Once again welcome to the new chapter. Since the voting was pretty much one-sided with 7,5 to 1,5 for Issei vs Riser, you will get a Issei and Tiamat vs Riser and peerage. Also about the reviews, it would really help if you could write something about the story in it, since I don't know what needs improvement if you don't tell me. Now two things about this chapter:

First – as an apology, I made this one a bit longer so if it feels stretched, sorry.

Second – I suck at writing fights so don't except too much.

Chapter 5: I will show you my superiority

(...Occult Research Club...)

Silence. Absolute silence. Nothing else can describe the current situation. Well, if you ignore the failed attempts to hold in their laughter from the Gremory peerage, that is. Risers left eyebrow twitched without a stop. Was it from Issei's remark or the stifled laughter from Rias peerage, nobody knows. ''Y-y-you insolent human! What did you say just now?!'' Oh, so it was from Issei's remark.

''Huh? I called you bird brain, could it be that you don't know what that means?'' Ise asked him with his typical innocent look.

''Of course I know what that means! How dare you call me that?!'' Risers face was red and there was steam rising from his head. The Gremory peerage, which had finally calmed down, was once again in a laughing fit.

''That's strange, Sera-san told me to call him that. Why is he so angry?'' The boy talked to himself, but the devils could hear him. Everyone, besides Grayfia thought the same. 'Who is Sera-san?'

By the way, Grayfias thoughts were 'She's corrupting him more and more.' resisting the urge to face palm, she is still on duty after all. ''So Ise-kun, why are here? I don't think you have a reason to be here.''

''Gremory-senpai asked me to come here when I don't have plans, so that we could get to know each other better.'' He answered Grayfias question and walked over to a certain black haired beauty. ''Akeno-senpai, is there still a bit of your tea left?''

''Well, there is something left in the tea pot, but it's already cooled down.'' She gave him a apologetic smile. ''I can brew new tea for you Ise-kun.''

He looked around a bit, then turned around to face Akeno again and give her an amused smile. ''There is no need for it. I will take a cup of the cold tea.'' The devil wanted to say something, but saw his mischievous smile and poured the cold Darjeeling into a cup and gave it to her kohai. Ise took the cup and walked over to Riser, who was still fuming with rage. 'How dare they ignore me!'

''Here.'' Issei said and placed the cup on top of Risers head, which was still producing steam. He took it off after a few seconds and took a slip of the tea. ''Mmmmh, Akeno-senpais tea is really the best.'' Riser was now shaking and balled his right fist. And again the Gremory peerage tried to stifle their laughter... forget it, they are openly laughing now. ''You piece of trash!'' He lunged at Issei with his fist pulled back.

He was silent for long enough! How dare that filthy human humiliated him like this! Even with the strongest queen here, there is no way he will let him walk away alive! Issei drank his tea without a worry in the world and made a sidestep. After Riser passed him and was about to turn around, he delivered a spin kick to the back of his head and shoved him face-first into the couch.

''How dare you!''


''Onii-sama!?'' The perage of fifteen woman, who were silent until now, shouted and stormed at Issei. They circled him and were about to attack, when...

''Enough!'' The powerful voice of Grayfia Lucifuge resulted in everyone halting in their step. ''B-but, Grayfia-sama! Onii-sama was attack by this human!'' A beautiful, young girl with dark blue eyes shouted and pointed her finger at Issei. She has long blonde hair tied into twintails with large, drill-like curls and blue ribbons keeping them in place. The front of her hair has several bangs hanging over her forehead, with a V-shaped fringe hanging over the bridge of her nose.

Her outfit consisted of a light purple dress with dark purple accents and a blue bow at the front. At the back, three feather-like extensions mimicking a bird's tail protrude from the dress, which gave her a bird-like appearance. ''No, the one who attacked was Riser-sama. Ise-kun merely defended himself.''

''B-but-!'' The blonde wanted to say something, but was silenced by an icy glare from the silver haired beauty.

''Now that I think about it, why is bird brain-kun over there here in the first place, Grayfia-san?'' He started to sweat a bit after said maid shot him a look that said 'What have I told you about this?'. ''Riser-sama is the fiancee of the next head of the Gremory household. In other words, he will marry Rias-sama.''

''Huh? Didn't Gremory-senpai say that she won't marry him?''

''The household made the decision, but Ojou-sama refuses it.'' Issei tilted his head and everybody could swear they saw a floating question mark above his head. ''Then, she should just not marry him.''




''WHAT?!'' Everyone, again with the exception of the Lucifuge woman, shouted at once. 'It will take a bit until I can correct Serafalls influence...'

