Due to further (?! o.o :o) requests to continue this fic, here is a final chapter for those of you who wanted it. I'm both astonished and beyond flattered at some of the deeply surprising encouragement I've received for the first two chapters of this horror... especially the remarkable and memorable compliment from one ffn reader who claimed me to be a master of "torture porn" of this fandom. It makes me so happy you liked something that I wrote.
Thank you, so much, to everyone who encourages my stories... even, (and sometimes especially,) the particularly nasty ones.
This chapter and its ending turned out rather differently than I anticipated it to. I hope this is an okay way to end this fic, and that it doesn't disappoint anyone badly. For those who like background music while they read, my background music just previous to writing this chapter were Kaito's amazing covers of 'Bacterial Contamination', 'Ten Sho Sho Ten Sho', and "Ashes to Ashes,' all of which are simply wonderful.
...With this final chapter, all of my favourite Vocaloids (except Akaito, who doesn't appear in this fic) will have gotten raped in assorted, somewhat grotesque ways. Woohoo xD I will leave it up to all of you to comfort them after this. :)
( .dot.)
The soft sound of a single songbird twittering in the early morning woke Yohio pleasantly, and he stretched his arms out over his head satisfyingly. He cracked a huge yawn, the wisps of a good dream and the sounds of fantasized Vocaloid screams faded away as he shook himself awake and swung his legs out over the side of the comfortable bed.
Glancing at the muted video monitors briefly and hitting a button on his control panel, the blonde Vocaloid male smiled to himself in anticipation as the real-life sounds of despondant crying and quiet sobbing from physical pain, mental anguish, and emotional trauma sounded back out through the speakers. Suffering through the night with no toilet facilities, muscle cramps, claustrophobia, insomnia, thirst, hunger, and lack of medical attention in their tiny cages, Yohio felt cheerfully confident that his little guests would be more than ready to sing for him, and be played with, now that he had gotten his own full, good night's worth of slumber.
The blonde captor whistled a cheery tune as he washed and dried his face, deciding to put off breakfast for a little while, in order to see to his friends first. Grabbing the portable cages' lift controller, as well as several shallow, wide, plastic pans, a couple of dog collars, leashes, and padlocks, from one of the many lined shelves, he re-muted the audio on the surveillance feed and set out from his bedroom to greet the morning.
( .dot.)
"Good morning, everybody! Did you sleep well?" The happy blonde Vocaloid asked in a friendly tone that was delivered in general to each of the imprisoned Vocaloids in their small cages. He dropped the plastic tubs with a loud sound near Kaito's cage, and the bluenette flinched back with a hiccup of terror and wide, traumatized eyes. Yohio touched the bars of Kaito's cage and smiled as Kaito flinched again, his lips trembling as his pretty blue eyes began to fill with new tears.
Refocusing his attention upwards, the blonde captor 'hmmd' to himself and hit two of the control keys for the cages, allowing Len and Rin's cages to descend to everyone else's level. Rin's eyes were bloodshot, and her twin brother's skin that had been sewn onto her face had dried and turned wrinkly and disgusting overnight. Len's body was shaking as if he was cold as he stared out at Yohio with crystal clear, blue eyes. The older blonde Vocaloid tilted his head slightly and gave the twins a bright, early-morning grin.
"Did you both sleep well? I tried to make your beds comfortable for you. Aren't I a good host?" Yohio asked lightly, his lighthearted grin still firmly in place. Rin shuddered as his curious finger touched against the cheek portion of the mask of skin that was still sewn upon her face, then touched against her mouth that was still wired shut.
"Oh, thank you, Rin! Your words are too kind, I'm so glad you are enjoying my hospitality here! I was a little bit unkind yesterday, due to ignoring some of you, though, so please don't hold it against me if I don't play with you first thing in the morning. I have something else planned, for Gakupo and Luka. Right, Len?" The Vocaloids' kidnapper kept talking as though the voiceless blonde female and her brother had answered his questions favorably. Rin's eyes were wide with fear as she tried to shrink back, moisture dotting her own sweet eyelashes. Len's face drained of color as Luka's name was mentioned.
"I thought I'd take you out for a walk," Yohio said, turning to Gakupo and Luka's cages. The violette was breathing in quick little pants; apparently a full night of being in the tiny, enclosed cage hadn't rid him of his claustrophobia. The long pink-haired female was watching Yohio with wide, wary, frightened eyes, her shock at seeing Len's new 'face' clearly shaking her struggle to remain calm.
