told her in the briefings when she took this job, this was no monster; no mutant capable of destroying humanity. What she held in her arms at this moment was a two year old girl in the body of a seven-year-old that had never once even known a mother's loving touch. A girl whose idea of playing catch was having cannons fired at her. "…Only when we're alone like this, Kimeka," She gave the girl a soft kiss on the forehead and tucked her into her bed. "We'll both get in trouble if the security staff hears that… or that we'll be leaving soon."

"Leaving? Why?" The girl asked, eyelids growing heavy as her new mother-figure hummed a lullaby from her own childhood.

"Because I can take care of you at my home, so there's no reason for you to stay here any longer. Now go to sleep; I'll be here to pick you up tomorrow." She smoothed the girl's bangs back away from her eyes as she drifted off to dreamland, revealing the once barely-hidden horns growing from her skull. "Amazing how one little difference can cause so much suffering to a child… peeking out of her hair like this they almost look like kitty cat ears."

Larenai then cleared her radio mic and spoke to the main personnel in charge of security, forcing professionalism back into her tone. "Base, this is Captain Sarah T. Larenai, Number Five-Six-Two was showing signs of emotional trauma after her accident earlier, and I've managed to calm her to sleep. If my child psychology minor is worth the ink used to print it on my degree, there's a very strong chance she'll have a night terror if I leave her living quarters. Requesting permission to remain overnight with Number Five-Six-Two and monitor her condition, on the basis of safety for the entire facility staff. This diclonius' vectors caught a twenty pound cannon shot. I've determined further through conversation with Five-Six-Two that the accident was also a consequence of the momentum generated from the ammunition's mass, in addition to poor timing of the order to release it. Further, if she were to have an instance of mental-emotional breakdown in my absence, this level of relaxed vector durability would make her nigh on unstoppable if provoked into a panic and/or enraged state. My presence appears to calm and comfort Five-Six-Two, making such an event highly improbable."

"You left your mic on again, Sarah," was the reply. "Please be more careful in the future. One of these days it's not going to be me alone on the other end when you are overcome by your affection for Kimeka."

Larenai looked at her handset and sighed. "One of these days one of the higher-ups will have the 'broken off button' radio. Maybe then they'll fix the damn things. Thanks for being cool about this Russell."

"Don't mention it. Ever, it'll be all three of our necks. You don't need to tell me your plans either." Russell then alerted Larenai to the presence of their superiors on his end with the sound of his chair rolling back. "Anything else before I pass that request up the chain of command?"

"…Yeah, you got this week's lotto numbers?" The compassionate guard asked, hoping the code wasn't nearly as transparent as it seemed.

"Not with me, I'll look them up as soon as I'm done with the bosses, hang tight." And at that Russell fell silent for a good ten minutes before continuing. "Okay, luckily they only wanted to know why you weren't leaving the room yet. They agreed it was in the facility's best interest to keep a Diclonius with those kinds of defenses comfortable." Followed by a fluttering of newsprint indicating the bosses were still in the room. "You're good for overnight watch of Five-Six-Two's condition. Oh, and those numbers you asked for are: forty-two, twenty-three, sixteen, fifteen, eight, four. Any matches?"

"Nope, did you expect any kickbacks from reading them?" She asked back.

"Nah, I prefer to pay it forward. Oh, and the access codes to the doors are going to be scrambled again at zero-three-hundred hours. Lockdown of the habitat area will commence in five minutes. Have fun sleeping with a specimen, Larenai. I for one am heading home after the scramble."

Larenai then made triple sure her mic was disabled by disconnecting the wire from her handset, and climbed into bed to decode about Russell's code talking. "…He's fixed it so the code to the nearest exit will have those lotto numbers arranged differently… let's see…" and she began unraveling the message hidden in the small talk.

Having worked behind that desk for a few years herself, Larenai knew the cameras actually stopped recording at three AM as well, for a period of five minutes as the recordings were transferred to long-term storage and their short-term drives were emptied. So when that time came, she silently got out of the bed and carried a sleeping Diclonius away, to the exit door, where her first three guesses to the passcode were fails. "Okay, only enough time for one more try… why couldn't Russell have just left them in… order… The numeric speech was a freaking diversion." And sure enough, trying the lottery numbers in the order she heard them the first time was the correct set. The door opened and Kimeka was whisked away to a new life by her new mommy.

=May 9, Age 730=

"Kimeka, honey… Wake up." Larenai shook the little girl awake. "Sweetie, the facility found us. I'll keep them busy in front while you sneak out the back window."

"Wha…? Keep who busy, mommy?" The girl asked groggily, her ears still refusing to work properly through the fog of dreams.

A loud banging came from her bedroom door, followed by a male voice, "We know that thing's in there with you, Sarah. Give it up and you might yet have a job."

"Dammit, Kimeka we don't have time for this!" Larenai splashed a glass of ice water on the Diclonius's face, waking her up far more quickly. "Just take the emergency bag and go!"

"But… I can't leave you, mommy… I just got to start calling you that…" Kimeka started to cry, as her second mother, the first she ever knew, lifted her bodily out the window and out of the house.

The ex-guard was crying too now, "Don't cry sweetie… no matter what they do, you'll always have a piece of me with you in your heart… now go!" But the stubbornness of adolescence had begun to set in for the young girl, and she just wouldn't leave.