''How can you say something like that?'' The blonde girl, whose dress resembled a bird, asked with her eyebrow twitching. That's strange, a lot of people do that when he talks to them. ''Well, arranged marriages in the devil society are mostly used to strengthen the family, right?''

''Of course, why do you ask?''

''Then it's pointless for bird brain-kun to marry her. He is weak after all.''


''What is it, Grayfia... -nee-san?'' The sekiryuutei once again sweated when the maid shot him another glare. 'Millicas can't call her mother when she works, but I still have to call her Nee-san? If only Amaterasu-sama hadn't bragged.'

''Not everyone has the same ridiculous potential as you.'' Issei wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a loud shouting Riser. Oh, so he got back up again.

''Human, you dare to say that I'm weak?!''

''Well... at least weaker than me.''

''So, what? Do you plan on marrying my lovely Rias yourself?!'' Riser shouted with an expression full of hate and disdain. Ise slowly turned around until he faced the red haired heiress and looked her directly into her eyes.

''I-Ise-kun...'' Said devil blushed and looked at him. The boy gave her a perfect 90 degree bow and spoke without a bit of hesitation. ''Congratulation on your marriage Gremory-senpai. May you find happiness with bird brain-kun.'' He turned around and grabbed the doorknob, when his collar was roughly pulled from behind him. After turning around again, he came face to face with a sweetly smiling Rias Gremory.

''Ise-kun, could you please explain me why you would back out now of all times? Are you saying that you don't even want to think about marrying me?'' Oh, looks like the infamous 'twitch of the eyebrow' came back again.

''Uhm... er... well... yes?'' Rias, once again, heard a loop of the usual 'Ufufu' of her Queen. Akeno slowly walked up to Issei and hugged him from behind. ''Ne, Issei-kun? Would you marry me?'' She leaned a bit more forward so that her mouth was right next to his ear.

''Uhm. Maybe if we get to know each other better.'' The Phenex heir stomped over to him and pointed his finger at him. ''That's it, human! You will face me in a battle! My pride won't allow me to let you run your mouth any further.''

''Grayfia-nee-san, do I have to...''


'They had this planned from the very beginning.' Issei thought, while imagining the annoying amused smile of a certain red haired Maou. ''So, what exactly are to rules of the ...battle.''

''Oi, human! What was with that pause just now?! Are you that afraid of battling me?!''

''No, I just didn't want to call it beating up.'' The brown haired teen answered. 'I will beat him to death if he looks at me with this innocent expression again.'

''The rules are simple. Riser-sama and his peerage against you.''

''Hahaha Grayfia-san, you can't be serious! A puny little human against me and my adorable servants? That's hilarious!'' The third son of the Phenex family had a laughing fit and his servants all had an amused or sadistic smile on their face. Well, all except one. 'Lucifer-sama and Grayfia-sama should both be against the marriage, but due to their position, they can't do anything. For them to entrust the situation to this boy...'

The one who was concerned(the only smart person in his peerage) was none other than the only daughter of his family, Ravel Phenex. ''O-onii-sama, if you think calmly then...''

''You are right, Ravel.'' Riser nodded with a small smile. The blond wanted to sigh in relief, but paled at the next words of her brother. ''How about this, you can bring one more person with you. So that it won't be too humiliating.''

''Well, I don't mind, but...'' Ise looked over to the maid as if to ask her what he should do. ''There shouldn't be a problem with it, since Riser-sama himself requested it.''

''Ok, so it will be a unofficial rating game between you and your little helper and me and my fifteen girls.'' The man of the Phenex family exclaimed the rules cockily and turned around. ''I will grant you ten days to train. Maybe you will be able to defeat Mira, my weakest piece!'' After he finished his monologue, a magic circle with the Phenex symbol appeared on the ground and swallowed the group.

'It's strangely silent today.' The red dragon emperor thought to himself and wanted to turn around to leave, when...

*pinch* *squeeze*

''Owowowowow Ihts hurfs Grayphiaa-nee-saan.'' Issei got his cheek pinched by Grayfia. Said woman only dragged him to a teleportation circle in the middle of the room, without looking at him.

''Why are you angry at me?'' He rubbed his now released cheek to soothe the pain.''What did I say about blindly doing what Leviathan-sama says?''

''It will turn me into an idiot?'' There was an awkward silence in the room. The older woman gave him a dry look and answered even more monotone than usual. ''No, I meant the other thing.''

''Other thing... other thing... Oh, 'never do it', right?'' He gave her a bright smile, which resulted in him getting both of his cheeks pinched. ''Then why are you doing it, when you remember?'' Ise never knew Grayfia could show such a sweet smile while on duty. ''Grayfia, how do you now Ise-kun?'' The redhead asked.