"Luka, you first, how about? Stay still for me like a good little doggie, as I put your collar and leash on, okay, girl?" Their captor grinned again, and manipulated a tight, leather dog collar that resembled the one Len wore around Luka's neck. A 'click' later, and it was padlocked to a short chain leash. "Don't misbehave now, or I'll punish Gakupo for your errors."
Yohio opened the cage, on his guard. Luka's cramped legs trembled as she nearly fell out of the cage, her muscles asleep from the awkward, prolonged, and unnatural pose. She tried to rub her legs with her partially numbed arms, but Yohio jerked at her collar using the leash, and she lost her balance, sprawling naked against the cold, hard cement floor.
"Come on now, good girl! Crawl on all fours for me, like the noxious little bitch you are," The blonde Vocaloid male laughed lightly and dragged Luka a few inches by her neck as her pins-and-needles muscles scrabbled to keep up. She tried to get back to her feet, but a sharp boot in her side sent her sprawling with a feminine yelp of pain. Tears beaded her eyes. "That's where you belong. Heel, girl!"
"Leave her alone!" Miku shrieked from her cage at Yohio, her lips drawn back in a wide-eyed grimace that showed all of her white, straight teeth. "Luka!"
"M-Miku..!" Luka said tearfully then gasped and cried out again as she was kicked down a second time, a nasty bruise starting to form against her nude ribs. Yohio tugged at the leash attached to the pink-haired female's neck again, and started to drag her. Luka gagged a moment, and quickly moved on her hands and knees to keep up to his impatient tugs on her leash. The older blonde male laughed in a delighted, mocking tone.
"No! Bring her back! Luka! Luka! Don't hurt her! LUKA!" Miku screamed again and again as Yohio led the pink-haired female Vocaloid out of the room.
A few minutes later, the Vocaloids' captor returned to the cages without Luka.
"Your turn, Gak-kun!" Yohio announced, and ignored Miku's frantic questions regarding Luka as she demanded to know where she was, demanded Yohio to bring her back, demanded to know if Luka was okay. The teal-haired girl tried to shake her cage with the strength of her body's small mass, to no avail.
Sliding a metal choke chain over Gakupo's head, Yohio connected it to the second leash and released the front of the violette male's cage. The long-haired male's legs were trembling and weak from the overwhelming fear response of yesterday and the continuing claustrophobia, and he almost couldn't make his own muscles rouse himself from where he fell out and collapsed onto the gritty, unforgiving concrete floor.
"Now, now, Gakupo. If you don't get up, I'll play with Luka by myself. You love her, right? You want to be there while I play, don't you?" Yohio smiled softly at Gakupo, encouragingly. Wide purple eyes moved jerkily up to their captors', as Gakupo tried to regain his wits and overcome the lengthy hours of terror at being trapped in the small quarters. The samurai stared at Yohio and rose up on his hands and knees, going along with the insane Vocaloid male's requests.
"Leave them alone! Gakupo! Luka!" Miku tried calling out again in vain as the older blonde Vocaloid male led Gakupo from the room, keeping a tight rein on the metal chain of the leash.
Gakupo's violet eyes picked out Luka's familiar pink hair and frightened expression as Yohio brought him into a room down a long corridor. It was hot inside the room, and a giant stove was roaring nearby. The front of the stove had a giant glass panel in the place where the opening for adding coal or tinder was. Sweat was dripping down Luka's shapely body as Yohio locked Gakupo's leash to the same pillar that the pink-haired female's was.
"It took a while to stoke the fire hot enough, but I think it'll do, now," Yohio shared conversationally as he put on a pair of heavy leather gloves, unlocked Luka's leash and flashed a bright smile at both her and Gakupo. He didn't demand that she go back down on all fours, but her uncertain, fearful eyes looking back at him made Yohio touch against her face softly. Luka flinched away from the unpleasant touch as it trailed down the front of her breasts and stomach, to her inner thigh.
Tugging hard on the chain, the blonde Vocaloid male wrenched open the door to the oven. A blast of intense dry heat burst outwards, causing both the kidnapped Vocaloids to recoil from it and turn their faces away. Yohio's smile grew happily as he tilted his head to one side and regarded Luka for a moment, before he pushed her bodily inside the oven and slammed the glass door shut on her.