Too short still to climb back into the room, Kimeka could do nothing but watch as the men that had guns leveled at her no more than a week earlier now had them trained on Larenai… and as they fired as one. "…mommy…no…" a distinct numbness fell over the young girl… followed by a new feeling: anger.

'There is only one path left for you, child… they took your mother from you…' A voice whispered from seemingly nowhere. 'It's only right you take something of theirs in exchange… Kill them all before they decide to train their guns on you! Each has stolen a portion of your mother's life! You must retrieve it by claiming all of theirs.'

"B-but, mommy said not hurting the humans was a good thing…"

'That was before they took her away from you! Do it now! Thrust your vectors through their chests and SHOW THEM THEIR STILL-BEATING BLACK HEARTS!'

"Please just leave me alone… I don't want to hurt anyone…" Kimeka cried to herself and turned away from the window, curling into the fetal position.

'Tough luck, child… if you won't do it, then allow me… hehehe…'

For the young girl, it was only a matter of seconds. She had looked away…"W-what did you…?!" …and found the entire room was painted with gore when she looked again. The only clean place in view was a small circle around the lifeless corpse of Sarah T. Larenai.

'What? You weren't going to avenge your precious mommy, so I did it. It's THEIR fault for taking her away and ruining this happy life she almost set for you… for us.'

"…Wh-who are you…?" Kimeka had taken off at a full sprint by this time, hands over her ears in a futile attempt to block the voice out.

'…I'm the true you, Kimeka… the deepest part of your instincts to overcome and subjugate all of these worthless worms… more will come after us, no matter how far we run. The only way to be safe now, is to kill them all. KILL ALL THE HUMANS!'

"No, NO! NO!" She cried out, "I won't do it, leave me alone. I don't want to hurt anyone!" The tears fell freely and she entered the first building she found, hiding in a closet under a stairwell. After what felt like eons of crying over what she had gained and lost that passed week, Kimeka heard soft footsteps approaching, but she didn't care. Her mommy had told her to run, and she had after a time, but now she was alone and scared, and all she really wanted was the sweet embrace of death; both to reunite with the kind woman that saw her as a daughter, and to end the new hellish existence she found herself living. Kimeka closed her eyes as the door handle turned, and accepted what was to come from the other side.

There was no shot fired, nor was there shocked screams at finding a strange child in one's house. Instead, Kimeka found herself being embraced by a blonde girl no older than the seven that she herself appeared. Slowly, she returned the gesture of kindness, and began to sob anew. "Are you okay?" the new girl asked, "You must be new, don't worry, it's only scary here the first night. Did you get a room assignment yet?"

Kimeka shook her head no, "I… I don't belong here… my mommy is dead and I got scared…" she confessed as her reason for being there, seeing no reason not to tell the truth. "Some scary men broke in and now I'm alone… again…"

"…We've all lost our parents here, one way or the other. Or they left us here for whatever reason…" this time the blonde was the one to tear up, but she held strong for the pink-haired newcomer's sake. "My name's Yulina, I was left in a basket on the doorstep when I was little with just that name on a note. I like to read books and hate it when the movies get things completely wrong in the adaptation. My dream is to one day discover a new species of extraterrestrial life. You?" She introduced herself adjusting the glasses on her nose with a single finger.

"K-Kimeka… mommy found me out in the streets last week," the Diclonius answered, lying as fluidly as Larenai had the week before. "The bad men took her before any papers were signed to make me hers, though…"

"That's so sad… you wanna stay in my room until we get you officially enrolled here? It won't be any trouble at all. My roommate got adopted today."

'The girl will betray you in time, Kimeka… exterminate her like the rest of them!'

She stiffened slightly at the command of the voice, and carefully looked around. "D-Did you hear someone just now?" She asked Yulina, who just sighed and hugged Kimeka again. "I'd… I'd like that a lot. Thank you."

"Don't mention it~" The young blonde sing-songed as she led Kimeka up to a small room with only a desk and a bunk bed as furnishings. "It's not much… but it's a place to sleep and do our homework." She admitted. "But, no… I didn't hear anything before… do you have an invisible friend?" She asked.

"It's more than I had before mommy found me…" Kimeka half-truthed. "And it's not a friend, really… she… she says she's 'the voice of my instincts' and… and she tells me to kill people…" She shrugged off the 'emergency bag' which the kind woman who freed her had given her as a last act and tucking it securely into the corner behind the desk. "Which bed is mine?"

"…That's… not good." Yulina said, "but you don't seem too dangerous. Just ignore her and everything will be fine. I've been in both beds, so I don't mind letting you pick, Kimeka," Yulina yawned, the late hour catching up to her once more. "Be quick, though, I'm practically sleeping on my feet here."

"…I'll take the top, then." The unwilling slayer of men climbed up, curling into the corner where nobody peeking in would see her and get Yulina in trouble. "Good night… Yulie."

"Good night, Kimmie" The blonde returned with an affectionate nickname of her own. Then the two drifted off to the land of dreams together.

=Planet Vegeta, Age 737=

*CRASH* "Bardock! What's wrong?" A voice cried out as the Psychic Saiyan Warrior fell, toppling through a table as the rest of the dining hall erupted into laughter.

Struggling to his feet, Bardock forced the words of warning he so strongly willed to impart to his race. "Listen everybody… I-It's Frieza… He's coming for us!"

"Us?" One drunken Saiyan asked. "You mean you, right?" Another, this one just confused, finished for the first.