''He often visited the Gremory manor, when he was in the underworld and I would keep him company then.''

''Then, when he mentioned a 'Sera-san'.''

''Yes, he meant the current Maou with the title of Leviathan, Serafall Leviathan, who is also his fiancée.''

''W-w-w-what do you mean f-f-fiancée?!''

''Ah. I'm terrible sorry ojou-sama, but we will have to excuse ourselfs here.'' The maid bowed and teleported away with the boy.

(...Underworld Capital Lilith … Lucifer Castle...)

The two of them emerged in a hall that's so tall that you can't see the ceiling with human vision, but since both of them aren't humans there is no problem. ''Grayfia-nee-san, why are we in the underworld?''

''You are going to visit heaven soon, right? We decided to go over everything again before you leave. Well, we also wanted to give you an opportunity to say your goodbye to Serafall, but...''

''Is Sera-san still avoiding me?''

''Unfortunately so.''

''Is that so...'' Issei looked sadly down at his feet. Grayfia could swear that she just saw Issei being replaced with a little puppy that looked like it was kicked. And before she knew it, she had already pulled his head into her chest. ''It will be alright, just give her a little more time.''

''…Really?'' He pulled his head back and looked her into her eyes. Grayfia softly stroked his head, subconsciously. ''Really.'' She noticed the movement of her hand and quickly stood up again. 'It's scary that it comes so natural to spoil him. I heard the others have the same problem.'

''Anyway, did you already decide on who you want to take with you?''

''To the rating game? I guess I will take my familiar with me, why?''

''I just wanted to inform Lucifar-sama. I heard from ojou-sama that you got yourself a familiar, could you tell me what kind you get?''

''Gremory-senpai hasn't told you? Then, it's a secret.'' he gave her his trademark innocent smile.


''I understand, my headache would only get worse. Do you know when you will go to heaven?'' The maid asked him, while massaging her temples. ''Uhm, I think Ophis-chan said that we will go in two or three days. And we will stay there for a whole week.'' The boy was deep in thought with his index finger pressed at his lower lip.

''So you will be here for the game, that's reassuring. Is there anything else that you want to do in the underworld?''


''Good, then let's make our way to Lucifer-sama's office to go over everything again.''

(...Heaven … Three days later...)

A 17-year old high school student of average height with short brown hair and light brown eyes and a cute young girl with long black hair down to her hips and gray eyes appeared from a black and red dragon gate. The ears of the girl differ from a normal human's as they have pointed tips, although her long black hair makes this feature difficult to notice. These two are the ouroboros dragon god, Ophis, and her first and only friend Hyoudou Issei, the red dragon emperor. ''So, where are we going to meet the two seraphs, Ophis-chan?''

''They will come to us, so we'll just wait here.'' The blackhead said as she grabbed onto the hem of his dress-shirt. The two of them walked around the streets of heaven. Heaven resembles a place sitting above the clouds with a bright white ceiling high overhead. It is guarded by a large gate, and has a white stone path and stone buildings, which appear to be floating.

There was suddenly a bright golden and a bright white light in front of the duo. A handsome-looking man with long blonde hair and green eyes appeared out of the golden transportation circle. He has twelve wings growing from his back, and unlike other angels whose wings are white, his wings are colored gold. The man in front of them was Michael, the current leader of heaven.

Out of the whit light appeared an extremely beautiful woman with curly blonde hair and a voluptuous figure. Signifying her power as a seraph, she has 12 white wings growing from her back. She is Gabriel, the strongest and most beautiful woman of heaven.

Both of them had a gentle and kind smile on their faces, while softly gazing at the two dragons. ''So he is the current and strongest sekiryuutei in history. He gives of the same kind of vibe like our follow angels.''

''You're right, onii-sama. His very presence is one of innocence and happiness.'' The blond woman said it with a bright smile, while clapping her hands together. It should be said that this woman was the definition of pureness, so she can be quite air-headed at times.

''Ah, Gabriel-sama and Michael-sama, it's a pleasure to meet you.'' Issei gave a quick bow to hide his inner panic. Two of the four leaders of heaven are in front of him. And not to mention both of them are actually behaving like one, unlike two certain maous.

''You don't need to be so nervous, since we were the one to call you.'' Michael gave him another gentle smile while raising his hand. Ise visibly relaxed and looked up again. ''Then, could you tell me why you summoned me to heaven?''

''Ah, my little sister said that she wanted to meet the boy her long time … friend always talked about.''

''Who is this 'friend' of her?'' Ophis, who until now was silent, asked in suspicion.