A distorted female scream from inside the oven as Luka's hair caught on fire was accompanied by a horrified male scream from Gakupo as he tried to rush forward on jellylike legs, the chokechain stopping him as he reacted in utter panic. The violette shrieked out, again and again, trying to wrench free from the choke chain, out of his mind in disbelief and terror as the lovely, long pink hair shrivelled up into black dust, and Luka's beautiful, slim hand banged against the glass of the door, her mouth opened in a huge 'O' of horror and agony and fear.
Yohio backed up from the door, admiring her for just an instant before returning to Gakupo. The flesh from her fist banging upon the inside of the door began to stick to the door as the fat started to melt, creating a gory scene like Luka's hand was made of melting string-cheese. Her purple-haired 'love' screamed incoherently again and again, unable to help her as he watched Luka start to burn to death in front of him.
"NO! NO! NO NO NO!" The violet-haired samurai yelled out in a raw voice again and again, higher and higher pitched in his panic, raising his captor's delight in the situation as he struggled against his choke chain, grabbing and fighting against it uselessly with his hands. Yohio unzipped his pants and pulled his rapidly hardening cock out, the sounds and sights of his two captives turning him on intensely.
Grabbing Gakupo's leash, he kicked at the violette male to bring him back to his hands and knees as Gakupo stared wide-eyed, panicked at Luka's flaming body inside the oven. The flesh on her hands was blistering, burning, sliding off the bones as he screamed and screamed and Yohio pushed inside harshly, uncaring about whether or not he was hurting the distraught, terrified samurai.
"Fuck. Fuck... Oh my... GOD this is good. You're so tight!" Yohio gasped as he yanked on the chain again, choking off Gakupo's scream into a weird-sounding gagging noise as the violette gripped the chain around his neck with his hands, still struggling, tears streaming down his reddened face due to the heat of the fire.
Tipping his head backwards in deep pleasure, the blonde Vocaloid male groaned out through the background noises of torture as he choked Gakupo's throat bruisingly over and over, bucking his hips forward again and again into that tight, tight, terrified back hole as Gakupo clenched around him wonderfully.
The screams from inside the oven faded and were suddenly silent, but Gakupo's own howls just increased in volume and urgency as Luka's body slowly stopped scrabbling at the door, and her melting face burst into flames as she collapsed.
"NOOOO! NOOO! LUKAAAAAA!" The violette shrieked again and again in emotional agony more than physical pain. Laughing joyfully, and gasping in intense, rising pleasure, Yohio released esctatically, coming inside of Gakupo's asshole in high passion.
The purple-haired samurai struggled with everything he had, wringing out the last drops of his captor's semen into his body. Yohio's delighted, easy, relaxed smile as he slowly pulled out and noted there was no small amount of red blood, along with a little of his seed, dripping down the noble captive male's thighs, gave him an even greater feeling of lingering satisfaction.
"Oh, you're good," Yohio complimented the hysterical violette. He frowned just slightly as he realized that the samurai was still trying to get to the hot oven, still trying to help the dead Vocaloid female. He wrenched Gakupo's head backwards by a solid grip on his long hair, and kicked Gakupo again and again in the gut, along the ribs, against his thighs, until the trapped male collapsed on the floor.
As if suddenly defeated, Gakupo let out a long wail of anguish and curled up on the floor, starting to sob bodily in masculine hysterics. Panting lightly, Yohio felt satisfied, and undid the chain leash, yanking Gakupo along by his side back away from the hot, hot oven with its shadow of Luka's burning body slowly reducing to ash inside.
Gakupo fell several times, still naked, blood still dripping from his rectum, his face a mess of agonized tears and traumatized horror as Yohio led him back to his tiny cage.
"Gakupo!" Miku shrieked as she spotted him returning. "Where's Luka? Where's Luka?!"
"No... no!" The violette began to howl as Yohio pushed him back to get him inside the small cage again. "No, no, no! PLEASE, NO!"
The combination of torture and high-strung emotions and the lack of oxygen from being repeatedly choked by the dog chain had weakened the samurai considerably, but it was still with rather a reasonable amount of difficulty that Yohio was able to manage to stuff the violette back inside of his tiny cage and lock it back shut again. The continuing moans and sobbing from the usually cool and collected Gakupo were deeply interesting to his captor, but even Yohio couldn't get it up again that quickly, so while he admired it, the pleasurable exhaustion creeping up his sated body was enough for now.
Besides, he had something else in mind for his round two. Ignoring Miku's shrieking demands to know what had happened to Luka, the blonde male captor waved a hand goodbye over his shoulder and took off to fix himself some breakfast and do a few chores.