"No!" Bardock proclaimed, rising to his unsteady feet. "Us! You… me… everyone here… It's true, he's scared of us; he wants us all DEAD! My whole crew is dead thanks to that FREAK!"

"…Bardock gets his tail whipped and it's the end of the world, right?" Yet another Saiyan, oblivious to the imminent peril they all were in, cracked, earning another round of laughter throughout the room. "Maybe you goons should stop pretendin' to be Elites!" "No kidding right? Welcome to the real world buddyboy!" "It hurts, don't it?"

"…Fools… you're dead…" Bardock muttered under his breath after moments of shocked staring while the others all started laughing about the absurdity of the message. "FOOLS! YOU'RE ALL DEAD!" He shouted once more at the top of his voice, causing a silence to fall over the hall. "…He's on his way…!"

"C'mon, Bardock…"

"Fine, believe what you wanna believe… but I'm gonna try and stop him!" The only aware Saiyan finished before turning and heading out to a hall. "But first, there's still just enough time to-GAH!" He thought aloud before stumbling to the ground from his injuries at Dodoria's hands yet again.

" Whoa, you okay, Bardock?" a new, youthful voice asked, it's owner having caught Bardock on his way down. "What the hell happened to you? Did those Kanassans mess you up that bad that Meatheads did this?"

"Scarza… It wasn't a Planet Meat fighter that did this… it was… Dodoria, on Frieza's orders…" Bardock tried once more, hoping perhaps this Saiyan's relatively young age would let the warning pierce his skull. "He's going to kill us all, please… help me find Gine and Kakarot… even if no one else survives, Kakarot will be able to avenge us… It was foretold… just like my squad exterminating the Kanassans… by the last of them."

Without another word, the younger Saiyan helped his senior to his feet and half-led, half-carried him to the dwelling where his mate and newborn son were currently residing. Propping Bardock on one shoulder, the youth blasted open the door in an effort to save as much time as possible. "Gine! It's me, Scarza, the new guard from the Meat Distribution Center… Bardock's hurt and demanded I bring him to you! Where's Kakarot?"

"He's right here, asleep, why? What happened?" the mother of Earth's future hero replied, stopping short upon seeing Bardock's condition of bloody disarray.

"Gine… take Kakarot… and hack a Space Pod to send him off to some random backwater planet… where nobody will find him… Frieza, he's come to eradicate all of us…" Bardock once again got to his feet while stammering this out. His iron-willed resolve burning brighter than the sun in his eyes. "Follow him if you can… but remember to stay hidden."

"But what about you?" she asked, retrieving young Kakarot from his incubator.

Bardock turned and looked Gine dead in the eyes. "I'm going to do my damnedest to stop him… or at least slow him down!" and with a mighty battle cry, Bardock leapt into flight straight to high orbit for his fateful confrontation with the Tyrant Lord Frieza.

Gine watched him go in shock, then turned to Scarza. "Fighting Frieza… he really did get his brains scrambled by that last mission, didn't he?"

Scarza then shook his head. "I don't think so… remember the rumors around Kanassa? About how it can give psychic powers? Bardock knew my name before I said anything to him. We've never met before… so I'm inclined to believe it's true, and that that's what the Kanassan did when he was knocked out… and in that case, we have no time to spare, let's hurry and get Kakarot off-planet! And us too if there's time, a Kanassan's prediction always comes true, I know that much from the file on their planet."

And so it was that as Bardock faced his final fate in a confrontation with the evil Frieza, Kakarot, the Saiyan who would become Goku, was sent on his way off-planet. Scarza knocked out the guards to the space pod hangars and helped Gine requisition one for a low-level planet with minimal resources; all while Frieza and his army were distracted by the future hero's father giving a grand speech.

"Alright! I found one, Gine. Coordinate F-X-fifty, some place called… Ee-arth. Wow, who names these places." Scarza looked up from the console after setting the nearest pods for those coordinates. "…Damn it, those eggheads left the security override on! One of us has to stay and die with the planet to launch the other and Kakarot out of here! Hurry, Gine, I'll lau—UNGH! …"

Gine looked at the console and noted the large green button marked "Launch" on the screen. "Seems simple enough… heh, Bardock always said I was too soft for my own good. Watch out for my son, Scarza…" Gine instructed as she loaded the unconscious youth into a pod. "He must live long enough to avenge us all…" Then the softhearted Saiyan woman sent the pods off, as Frieza's Supernova planet-busting attack came into view against the second sun of Planet Vegeta. "You know… he helped us save Kakarot, and I know nothing of him. If I'm going to die, I can at least know who I sacrificed myself for…" Gine then sat at the console and queried the records database for Scarza's information.

"…Fourteen years old and a power level of only forty-two? No wonder he was just a guard at the MDC… still… I suppose I could have chosen a worse partner for Kakarot… be safe, both of you." And then she knew no more, as the planet Vegeta shattered like so much fine china in a fiery conflagration seen for parsecs in all directions.

=Earth's Moon, Roughly one week later=

It had been a long journey, thankfully the space pods automated hibernation systems kicked in just after the destruction of Planet Vegeta. Scarza, having awakened after his pod crashed on the moon, reflected on all the people he would never see again as he watched Kakarot's pod continue to land on Earth. "Gine, you sentimental fool… hopefully your son will be able to grow and live in peace with this false mission I set up."


