Disclaimer: I do not own DGM. I do own Dana.

A/N: Welcome to the FIFTH chapter of my first ever DGM fanfiction where Dana will finally get to meet Kanda before going on a mission with Daisya to Madrid, Spain during Day of the Dead. So without further ado, I turn it over to Dana. Enjoy!

"Rough training session with the General?" guessed my boyfriend as I met him for lunch a few days after I had started training with Socalo.

"Is it that noticeable?" I muttered, rubbing my left arm where Ivy decorated it. "And here I was hoping I only felt horrible."

"You look beautiful as always, Dane," Daisya assured me, giving me my favorite lopsided smile. "Nothing in the world could change that."

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help smiling back as we entered the mess hall and walked over to Jerry.

"There's my favorite girl and her cute boyfriend," he called, waving to us. "What will it be today, kids?"

Honestly, I would have eaten anything and everything so I really didn't care what Jerry gave me but Daisya suggested I tried something called soba noodles.

"Okay, if you say so," I replied and asked Jerry for an order of soba noodles.

"You're in luck," the Order's chef declared. "I only have enough left for one more order."

He placed a bowl of noodles and a bowl of soup on my tray along with a bunch of fruits and vegetables. "There you go, sweetheart."

"Thanks, Jerry," I responded as Daisya ordered his own food and we headed over to a vacant table. "Why soba noodles?"

"You said the other day you like trying new things," he reminded me. "So I thought maybe you'd like this. Yu's always eating them."

"Ah, I see," I murmured. "How do you eat these anyway?"

Daisya laughed. God I love his laugh. It never failed to send a thrill through my body and bring a smile to my lips. He placed his hand over mine, grabbed the fork, and lifted a strand of noodle out of the bowl. Daisya then dunked it in the soup and held it to my mouth. "Like that."

Together we put the noodle in my mouth. He then released my hand and waited for my reaction. "What do you think?"

"Not bad," I remarked before spearing another noodle. Maybe this Yu wasn't a complete idiot after all. "When is your friend going to return? He's been gone for a while, right?"

"Yeah," Daisya confirmed, frowning slightly. "I'm starting to wonder if I should have gone with him."

"You would have only been a burden, you grinning fool," stated a new voice originating from behind me causing me to turn around. The owner of the voice was a boy about 14 years old (the same age as Dais and me), had long black hair pulled back into a ponytail, dark eyes, and carried a sword.

"Yu!" exclaimed Daisya, leaping to his feet and embracing his friend. "You're back! I was starting to worry about you!"

"Get off of me!" ordered Kanda, shoving him away. "And don't call me Yu, damn it!"

"He's only happy to see you," I retorted, standing as well. "You don't have to be such a jerk."

Kanda glared at me. "Stay out of this, newbie. I'll deal with you in a moment."

I cocked an eyebrow. "Oh and what did I do to elicit hostility from you when we just met?"

Kanda jerked his chin at the table behind me. "I always have soba for my meals but there is none left and you're the reason why."

I burst out laughing. "You really are an idiot. How the hell was I supposed to know you would be back today and that you would want your precious soba?"

"Besides, I'm the one who suggested them to her," added Daisya.

"Even if he hadn't, you don't have a monopoly on the dish. Everything Jerry makes is available to all of us," I said, crossing my arms. "So I suggest you get over yourself, Yu."

Kanda's eyes narrowed to slits as he reached for his sword. I activated Ivy at the same moment he drew his blade and our Anti-Akuma weapons connected.

"You really need to work on your anger issues," I noted, wrapping Ivy around his blade.

"You need to learn your place," he muttered back.

"Come on, guys," implored Daisya. "We're supposed to be allies."

Kanda and I refused to budge as everyone stopped what they were doing to watch us. Suddenly Lenalee was standing behind Kanda and hitting him on the head with her clipboard. "Knock it off, Kanda."

Kanda glared at her and Lenalee returned his gaze without flinching. "I mean it, Kanda."

The idiot grumbled and sheathed his sword before stalking away in a huff. "Damn women."

I retracted Poison Ivy and cocked an eyebrow at my boyfriend. "That's your friend you wouldn't stop talking about? The guy is a complete asshole, Daisya."

"Yu's just a little rough around the edges," he replied with his usual smile. "He's a good person once you get to know him."

"Uh huh, right," I murmured before noticing Lenalee was still there. "What's up, Lena?"

"Please tell me it's another mission," said Daisya. "Staying cooped up in HQ is boring."

Lenalee nodded and handed me her clipboard. "You two, along with Kanda, are going to head to Madrid, Spain where there have been rumors about strange animals."

"No offense but it sounds like another wild goo-Wait, did you say Kanda is going with us?!" I demanded. "There is no way in hell I am working with him."

"Oh yes you are," retorted Lena. "This is an order from big brother Komui. Besides if you continue to refuse, I'll tell General Socalo."

I swore. The general would have my head if he found out, making today's session seem like a leisurely stroll in the park. "Fine, but I won't like it."