( .dot.)
When the ashes cooled, Yohio carefully sifted them out of the oven. He tested the edge of a long, delicate knife against his thumb, and smiled, pleased, at its razor sharpness as a thin line of red appeared. The blonde Vocaloid male sucked the red blood away distractedly as he headed back to Gakupo's cage.
The violet-haired male was hanging his head slightly, a hollow, defeated, and terrified expression on his face as he caught sight of Yohio's advancing form. A low whimper escaped Gakupo's lips as his eyes tried to follow his captor's body as it went behind him, and Yohio eyed his captive's naked body, deciding upon the perfect places to cut.
"I brought you a gift, Gakupo!" The blonde male grinned, returning to Gakupo's line of sight briefly as he lifted up a small jar with dark, powdery ashes in it. "You want to be together with your beloved Luka forever, right? I've read about this interesting method of scarrification somewhere. I can't quite recall what it's called, but in essence, you slice cuts into the body under the skin, and stuff it with the ashes of a dead person.
"So I thought to myself, what better present than having your precious, dead Luka's ashes shoved underneath your skin, to scar you permanantly as your body tries to absorb them and reject them at the same time? I wonder if there'll be a lot of pus when it gets infected. Was Luka a very clean girl? Her ashes look a little bit... dirty, you know. But at least, you can be together, forever, this way."
"No..." Miku's horrified whisper was full of denial as her teal eyes widened comically at Yohio's almost offhand comments. "No. NO!"
Yohio glanced over at the teal-haired girl and smirked lopsidedly. "Don't be upset, Miku. I haven't forgotten about you. You like cute, little animals, right? I have this... special idea of something that will be fun, just for you. You see, I have a number of hungry mice and rats, and you can help me feed them! Wouldn't that be nice? My idea is to slice your belly open and put them inside your intestines, so they can gnaw and eat you from the inside out.
"But, don't worry! I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you. I'll 'help' you, 'save' you, by putting a few, good-sized snakes up your cunt and asshole, to slither allll the way up inside your ugly, worthless diva body and eat up those poor, cute little rodents that are trapped with their furry, diseased little rat bodies squirming so deeply inside your intestines, eating you. It's a good idea, right? I'm so nice to you. Doesn't that sound like a wonderful idea?"
Miku's obvious, intense grief and the tears of helpless rage on her face were funny to the blonde-haired male. He returned his attention to Gakupo. The violette's breathing had picked back up to near hyperventilation again as Yohio flashed the long, sharp knife in front of his purple eyes and returned to the back side of the samurai's cage. Gakupo hollered with pain as the blonde male made the first deep incisions, nearly horizontal underneath Gakupo's flesh. Stuffing the first incision with ashes, the violette began to freak out, going back into unbecoming hysterics that were very interesting to his captor.
Giggling a little bit, Yohio's eyes narrowed in arousal. Gakupo was crying again, hollering and shaking his cage, trying to escape from the ashes that were underneath his very skin. It felt intensely sexual, but it wasn't quite enough for Yohio's fun. The blonde Vocaloid male picked up a clear plastic bag and a roll of tape and taped the bag over Gakupo's head to increase his claustrophobia by way of suffocation.
The hollers turned into full-on hysterical screams as the plastic sucked against Gakupo's partially opened mouth. Yohio grinned at the music as his manhood responded by hardening. He adjusted the height of the cage slightly, then put down the remote controller and positioned himself against Gakupo's already torn entrance, pushing in forcefully.
The shrieks and tightness were every bit as wonderful as the rape from when Gakupo had watched Luka burn to death. The screams from Gakupo, the rejecting screams from the other Vocaloids watching, /watching/ their friend being raped, were pure music to Yohio's ears, and the whole situation was utterly heady as he slammed deeper, harder, stronger against Gakupo's backside, the slapping sounds becoming wetter as the red blood began to run freely again, and Yohio messily stuffed the second deep cut with more ashes as he bucked against Gakupo rhythmically.
"No! No! Stop it! STOP IT!" The shrieks continued from around the tiny cages as Gakupo struggled helplessly, trying to hyperventilate through his screams, slowly suffocating to death. His sobs were beautiful, beautiful.
"Ha... hahaha..! Oh... god, Gakupo! You might be my new favourite! This tightness, this pleasure, you're so good. You're /so/ good," The blonde captor professed loudly in a voice full of intense sexual pleasure as he raped the violette for a second time. "Everyone's watching you, you know. Everyone can see you milking my cum out of me, so well!"