"Well, that's just great… computer, calculate the distance to the planet dead ahead, scratch that, calculate the distance to a usable layer of its atmosphere."


Scarza cringed at that news. "Dammit all to Hell… well it's better than flat zero… what have I got to lose? Computer, silent countdown from ten, then open the pod door, I'm risking the jump."


Scarza prepared himself, gathering all the strength he could for the initial leap into flight, while simultaneously taking the largest breath he ever had. 'this is going to be a tough one… but if Bardock can fight Frieza that high over Vegeta, surely I can at least leap from a moon to the planet it orbits… I should probably aim for the oceans though. Dry land might hurt a bit.' And at that point the door sprang open and Scarza took his leap of destiny.

=Meanwhile; a few miles south of Gingertown=

A teenage girl with bright pink hair and soft crimson eyes was sitting on the grass just outside a city surrounded by other, less exotically-colored teenagers. What the rest of them still didn't know however, was that this girl was only nine despite her appearance of a fourteen year old. On the ground next to her was a spilled lunchbox containing several rice balls and a packet of soy sauce, thrown there by one of the brattier girls in the group. "Hey there, Deer Girl! Why don't you graze on the grass if you're hungry?" The kids all chanted, while the largest boy among them tackled the pinkhead to the ground and forced her face to the grass.

"Wh-why, why are you all doing this to me? I'm not a deer!" The young girl muttered, helpless, as the bullies continued to try and force-feed the land's green natural carpet to her.

"What do you mean, Deer Girl? Deer have antlers, you have antlers, therefore you're a deer!" the large boy reasoned as he once more forced the girl's face into the greenery.

"Um, Tesuke, don't deer also usually have hooves?" asked a glasses-wearing girl near the back of the group with hair matching that of the victim on the ground. "I'm not sure your logic is sound considering—"

"NEERRRRD~!" The group as a whole shouted, interrupting the girl. "Sheesh Yulina, nobody cares! It's in service of the joke, try and keep up!"

As the rest laughed on at the torment of her friend, Tesuke continued pouring the verbal torment towards the brainy girl. "Just because you dyed your hair to match your girlfriend here, doesn't mean you have to be socially oblivious about her!"

"Please… do what you want with me. Just leave her alone… She's not wrong, deer do have hooves…"the victim once more voiced her thoughts, the tears in her eyes beginning to be audible in her throat. "please… Yulie hasn't done anything wro-"

"SHUT UP, DEER GIRL!" Tesuke shouted at her, drawing a foot up to stomp the girl's head down to the dirt face-first. Before he could, however, he was thrown off-balance by what would later be described as a meteor impact. "What was that?" Turning to look at the crater behind them, none of the children noticed the young girl with 'antlers' get up and start to murmur to herself, holding her head as though Tesuke's stomp had landed true.

'I've been telling you for seven years to exterminate these flies, girl…if you don't do it now, they'll kill you. KILL THE HUMANS NOW!'

"It'll never end… never… unless I give in to that voice's demands… will it…?" Kimeka muttered quietly.

The first to hear her was Yulina, a look of terror on her bespectacled face, despite Tesuke being much closer. "Wh-what? What are you talking about, Kimeka? You don't mean… THAT voice? D-Do you?"

"…Yulina… you're the only one here I can say is my friend… not only that, you're the only human I can remotely stand… I can't hold it back anymore… please, run away… I don't want to hurt you… when SHE gets loose and RIPS THESE WRETCHED WASTES OF FLESH APART!" The kind young Diclonius girl gave in to the demands of her most violent instincts. The soft-hearted soul pleading for her friend to flee was replaced mid-sentence with an icy cold killer who could only be described as hatred and rage incarnate. Kimeka's vectors beheaded Tesuke in a shower of blood, causing the other youths to stop laughing in abject horror before she started with them.

Yulina ran as she was told after seeing this… and tripped down into the impact crater just before the crimson rain came on in full force as Kimeka ripped all of the bullies, who had for the past seven years tormented both her and Yulina to no end, limb-from-limb, occasionally using said limbs as bludgeoning tools against others. Shuddering in horror of what her imagination, aided by stories of the girl's species and life before they met, was telling her Kimeka had done, Yulina looked up and saw the object that had fallen from the sky.

"It's a… man? A… person?" Slowly she made her way further down to the fallen body, and, be it her youth, or merely the terror of the psychotic break she had just witnessed the once-kindest girl in her year at the orphanage undergo, she began curiously poking at the body. "…No… he can't be alive… a crater this large he'd have to have fallen from spa-" and then, the man's monkey-like tail twitched. "-ace… Oh my God…" the teen then began furiously shaking the man, trying to awaken him. "Please, wake up… I don't know who you are, but… I don't think I can get out of here alive without your help…"

"Ung… shit… note to self, don't jump from a moon to the planet ever again…" Scarza then sat up and took stock of the girl that had roused him. "…am I even on the right planet? There's no way I circled back to Vegeta… you have no tail and it was destroyed regardless… or did I just dream all of that…" It was here that Scarza noticed the translucent, blood-soaked arms flailing about over the rim of his crater. "What the hell is THAT?" He checked his scouter. "Let's see, power level two, that's this one that woke me up and… wait, what? POWER LEVEL ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SIX?! This planet's average was five for an adult. Girl, what the hell is going on here?"

