"Why Prof. Peach need those things again?" Ruby wondered as she and Jaune walked towards the mysterious professor's office. Jaune carried a big box full of live beetles that they were forced to collect at Forever Fall Forest. "And what those have to do with becoming a Huntress?"

"I am certain they have a purpose, Rubes. Besides, didn't we kill a bunch of Grimm while collecting those?"

Ruby nodded as they approached the office. They would usually just drop the box at the door, as no one have ever saw Prof. Peach before. She would just left some recommended reading and some outdoor assignment, which wasn't so bad. But curiosity was so big that the pool Yang organized about the identity of the teacher was already in the thousands of lien. Their plans changed as they saw smoke coming from the door and heard a small yelp coming from inside the room.

They didn't hesitate into pushing the door down and entering.

They got surprised to see the office was a big laboratory filled with all types of tubes and weird glass contraptions. Ruby turned the lights one as the smoke quickly dissipated through the open door. They walked around searching for the voice they heard, and found in the middle of the lab a young girl with a lab coat covering her red t-shirt plus black skirt and converses combo. She had dark pink and sakura pink colored hair, alternated in stripes, big dark pink eyes behind thin rimmed glasses, and a cute long striped tail also pink and sakura colored. On top of her head two cute round ears.

"Hey, are you OK?" Jaune asked as he offered her a hand. She looked at him and looked incredible nervous, her mouth slightly open. Ruby joined them and also offered the girl a hand.

"Come on, we won't hurt you." The young girl nodded and accepted the offered hands, getting up. Ruby felt a little envy as she saw that despite the girl being shorter than her, she had a more curvy body.

"I am Jaune Arc, this is my friend Ruby Rose. We are first years here. I never saw you before, are you a veteran?" The girl looked at her feet and shook her head. "Oh, maybe Prof. Peach's assistant?"

"N-no…" her voice was almost a whisper, but it had some musical quality to it.

"Come on big bro, let's just deliver the beetles and let her work." Ruby said and Jaune got back to retrieve the box while Ruby turned to talk with the petit Faunus girl again. "So, could you sign the delivery for us… And excuse us for breaking your door? We thought you were in danger…"

"I-it w-was j-just a-a f-formula t-that I m-miscalculated." The girl answered as she signed the paper for Ruby, while Jaune put the box on the ground near her. She finished signing in and gave the paper back to the redhead.

"Awww, your signature is like Prof. Peach's, a drawing of a peach!" The reaper exclaimed as Jaune looked at it.

"Errr, Rubes, I think it is Prof. Peach's signature." He said as he stared at the smaller girl, she just blushing under his stare.

"This can't be unless this cute girl is Prof. Peach, right?" Ruby stared at the girl and she just shuffled a little, looking at her shoes again. "Wait, you are Prof. Peach! This is… SO COOL!"

The young teacher didn't understand why that girl was so happy about it. She always expected that once the students discovered who she was, they would all complain about someone their age teaching, and especially being a Faunus, but Ruby seemed to think that was actually incredible, while Jaune just looked surprised. It was him that held Ruby of her barrage of questions by pulling the reaper by her hood.

"Sis, I think you are scaring Prof. Peach. It was nice to finally meet you, professor. If you need any help, you can call me or Rubes here. I am leader of team JNPR and she is leader of team RWBY, despite being just fifteen." At that the Faunus girl stared at Ruby with big surprise and admiration.

"J-just f-fifteen?" Ruby gave a proud nod at that. "T-that i-is i-incredible…"

"Not as much as you being a teacher despite being so young!" the red-haired girl retorted with the same level of appreciation.

"Maybe she just looks younger than us, Rubes." Jaune wondered, but the teacher shook her head again.

"I-I a-am e-eighteen…" Jaune just stood there shocked at first, but then nodded in appreciation.

"You must be really smart to be a teacher at such young age. Well, we need to go back to our teammates. Hope we can meet again, professor. Come on Rubes, she probably has lots of work to do. Oh, and sorry for the door again."

"N-no p-problem. I-I w-will t-tell G-Glynda to f-fix it." She nodded a few times as to reaffirm her point.

