In this drabble, Clementine is 16, Luke is 25.

Clementine sat on the Observation deck, after getting it open.

All of the sudden, Luke came over to sit down by her.

"Uhh, hey.

You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's just been a shitty day."

"It'll be fine, once we get to where we're going, we'll be fine..." He assured me.

He put an arm around me, and I look up at him.

"Thanks, Luke."

But I realized he was wrong, it's never 'okay' anymore.

"What if it's not?"

"Clem, I'm not gonna let any thing h-"

"I don't want to lose you okay?

I've lost someone I loved before, and I know you don't want to lose me either, so I just..."


"Before I die, or before you die, I want to..."

"Have sex?"

I bit my lip, regretting what I said, but only because it was risky.

"Clementine, I don't think we should...I mean, you're 16, and I'm 25...I love you to pieces, but Kenny would literally kill me.

I'm surprised he hasn't already with the shape he's in."

"Please, for me, at least just this once."

Luke smiled at me, and kissed my forehead.

"I guess you mean business, huh?"

She laughed, and he pressed his lips to hers, trailing his hands up her sides.

"I love you, Clem."

Kenny and Jane were the first to rush onto the Observation deck, spotting Clementine and Luke getting the last of their clothes on.

"What the fuck are you two doing, Luke, I swear to-" Mike grabbed onto Kenny, and held him back.

"W-what's going on?" Luke asked.

"We've got god knows how many walkers, and Rebecca's about to go into labor."


Right now?"

Clementine went wide eyed, and pulled Luke onto the deck.

"We've got to hold them off!"