Yulina, still a little shellshocked from the man's arrival, was just about to explain when one of Kimeka's vectors came down and dragged her out of the crater before the girl by her throat. She flailed about as much as she could before passing out from lack of air. However before the final decapitation could be committed, Scarza leapt into the air and fired blast of ki directly into Kimeka's face, snapping her out of her bloodlust long enough to realize who she was holding. "…I… I don't know who you are, but please… kill me… I… I don't want to hurt anyone anymore…" The diclonius girl released her hold on Yulina and clutched her head once more.

This man is a threat. Kill him before he kills you!

"No! Leave me alone! I don't want to kill anymore!" Tears fell freely from Kimeka's eyes as she screamed this to the heavens. Sizing up the pink haired girl before him, Scarza checked his scouter once more.

"Power Level sixty-three… Now's my chance! Don't worry, girl, I'll release you from your tortured existence." With that final comment, the Saiyan warrior gathered all of his power and blasted Kimeka with the strongest energy cannon he could muster.

No! Defend yourself, girl! Use that power I've given you! NOOOOO!

And then the voice in Kimeka's head grew silent. "…she's gone…." The pink-haired teen quietly realized as she lay broken with her consciousness fading beside her only even remotely friendly acquaintance. Her vectors absorbed the vast majority of the blast, but there was just too much power for her to stop completely. "I'm sorry… Yulina… please… live…" and with the last of her strength she reached out and took Yulina's hand in her own. "I… can't bear… the thought of you dying… from my own weakness… I'm… sorry…" and then her form grew still.

"…Touching… if the females of this planet are capable of such strength, it amazes me the scans came up with an average of five for the entire population…" Scarza observed aloud as he scooped Yulina and Kimeka into his arms. "The locals' authority figures should be showing up any minute now… These two don't need that worry just yet, if the pinkie is even still alive." And then he took off to the east, away from the city. "Once I've helped them, I'll set out to find Kakarot."

=A cave just north of East City, an hour later=

Yulina groaned as she awoke, her throat still sore from nearly being strangled by Kimeka's vectors. She tried to sit up to find a more comfortable position than flat on the stone floor, but to no avail. "Wh-where am I? Mr. Meteor Man? Kimeka? Anyone?"

"Keep it down will ya? Your friend there still hasn't woken up and needs her rest. After taking a direct hit from my Spirit Crusher I'm amazed she's even in one piece." Scarza continued to blast away at the wall of the cave. "Make yourself useful and tend to her while I finish making these bed alcoves. I didn't think you or she needed to deal with the authorities so soon after that bloodbath. Now… in exchange for your help settling in on this blue rock you call home, I'll tell you anything you ask that I know. That includes answering my questions, too. First question: What are your names? I'd rather not call you both 'pink one' and 'pink two'. Mine is Scarza."

Yulina stood and unsteadily walked over to Kimeka. "M-my name is Yulina… and sh-she's Kimeka… no last names, w-we're both orphans. Thank you very much for saving us." With a slight bow of appreciation, Yulina then took out a handkerchief and wiped some blood and sweat from Kimeka's face. "Um… where are you from? And why are you here now?"

"Space. I'd tell you the planet, but it blew up about a week ago. My race are called Saiyans, known throughout the galaxy, if not the Universe, as the most fearsome fighters in history, capable of demolishing entire planets within days. Worst case scenario, there are only five of us left… all men. Three were offworld at the time, but I only managed to escape with mere moments to spare thanks to a friend while her mate bought us time… and she entrusted me with their son's safety, but we got separated when your planet's moon intercepted my ship. I know he's on this planet somewhere, but as a one-week old infant he will be hard to track down. Especially with all the physical similarities our races have… My turn, what in hell's name is your friend? She's clearly not a member of the same race as you, unless you can sprout those semi-invisible arms too."

Yulina bit her thumb and looked over the other girl carefully, a generous amount of fear in her expression. "W-well… there's only one explanation for her powers I can think of… and… it's not recent at all. In fact, if our texts in the orphanage were accurate… she's what's known as a homo sapiens diclonius, a subspecies of humans, that's my species, which suddenly appeared relatively recently. Not a lot is known, outside of their extra 'arms' being called 'vectors' and that their 'Queen' went insane and attempted to destroy the entirety of the human race on her own when she was… roughly our age. Diclonii were thought to be extinct after her failure, which left her entire body a melted pile of fleshy sludge from over-exertion of her abilities. By contrast to both Kimeka and yourself, Mr. Scarza, we humans don't have a lot of brute force… though we make up for it in vast scientific achievements! We rose to the top of the entire food web of this planet, Earth, using the power of our minds to create more and more complex tools, from sharpened sticks up, culminating in our most recent major invention: the Dyno-Capsule." Here Yulina pulled out a capsule and tossed it deeper into the cave. There was a large explosion and a cloud of smoke, which cleared to reveal a house where there was once barren stone. "I… wasn't thinking quite clearly when I first woke out of panic. To be honest, Kimeka and I are old enough to leave the orphanage on our own when we're ready, and I had managed to just barely save enough for this capsule house to share… She's the only one that really seemed to be interested when I went off onto long tangents like this one. Back on the topic of Diclonii like Kimeka, physically, they look no different from us ordinary humans, save three key features." Carefully Yulina knelt down over her friend's head, careful not to awaken her.

"And those features would be…?" Scarza prompted, enraptured by the intellectual's ability to talk so long while barely taking a breath.