"Well, see you then."

"Yeah, I will come to visit if you don't mind." Ruby smiled toothily and the shy professor just nodded in affirmation. The two students then finally left, followed by curious eyes behind glasses.

"I am telling you it is a prank. No way Prof. Peach is someone just a year older than us." Weiss said as Ruby told them of their encounter in team RWBY's room. Everyone except Nora was skeptical over the tale, but no one as much as Weiss and Yang, the former because she couldn't accept they were taking assignments of someone so young and the later over the possibility of losing a bet.

"Yeah, lil sis. It was probably just some assistant the real professor hired. Come on." Yang supported the heiress, and Ruby pouted.

"I don't think she would lie to us if she wasn't Prof. Peach. Besides, why it is so hard to believe? I mean, I think only Ms. Goodwitch was what you could expect of a Beacon's teacher, after all." Jaune added his own two cents, and the group resumed to discuss it when Blake hear soft knocks on their door, and only her cat ears could take notice of them. She stood up to open the door and got surprised to see Prof. Peach standing there.

"H-hello. I-is t-this M-miss R-Rose's r-room?" She said shyly as all eyes inside stared at her. Ruby smiled and got up to talk with the girl.

"Hi, Prof. Peach. What can I do for you?" Ruby smiled as the shy girl apparently tried to escape Blake's surprised stare.

"I-I w-wanted t-to a-ask i-if y-your t-team w-would l-like t-to g-go i-in a-an e-expedition w-with m-me t-tomorrow to t-the T-Thunderous T-Tundras…." She spoke and cast her eyes down. "I-I w-will g-give e-extra c-credits…"

"Of course, professor!" She grinned at their stunned friends, while Jaune chuckled at their reactions.

"J-Jaune… M-Mister A-Arc's t-team i-is a-also i-invited." She spoke a little more loudly so the boy could hear.

"Certainly professor." He spoke softly and with a big, satisfied smile.

"G-good… I-I w-will s-sent t-the d-details t-to y-your s-scrolls. S-sleep w-well." She didn't waste time leaving, apparently that level of social interaction too much for her.

"She can't be Prof. Peach…" Weiss spoke after Ruby closed the door. "She is too cute to be a teacher!"

"That… wasn't the reaction I expected…" Yang considered, still believing that was an elaborated prank before their scrolls beeped, and they saw the assignment there, from the official Beacon system. "She IS Prof. Peach!"

"I told you so." Ruby answered smugly. Being right never felt so sweet.

The next day they got to the landing stripe to find the old pilot Cid talking with Prof. Peach as he made the last checks on the bullhead. She was wearing a big trench coat over her petit body and it was kind of cute and goofy at the same time. Teams JNPR and RWBY also were wearing their winter attire as the Thunderous Tundra was always a cold place, and subjected to constant storms, therefore the name.

"Hey, teach." Yang was the first to speak, and the shy girl turned around and smiled for the first time since they met.

"M-morning, M-miss. Xi-Xi-Xi…" Yang rolled her eyes and put a hand on Prof. Peach's shoulder.

"Look, no need to be all formal around us. We are all the same age here, OK. Just call me Yang and we are all peachy."

"Yang, can you hold your puns with a teacher, at least?" Weiss protested, and they heard a small laugh from Prof. Peach. It was so adorable that they ahd to resist the urge to not glomp her on spot.

"T-then c-call m-me R-Rouge." She said as she turned and boarded the aircraft, clearly having made an effort to say that.

"Wow, she really is shy. Shyer than Velvet." Jaune commented as they started loading the aircraft, but then Cid pushed him and Ruby apart.

"Now, clear yer ears ya old brats. I like that little girl more than any of the weirdos they call teachers here and then most of ya. So keep her safe and I won't throw y'all of my ship, are we clear?"

"Yes?" Jaune answered and the old pilot nodded and patted them hard on their backs before boarding the bullhead, soon followed by everyone else.

"Why are we gathering moss, and especially, why are we gathering moss in the middle of the scariest place on Remnant?!" Weiss shouted as another thunder cracked nearby, making her flinch. Nora was stuck with Ren like she was his backpack, and even Blake was around Yang's legs.

