DISCLAIMER : SM owns Twilight. No copyright violation intended.


I drove my black M3 from Port Angeles to Forks. This time, I was going to be in Forks High. I was posing to be a junior.

This time, I wanted to relive it all. I wanted to attend high school in my own hometown. It was easy to make false ids. This time, I was keen on using my real name, Isabella Swan. I don't think anyone might recognize me or my surname as my parents had moved away right after my death and I had no living relatives.

As soon as I parked in my new driveway, I took in the house. It was white in colour with the porch railing; balcony and windows brown in colour. It was in middle of a forest, far away from the inhabitants. I ended up rearranging the furniture even though the interior decorator had arranged it…but not perfectly. After rearranging everything to perfection, I went hunting as the next day was going to be a long one…the first day of high school.

Finding the school wasn't difficult, though I'd never been there before. The school was, like most other things, just off the highway. It was not obvious that it was a school; only the sign, which declared it to be the Forks High School, made me stop. It looked like a collection of matching houses, built with maroon-coloured bricks. There were so many trees and shrubs I couldn't see its size at first. Where was the feel of the institution? I wondered. Where were the chain-link fences, the metal detectors?

I parked in front of the first building, which had a small sign over the door reading front office. No one else was parked there, so I was sure it was off limits, but I decided I would get directions inside instead of circling around in the rain like an idiot. I stepped out of my car and walked down a little stone path lined with dark hedges. I took a deep breath before opening the door.

Inside, it was brightly lit. The office was small; a little waiting area with padded folding chairs, orange-flecked commercial carpet, notices and awards cluttering the walls, a big clock ticking loudly. Plants grew everywhere in large plastic pots, as if there wasn't enough greenery outside. The room was cut in half by a long counter, cluttered with wire baskets full of papers and brightly coloured flyers taped to its front. There were three desks behind the counter, one of which was manned by a large, red-haired woman wearing glasses. She was wearing a purple t-shirt.

The red-haired woman looked up. "Can I help you?"

"I'm Isabella Swan," I informed her.

"Of course," she said. She dug through a precariously stacked pile of documents on her desk till she found the ones she was looking for. "I have your schedule right here, and a map of the school." She brought several sheets to the counter to show me.

She went through my classes for me, highlighting the best route to each on the map, and gave me a slip to have each teacher sign, which I was to bring back at the end of the day. I memorized the map and my schedule.

When I went back out, other students were starting to arrive. I drove around the school, following the line of traffic. The nicest car here was a shiny Volvo, and it stood out.

That's when I noticed five distinct scents… Vampires. What if they were here to kill these innocent humans…but then that would bring a lot of attention and the Volturi would interfere… So, using my shield I located them and I was almost blew my cover but thankfully I wasnt too late.

I created an illusion which made me invisible. They wouldn't know it was me. I hid my car. I turned around to notice them. There were three boys and two girls. Of the three boys, one was big — muscled like a serious weight lifter, with dark, curly hair. Another was taller, leaner, but still muscular, and honey blond. The last was lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze-coloured hair. He was more boyish than the others.

The girls were opposites. The tall one was statuesque. She had a beautiful figure, the kind you saw on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, the kind that made every girl around her take a hit on her self-esteem just by being in the same room. Her hair was golden, gently waving to the middle of her back. The short girl was pixie like, thin in the extreme, with small features. Her hair was a deep black, cropped short and pointing in every direction.

It was as if the guy with honey blond hair knew I was here and couldn't see me. Obviously, they could smell me but I knew my scent would also vanish after a few seconds but vampire reflexes were fast but my powers were always able to mask everything.

The guy with the bronze hair shook his head in the direction where the pixie stood and she smiled back evilly. It looked like they were having some sort of a silent conversation. The movement wouldn't have been noticed by a human, but I was a vampire and by the smell of it, older than most of them.

I took in a moment to take them in once again. The blond hair guy looked as if in the next second a war was going to be declared. The pixie looked excited about something and was smiling as though she knew something was up. The dark haired guy looked as if he was ready to fight anyone that came in his way. The blond haired girl looked bored. The most amusing reaction was of the bronze haired guy, he looked frustrated as if he was solving a mystery and was missing the most important clue. The way he kept tugging his hair…

That's when I noticed his and everyone else's eyes...they were golden in colour. They were like me…vegetarians.

A/N : Tell me what you think.

Twific Rec :


By: SandPrincess13

CompSc major, entrepreneur, ex E-sports legend, and university heartthrob, Edward Cullen is worshiped as a god. Even Bella Swan (aka Bella Pokerface Swan) aspires to be like him. During a WiFi disaster at University, Edward finds himself at a cyber cafe, having fallen in love with Bella's swift hands gliding over the keyboard. Now, he just has to approach her. Gamerward/Gamerella.

Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 14 - Words: 26,998 - Reviews: 358 - Favs: 139 - Follows: 278 - Updated: Jan 15 - Published: Jul 9, 2017 - id: 12563976