"Three things… the first, is this." Yulina carefully pulled open Kimeka's eyelids, revealing her crimson irises. "Diclonii all have bright eye colors, almost always a shade of red or pink. Second is her hair color. It is very rare for a Diclonius to have a natural hair color that is not some shade of pink or red. I had mine dyed to match as a show of friendship and support for her. I'm naturally a blonde, a yellow-haired person. And the final difference is the reason for the bullying that set her off into that murderous frenzy you stopped: her horns. Sorry, Kimmie…" and she slowly slid the still-sleeping girl's bangs back just enough to show her horns, before quickly placing a wool-knit cap over them. "We try to hide the horns under hats like this one to keep attention off her. With my hair the same color, most people that don't know us just assume she's wearing it for fashion, since I don't have the horns. Now it's my turn again… um… I've told you about our abilities, w-what are yours?"

Scarza stepped back from examining the structure of the capsule house and faced the girls once more. "I see… Well, we Saiyans were a warrior race in the employ of the one who destroyed our homeworld, Planet Vegeta. He was afraid of our power surpassing his very soon. We have the unique ability to be able to fight pretty much anywhere, and learn fastest on the battlefield. If a fight drags long enough, eventually, our kind will completely learn all of our foes' techniques and, biology permitting, then use them ourselves. Further, when a Saiyan is critically wounded, and makes a full recovery, our power increases immensely. As an example, you'll recall those numbers I was reading as 'power levels' from this scouter?"

Yulina just nodded. This was lot to take in at once for her fourteen-year-old mind, but now she was eager to hear it all. Numbers came into the equation, and numbers were definite, easy to understand things.

"Those are a numerical estimate of the fighting ability of the current target. Before coming here, my power was a relatively pathetic, at least among my people, forty-two. Your friend's was one hundred twenty-six at its peak and sixty-three while she had regained enough of her sanity to ask me to euthanize her and save your life. Considering I knew nothing of her battle style, the only reason I could have won that battle is if I received that power-up after my jump from the moon. Formidable as we are, my people cannot survive the vacuum of space for extended periods… your face was the first thing I saw after blacking out in the upper atmosphere." Scarza took off his scouter and tossed it to Yulina. "Here, push the button on the side and give me the number that appears when I'm inside the circle."

"Oh… o-okay…" Yulina did as she was instructed. "…I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we use different symbols for our numbers. I can't read this. Give me just a moment, I'll write this down for you." And she rushed into the capsule house which came pre-equipped with basic amenities and supplies. A few minutes passed and the human girl returned with the strange numerals scribed onto a sheet of paper. "Here."

Scarza looked amazed when he read the number written on the paper. "…Unbelievable. My power level is over two hundred now… that said, it's incredible Kimeka here is still breathing. I hit her full-force with my strongest attack. For the future, it will probably be easier for me to reprogram this thing to use your world's text. Bring me a few samples to work off of, later. Back to my explanations: As you saw while I was digging the unnecessary bed holes, I am capable of projecting my power as energy bursts and beams. However, I don't think I'll be using them for a good while. If I put out too much power, Frieza will find me with the scouters and then this planet will be destroyed and the escape will be for naught." Scarza finished the explanation by removing the power cells from his scouter. "He's probably still celebrating the demolition of our planet, the bastard. But when he's through he'll be listening in the communication channels again for sure."

"But… wouldn't he… have heard all… that stuff you just… told us?" Kimeka's voice squeaked out from her corner of the cave.

"Not at all. Mine's communicator function was turned off the instant I woke up in my pod on your moon. I had several recorded incoming wide-band messages I've been listening in on since I knocked you out."

Yulina heard none of this after Kimeka spoke, so focused she was on helping her friend into the house. "You shouldn't speak, Kimmie… save your strength and get better. Mr. Scarza, could you help me move her into her bed in the house, please? I'm… not gifted in the physical labor department."

The Saiyan effortlessly picked the Diclonius up and carried her in his arms bridal style. "Not a problem, you're better suited to the use of your brain, anyway. My job back home was to protect the smart ones like you. Though I was transferred to guard the Meat Distribution Center the month before that monster destroyed it. Now let's get you to bed, Kimeka. You have no need to die. While I'm here, I have the power to keep you under control should you suffer another episode like earlier."

"Yulie… how many… did I kill… this time?" The injured girl asked as she was laid down to recover.

Once more, Yulina took her friend's hand in her own, and she reported while staring somberly into Kimeka's eyes, "I'm sorry, Kimmie… Scarza and I are the only ones that survived your episode. You… You took out all of the bullies, but in your fury, everyone else was shredded into so much red paste." Though this was the first time Kimeka had ever been so blinded by fury that she managed to attack Yulina, it was not the first time since they met that negative treatment from other humans had set Kimeka's other side off. Thankfully Yulina had always been able to calm her after whoever triggered her fury fled in terror, preventing any lives from being lost. Yulina knew from experience lying now would only make it that much more upsetting for the horned girl when she later found out. "I'm fairly certain I only survived because I fell into Scarza's crater and woke him up, so he could stop you. But thanks to him, we don't have to worry about creeps like Tesuke anymore. From what I saw out of the cave mouth, we're just outside East City. Nobody knows us there, so we could-"

"NO!" Kimeka shouted. "I… I don't want to live in the city, Yulie… if I lost control again, I'd rather not have any people that close by to kill. We can move the house outside the cave when I'm better, but I'd rather stay out here in the mountains… it's safer for everyone."