''It's … Serafall Leviathan...'' Michael answered with an awkward smile on his face.

''What's wrong with you all?'' Gabriel asked the three other beings, while tilting her head. It looks like everyone knows of the hatred Serafall Levithan bears for the strongest woman in heaven, everyone besides the one who receives that hatred. The awkward silence was finally broke by Michael when he turned to the two dragons again. ''A-anyway, we shouldn't stand here all day. Let's go to the sixth heaven.'' The leader of heaven said as he prepared a transportation circle to take them to the zebel, the home of the four seraphs, at once.

They arrived at what looked like a room of a queen, or it would have looked like that if not for the army of stuffed animals on the giant bed(or anywhere in the room).

''I think I already know the answer, but is this Gabriel-sama's room?'' The boy asked turning to the two angels. And the one who answered him is Gabriel with a bright smile. ''No, it's onii-sama's.''

The dragon duo turned around to face the leader of heaven, while he gave them an awkward smile. ''The stuffed animals belong to my sister... these are merely those that won't fit in her room.''

''I-is that so...''

''A-anyway, while it was great meeting you, I still have my duties as the leader of heaven. Until we meet again, Hyoudou Issei-dono, Ophis-dono.'' And after saying his farewell, Michael vanished in a golden light. The other seraph in the room starred at Issei with sparkling eyes. ''Now let us talk about all kind of thinks.''

(...Occult Research Club... Seven days later...)

The room was empty besides Issei, Tiamat and Grayfia. ''Ise-kun, Familiars with a human form are rare and powerful.''

''Yes, I know.''

''Then how come I can't fell anything from her?'' The queen of Lucifer asked him, her eyebrow close to twitching.

''She is wearing Ophis-chan's spare suppressor bracelets.'' He shows her the two silver bracelets around Tiamats wrists. Various runes were engraved on them and a single black gem was embedded in the center.

''How come that the spares look better than the ones Ophis uses?''

''Ophis-chan said 'Fancy things are useless, these are more comfortable.' and tossed them to me.'' Ise said with a shrug of his shoulders. ''*sigh*Well, then let us begin.'' Grayfia stepped aside and there where she stood just a moment ago was a gray-white magic circle. ''This circle will take you to the battlefield where you will battle Riser-sama and his peerage.''

'' ''Do I need to know something about them?'' '' The duo asked Grayfia perfectly at the same time. ''Not really, since you already know about the Phenex regeneration power. But please try to hold back a bit. We don't want them to die.'' The maid said while giving him an icy stare.

''How much should I hold back?''

''[Balance Breaker] without a single [Boost].''

''You didn't even thought about it for a second.'' Tiamat looked at her with a deadpan look on her face. ''You will see what I'm talking about when you see him fight.''

''Grayfia-nee-san, you make me sound like I'm some kind of monster.'' The strongest red dragon Emperor pouted like a little child. ''Sorry Ise-kun, but when it comes to battle then I can say without a doubt that you are a monster.''

''What do you mean by that?'' The chaos karma dragon asked with a dangerous glint in her eyes. ''You know about the reputation of my master, Sirzechs Lucifer?''

''Yes, why?''

''He said that Ise-kun here has the same strength and growth as he did when he was his age.''

''I-is that so...'' The dragon king sweat dropped at this. 'I heard that the current Lucifer and Beelzebub are stronger than the original Maous. For him to posses the same qualities as them, just what are you Issei?'

''Well then, it's now 00:00 So it's time for the battle to begin.'' The dragon duo nodded and closed their eyes in preparation for the transport to take place.

(...Dimensional Gap... Kuoh Academy Replica...)

Issei and Tiamat appeared in a exact copy of the Occult Research Club room. The only difference from before was that Grayfia was nowhere to be found. {Welcome to the unofficial Rating Game between Riser Phenex-sama and Hyoudou Issei-sama. I am Grayfia Lucifuge, Queen of Sirsechs Licifer-sama, and the referee for this game. Issei-sama's base is the old school building, since Issei-sama doesn't have a peerage it was deemed unnecessary for Riser-sama to own a base. For Riser-sama's [Pawns] to use [Promotion] they have to reach the old school building. There will now be a 10 minute preparation time, contact with the enemy is forbidden during this time. }

Both of them sat down on a couch and talked(Tiamat flirted) right away. ''Say Tiamat.''

''What is it, Ise-kun?'' Tiamat hummed.

''Why are you always playing with my hair?'' He asked the bluehead, who was pushing his head onto her shoulder with one hand and gently combing through his hair with the fingers of her other one. ''Do you dislike it?''

