Clockwork's Realm

The halls of Clockwork's tower were silent as he stood alone watching the events of time. From the past to the future, he watches in total silence in his adult form.

"The time is almost here." he says softly.

He turns around and floats down a long corridor. He enters a large chamber with a fire pit placed in the center. A massive blue flame lights the room and reveals his irreplaceable collection. Items ranging from artifacts found deep in uninhabited parts of the Ghost Zone to treasures from the human world. Turning into an old man, he looks to a large green glass container fashioned into the wall. Within was a black circular object. A dark mist surrounded the orb as it floats in the air. This sight was normal but, a dark human shaped figure trying to break into the case was certainly new.

"Who are you? "Clockwork shouted starling the intruder. He looks at him with white void eyes. He flies away from the case and heads for the closest opening. Clockwork aims the tip of his staff at the fleeing figure. A green ecto blast fires and hits the target. It falls to the ground. He slowly approaches and watches carefully for any tricks it may pull. He looks down at the groaning figure. It looks up at Clockwork and his eyes widen with shock.

"No, you can't be! How did you get out of you're…" Clockwork is kicked backwards mid-sentence. He flies into the wall and hits hard. He recovers and looks at his assailant. He stands to his feet and looks at a silver thermos placed on a stone pedestal. He looks at it and tilts his head out of curiosity.

"I sense a great power coming from this." he hisses "You may be useful in my endeavors."

"No, don't touch that!" Clockwork gets up quickly and takes aim. The intruder grabs the container and makes his escape. Another ecto beam streams through the air but, misses.

"Oh no, this is a problem." said Clockwork as he headed back towards his observer room. He looks into a monitor marked "Present" above it and changes into his baby form. He looked at the display of a town called Amity Park.

"This is worse than what I foresaw and now things are set in motion. I must get my young apprentice." He says as he smiles at a boy walking down the sidewalk with two others accompanying him. He raises his staff and taps the ground. He disappears in a shroud of green smoke.

Amity Park Friday Afternoon

The sun hangs peacefully in a blue clear sky. The street is quiet as people walk from place to place. Each looking to enjoy their recently obtained freedom either from school or work. A trio walks causally from a large building known as Casper High School. The three juniors are enjoying themselves as they talk about their plans for summer vacation. The middle child is a boy with black hair, a white shirt and blue jeans. The boy to his right wore a red beret, a yellow long sleeved shirt with green cargo pants. To his left was a dark haired girl with a black shirt, a black and green crosshatched skirt and purple leggings. She lets out a loud sigh as she looks to the pavement.

"This is awful Danny. This summer is not fair!"

"Sam, it's probably not as bad as it seems." responds Danny. "You may actually have a good time."

"Well, how about you go to England instead of me?" she said sarcastically.

" One, its your family you're going to see and two I have my own family to deal with this summer."

"Yeah, I swear my parents are out to get me."

"That seems kind of obvious since you' re the shadow to their sunshine Sam." said the boy in the red beret.

"Thanks Tucker but, it's for the whole summer. I won't be able to hang out with you guys and what if you guys need my help in case of trouble." She was referring to their secret duty as Amity park's defenders against any ghostly attacker. It was all started when Danny's parents, Amity Park's ghost hunters, built a portal to enter the Ghost Zone. When they tested it, it didn't work at first and simply gave up. Danny wanted to see if he could fix it himself. He went inside, pressed the on button by accident and was given ghost powers as a result. From then on, he used his new found abilities to combat various ghosts who aimed to rule the world.

"Don't sweat it Sam. Danny and I can handle it. Right dude?" said Tucker placing his arm across Danny's shoulder.

"Yeah, relax Sam. Enjoy this vacation especially since next year will be our senior year. We are so close to graduation."

He looks around at the buildings and then at a statue before them. It was a boy in a jumpsuit that has a D in the center of his chest. He was holding a replica of the planet earth in one of his hands. There before him stood his ghostly ego, Danny Phantom. Recalling all that transpired over a month ago, when the world was saved from being destroyed by a immense anti ghost asteroid. Up until that event, he kept his powers a secret. Afterwards, he revealed his identity and was warmly accepted by everyone. Even by his ghost hunting parents.

"Besides, after all the ghost helped us save the world, they have barely been coming into the human world. I think we will survive while you're gone on your torture trip."

She laughs and agrees. After the world was saved, everything seemed to be normal. Well, as normal as it could get. Danny didn't have to hide his powers, Vlad, Danny's sworn enemy, was shunned by everyone, and Sam and him ended up together. It did hurt her when she cut off the relationship she wanted so much. She couldn't explain it but, she felt like they weren't really meant to be after all. She felt bad she broke Danny's heart. For the past few weeks, it seemed like he was okay with it. However, he was torn up inside about what he fought so hard to achieve with her. It seemed like they would never be together again.

