Beach Front
"Dude. Are you alright?" Tucker asked a pacing Danny. Wearing a deep line in the sand.
"Of course not Tuck. I've got to tell her. Somehow." He mumbled. Hands placed against his skull. Hoping the pressure would provide his brain the push it needed.
"Then just say it." He proclaimed sipping his lemonade and adjusting his glasses. Danny shot a hard look at the boy lying in the sun.
"If I could, don't you think I wouldn't be freaking out." Danny screamed rushing his fingers through his hair.
"The world's hero stumped by a girl." Valerie joked entering the conversation.
"Hey Val." Danny said with a exhausted grin.
"Why don't you show how your feel instead? Like how you rush to the rescue of someone in need."
"Huh?" Danny replied turning to the female who took a seat next to her boyfriend.
"You just naturally do it right. If you heard someone scream ghost, what would do?"
"Go ghost and help." He replied.
"And what would you do if Ember asked you how you felt about her?" Danny went to answer but stopped. Deep in thought. Realizing he didn't have to be afraid of saying how he felt. Because he knew that she felt the same way. Now, they just had to make the connection.
"You already know what you want to say. Just do it in your own goofy way." A blush came across his face. Smiling from ear to ear.
'That's what I'll do.' He thought watching the clouds pass by. 'She's going to love this.'
Ghost Zone (Ember's Realm)
Laying down on her couch with her guitar in hand, the ghost rock star strums against the silence. Her thoughts carrying her away from the soft cushions and deep into her mind. Contemplating. Reasoning. Freaking out.
"Hello!" She was brought back by a loud knock on the door.
"Ember!" She heard another voice say. Groaning she floated over to the entrance. Turning the knob, the door shot open. Pushing her back onto the floor.
"EMBER!" Kitty said clinging to her friend. Arms entangling about her neck like a necklace.
"Kitty. Do you mind?" Ember stated dryly. That wasn't enough to loosen her hold. Ember lifted her finger and Kitty started to float in air. At least until her grip was broken. Dangling in mid-air, Kitty folded her arms and pouted.
"Now that's not fair Ember. We've been looking everywhere for you. What's wrong?"
"Yeah. You must lighten up child." Desiree said coming inside. "Are you vexed by Daniel?" Those words brought the reaction they hoped for.
"Aww Ember's embarrassed." Kitty taunted before falling face first into the ground.
"I'm going to guess you haven't seen him since the battle." Ember shook her head. "Why not?"
"Not sure. We've." She sighed. "Needed some time to ourselves."
"That sounds more like, "He hasn't come to see me"." Kitty said. Ember got up from floor, hung her guitar on her back and took a seat. Hanging her head over her knees, she sighed.
"Okay. Okay. I've..been afraid to see him."
"Why?" questioned Desiree.
"Danny's too perfect for me. I know that he has feelings for me but, every conversation was put off. Avoided."
"Because of Braedon." Kitty added. Ember nodded.
"Now that's over. I'm kind of afraid now. Can we really make this work?" Ember grew quiet. The atmosphere became solemn as the two ghost looked at their friend. A smile came on Desiree's face as she made her way to Ember's side. Taking a seat on the couch's arm, she placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"My child." She started. "Why are you beating yourself up? If you both share the same feelings, should that not make the next step easier?" Ember raised her head. "Unlike for yours truly, I have to start from point one. You and Danny, have grown through this ordeal. We've even called you two a couple from time to time." That earned a smile from Ember.
"Still. You two have a bond that wasn't started on nothing. Have faith and be patient. He'll come." Ember seemed to accept her words. Reliving the moments that led to where they stood today. From the tree to the final battle, they fought together and endured so much.
"Thanks Desiree." Desiree lifted her hand.
"You're welcome child."
"But." Ember said with a sly smile. "Who are you going out with?" Desiree grew bashful as she smiled from ear to ear.
"If you must know. Ridere and I have already had our first outing."
"THE FRIGHT KNIGHT!" screamed Kitty.