Scarza, after watching this incredibly powerful girl spoke with such kindness and so much worry for those she might hurt, decided on a judgment call at that moment. "…If that's how you feel, then I suppose I could train you to control your wild, murderous instincts. But bear in mind it won't be easy. We Saiyans have one more powerful ability I neglected to mention earlier."

"Wh-what kind of ability? How could it possibly help you train me to suppress the voice in my head telling me to kill all of humanity?" Kimeka asked, not believing such a thing could ever happen to a girl so cursed as her.

"This ability is transformation. Upon gazing at a full moon, my people grow into a form known as the Mighty Oozaru. Invariably, those that have seen my people use this ability have called it a 'giant monkey'." Not even Scarza himself knew why he would be laying his trump card out for the Earthlings to see, let alone offer to train this girl in the mental art of maintaining consciousness through the Oozaru Transformation when she could not use the form herself. And yet he found himself doing just that. "Normally, we change and then wake up the next morning, returned to normal in the middle of a wasteland we created in that state… However, our highest-powered warriors, the Royal Family of Vegeta, invented an entirely mental martial art, allowing our people to control ourselves and remember all we had wrought. They opted to hold this art close to the vest, however, only teaching it to their most trusted guards and passing it along the family line. My father was among those guards, and had passed it down to me illegally, and on accident. As I learn quickly, even among my race, I picked it up by merely imitating my father during his training. Mastering this art was enough to warrant a promotion to the Elite Corps, but my Power Level of twelve at the time was too pathetic to qualify as more than a guard for the place nobody bothered to assault: Tech HQ, where we received our scouters and equipment from Frieza's army." Here he looked deep into Kimeka's eyes, almost as if judging the soul behind the ruby red windows. "I feel as though it may help you, if you do indeed black out whenever you unleash your powers as you say, but only if you are willing to work hard and master it. But for now, we'll wait for you to recover from my Spirit Crusher's damage. Night looks to be falling now, so I'll be back in a few hours with some fresh meat." With that, Scarza turned to leave and begin hunting, only to be stopped by a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Scarza, you shouldn't go out tonight…" Yulina advised him. "If what you said about the Oozaru is true, you should know that tonight is a full moon, and our planet has one roughly every twenty-nine and a half days."

"Is that so…?" The Saiyan guard pondered while looking at his tail. "That is very good to know, but there is an option to let me out despite that. Do you have a sharpened blade of some form in this house?"

Horrified at what her imagination was providing her with in regards to that question, Yulina stammered out a hasty "I-I can't mutilate you after you saved us, Scarza! Just stay inside, it only lasts a single day."

"…I'm not asking that of you, girl," Scarza clarified. "If we cut off my tail, I won't be any weaker than I am right now, nor any less able to teach your friend. All it will do is render me unable to transform into the ape." He explained as he unwrapped the tail from its belt-like position around his hips. "No tail, no monkey. It would also help me blend in whenever I need to accompany you to that town. In case you missed it, my tail is the only outwardly characteristic Saiyans and humans seem not to share."

"O-Oh… alright…" Yulina gave in and left for the kitchen to retrieve a sharp enough knife.

"…You really care for us, don't you, Scarza?" Kimeka asked once she was out of the room. "I… didn't want to worry Yulie but I haven't heard the voice since you blasted me… normally she would be ranting at me to kill you and get you out of her way… but… somehow the silence is more terrifying than that crazy voice."

"Not going to lie, Kimeka… you and Yulina both remind me a little of my older sister, Kazuni. The majority of our population had jet-black hair like mine, but she was different, and had an exceedingly rare mane of crimson locks… she died on her first mission and I was the one sent to recover her and finish it. When I got there, I found out her pod door had malfunctioned and she ended up killing herself trying to blast the door open… Out of grief I only took the body back and left the locals alone, against orders."

Scarza had to close his eyes to prevent the tears falling from his eyes. The girls saw him as a protector, so he'd fill the role and wait until he was in the wilderness to release the resurgent torrent of grief slowly building in his chest. "She was the muscle between us, my power level now is roughly what she had at birth, though if she remembered anything from her times as an Oozaru when dad trained her in control, she never showed it worked. I told the higher-ups that the planet was a lost cause about to be demolished by an asteroid collision, and that she died killing the last of the locals from a lucky shot. My bosses accepted that and cleared the planet from the database… If I'm being totally honest… you have her exact face, Kimeka."

"I'm sorry for your loss, and it's okay to cry over her, Scarza. We won't think less of you. On this world, mourning for the dead is seen as a way to acknowledge that they mattered." Kimeka reassured him, smiling all the while. "…Neither Yulie or I ever knew our parents or even if we have any biological family at all, alive. Her name was written in a note left with her on the doorstep at the orphanage… I got mine from a kind woman that took me in before soldiers came and killed her for protecting me. Yulie and I came to love one another as sisters, and the dynamic is much like the one between you and Kazuni was… You and Yulie are the brains; Kazuni and I are the brawn… though I never asked for nor wanted my powers."

At this moment, Yulina returned with the blade she was asked to retrieve "Here you go, Scarza… would you rather I did it since I can see where I'm cutting?"

Scarza nodded and stood. "Yeah, I think that would be best. If it's cut too shallow it'll just grow right back in a month or two. You need to cut it off right where it joins with my torso."

