Harry awoke with a start. He felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness as he thought of all the people who lost their lives in the final battle against Voldermort. He doesn't even feel proud about killing Voldermort. Too many people died or suffered in the process. Harry's thoughts were interrupted by a knocking on the door.

"Up," he heard Aunt Petunia yell.

Harry looked around. He was so relieved to see his familiar cupboard.

"What a strange dream," he thought.

"Are you up yet?" Aunt Petunia asked.

"I'm up," Harry called back.

Harry got up and walked to the kitchen. He was thinking of the strange dream he had and didn't even notice the horrible smell. He was relieved to see that he was almost eleven and that the dream that took him from shortly before his eleventh birthday until the defeat of Voldermort was only a dream. He wouldn't have minded the magical aspect or meeting his parents' friends, but he was happy he didn't have to worry about losing anyone else.

"Get the mail, Dudley," Uncle Vernon said.

"Make Harry get it."

"Get the mail, Harry."

"Make Dudley get it."

"Poke him with your Smelting stick, Dudley."

Harry avoided the stick and went to get the mail. When he saw a letter addressed to him, he was suddenly reminded of his dream. He realized that he was now being given the opportunity to save as many people as possible. He handed out the mail and started opening his letter. He wasn't surprised or disappointed when Uncle Vernon took it away. He left Dudley eavesdropping by the door while he went to the living room to try to think of a plan.

When Uncle Vernon told Harry to move his things upstairs to Dudley's second room, Harry did it quietly. When Dudley started a tantrum, Harry tried to calmly explain the situation to him.

"Your parents are scared now," Harry said. "The letter for me was addressed to the cupboard under the stairs. Your parents are scared that whoever sent the letter will make trouble for them, so they moved me to your room. Once the situation in the letter is dealt with, you will probably get the room back."

Dudley reluctantly accepted the explanation.

Harry watched the week unfold as it did in his dream, minus Dudley's behaviors. He made no effort to try to read his letters and watched in amusement as his uncle did everything he could to stop them. It was on Harry's birthday, in the cabin in the lake, that Harry was ready to take part in the events.

Harry watched Hagrid knock down the door and put it back up.

"Couldn't make us a cup o' tea, could yeh? Its not been an easy journey."

"Sorry," Harry said. "We couldn't get the fire going."

"Here's Harry!" Hagrid said. "Las' time I saw you, you was only a baby. Yeh look a lot like yer dad, but yeh've got yer mum's eyes."

Uncle Vernon demanded that Hagrid leave. Harry watched Hagrid break the gun.

"Anyway Harry," he said, "a very happy birthday to yeh. Got summat fer yeh here. I mighta sat on it at some point, but it'll taste all right."

Harry looked at the birthday cake and said, "Thank you so much! It was so kind of you to remember my birthday!"

He asked Uncle Vernon if they have a knife so he could cut the cake. Meanwhile, Hagrid got to work on the fire. Harry enjoyed the sausages that Hagrid made. After Harry finished eating, Hagrid said, "I reckon it's abou' time yeh read yer letter."

As he handed the letter to Harry, Uncle Vernon sprung into action. Harry quickly opened and read the letter while Hagrid argued with Uncle Vernon. Harry did not ask Hagrid any questions and waited and watched until Hagrid finally gave Dudley his pig tail. When the Dursleys finally left the room, Harry asked Hagrid where he could buy supplies and Hagrid said they will go tomorrow.

In the morning, Harry eagerly let the owl in and asked Hagrid what the owl wants. When Hagrid said to pay him with money from his pocket, Harry did without asking questions. Harry was silent the whole way to Diagon Alley. He stood quietly when the whole Leaky Caldron made a huge deal over him. He didn't ask any questions at Gringotts when he removed money from his vault.

It was at Madam Malkin's that Harry realized it is time to act. He looked at Draco and decided that as much as he dislikes him, he has to make friends with him in order to influence him to stay on the right side.

"Hello," Draco said. "Hogwarts, too?"

"Yes," said Harry. "My name is Harry. What's yours?"

"Draco Malfoy," Draco answered. "What's your last name?"

Harry sighed. He knew what he had to do but hated having to do it.

"Potter," Harry answered.

"You're really Harry Potter?" Draco asked incredulously.

"Unfortunately," Harry said, displaying his scar.

"You're joking!" exclaimed Draco.

"I wish I was," said Harry.

"Are you really Harry Potter?" Draco asked.

"This is the third time you're asking me," Harry said. "You're lucky I didn't get my wand yet so I can't hex you."

Draco laughed.

"Which house do you reckon you'll be in?" he asked.

"Both my parents were in Gryffindor, so I'll probably end up there," said Harry.

"Bummer," said Draco. "I'm planning on being in Slytherin."

"My mum's best friend was in Slytherin," offered Harry. "They managed to stay best friends throughout their first five years of Hogwarts despite being in different houses. Do you know anyone else in our year?"

"A few people," said Draco. "Gryffindor is full of blood traitors. You don't want to end up there."

"Why is blood status important?" asked Harry.

"Muggle borns aren't as good as us," explained Draco.

"Actually, that's not true," Harry explained. "My mum was muggle born and she was best in her year. She was head girl. She's also the reason Voldermort was defeated when he tried to kill me. She made sure when she died, to do it in a way that he won't ever be able to touch me. I think it's a shame that people worry to much about silly things such as blood status, looks, money, or fame, instead of focusing on what's really important."

"Which is what?" asked Draco.

"Inside, we are all humans with feelings. We all have the same basic needs, similar wants, and a hope to have a successful life. If everyone would treat people the way they want to get treated, I wouldn't have been orphaned at such a young age," Harry said.

"I say, look at that man!" Draco said suddenly, pointing to Hagrid.

"That's Hagrid," Harry said quickly. "He was the one who went into my destroyed house, past my parents' dead bodies, and took me to my relatives. Otherwise, who knows how long I would have stood in my crib waiting to get rescued."

"You know what people say about him?" asked Draco.

"I don't really care what people say about him," said Harry. "He has feelings, just like everyone else, and he saved me when I was a baby. Besides, I never believe bad things I hear about people unless my life would be in danger."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief when Draco was finished and left the store with a cheerful, "See you at Hogwarts!"

After eating ice cream, Harry bought parchment, quills and ink. Their next stop was Flourish and Blotts. Harry was ready for step two of his plan.

At Flourish and Blotts, Harry got excited over almost every book. He found all his school books and started looking through a book on occlumency. When Hagrid tried to pull him away, Harry said he's buying it and started leafing through Curses and Countercurses. Hagrid stopped him after a few minutes and said that the book isn't for him. Harry reluctantly put it back before grabbing a copy of New and Upcoming Potions.

"That book would be too hard for a first year," Hagrid said.

"But look!" Harry exclaimed. "They have wolfsbane potion!"

"Are you a werewolf?" asked Hagrid with a smile.

"No, but its good to know how to make it in case I ever meet a werewolf."

Harry allowed Hagrid to put it back and went deeper into the store. Looking up, he saw a book called How to Destroy a Horcrux. He eagerly grabbed it and started reading it.

"How about you read your textbooks first," suggested Hagrid, taking the book away.

"Look!" Harry said. "There's Quiddich Through the Ages and How to care for your Broomstick."

"The library in Hogwarts has all these books and more," Hagrid said.

Harry put on a show of great reluctance as he left with only his school books and the book about occlumency.

Harry thanked Hagrid excessively when Hagrid bought him an owl for his birthday. Next, they bought Harry's wand. Harry was very tired when he got back home, relieved that he had at least started his plans.