"How did this happen?" Ember asked. Desiree got up and made her way to the door.
"We just caught each other's eye. He asked me out, we met yesterday and I feel like it's going somewhere."
"Congratulations Desiree." Ember said. She stood up.
"Thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me. Ridere and I are meeting up again today."
"Ohhh. Desiree's in looovvee." Kitty teased. Ember tuned out the two as she remembered what started it all. The episode under the tree seemed like a dream now. Danny made it all worthwhile. Living the life of ghost was nothing special. Especially after all so many years. But now, she had something more to look forward to.
"Ember." Kitty said with a smile. "You've got to see this." She looked outside the house. Ember walked to her entryway to a pleasant surprise. Danny Phantom coming her way. Not empty handed either. Cradling in his arms a bouquet of white roses and wearing a smile on his face that made her heart skip a beat. One that glowed confidence and affection.
This is it. Ember thought feeling her cheeks flare up. She didn't even hear her friends talking to her. Danny halted at the door.
"Hey ladies."
"Hey Danny." Kitty and Desiree said in unison.
"Sorry to interrupt. Is it okay if I talk to Ember?" Kitty and Desiree shook their heads and didn't waste time. They made their exit and waved goodbye. Leaving the two alone.
"Hey Ember." He said handing her the bouquet. She didn't hesitate as she received the gathering of flowers.
"Thanks Danny. Want to come in?" She asked.
"Sure." He followed behind as she made her way to the kitchen.
"Make yourself at home. I'm going to put these in a vase." She said. Danny didn't take a seat as he admired the pictures decorating her living area. She returned after a few minutes later.
Meeting her gaze, Danny said, "Ember. Can we talk?" Ember nodded. Danny held out his hand. She took hold; interlacing their fingers. A circular portal appeared underneath them. Descending into the unknown, both the teens caught a quick glance of each other. Seeing the embarrassment show across their face. Fully immersed they appeared at the field. Roses, grass and the large tree in the center. Nothing changed. But that time that had passed. Still holding hands, Danny led Ember to the tree.
"This place never ceases to amaze me." Ember commented.
"Yeah. I thought this would be the best place for us to talk." The shadow of the tree overcame them. Shielding them from the mild summer sun. Near the trunk, they took a careful seat near the roots. They didn't speak at first. Enjoying the outside splendor. The calm and cool breeze, smell of fresh flowers and the view of the mountains.
"Ember." Danny said breaking the silence. Ember adjusted herself to face the boy. "Look, I know this isn't really easy to say." He looked away from her. Eyeing a rock nearby. "But, I have to say it. Ember..I.." He was stopped by a kiss on his cheek. Wide eyed he looked to her.
"Danny." She smiled. A blush clear across her face. "I feel the same way. I know it's hard to say. Especially for me. Since I've only said it to my parents. Still, I…"
"No." Danny said cutting her off. "I have to say it." Ember was suddenly taken back. "Ember. Ever since the day Sam broke my heart. I seriously thought I was going to be alone. That no one could ever love me again. Love me for being Danny Fenton and not Danny Phantom." Ember knew what he meant. She felt the same way. Wanting someone to love her and not the rock star.
"Still. We both met at our lowest moment and we grew together in these past few months. My parents like you. My friends like you. There's nothing keeping us apart. Except us."
"You're right." Ember sighed.
"I think we'll get along quite well." He chuckled.
"Yeah. Who would have thought dipstick." She said smiling. Danny placed his hand over hers. She looked him in the eye as he said.
"Ember." He took a deep breath and exhaled. "I love you." Ember was in completely shock. She knew that's how he felt but hearing it was different. An infectious warmth took over her heart and spread throughout her body. She felt like she was born again. Revived with a new purpose. Feeling everything become clear. Even clearer when she said, "I love you too Danny."