Lenalee smiled sweetly. "That's the spirit. You leave in two hours. Your finder David will be waiting for you in Madrid."

"Great," I mumbled, watching her bounce away. I sighed and leaned into Daisya. "This assignment is going to be a disaster."

"Or it's a chance for you two to get to know each other," he suggested, wrapping his arms around me.

I laughed. "Forever the optimist."

"One of us has to be," Dais pointed out. "So what do you want to do for the next two hours? Besides finish lunch, I mean."

I turned around in his hold and wound my arms around his neck. I pulled myself close to him until our lips were an inch apart. My entire being hummed with pure ecstasy as his lips met mine. Maybe the mission wouldn't be so bad, after all.

~ To Be An Exorcist ~

"I. Hate. Ships," I declared before throwing up over the side of our means of travel to Spain.

"I know," replied Daisya, holding my hair back.

"Hmph, if she was smart she'd put that mane she calls hair up in a ponytail," sneered Kanda.

"Well, not everybody can be as fashionable as you, Yu," said Dais. "Besides I like her hair the way it is."

Kanda grumbled something that sounded like disgusting and walked away.

"He didn't yell at you for calling him Yu this time," I realized once my fit was over. I glanced over my left shoulder at my boyfriend, taking advantage of my brief respite. "What's his deal, anyway?"

Daisya sighed. "I think he had a horrible past. He won't talk about it but that's the feeling I get. I asked General Teidoll, but he said it's up to Yu to decide if he wants someone to know. I just wish I could help him or at least make him smile."

"He's lucky to have a friend like you, Dais," I told him. "And I'm lucky you're my boyfriend."

Daisya smiled my favorite lopsided smile. "You're not so bad yourself, Dane."

I smiled back then quickly swiveled my head forward as I felt another wave of nausea. God I hate ships.

~ To Be An Exorcist ~

"Welcome, exorcist-sans, to Spain," greeted our finder David after we disembarked.

"What's the situation?" demanded Kanda as David led us to a nearby inn he had been staying at.

"Is there really innocence here?" I inquired more politely.

"There is a possibility," said David. "But I am not so sure."

I quirked an eyebrow. "Why's that?"

"For one, there has been a lack of Akuma activity," he informed us. "Also there is a tremendous amount of political upheaval in the country."

"And why is that important?" asked Daisya.

"There are those who do not agree with the current government's progressive ways and are striving to prove how science can lead to madness."

"The strange creatures Lenalee mentioned," I murmured. "You think someone is creating them to make a political statement."

David nodded. "That is what my research has shown me."

"Do you know where they are being made?" I said.

"Unfortunately no," the finder responded.

"Well the opposing party must have a base or something," figured Dais. "Why don't we try asking around?"

"I have a feeling they won't take too kindly to outsiders," I pointed out. "But I do like the idea."

"There may be a way for us to hide our identities so we could conduct a more thorough investigation," David revealed. "Tomorrow is Day of the Dead."

"What's that?" I inquired.

"A holiday in which they celebrate the dead and wear masks."

~ To Be An Exorcist ~

"You expect me to wear some damn mask when all we have to do is grab the right person and make them talk?!" demanded Kanda later that night after supper. We were hanging out in the boys' room formulating a plan. Well, I was formulating a plan.

I rolled my eyes. "And how are you going to know if whoever you grab is the right person? We need to get them to trust us which means blending in whether you want to or not."

Kanda grumbled as I considered the pile of masks David had allocated. "Why do we even have to do this? Clearly there's no innocence here."

"Shockingly enough, I agree with you," I told him. "But that doesn't mean the Earl is not involved."

"Like in Germany," murmured Dais.

I inclined my head. "There was no innocence there either but there was an Akuma who was manipulating events so the Earl could produce more weapons for his army."

"Ah, I see," said David. "You are wondering if these strange animals are being made to serve the Earl."

"And if I'm right then that means there's another Akuma like the one Dais and I fought lurking around here," I surmised, placing a mask decorated with black swirls over my face.

"Those lines look just like the rings on your left arm," noted Dais, trying on a few himself.

"And how do you propose we find this Akuma you believe to be pulling the strings?" inquired Kanda.

I grinned and tapped the side of my mask. "Leave that part to me."

~ To Be An Exorcist ~

The next morning Madrid awoke to unveil a grand festival for their holiday as everyone wore colorful masks and filled the city's streets.

"These people sure do know how to throw a party," said Daisya as we joined the celebration. He wore a white mask with red lines and yellow spots.

"Yeah," I agreed, careful not to rip my black and red dress as I placed my hand in the crook of his arm. "Though it's going to make fighting harder, for me anyway."

"I bet," replied Dais before flashing me my favorite smile. "At least you'll look hot. Not that you don't always look hot."

I laughed. "It's okay, Dais. I get what you mean. Thanks."

My boyfriend looked adorably relieved as we continued on our way. Kanda was with David scoping out another part of the city whilst maintaining contact via their golems. "You really think there's another Level 2 around here?"

