Title: Never Alone, Ever Again

Pairing(s): SasuHina, Nejiten, NaruSaku, ShikaTema and a few others once it is decided

Rating: T, for now…

Author's Notes: I hate myself for writing a new story. But this story was stuck in my head for quite a while. By the way, this story will steer from the canon story but some of it will remain. This is a SasuHina fanfic we're talking about here. This story is mostly written in Sasuke's and Hinata's POV. Tell me if I should continue or not. Review, follow, favourite this story. You know the norm.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto coz it belongs to Kishimoto-san


She could not move a single muscle. All she could do is watch as everything goes by in front of her eyes. She was covered in dirt and blood – but most of the blood staining her clothes was not hers. She suddenly felt useless all over again.

Naruto was on the ground, no longer in Kyuubi mode. He was not to far away from them – them meaning the rest of the Konoha 13 (1). Sakura had passed out beside him. Her chakra drained. But Hinata's gaze was not fixed on them; her gaze was fixed on the last Uchiha.

The left side of his chest was wounded caused by Madara who had took his katana and stabbed him. His green Jounin vest stained with his own blood. He fell down face first but managed to catch himself before he could kiss the ground. Sasuke grimaced in pain and tried to lift his body from the ground. He could hear a few feet shuffling, trying to escape from the Infinate Tsukiyomi.

"Don't," he warned them, his voice sounded hoarse and weak to his ears.

Sasuke looked up towards Madara, glaring. His eyes filled with hatred. Madara held the katana above him, hovering a few inches, ready to make the finishing blow. He closed his eyes, slumping on the ground. He was tired. An affectionate smile slowly crawled up to his lips. I'm sorry Hinata. I couldn't keep my promise.

Memories of the soon-to-be former Hyuuga heiress flashing before his eyes. Oh how he's going to miss the sweet sound of her voice, her laugh, the shade of her blush when he caught her staring at him – every little thing about her. He could only laugh bitterly as his – reanimated – brother's words rang in his mind.

"Human souls are like reflecting water. People often speak or act opposite of their true feelings. But the human heart wishes to connect with and accept each other. And I know one day there will be someone who will protect, redeem and shepherd you," Itachi lifted his forefinger and his middle finger to poke his forehead. It was the same gesture he had once done when he was a small child.

Itachi pulled him into a hug as he slowly disintegrated. "Don't make the same mistakes that we – the Uchiha – did in the past," a small smile was plastered on Itachi's lips as he continued. "I am sorry Sasuke." And he was gone, leaving him alone once again. Sasuke lifted his head in sorrow. He turned around and left the cave, determine to find Hinata. He made a promise to her after all.


Sasuke lifted his head as he heard someone calling out his name and turned his head. Hinata was running towards him as she briefly escaped the Infinite Tsukiyomi. But her victory was short lived, her steps were halted and she fell down on the ground.

Uchiha Madara turned his attention towards the female Hyuuga. Now moving towards her. "How interesting," he mussed. "An Uchiha," he looked over his shoulder to see a wide eyed Sasuke before settling his gaze on Hinata, "and a Hyuuga."

He chuckled at both the lovers' expression as he held the foolish Uchiha's katana towards her. "Konoha shinobi is full with surprises. I am going to enjoy killing you off one by one," he continued. "I think I'll kill this one first. Your death will be quick and painless I assure you. I can't have my plans delayed any longer."

Sasuke's eyes bled red and he could faintly hear the sound of a woman's scream as he saw red liquid splattered on the ground.

(1) I'm calling it Konaha 13 because of Sai. You just have to include him too.

Author's Notes: Ooo… a cliffhanger. Don't worry; the first chapter is going to be the events after Sasuke killed his brother. This is somewhere at the end. I'm not going to leave you guys in the dark. I'm not that evil.