''No, it's surprisingly calming, but-''

''Isn't it alright then?''

''No, like I said I don't mind. I just wanted a reason why-''

''Shouldn't we discuss our battle strategy now?'' Tiamat tilted her head innocently aside. 'She's dodging the question.'

''I don't think that will be necessary, just don't underestimate them too much and we should win.''

''How can you be so sure? Do you know something?''

''Not much, but I was told that there is nothing special to talk about. So that means everything is obvious. The [Knights] will be fast and use swords, the [Rooks] will fight hand-to-hand,the [Pawns] are weak without their [Promotion] and the strongest pieces will be the [King] and the [Queen].''

''And what about those two? Do you know their trump cards?'' She raised an eyebrow, while looking at him questionably. ''Yes and no.''

''What do you mean?''

''Well, … They don't have one so...''

''… You're kidding me, right? Please say yes.'' The boy only shook his head. ''It's true, when I visited heaven Gabriel-sama, Ophis-chan and me watched a few of his old matches. He only relied on his regeneration and his [Queen] wasted her demonic energy and then used [Phoenex Tears] to replenish it again, just to throw it around again.''

''That sounds like a really great letdown.''


*sigh* *sigh*

{The 10 minutes are over. The battle begins now.}

''Well lets go. I will go to the gym so you go to the track field. Oh, and remember what Grayfia-nee-san said.'' The duo stood up and Tiamat straightened her dress. ''Yes, yes, I know. 'Don't kill them.', right?'' Both walked over to the window... and jumped out of it.



''From above?!''

They were greeted by three of Riser's servants. From the look of it, all three were simple [Pawns], and weak ones at that. They resembled cosplayer more than devils, and their demonic energy was pathetic as well. Issei took a few talismans and turned his back to them. ''Sorry Tia, can I count on you?''

''Of course, leave it to me.'' The dragon king pumped her fist and smirked at the devils in front of her. That gave way to a frown and a twitching eyebrow pretty fast though. ''What's this?! I can't feel anything from her! Hahahahahaha she's to weak! Hahahaha. M-my sides hurt hahahahaha!''

'From what Ophis-chan told me, Tia is one of the most prideful dragons. I really hope she holds back enough.' Issei thought while placing the talismans onto the ground, all around their base.

In the blink of an eye, no even faster than that, the bluehead was behind the laughing devil(Cosplayer 1), grabbed her head with her left hand and smashed it hard enough into the ground to leave a crater with the radius of her height. The resulting shock wave sent the other two flying, while an array of runes started to twirl around her right wrist. 'O, she's properly holding back.'

{Riser-sama's first [Pawn] retired}

One circle, two circles, three circles. After the third circle of levitating runes was completed, Tiamat draw her fist back and appeared behind the second devil. She punched the air in front of her. At first nothing happened. Then the runes shone in a bright pale blue and burst out of air and mana shot forth, engulfing both peerage members and pushing them further away.

{Riser-sama two [Pawns] retired}

After dealing with the nuisances, the chaos karma dragon walked over to her master and looked over his shoulder. ''Are you done with the barrier?'' Said dragon stood up and turned around to smile at her. ''Yeah, I also put up a trap.''

''What kind of barrier did you use?''

''[Sixfold Moon Prison], Tsukuyomi-sama taught me how to use it. Although it's a pretty sloppy version.''

''Let me get this straight, you used a barrier of a GOD to protect a base we LEAVE?!''

''Yeah, that's right.''

''I think I now understand why that maid always has a headache around you.'' She gave a dry chuckle and shrugged her shoulders. ''Well, I will be on my way now. Let's meet up by whoever takes longer.''

(...Dimensional Gap... Kuoh Academy Replica... in front of the gym...)

The boy faced the large double door of the school gym with his arms crossed over his chest. 'If I only use Shinto techniques, they will probably say that the fight was unfair, since I'm an exorcist. Maybe I should start using proper magic.' He kneed down with one leg and placed his left hand onto the earth. After placing his right one on top of his left one, a giant red and dark gray magic circle appeared underneath the gym. The outlines of it had the color of smoke while the symbols glowed in a crimson like raging fire. The center was filled with the emblem of two dragons, one obsidian colored and the other one blood-red, crisscrossing each other and biting each others tails, forming the infinite symbol.

''[Zero Gladius]!'' A giant blade of ice rose from the circle and easily ripped the building apart. The sword was a bit more than two-times as tall as the building with a deadly sharp double-edged blade. If you weren't cut apart, then you were most likely frozen solid. This technique uses the same ice magic as Serafall's [Celsius Cross Trigger], so you need to be at least Ultimate-class to take that and still be able to battle.