"Um, Yulie? Can I do it instead?" Kimeka asked, standing from her bed, apparently already healed. "He took away my inner monster's voice somehow… the least I could do is this in return." And then she reached across the room with a vector and severed Scarza's tail at the base with one swipe. "My vectors can cut much closer than any knife… and cleaner too, with no risk of infection from what's on the knife."

The now-tailless Saiyan cringed against the pain of losing his tail, but blocked it out. "Thanks, Kimeka… You're looking pretty well-recovered already. Another of your diclonius abilities?"

"I believe so… I've always recovered faster than regular humans, but my species are still newly discovered. Even I don't know everything I can do with these arms." The red-eyed girl responded. "Mind if I come out with you on the hunt?"

Scarza looked pensive for a few moments before nodding to Kimeka's request. "Sure, I can get a better handle on your abilities watching you kill the catch with those 'vectors' of yours. Let's go." Then the two exited the cave, leaving Yulina with the task of moving their home into the open air outside.

A/N: And that was chapter 1. The massive info-dump on Diclonius and Saiyan physiology was for readers that have not seen all of either Dragon Ball Z or Elfen Lied. And yes, I rewrote the unchanged events in the timeline precisely as originally written in the Dragon Ball anime. This Chapter includes pretty much every significant event in my OCs lives before Dragon Ball began. I intend on having a plot exploring the significant ripple effect with the presence of not only an extra Saiyan, but also a Diclonius and a Diclonius Saiyan-human hybrid in the Z Fighter team. It will just take time for me to plan that out. There will be minimal influences on the story from elements of Elfen Lied's story, such as the torture testing facilities. Chapter 2 will be all the events the OCs influenced in Dragon Ball.

Now, as I promised in the headnote, a footnote detailing all the plotholes in Toriyama-sama's DragonBall Minus special. I will first preface ALL of this with acknowledging that with the exception of #3, I'm basically typing what I'm hearing while listening to blackenfist's YouTube video (the VideoID is UXHiikk4qSo if you'd rather hear this than read it) on the subject, however this is merely him putting to words a formless nagging annoyance I couldn't readily identify while reading.

Raditz, when he arrived on Earth said that Goku (or Kakarot as he is called for this chapter) was sent to Earth to eliminate all life on the planet, so it could be sold later on. As part of the Planet Trade Organization. HOWEVER. Taking DB- into account with this, makes no sense at all, as he was sent there for Superman-esque safety. Some have already attempted to justify this by saying Raditz was lying, but he had:

1) No reason to lie.

2) Nothing to GAIN from lying

3) Nothing to lose from telling the truth.

But this is then handled by claiming Raditz wasn't told what happened to his baby brother, which leads into the bigger plothole: If that was true…

how did Raditz find Goku on Earth at all? Their parents, Gine and Bardock, didn't send Goku to a specific planet, nor did they use an actual official channel. Bardock stole the Space pod, told it "go find a planet far away", and threw the damn thing like a softball. The only people that knew Goku had left Vegeta are therefore Gine, Bardock, and Raditz in the event they managed to tell him in the month before they died from Frieza detonating Planet Vegeta… if they even died, since Tarble grants full license for escaped Saiyans to start popping up around the universe. It is never shown if they died or not, but if they did, and they didn't tell Raditz beforehand, there is no way for him to know this information at all. Even if they did manage to tell him, he couldn't know they sent him to Earth, because even they didn't know where he was heading. Further, a tracking device is a useless argument, as Saiyans aren't the only ones to use those pods, and since Bardock and Gine threw Goku into space in secret, there is no record of him ever even leaving Vegeta. Even with a tracking device, there is no way Raditz would be able to distinguish between Goku's pod, and the infinity-bajillion pods out there in use.

In DB-, young Goku is sent to Earth at 3 years old, when it is established he was much younger than that when he landed. And he was also put into the pod wearing Saiyan Battle Armor, and the pod takes off just as the chapter ends. Goku would have been wearing that armor when he landed on Earth, unless this is plugged up by future mangas when Toriyama needs a paycheck.

Pretty swiss-cheesey, right? Now I'll explain how the events in the "Bardock: The Father Of Goku" TV Special fit better with established reality.

In that version of the story, as Bardock returned from the assassination attempt by Dodoria, intent on warning the Saiyans of Frieza's attack, a one-day-old Goku was simultaneously sent out and crossed his path just outside the atmosphere. But this time, Goku was sent off on a mission to do just as Raditz said in plothole #1: exterminate all life for the PTO. This means that it was a simple matter of Raditz going, "Oh, hey, Vegeta, Nappa, I just remembered I had a brother born the day our home planet exploded. He might be a big help with this planet we're having trouble with! Let me look up his mission file and I'll go fetch him. Ah, Earth, okay, be back in a month, later!" Not a single hole to be found there.

If you have no life at all, you may have noticed the scene I lifted, verbatim, from the Special in this chapter. That was because that version of events has this drastic reduction in plotholes I just doubled the DBZ-related wordcount ranting about. I added in the scenes with Gine and Scarza to provide Gine with existence, and Scarza with a background for how he got off Vegeta in time.

Keeping with the naming convention, Scarza is named after Scorzonera hispanica, aka black salsify,Spanish salsify, black oyster plant, serpent root, viper's herb, or viper's grass. It is cultivated as a root vegetable and belongs to the same family as sunflowers. Thank you Wikipedia.

Kazuni's name is based loosely on Zucchini.