Letting his head fall backwards, Yohio let his passion build in his lower belly, feeling the wonderful tightening sensation, the good tension that reached all the way into his ballsack signalling to him that he was going to come again soon, and hard. Pulling back on Gakupo's hips as the cage shook, pushing forwards, pounding into the tight, wet heat again and again, Yohio let out a sudden bellow of completion as his balls clenched, and he sprayed milky white spunk deeply inside of the violette's damaged bowels.
Panting to try to catch his breath, Gakupo's gasps and screams were helpless, being choked off by the plastic robbing him of air as his face began to turn as purple as his hair. Yohio's satisfied body was awash in calm, good feelings as he observed the frantic, ruined Vocaloid male in the small cage in front of him. Yohio caught Gakupo's terrified, hysterical eyes for a moment, relishing his power of the situation, before he reached up and tore a small hole in the suffocating plastic bag.
The samurai gasped in deep, desperate breaths as his captor left him sobbing.
"Mmmm. I could sleep like a baby right now," Yohio murmured to himself, smiling and feeling deeply, deeply relaxed from his orgasm. "But you guys have been so patient. You probably have to go to the bathroom, and are probably thirsty, too... I'll set up your litterboxes. That's what disgusting strays like you guys get to use for a toilet. Don't worry, I'll clean them out every once in a while. I'll be a good Master to you, that way. You're so lucky, to be 'owned' by /me/, now. You should be so full of gratitude..."
Sliding the plastic trays from earlier under each of the tiny cages, the blonde Vocaloid male sprinkled kitty litter into each one of them. Grabbing a few bottles of slightly dirty-looking water, Yohio stood in front of Len and Rin's cages. "Open up! You first, Len. You're thirsty, right?"
Len glared hatefully and fearfully at the older blonde Vocaloid male, but opened his mouth painfully, and received a few paltry squirts of somewhat foul-tasting, acrid water for his obedience. It wasn't enough to stop the burning sensation screaming in his dry throat, but Len doubted that even if he begged for more, that his captor would give a second drink. Yohio turned to Rin and made an obviously fake sad face at her.
"Oh, that's right, Rin. Your mouth is still wired shut, isn't it? That's too bad. If you can't open your mouth to drink, you'll die of dehydration, won't you? Oh well, at least if you get hungry, you can chew up and swallow those spiders in your mouth," Yohio laughed and emptied Rin's ration of water over her head foully.
Rin's blue eyes sparkled in pain and terrified anger at having the fluid be so close to her mouth, yet unable to slake her dry thirst even slightly. It ran in insulting rivulets down over her- and Len's- leathery face. Yohio visited the other Vocaloids' cages, one by one, apparently uncaring whether the water he squirted at their mouths splashed up their noses or in their eyes, or made the bullseye of their mouths. Miku's closed, furious, grieving lips refused to grant the older blonde male access, even for a drink of water, so he simply doused her face.
Yohio paused at Gumi's cage, and gave her a friendly smile as he remembered something. "That's right, I can't forget about you, Gumi. I had this fun idea for you, and for Meiko. We can talk about it after I take a little rest. I'm beat from all this enjoyment. But I was thinking! You know those action figures whose arms and legs are interchangable? Aren't those interesting? I was thinking, maybe that would work on Vocaloids, too. Not just arms or legs, but maybe things like breasts, too. You've always admired Meiko's larger breasts, right? I was thinking, you might enjoy owning that pair of breasts yourself? Haha..."
Gumi recoiled in hateful fear.
"By the way, this water? It's courtesy of Len. Remember? Len? It's from your fishtank! Can you taste your vomit, blood, and my cum in it? Does it taste good? The fish seemed to like it. Maybe we'll use it again. What do you think?" Yohio laughed again. "I want you all to enjoy yourselves while you're here, you know! Gakupo, if you don't like having more ashes stuffed into those cuts, maybe we could try this other thing I've heard about, called 'popping.' It sounds pretty interesting. What do you think?"
Soft, traumatized sobs from Gakupo and terrified, disgusted, nonverbal, furiously tearful gazes from the other Vocaloids were the only replies to Yohio's random bout of speechmaking, and he grinned, almost to himself, one final time before he turned and left the Vocaloids' alone in the room, still suspended in their small cages over their insulting, dusty little litterboxes.
( .dot.)
Almost as soon as Yohio left, Miku turned a voice full of controlled rage and grief upon the others. "We have to get out of here. Now."
