Mike was climbing up April's fire escape for a late night visit when he paused right below her window. He could hear voices coming from her apartment, but it wasn't friendly ones.
"How the hell did you find out where I live?" He heard April snap, a soft growl in her voice. Frowning, Mike moved so he could see April, but no one could see him unless they leaned out the window.
"I'm a Weatherford Dear, I can find out anything." An older woman said primly. A tall blonde, the woman could be described as 'stunning'- if not for the sinking feeling he got just watching her. Something about her was just off.
"Don't make me call the cops." His friend threatened, clinging to her phone. "I want you to leave. Now." The woman sniffed.
"Is that anyway to talk to your mother?" She said, eyes cold. April gave a short laugh.
"You haven't been my mother since the day you ditched me after Dad died, hell you were barely a mother before then." April took a step forward. "I'll give you five seconds to state your business, then I expect you to get the hell out of my life." There was a dramatic sigh from her mother.
"I have come to inform you that I have found a suitor who has no problem taking on a woman of your- lack of qualities." She replied primly. Mike bite back a growl, fingers going to his nunchaku. April's 'Mother' was giving him bad vibes all over- something he only had gotten with the Shredder.
"I want you out NOW." His friend said in a tone he had never heard her use before. "I don't want whatever little boy-toy you're done with and want to pass on to me. I'm seeing someone." The other woman scoffed.
"You should have been seeing that Vern guy." She sniped. "I hear you're after a cop though." Mike was confused for a second and then remembered: Casey and April were in a cover-up relationship to protect Raph and Leo. "But I guess you got your father's choices in partners." She turned away. "But don't come crawling to me when some punk shoots him in the back." And she was gone.
April snarled, slamming the door shut. Mike slipped in through the window. He was quiet for a bit, letting her slam things around and curse under her breath until she collapsed onto the couch.
"Ace?" He asked quietly, sitting next to her. "You okay?" She curled around him, and he held her while he felt her shoulders shake. They all knew her history with the faceless woman she would often refer to as 'egg donor'. The cheating, her sending a letter mere hours after April had lost her father stating she gave up all parental rights. Her going back on it three years later and leaving April into the hands of a man who wanted her as something more than a daughter. April running before he could do anything, living on the streets for a month before she was tossed back into the system. Her mother refusing to believe what the man tried to do.
Mike sent off a text to Raph, knowing he'd get there as soon as his patrol was done. He would be another hour or so, but Raph would know what had happened at least.
"Let's bake something." He suggested, tugging her up. April nodded quietly, allowing him to take her to the kitchen. April managed a smile and followed him.
When Raph came in a few minutes later, April and Mikey where in an argument over what to make.
"Raph!" April smiled as she saw him. "Maybe you can help us. I want to make chocolate chip with walnuts and Mike want to go all-out with sugar cookies. What do you want?" Raph smiled at her better mood.
"Why not both of them?" Raph asked. "We've been cleared from training tomorrow and I know you don't have work."
"That sounds good." April laughed, agreeing. Mike whooped, and dove into the cabinets for her cookie cutters. Three hours later, the three where laughing and joking as they decorated the cookies, April's fight completely forgotten.