"It's definitely possible," I remarked, turning to my golem. "How's it going on your end, David?"

"Nothing suspicious so far," the finder related.

"Hey, what about this?" asked Daisya causing me to look at him. He pointed at a piece of paper nailed to a board. "It's for some kind of secret gathering."

"Not very secret if you put out flyers," I murmured, walking over to it. "'Witness the marvels of science and innovation as the amazing Matías and Mateo display what they describe as living works of art.' There's no location but according to this, the show is happening tonight."

"'Living works of art'," repeated David thoughtfully. "That's how one of the townspeople I talked to described the creatures but when I attempted to probe the matter further he ran away."

"This is it then," I figured. "This is what we've been searching for. The two men must be the Akuma who are utilizing the Carlists' hatred towards the Progressives to make unholy beasts for the Millennium Earl."

"We need to crash their party," said Daisya. "The question is how? We have no idea where it is."

"Hmph, you are an idiot," sneered Kanda. "Obviously we find the man the Finder mentioned and force him to talk."

"You're the idiot if you believe I'm going to allow you to harass an old man in the middle of broad daylight," I shot back. "But you are right we have to locate him."

"He wasn't an old man," David corrected me. "In fact I believe he is only a few years older than you exorcist-sans."

"Well, the good news is I have a plan," I began, glancing at Daisya. "The bad news is you're not going to like it."

~ To Be An Exorcist ~

"You sure about this?" inquired Daisya's voice through my golem I had tucked underneath my mask. "What if this guy's a creep?"

"Daisya Barry, you of all people know I can take care of myself," I murmured back. "This will work. Trust me."

"I do trust you," he assured me. "I always have and I always will, just be careful, okay?"

"I will," I promised. "I love you, Dais."

"Love you too, Dane,"

I looked up at the sound of a door opening and saw a tall man with black hair, wearing a decorated animal mask leave the house I had been watching for the past couple of hours.

I took a deep breath and strode over to him. "Excuse me but are you Senor Santiago?"

"I am," he replied, staring at me wearily though his dark eyes kept lingering at my chest thanks to how snugly my dress fit me. It helped being pretty curvy for a girl who was only fourteen. "And who are you?"

"Camila," I said, resisting the urge to shudder under his gaze. "A friend of mine said you are the most brilliant, resourceful man in Madrid so I was wondering if you could show me around the city? I am new to the area, you see. It would mean a great deal if you could help me."

"Believe me, senorita, I would like to assist you but there is somewhere I need to be," Santiago told me.

"Oh, I see," I murmured, casting my eyes downward.

"Would you care to join me?" he offered, proffering his arm.

I lifted my head and smiled. "Yes, that sounds wonderful."

I laid my hand in the crook of his arm and he led me to the shipyard into an abandoned building. We walked into a large room where people garbed in black cloaks were gathered in a circle around a makeshift stage. The only source of light was a fire burning in a pit near the stage. The flames casted shadows on the walls.

When we finally reached the congregation, I realized they were all wearing animal masks like Santiago. They were also chanting as the sounds of snarling and hissing issued from the middle. I stood on the tips of my toes to peer over the crowd to see a beast that was part dog but also part what could only be an Akuma.

"What is this?" I inquired, hoping my voice did not reveal the disgust I felt.

"Our way forward into the future and away from those who desire for Spain to return to the Dark Ages," he explained excitedly.

So David's information was only partially accurate. "Then they were created with science?"

"Exactly," confirmed Santiago proudly. "These magnificent creatures will not only rid the world of Carlists but lead to further research and discovery which would benefit us."

"Is there somewhere I can freshen up?" I asked innocently.

"Back the way we came, first door on your left," he responded distractedly. "Make sure you return quickly for it's nearly time for the masters to appear."

Masters indeed. "I will."

I hurried as much as I could to the bathroom without arousing attention and shut the door, locking it. I then retrieved my golem. "Did you guys get all that?"

"We heard what you two said but what did you see?" inquired Daisya so I described the messed up gathering.

"It seems your suspicions were warranted, Dana-san," mused David.

"What do you want to do now?" asked Dais.

"Now we storm the building and slaughter the abominations along with their creators," declared Kanda before I could respond.

"Why is that always your first reaction?" I demanded. "Look, I haven't, or rather Ivy hasn't detected any higher level Akuma yet. She's only been itching a little bit because of the creatures. In other words, we still need to wait until they reveal themselves."

Kanda made a derisive noise. "I don't give a damn…"

Suddenly there was a loud crash followed by a horrific scream.

"What was that?" wondered Daisya as I heard more crashing and the sound of running feet.

"Whatever it is, it doesn't sound good," I replied. "I'm going to go check."

"Dana, wait," began Dais but I had already placed my golem behind my mask and walked out of the bathroom to find the room where the gathering had been in shambles. I made my way to where the creature had been to discover Santiago lying there instead. His throat had been ripped out and his mask laid in his blood beside him.

I swore. "There goes our only lead."

A/N: And there you have it! Hope you all enjoyed! Until next time, read review and show the love!