{Riser-sama one [Rook] and three [Pawns] retired.}

Grayfia's cool voice was once again heard when the fighting results were announced. The enemies were now getting nervous. Not only were they faring better than they thought, they even had the power to use a spell of this caliber. The only ones that were still arrogant were Riser himself and his [Queen], Yubelluna. Issei was now on his way to the track field, when he heard another announcement.

{Riser-sama's two [Knights] and one [Bishop] retired.}

'So all he has left is one [Rook] and [Bishop], two [Pawns] and his [Queen]. Guess he will send his [Queen] after me and the other pieces should already be by Tia.' Just when he thought that...

*swish* *boom* *boom* *boom*

He was engulfed in three explosions that suddenly appeared around him. ''Take.'' A busty woman with long, wavy purple hair that falls all the way down her back and matching eyes was flying a few meter behind him in the air with bat-like wings. At the front, the right side of her hair falls over her breast and covers her right eye, while the left side falls near the top of her skirt.

Her attire is a dress consisting of a navy blue tunic top with gold accents and a pale blue skirt with open sides, and black shoes over matching thigh-high stockings with garterbelts. The top reveals much of her cleavage, and is held with a gold choker with blue and red jewels. Over this, she wears a white overcoat with black and gold accents and matching pauldrons. For accessories, she wears a black headband with a red-orange jewel over her forehead to keep her long hair in place, and wields a staff-like scepter in battle. For cosmetics, she wears purple lipstick, matching her eyes and hair.

''It's best to attack your prey when it accomplished something. They will always let their guard down.'' The purple haired woman arrogantly taunted him, thinking she had already won. ''Now then, time to trash that woman on your side.'' The enemy [Queen] suddenly gained a sadistic grin. ''But I must say, That woman is quite the beauty. Maybe we should toy around with her a bit. Riser-sama said that there are a few additions to his harem that are necessary.''

Yubelluna looked to the track field, where Tiamat currently is. ''Since she's the companion of a pathetic human, we could forcefully take her to the underworld, to show her our appreciation for this fight.'' The bomb queen chuckled a bit. ''I can't wait to see her face when Riser-sama trains her. The face of a suffering woman, who slowly drowns in pleasure is absolute fantastic! It's great that one of Riser-sama's choices was 'forcefully trained, obedient sex slave', and now I found the perfect material for it!''

''Shut up.''

''...!'' She finally noticed that the retirement announcement still wasn't heard. ''S-so you you somehow survived the attack, huh? But to announce it so openly, you really are nothing more than a pathetic human!''

'' I said shut up, didn't you hear me?'' After the last bit of the smokescreen dispersed in the wind, Yubelluna could see Issei clearly for the first time. From what she heard, he is an innocent and a little bit air-headed person and was supposed to be a gentle boy. But the human, no the being, in front of her is the complete opposite. He looks like a cruel dragon, ready to rip the trespasser that entered his territory into a million pieces. ''Since you attacked me with a sneak attack like the coward that you are, I will also attack you, whenever you're ready or not.''

(...Underworld...VIP viewing room...)

The room was occupied by six people, three males and three women. The men were the respective heads of the Phenex and Gremory households and their wives. The last two in the room were Sirzechs Lucifer and the second-in-command of his peerage Grayfia Lucifuge. ''This is bad...''

''What do you mean Sirzechs?'' Venelana Gremory, Sirzechs mother, asked the crimson Maou with a tilt of her head. ''You should be happy that Ise-kun helps Rias escaping her engagement, right? After all you pamper her way to much.''

''No, Mother. What I meant to say was that this is bad for Riser.''

''What do you mean by this? I only accepted this method to decide on the outcome of the engagement, because you said it will make my son realize that our regeneration power is not absolute. I want him to be humble and not dead.''

''Well, there is a risk of him dying now, and it's a great risk.'' The young redhead answered grimly. ''Sirzechs, what do you mean by 'now'? Why would it be greater than before?''

''That's because Ise-kun is furious. He will be serious from now on.''

''How can you be so sure? Besides I've never seen Ise-kun being angry, not to mention ferious.'' The mother of Rias and him looked back at the screen that shows the rating game. ''Do you remember when I told you that the old Maou fraction will leave us alone for the time being?''

''Of course, but what has that to do with everything?'' Venelana leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms, pushing her breasts up.