"When he lifted me into the air, he explained that that lever on the side of our cages controls the bottom of the cages. If one of us could reach it, could slide it, they might be able to get out from the bottom of the cage, and go for help," Len said painfully through the large, scabbed-up area of what was previously his face, unwilling to say Yohio's name aloud, as if it might summon him back there.
"It's worth a try," Meiko replied, deeply shaken from seeing the others' tortures up close and personally. "But these cages are so small and cramped. I'm don't think I can reach it on mine."
"Just try," Miku said, gritting her teeth. "If we can't get out, he's going to just torture the rest of us to death and rape us, too, one by one. Maybe in that order. We can't let him get away with what he did to Luka! Or to the rest of us."
Kaito's body started to shake in his cage again as he vividly remembered his own torture, and he tried desperately to twist his body around, to reach for the lever on the side of his own cage, as if it were a matter of life or death.
"Why didn't you tell them about the lever, Kaito? He used it on you first!" Len confronted, upset that his blue-haired friend apparently hadn't even mentioned the potential way out during the whole night he'd been down with the others, within easy voice range.
"I didn't see it, when he did it," Kaito's trembling voice replied, a little choked up. "All of a sudden, the bottom of the cage was just gone. And... then... I..."
Kaito's ashamed, tearful, tortured expression met Len's destroyed face and the younger blonde boy averted his eyes, understanding all too well. "I see. I'm... sorry, Kaito."
Long minutes of the Vocaloids squirming and rocking squeakily in their tiny cages yielded no results. With Miku's unblinking gaze at Luka's empty cage, she was the most determined of them all, but like all the rest, her movements did no good.
"This... isn't working. We can't get the right angle to release it!" Meiko said in intense frustration and pain as her body protested the burning of her muscles in the uncomfortable, impossible position she had squirmed herself into. "We'd have to dislocate something, or... be yoga masters, to pull this off. Miku, we need to try something else, and quickly, before he gets back!"
"I'm open to any ideas," The teal-haired girl gritted her teeth as sweat from the pain of her own cramped, strained position rolled down her face.
A sharp hiss of agony from Gumi caught Kaito's attention as the green-haired girl suddenly managed to /twist/ her body in what seemed like a humanly impossible way. She was biting the inside of her mouth so hard that blood ran down her lip as she struggled, slowly, determinedly, and a disgusting 'popping' sound from her shoulder, or perhaps her elbow, resounded.
"You're close. You're close, Gumi!" Kaito said in a hushed, urgent tone, alerting the others, who all turned their gazes the best they could as they urged her on. "Keep going. It's a little behind, a little lower. You can almost do it! Keep trying!"
Gumi cried out in torturous pain as she reached and reached, her fingertips just shy of the lever despite how close she managed to twist herself.
"Come on, come on!" Gakupo egged her on, desperately, voice still shaking and raw from his screams. "Gumi!"
The green-haired female's astonishing feat of painful flexibility and dexterity was still impossible. She just couldn't reach. Blood poured down from the inside of her lip where she bit harder and harder and suddenly she yelled out, reaching with a sickening, tearing sensation in her muscles as her fingers touched and moved the lever, and the bottom of her cage collapsed under her.
Landing in the kitty litter pan, to a triumph of quiet, intense cheers, she rolled and held her dislocated arm with an expression of physical torment as she spat out a few grains of dusty, perfumed cat litter.
"You've got to run, Gumi!" Len urged. "Go and get help! We're all injured, we'll be too slow. If you're not quick enough, he could come back and catch you. Hurry!"
Gumi glanced at Len, then at Gakupo, and her pained facial expression resolving itself stubbornly as she limped, her legs pure pins and needles, to the violette's cage, resentfully kicking the litterbox messily out of the way and spilling clay litter everywhere as she grasped the lever with her good arm and released the samurai from his prison.
Gakupo ripped the plastic bag off from his head and wrapped Gumi up in a tight, terrified, desperate hug for one brief moment, before she shoved him away and went to the next cage. Gakupo recovered, taking deep panic breaths and glancing in the direction Yohio had left from, as he followed Gumi's suit and went to the other cages, moving quickly to release the remaining Vocaloids the green-haired female hadn't gotten to yet.
Len and Rin fell out of their cages. They shook their arms and legs to get the blood flowing in their circulation again. Rin tried to grab at her mouth, but couldn't get the metal wire out with just her fingers. Len grabbed her hand as Miku, Kaito, and Meiko made their escapes. The damaged Vocaloids staggered as they tried to walk, all having trouble due to being cramped in close quarters for so long.
