Hey this, Colonel Amiruddin Arif with a Company of Heroes story. This was a product of a discussion between me and a fellow fanfiction writer, Empty Promise. Well, here it is.
Chapter 1
June 1944
The war was not going well at all for the Third Reich. It was being assaulted from two fronts with the Soviet Armies from the East and the Western Allies from the West. This situation spelt the doom for the Third Reich though Hitler saw it nothing but mere hindrance to his plans of a Greater Germany that will last for a thousand years. However, there were those in the Wehrmacht that felt that Hitler had to go to ensure the survival of the German state. Now they were discussing a way to do so until…
"We need to do something about Hitler; he is running Germany into the ground" Ludwig Beck said.
"However, what are we going to do? All our previous attempts have failed" Henning von Tresckow said.
"We could plant a bomb in the Wolf's Lair that would definitely kill him" Eduard Wagner suggested.
"That will not work kameraden" all the men in the room turned to see who it was. They had fear in their eyes at first but that disappeared once they saw it was. It was Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel, one of Germany's best field commanders.
"Rommel, what do you mean it will not work?" Beck asked.
"You have attempted numerous times to do so yet the Fuhrer still breathes, however if you continue with this plan, this will lead to even worst fate for Germany as Hitler will then try to take revenge all we will be dead" Rommel said.
"What do you suggest we do?" Tresckow asked.
"I have another plan but it extremely risky and it can still end with the destruction of Germany" Rommel said.
"What is your plan?" Beck asked.
"His plan is to defect to the Western Allies" The men in the room except for Rommel turned to this new voice and they were surprised to see who it was.
"Generalfeldmarschall Manstein, you are joining as well?" Beck asked.
"He is not the only one" Another voice said. Soon more officers appeared.
"Donitz, Raeder, von Rundstedt, Galland, Kesselring, Student and Keitel, Rommel, how did you manage to do it?" Beck asked.
"That was easy once I told them about what Hitler plans to do with the Wehrmacht" Rommel said.
"Wait, are you referring to where he wants to purge all the commanders and replace with loyalists?" Tresckow said. Rommel just nodded.
"So are we just going to walk over to the Allied Forces?" Wagner asked.
"No, we are going to be of assistance to the Western Allies" Keitel said.
"How are we going to do that?" Beck asked.
"That is simple, we take the entire Oberbefehlshaber West, the remaining Kriegsmarine and several Luftwaffe commands to the Western Allies" Rommel said.
"That is a monumental task, are you sure we can achieve it?" Tresckow asked.
"Hitler would know about the massive troop movements" Beck said.
"That is where Keitel comes in" Manstein said.
"I will inform Hitler that it will be a massive push to crush the Western Allies so to cover the defection" Keitel said.
"What about our families? Hitler will butcher them in revenge" Beck said.
"Do not worry" Student said, "We have already begun moving the families of the soldiers in the Westheer so they are not in reach of the Gestapo"
"Wait, this is all good and all but how will the Western Allies know about this defection?" Beck asked.
"That issue has already been dealt with by Rommel, isn't that right, Rommel?" Rundstedt smiled.
"Yes, I have already contacted a good friend of mine on the Western Allies and he had agreed to ensure that we do not get fired upon when we cross the Allied lines" Rommel said.
"Who is your friend?" Beck asked.
"George Patton" Rommel smiled.