"Well, I have to stop by the office and finish some paperwork." said Tucker as he walked toward City Hall. He became mayor once the dust had settled and Vlad was banished to outer space.

"Okay Tuck. Wait, what are your plans for this summer?"

"After a meeting tomorrow at the courthouse, my family and I are planning a month long vacation at the beach. It's going to be amazing."

"I will only be about 30 minutes away so, I will be closer than England in case of an emergency."

"Okay, when are you leaving Sam?"

"Our flight is this afternoon at 6. When I get home, we will be on our way to the airport."

"Okay then, have a safe trip then Sam. Call us when you make it there."

"Thanks Tucker, I will. Enjoy your sunburns."

Tucker smiles keenly. "I will. Catch you guys later."

"See ya Tuck." Danny waves and both Sam and him walk toward her house.

They walk in silence. It's been awkward between them ever since Sam decided to breakup. Danny decided to speak and break the ice. "So, who lives in England?"

"Oh, It's my great aunt Jean. She use to be an professional boxer who won a championship against a man three times her size." Sam said proudly.

"Wow." Danny said feeling uneasy. "She sounds scary."

"Awe, that's only because you haven't met her and been in her death headlock. She loves trying it on friends of the family. She could snap a tree trunk in half with that move." Danny becomes even more uncomfortable as her aunt's strength sounded more beastly than impressive.

"We also have my mother's friend from college there looking to meet us for the first time. She lost contact with her ever since she got married. It's kind of a reunion for them since they were great friends before she left for America."

"That sounds like fun. I'm pretty sure it will be a good break from everything that has happened before the new school year." What he said made her uneasy. 'Could he still be upset about our breakup?'

"Yeah, everything worked out in the end though." responded Sam cowering down.

"I guess so." He took a deep breath and said. "Sam, I hate to bring this up but, why?"

"Why what Danny?" she replied abruptly. She knew what he was talking but, didn't want to entertain the topic before she left.

"Why did we not work? I thought that was what you wanted. What we wanted?"

Sam sighs. "Yes, it was what I wanted before I actually got it. I thought we were meant to be."

"I also thought that too." he said as he looks at her seeking answers. "I thought it would work out. All the times we hung out, we overcame challenges and even the times we had our fake out make outs. Are you saying those moments meant nothing?" Sam looks away and decides to squash this conflict so they could both have a new start.

"Danny, I'm sorry about everything." Sam says with sincerity in her voice.

"I know you went through a lot to allow us to happen. You even gave up on being with Paulina and Valerie. I thank you for everything you sacrificed and I feel bad that in the end it didn't lead us anywhere. We can't go far if we both aren't 100% in love." Danny listens to her words and wonders where did it all go wrong. She's right he gave up on those other girls because he thought it would work between them. He was left alone with a heart broken. They made it to her home and saw her parents loading bags into a black SUV. Her mother turns to them and smiles.

"Hello Samantha, we are ready to go. Why hello Daniel. How are you?" she never approved of them going out and she seemed the happiest about their breakup. It kind of annoyed him afterwards but, maybe it was a sign.

"I'm good Mrs. Manson. I was just walking Sam home before you guys leave for the summer."

"That was nice of you. What are doing this summer?"

"I really have nothing planned but, I'm sure I will be kept busy." He didn't really have any plans for a vacation but, a break didn't seem like a bad idea at the time.

"Okay Daniel, tell your family we said hello and have a pleasant summer." she said as she got into the car with her husband.

"Thank you Mrs. Manson. I will. Hope you guys have a safe flight." She smiles and settles into the vehicle. He turned to Sam and she finishes.

"Look Danny, somethings are meant to happen and I know now that us being together is not one of those things. You're the hero of the planet and I know you will find the one you're meant to be with." She kisses him on the cheek. "I'm sorry Danny. Have a great summer and I will talk to you when I arrive there." Danny was still taking in everything she said and drew the harsh conclusion. He was alone now. Being a hero doesn't guarantee happiness. He looks at her and then responds.

"Okay, thanks Sam. Thanks for everything. Have a great time. Don't forget to call when you arrive." His words made Sam feel like she presented closure for him. She hated it but, what else could she do. She walks toward her parent's vehicle and gets in. They back up and Danny watches as they drive down the road. Sam waves and smiles. Danny returns the gesture as they disappear from sight. 'Well, I guess I should be getting home now. He places his hands in his pockets and walks solemnly down the street. 'Maybe Jazz can help me make sense of all this.' He walks lost in thought unaware of the blue haired teenager watching what transpired.

"Wow, I feel sorry for baby pop. I know that feeling all too well."