"We need to get out of here," Gumi said to Meiko as she rubbed her legs quickly, anxious to get the feeling back in them. Meiko glanced over and nodded in full agreement.
"No," Miku replied in a hateful, choked tone, tears still wet on her cheeks. "If we let Yohio free, it means that he can come back to capture us a second time... when we're not expecting it, when we can't fight back. He has to pay for what he's done to us. He has to pay for his crimes. ...He has to die. And not necessarily in that order."
Exchanging glances, the traumatized Vocaloids looked frightened and uncertain at the idea of going up against their tormenter.
"Miku..." Len started to say.
"He might have transportation out of here," Gumi interjected as the thought occurred to her. "He must have a way of getting from here... wherever this is... to a town, or something. We're all weak. Most of us need medical attention. We /need/ a vehicle."
"Miku and Gumi are right," Kaito said softly, his blue eyes wide and frightened as he hugged himself, trying to comfort himself. "I don't... I don't want to, but, if we leave, and he comes after us again... please. Len."
Gakupo shivered wordlessly, and Rin squeezed her twin brother's hand, looking at him mutely with her pleading eyes. Len sighed and shook his head.
"He said he was going to take a nap. If we can find his room, we have a good shot of surprising him. It'll be to our advantage," Miku said stubbornly. Len glanced over at her, and nodded after a moment.
( .dot.)
Sneaking around the area, their bodies weak from hunger, thirst, and abuse, the newly-freed Vocaloids began walking down a long, undecorated hallway. Rooms that came off the hallway were mostly empty; some dusty, some containing abandoned crates. One, Gakupo refused to go near. A large oven with a glass front door to it was the main feature of the room. It was slightly warm to the touch. Near the end of the hallway, the Vocaloids found Yohio's room.
Visual monitors of the Vocaloids' empty cages were on one wall. There was a small window near the top of another wall, and a bed underneath it with a blonde, adult male Vocaloid apparently deeply asleep on top of it. Shelves lined the rest of the walls.
Jars of insects, millipedes... fishtanks with large snakes, spiders, mice and rats... assorted, razor-sharp knives, long, sharp injection needles, assorted threads and metal wire and wire clippers... jars of long nails and vials of corrosive acid and gasoline... medical equipment including tiny, curved scissors and viscious-looking, metal mouth openers... various grades of sandpaper... long, thin cord... choke chains, collars, leashes... the Vocaloids' familiar shoes, lined the shelves, along with many other items.
Their clothes were nowhere to be seen. Perhaps the insane blonde male had burned them in the fire. Kaito picked up one of the shoes and noticed, cringing, that there were long, sharp tacks hammered up into its soles.
A slight movement from the bed startled the bluenette, and his grip on the shoe loosened reflexively. A loud thump as it hit the floor caused the blonde Vocaloid captor to wake rudely. Jerking up in bed, his suddenly widened eyes and shocked facial expression instantly turned nasty and furious as he focused on the group of his escaped prisoners standing in front of him. Tensing his body, he kicked himself off of the bed; whether to fight or flee, wasn't apparent.
"Grab him! Stop him!" Miku shrieked out as Yohio tried to rush the weakened group of freed captives. Kaito and Gakupo, terrified expressions on their faces, reached out despite their injuries, and Meiko helped as the older blonde Vocaloid male struggled and shouted in fury as he was captured and bodily held down. Gumi grabbed and tossed the metal wire from one shelf over, and they all worked together to tie their former captive up despite his bellows of rage and squirming attempts to free himself.
Len's eyes were still on the bolt cutters, and seeing that Yohio was tackled and being held down by the other males and Meiko, he worked to start to cut Rin's lips free from their metal sewing. As soon as she could open her mouth, Len's twin ejected the dead spiders from her mouth, their tiny furry bodies soft and slimy, starting to disintegrate from her saliva.
"Hold still," Len instructed. He picked up one of the small curved scissors and carefully snipped his own face off of Rin's face. When he completed the task, he held his dry, dead, now leathery facial skin in his trembling hands. Rin rubbed her itchy face, her eyes shimmering down at Len's skinned face as if she was going to start crying again.
"How the hell did you get out of your cages?" Yohio hissed angrily. "Do you think this will change anything? Do you think I'm just going to let you go? The moment I get free again, it's not just going to be Gakupo's sweet little Luka who burns to death in that oven. I'll make you /all/ wish you'd never been born!"