''The reason was that two of their 'Maous' died in battle. The one who did that was Hyoudou Issei.'' Nobody spoke. Everything was silent. '' W-w-what...?! W-who did die?! Are you sure the were descendants of the old Maous?!'' The one who broke the silence was Zeoticus Gremory. ''Yes, I'm sure. The ones who were killed are Shalba Beelzebub and Creuserey Asmodeus. Ise-kun was ambushed by them and was forced to fight back. While they were fighting, they revealed their plans for the ouroboros dragon god, Ophis, and he was enraged by them.''

''H-how can you be sure that it was him?! He is just a seventeen years old human!'' Sirzechs and Grayfia exchanged glances with each other before nodding. ''Sorry, Grayfia. I know you don't want anyone to see it.''

''Don't worry, Sirzechs-sama. Although I don't want it to be seen, I don't feel ashamed to have received it.'' The gray haired woman turned around and pulled the zipper on her back down. The backside of her maid outfit slid down to her hips and revealed a long diagonal scar, that ran from her right shoulder blade to just a few inches above her hip. ''Grayfia! What happened to you?!'' Lady Gremory immediately jumped to her feet and rushed over to the [Queen].

''She tried to stop the fight, but got that scar in the process. Not only that, but she was also unable to sent the two devils back alive.'' The present devils once again fell into a silence. ''Let's just hope for the best.''

(...Dimensional Gap... Kuoh Academy Replica... in front of the gym...)

Issei just stood there. He still didn't to anything. She prepared her explosion magic. Yubelluna finished conjuring her magic circle, when...

{Riser-sama's two [Pawns] and one [Rook] retired. One [Bishop] withdrew from battle.}

''What?! Ravel-sama gave up?!'' Once she turned back to her opponent, the sekiryuutei tipped the ground with his toes. In the next moment, the giant blade of ice chattered into a few thousand pieces. ''Whatever you are trying, it's too late now! [Combustion]!'' The boy just glanced at her with one eye shadowed by his hair. ''[Hagel]...''

*tshing* *tshing* *tshing*

Every single ice fragment span around to point at her and shot at her with unbelievable speed. Her spell was able to melt the first few shards, before they hit her defensive magic. The rain of projectiles stopped after five seconds, but the damage was devastating. While the ground was filled with craters and the trees and buildings were full of holes, the [Queen] took the brute of the strike and looked like it. Her clothes were ripped in various places, her hair was disheveled, she was covered in dust and her body had numerous wounds on it with blood dripping out from them.

''*cough* *cough* What was that attack just now?! How can a mere human have this much power?!'' She complained about it while reaching between her breasts. 'To think I would have to use them this soon, but he should be exhausted after using something like that. Now is my chance.' Just when she raised the little bottle to her lips...


The mechanical voice of Ddraig was heard throughout the battle field. ''H-he has a [Sacred Gear]?!'' Yubelluna looked over to him and saw something that she would always remember from here on. There, before the unfolding destruction was a single seventeen years old young man in a school uniform. One of his arms covered in a red metallic gauntlet with yellow spikes and green gems. ''Your specialty is combustion magic, right?''

''And if I am?''

''Then the greatest humiliation for you would be to be beaten by true combustion magic.'' He Raised his gauntlet cladded arm and pointed it at her. A bright red flame in the size of a fist ignited and flickered in front of his fingers. ''Pff, what do you mean 'true combustion magic'?! That small thing can't do anything to me, now that I drunk the [Phoenix Tears]. DIE!'' She shot her left hand in front of her and sent three unstable fire orbs at him.


Issei punched the fire in front of him.


A giant wall of flames was all Yubelluna was able to see, before it hit her and took her out of the game.'Such strength... These flames are even hotter than his.'

{Riser-sama's [Queen] retired.}


The red dragon emperor walked to the main entrance of the school building and found Tiamat there, waiting for him. ''Why are you here? When I looked over to the track field I couldn't find you.''

''Well, I came to got you when I noticed you fighting against the [Queen], since I never saw you fighting, I decided to watch from here. But I never saw you like that, just what did she say to make you that angry?'' Tiamat tilted her head when she asked him, resulting in a blush from him. ''T-that doesn't matter!'' He turned around to enter the building, but both of them jumped back when a big fire ball landed in front of them.

''You filthy human! To think that I will have to fight you myself!'' The third son of the Phenex family shouted from the top of his lungs. ''To think that they even failed to bring down a single human!''

''Hey, are you forgetting me?''Tiamat asked with a tick mark. Riser looked over to her and gained a sadistic grin and perverted look in his eyes. ''I would have taken care of you myself. Very carefully.''

''Woah, what a creep.'' The blue female dragon gave him a icy glare. '' Ise-kun, how about a game?''

''A … game...?''