"Yeah, what do you even need this for, Rouge?" Ruby asked as she used the blade of her weapon to scratch moss of some rocks.

"G-Grimm r-repellent…" she said in her usual low voice while she examined the samples the students brought back to her.

"Moss can repel Grimm?" Ruby asked as she examined the grey and green stuff.

"N-not b-by i-itself. B-but I a-am d-developing a f-formula t-that s-shows p-promise. F-freshly m-made it w-works, b-but it l-lost i-its p-properties q-quick." The teacher explained, receiving a series of impressed looks.

"Wow, that explains why you are a teacher after all." Yang commented and received a cute smile back from her. "You know, I am sure people would love you, why hide?"

"N-no…" She just said, and Blake finally spoke.

"I don't think many students would give her the due respect since she is the same age or even younger than many of them. And that is not even considering she is a Faunus." Rouge nodded agreeing with the black haired girl.

"This is ridiculous, you are a teacher, and you are awesome for doing this kind of research." Jaune said first, supported by all other students.

"Thank you." She said with a bright smile before being swarmed by half of them. "WHA?"

"Too adorables! Can't resist!" Yang said first, while Weiss, Ruby and Pyrrha also hugged the tiny teacher.

"W-wha?" She blinked and blushed surprised.

"You do know you all are hugging a teacher?" Ren said, and the four girls finally let go of her, leaving behind a really surprised, really red face, and incredibly happy Rouge.

"T-thanks f-for t-the h-help." The professor said as they left the aircraft while she carried a big bag full of moss between her arms.

The mission gone almost all right until a few Grimm decided to meet them. Said Grimm learned a valuable lesson about not messing with powerful, fully armed teenagers. Or at least they would have if they weren't, you know, dead. Cid didn't throw them from the bullhead, what also was a big plus.

"Hey, it is our job after all." Nora said with a big smile. The teacher smiled back before stumbling upon someone and falling on her butt. When she looked up, she was mesmerized by the sight.

"Sorry about that." Velvet said as she helped the petit girl up. "I never saw you around before."


"Hey Vel, I see you met Prof. Rouge Peach." Ruby said as she approached, and Velvet looked with admiration at the teacher.

"You are Prof. Peach? It is a pleasure to meet you!" Velvet said as she extended a hand to Rouge, that awkwardly take it. "I need to go now, my team is going on an assignment, but I hope to see you again."

Velvet hoped towards the bullhead waiting for her team, and missed Rouge following her with hearts in the eye. The petit teacher stood there until Yang put her arm around her, a big grim on her face.

"I see you meet the bunny. Make you want to show up in class now, eh?"

"Yes…" The teacher answered while still staring to the bullhead Velvet was in.

"Ohohoho, are you interested in Velvet?"

"Yes… WAIT WHAT?" The teacher finally realized what she was saying and jumped off Yang's arms.

"Awww, come on, you would be a cute couple!" The brawler teased, making the teacher go completely red and smoking from her four ears.

"T-that w-would be c-completely i-inappropriate I-I am a t-teacher s-she is an s-student I h-have to g-go to m-my l-lab see ya!"

With that Rouge grabbed the moss bag and rushed inside Beacon, followed by the curious eyes of her students, especially a certain blonde. What they missed was the big smile she held as she almost ran.

"Are you sure about that Rouge?" Glynda asked the young teacher as they discussed the idea of her finally showing up in class.

"N-no, b-but t-those f-first y-years w-were so n-nice…" The girl explained as she sipped the tea in her cup.

"They are, yes, sadly not everyone is. We choose you because you are a genius in the field of chemistry and survival techniques, and I will always support you." Glynda said as she put a reassuring hand in Rouge's shoulder.

"T-thanks, G-Glynda. B-by the w-way… w-what c-can y-you t-tell me a-about a s-second y-year s-student c-called V-V-Velvet S-Scarlatina?"

"Oh, a lovely girl, very smart, great Huntress. Why the interest?"

"N-nothing s-special…" Rouge hid her big blush with another sip of tea.