"Yohio, you're mistaken," Miku replied in a voice quavering with hatred, anger, and malice born of intense grief as tears rose up again in her teal eyes. "You thought that Gakupo and Luka were an item? Think again. Luka... Luka was /my/ girlfriend. And you killed her. I hate you. I hate you. And you are never, /never/ going to hurt any of my friends, or me, /ever/ again."
Picking up a glass tray, Miku poured a large vial of acid into it.
"Kick him. Kick him until he gasps it in," Miku commanded as she grabbed Yohio's blonde hair and pushed his face into the liquid acid. A sizzling noise and a burning, chemical scent filled the air as Yohio started to holler and struggle. Kaito and Gakupo held him in place as best as they could while Meiko's angry, obedient movements provided a sharp kick to their tormenter's stomach, causing him to reactively breathe the acid that was burning his face down into his lungs.
Miku released his head and stepped deftly out of the way with the tray of acid, putting it down to one side as Yohio screamed in agony and tried to vomit the acid from his lungs ineffectually out. The blonde Vocaloid male began to suffocate as the acid ate at him and burned his delicate organs from the inside out. His face was blistering, melting, peeling and burning off.
Yohio screamed, screamed and screamed and screamed as Kaito and Gakupo held him until his frantic flailing was too much for them, and he managed to fling them off. Still tied with his hands behind his back from the wire, he slammed into the shelves; they shook, some things falling and breaking as he desperately tried to stop the melting of his own flesh, as he tried to breathe through the acid that ate holes through his lungs, as fell, dying horribly, spasming on the floor, still trying to scream, his eyeballs burning and rupturing and his mouth open in a terrible, croaking scream as his lips and tongue melted from his face.
With huge, terrified eyes, the Vocaloids, save Miku, watched in horror, backing away, as their tormenter and kidnapper stopped moving, the sizzling of the acid still causing that nightmarish scent and creating a grotesque, terrifying vision that would be sure to haunt their dreams at night. The blonde Vocaloid male's bowels and urine let go, adding to the disgusting, chemical burning scent of melting flesh in the air as he finally perished.
Miku watched in hollow hatred and satisfaction, and kicked Yohio's messy corpse out of her way as she turned her back on the room and its previous occupant.
"Remind me never to make Miku mad," Rin whispered hoarsely as wide-eyed glances between the Vocaloids were exchanged, and nods of agreement were made. Shuddering at the contents of the room one more time, the injured and traumatized victims escaped, leaving Yohio's slowly dissolving corpse behind.
"We need to get you medical attention," Meiko reminded quietly, her eyes bringing renewed notice to Kaito's burns, Len's damaged face, and Gakupo's long cuts. "There's danger of infection for all three of you."
"I... didn't see any car keys in that room. Let's hope he did leave some kind of transportation behind for us," Len replied, voice equally soft as they followed Miku. He looked over at Rin and reached out to hold her hand, wanting to give her some reassurance, comfort... a sense of solidarity between twins. She looked at him a long moment, and then squeezed her eyes shut briefly, then squeezed his hand tightly in hers.
Gumi and Gakupo followed closely behind. Slipping her uninjured hand into Gakupo's, Gumi looked forward, and didn't meet his traumatized expression. It was a look that she knew was mirrored to a lesser extent on her own face, but he didn't pull away as they walked together.
Meiko glanced at Miku one more moment, then hung back to walk close to Kaito, worried for him. He just shivered and held his stomach with his arms in a self-contained hug, as though he was cold.
"It'll... be okay, Kaito," Meiko tried to say encouragingly, but his lovely blue eyes meeting hers didn't believe in her words. The brunette closed her mouth, and her face crumbled slightly, not knowing what else to say as she continued to walk silently.
The daylight outside of the compound was harsh and bright and hurt their eyes. Miku shaded her eyes from the sun and glanced around. She slowly lowered her small hand to her chest and gripped against the nude skin there.
"Luka..?" The teal-haired girl whispered so quietly that it seemed she hoped only the person she was speaking to would hear her. "We got out. We... we stopped him, Luka. He won't hurt anyone again. Are you... still here? With me? ...I... I love you, Luka. Forever. Are you... still with me? Luka... Please?"
Behind her, the other Vocaloids pretended not to hear Miku's lonely voice, or notice as their naked, traumatized companions flinched when a sudden gust of wind blew hard against them... as if in answer to Miku's soft prayer.