''Yes, the first one to drop him looses.'' The bluehead smiled, but everybody(besides Riser) could see that it didn't reach her eyes. ''You dare to ignore me to talk to that thrash?! I will show you that I'm superior. I can't wait to hear your cries!''

''Alright, the game sounds fun, but what are we throwing around.'' Issei was back to his innocent and gentle self thanks to the chaos karma dragon. ''It will be him of course!'' She vanished from sight for Riser, only to have her reappear behind him with pale blue energy swirling around her fist. He was punched with enough force to throw him over to the old school building.


Issei was clad in a red, metallic armor that slightly resembled a dragon. He used the wings that are part mechanical and part organic to speed ahead and punch Riser into the gut when he neared the old building. He talked to Tiamat while the devil was flying. ''Shouldn't we just end the fight?''

''No, we will take care of him. Really carefully.'' It's official, the dragon king is pissed.

(...Underworld...VIP viewing room...)

'' '' '' ''…'' '' '' ''

''I know that this is better than before, but I have the feeling that this will be more traumatic than the situation from before.'' Lord Phenex said with a deadpan voice.

''I'm sorry...'' The crimson Maou voiced his apology.

(...Dimensional Gap... Kuoh Academy Replica...)

The duo was still tossing the devil around, when he suddenly erupted into flames. The flames formed wings and he was able to stable himself midair. ''I've reached my limit! I will show you who's stronger! I will show you my strength! I will show you my superiority!''

Riser raised hands above his head and gathered his demonic energy there. A giant orange fireball was created as a result, while the two only watched. ''Say Ise-kun.''

''What is it Tia?''

''How about we follow his example and finish this with our flames as well?'' The dragoness glanced over at the sekiryuutei and gave him an amused smirk. Said humanoid dragon only nodded and started to inhale air. Tiamat also inhaled air in a deep breath. ''You will see my power! Take this!'' he swung his hands to the sides and the giant fireball split in two and one flew to each of them.

Both didn't move despite a fireball seven-times there height approaching them. They suddenly opened their closed eyes and exhaled. A bright azure and bright, blood-red and dark gray flame intercepted their representative fireball and devouring it, engulfing the third son of the Phenex family. ''AARRRGGGGHHHH!'' He shouted in agony, while the flames were burning him.

Tiamat's flames were made out of [Chaotic Fire] and thus prevented his regeneration to work properly. Issei's flames were strengthened by Ophis power that was absorbed through his skin on a daily basis, making them almost inextinguishable.


''Well, I guess it's obvious that we've won, huh?'' The blue head flew over to her master, while he deactivated his [Balance Breaker]. ''Your fire is really destructive.''

''Really? I think your fire is really beautiful.'' He gave her a bright toothy smile, while she blushed up a storm. ''Ise-kun, you aren't allowed to say that to any dragon besides me, alright?''

''I don't understand why, but if you say so.'' The two of them touched the ground when the game was over.

{Riser-sama retired. Hyoudou Issei-sama has won.}

With chapter 5 now finished ,it's time for the harem corner! \(°o° \) Yay! \(°o°)/ Juhu! (/ °o°)/ *cough* *cough* sorry (._.).

Now before you say anything, the unwanted harem section still belongs to the harem. Issei just won't see them as love interests. And the reasons are:

Asia: with her timid and gentle nature will be more like a little sister. And without Xenovias corruption and Isseis perverseness, it will be pretty much impossible for her to escape the little sister character.

Rias: with her prideful and spoiled character combined with her clingy attitude, she is a character Issei can't put up with. And unlike canon, Issei has no reason to look up to her since he is stronger, surrounded with beautiful women and a lot of supernatural VIPs like to pamper him with presents.

Mittelt: Issei won't spent much time with her alone since she spends most of her time with Kala, so she would be more like a little sister to Kala and Issei will treat her as such.

Kunou: a similar reason as Mittelt, but I personally think it would be interesting with the daughter of his lover having a huge crush on him.

There may be a few other characters that will move to the unwanted harem, but that's only if the main harem gets TOO big.

The Harem:


Ophis, Kuroka, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Styx, Serafall, Gabriel, Tiamat, Trihexa, Akeno, Irina Rossweisse, Raynare, Murayama, Ravel, Yasaka, Fem Vali, Kalawarner, Sona(New), Koneko(New), Griselda(New), Xenovia(New), Athena(New), Valerie(New), Fem Great Red(New)


Le Fay, Bennia, Jeanne, Grayfia(New), Seekvaira(New), Fem Sairaorg(New), Penemue(New), Elmenhilde(New), Kiyome(New), Katerea Leviathan(New), Tsubaki(New)

Unwanted Harem:

Rias, Asia, Mittelt(New), Kunou(New)