Velvet groaned internally when she saw team CRDL. Sure she could beat them to a pulp; she wasn't a second year for nothing. But she also knew they would just move to an easier target and with the year coming to a close, soon those would be the freshmen. So she gritted her teeth and tried to pass unnoticed by them.

The pain she felt in one of her rabbit ears proved that to be ineffective.

"Hey, were you are thinking you are going?" Cardin started as his team laughed.

"I have class, let me go!" Velvet spoke between her teeth.

"What, an animal like you have no class, you need is training like any pet. Me and me boys can do that for you." They laughed again and Velvet was one offense away of breaking the boy's hand, but a small voice interfered.

"L-let h-her g-go!"

They turned to see Rouge standing there, trembling in fear, with the angriest face she could muster. There was a moment of shocked silence from everyone before team CRDL started laughing at her.

"Prof. Peach?" Velvet spoke, looking at the girl.

"Wait, she is Prof. Peach?" Sky said in shock first. "Cardin, if she is a teacher we better get out of here."

"What? Don't be an idiot! Of course a lowly Faunus is not a teacher here! They are trying to deceive us! Don't worry little girl, as soon as we finish with this filthy one we will teach you a lesson." Cardin snarled at Rouge and turned back to Velvet, but someone pulled him by his collar and shoved a scroll on his face.

"Look here you piece of shit! I am Professor Rouge Peach, top graduate of Beacon university with two PhDs! And it is against Beacon rules to bully or do any type of racist remark! Now you will let go of Ms. Scarlatina right now or instead of detention, I will make sure to have the pathetic excuse of human beings you are expelled!"

Cardin and his team watched shocked as the small girl growled at them, and they had no idea how she could put so much power in her voice. So much that they let go of Velvet in shock, and the girl moved to the teacher's side. Her scroll showed her qualifications and her position as a teacher at Beacon, so there was no way to deny the truth.

"C-Cardin, better we do as the teacher says…" Sky shakily stated, but Cardin growled at his team.

"I won't obey a dirty Faunus! Besides, we can take her…" he turned around to see Glynda Goodwitch standing behind Velvet and Rouge. She was clearly displeased at them.

"Mr. Winchester, are my ears deceiving me or you was about to threat a member of the staff?" Cardin gagged for a moment and when he was about to speak she cut him. "I see that you and your team still need some… teaching on why your attitude is unacceptable, and now the four of you will accompany me. Prof. Peach, please escort Ms. Scarlatina for her class."

The teacher grabbed Velvet's hand and walked together towards the classroom in big strides as they walk, despite her big strides being slow paced for the taller bunny girl. As they arrived at the door, she finally let the adrenaline down and sighed, ignoring she was still holding the bunny girl's hand. Velvet just giggled at the teacher and smiled softly.

"Thanks for the save, Prof. Peach."

"Oh… Er… Y-you a-are w-welcome…" The shy girl finally let go of Velvet's hand and stared at their feet again. Velvet let another small giggle out.

"You are a nice teacher; I really want to have more classes with you. See you later."

"S-see y-you…" The small teacher stood by the door for a few minutes before leaving with a big smile in her face.

The first years entered the room expecting to just find another assignment written in the blackboard, but instead many got surprised to see a small girl with pink and sakura colored hair writing on it. At the end of the text was the drawing of a peach as she turned around with a big smile. The students were clearly shocked to see someone actually inside that class.

"Seat down, class. For most of you this is our first meeting. I am Prof. Peach, but you can call me Rouge. I am your survival techniques' teacher, and don't let my young age deceive you, I am more than qualified to teach this class. You might think your Aura, Semblances and weapons are all you need, but I will teach you that you are all wrong. Sometimes you will need more than that to survive in the field. Questions?"

No one answered, mostly because they were all surprised to see the mysterious professor actually was a beautiful petit woman. Teams RWBY and JNPR gave her reassuring smiles and waves, while the rest was too busy processing exactly what was happening. Rouge smiled and sat by her table, finally able to let all her worries go. She finally resumed talking, ready to be a true professor in Beacon.


A.N.: That is all folks!

Well, for the future, I am planning a new story; maybe doing a bit of polyamorous stuff, but it will be directly linked with this story. :3