Now sharing how she felt. The biggest smile came to Danny. The future was theirs to create. Feeling a new sense of bravery, he leaned in closer. Tilting his head and placing his lips on hers. She didn't back away or push him off. Instead, she leaned too. Allowing the moment to unfold. Doing something they put off for so long. After so much, they finally took the first step. Keeping the kiss light, they withdrew. Both with a pleasing smile. Engrossed in each other's gaze.
"Ember. I know we've only been going out a few times and it does seem like we're moving kind of fast." He said. "But, I'm willing to go at a pace we're both comfortable with."
"Sounds good to me dipstick." She responded leaning on his shoulder. Now, their feelings out in the open, they sat in joyful silence. Thinking about what came next. The future, to which Danny was so unsure about before, seemed to be a lot brighter now.
10 Years Later
Clockwork and Amser stood in Clockwork's tower. Observing the floating screens. Each focusing on a two story home in the human world. The house was relatively large. Like a mansion painted in white with grey shingles. A grey metal fence bordered a spacious green lawn. A grey walkway led to the red entrance. The door opened slightly as a voice said.
"Dani. Do you have everything?" Emerging from the home was a now teenage Dani. As tall as Jazz was when he was a teenager. Wearing a black tank top, grey jeans and black shoes. She had a black and white backpack in hand as she rushed out the door. Mouth full of her breakfast. She continued to compose herself and check her supplies.
"I do!" She screamed back. Behind her came Ember. Taller and older. Sporting a white blouse and blue jeans. Appearing much like her ghostly mentor and mother. With her flaming her tied down and light blue skin. She came down the steps and handed Dani a brown paper bag.
"Don't forget your lunch."
"Thanks mom." Dani said. Suddenly, something flew from the house and toward Dani. She raised her hand and caught a gathering of keys.
"Don't forget these." Danny said coming from inside. Now a young man with a deep voice and muscular figure. In a red dress shirt and black slacks. He joined the others on the walkway. Taking his place behind his wife.
"Thanks Dad."
"No problem. Now get to school or else you're going to miss graduation practice." She nodded as she flew over the fence and to a grey sedan in the driveway. She waved as she jumped inside, turned the ignition and backed up into the street.
"We'll see you tonight sweetie." Ember called out.
"Love you guys." Dani responded from the car window before heading to school. Ember turned to Danny.
"You sure your boss is okay with you getting off early today for Dani's graduation?" Danny chuckled in his deep voice.
"Of course." He said. "The zero gravity test we're doing can be held off until tomorrow. Besides, I'm not going to miss this for anything." He said straightening his tie. Struggling, Ember gave him a hand. Kissing him before standing aside.
"Still, I don't see why you work there. You get paid now for saving the world. Pretty well I might add."
"Yeah but, I had dreams before I got my powers." Ember shrugged and smiled.
"When is your concert today?"
"In three hours. Don't worry babypop. I'll forgive you for not making it to this one."
"I'll watch the live feed. Don't worry."
"You better." She teased. Danny started to float into the air.
"Love you honey." He said.
"Love you too dear." Ember said waving before he flew off into the sky. Breaking the sound barrier as he rocketed toward his job.
"Man!" He said. "This never gets old. Saves a ton on gas too." He slowed down as he felt his phone going off. Coming to a stop, he pulled out a black rectangular device. Producing a hologram, showed an airplane falling from the sky. In big red letters, URGENT ran across the display.
"Duty calls." He said changing course.
"He has grown." Amser commented. "Both of them have."
"Yes. Our time is almost up my sister." Clockwork said. Smiling as he looked at his hand. "The time has come to pass our titles on. They are more than worthy."
"Danny Phantom. Master of Time. Has a nice ring to it."
"That it does." Clockwork smiled. "That it does."
Thank you all for following me to the end. I really appreciate all of the support, inspiration and dedication you guys have provided me. Nothing makes me happier than bring joy to my fellow readers. I also have to give a shout out to memmek10k for being such an inspiration and help with my story. If you get a chance, please check out his story Danny Phantom and Ember Mclain Heroes of. I haven't decided yet on my next story but, I know something will come. Thanks again for being awesome guys!