My first PLL fic, so please be gentle. I've just watched all of PLL in a month, so I'm late to the game, but holy crap I haven't shipped a couple this hard in 5 years. Haleb better be endgame.

A Billion Degrees

It was almost 1pm on a sunny Friday afternoon when Caleb walked through his front door. "Hanna?" He called, throwing his keys into the dish on the side.

"In here," A tired voice called back.

Grinning to himself, Caleb wandered down the hallway to their open plan kitchen and lounge. The sight that greeted him made his idea of taking a half-day's leave from work feel ridiculously genius. Flat on her back and gazing up at him through her doe-like eyes was a half-naked and flushed Hanna Rivers.

"Hey beautiful," He murmured, moving round to the front of the couch before bending down to place a meaningful kiss on her lips. Pulling away from her, he pushed a stray piece of hair that had fallen down from her ponytail behind her ear. "Not that I'm complaining," He began, brushing his hand down to rest on her small, but growing and evident baby bump, "But why are you only wearing my t-shirt?" He smiled at her, before leaning down to press a tender kiss to her bump.

Hanna sighed and ran her hands through Caleb's short hair as he lovingly greeted their unborn child. "In case you haven't noticed, it's about a billion degrees outside and baby told me it's too hot," She pouted, pushing her hair back from her face. Since when had Rosewood experienced this type of heat wave in June?

"Hot is one word for it," Caleb smirked as he moved back up to place another slow, leading, probing kiss on Hanna's lips. She moaned as he began to move on top of her, one hand on her belly, the other knotted in her hair as the open-mouthed kisses became deeper and deeper. He couldn't get enough of his wife and when she was pregnant something just flipped inside of him.

With a gentle nudge, he pulled her up and moved her over to his lap, one leg on either side of his, the life they created together resting gently in between them. "You taste like chocolate ice cream," He murmured, running his lips down to her collarbone.

"Caleb," She whispered as he began to nibble just on that one spot that drove her crazy.

"How long have we got 'til goober wakes up?" He asked in hushed tones, his hands running to the hem of her t-shirt, pulling it up and over her head before throwing it lazily over the back of the sofa.

"He's not here," Hanna explained breathlessly, quickly de-clothing Caleb's upper-half too. He paused and looked at her questioningly, his hands resting on either side of her waist as they both attempted to regulate their breathing. "He's at my Mom's, she wanted to take him to the zoo," She added, reaching for Caleb's belt-buckle.

Caleb didn't say anything, just stared at her adoringly before bringing her lips back down to meet his. "Good," He eventually said, raising his hips to help her pull down his jeans, "I have more time to take in my beautiful wife," He added, his hands running down her shoulders and then further to her bra hook. "Especially, when baby has given her the most incredible –"

"Caleb!" She exclaimed, cutting him off before he could finish his sentence.

"I'm just saying," He grinned, unhooking her bra with the skill of a master, "You had amazing boobs before babe, but right now they are out of this world,"

She grinned back down at him and rested her forehead on his, "You're lucky that sounds endearing right now," She said before reconnecting their lips as his hands moved around and dragged her bra straps down. "I love you," Hanna whispered as they both helped to pull each other's underwear down. This pregnancy had got her feeling so mushy inside.

Caleb pressed a gentle kiss to her lips as he entered her, both of them groaning at the familiar feeling of being complete. "I love you too," He whispered in her ear as she began to move up and down on him. "You're amazing," He added, trailing hot-opened mouth kisses from the shell of her ear, across her glowing cheekbones, to her waiting lips as she continued to create pleasure for the both of them.

She broke off their kisses as he began to thrust up to meet her movements, unable to contain the moans that had built up in her throat. "Oh my god, Caleb," She managed to find air in her lungs to let out the breathy words. "I'm close."

Finding all the will power in his body, Caleb stilled her on top of him, gently rearranging them so that she now lay on her back, with him on top of her. Grabbing a cushion that had fallen on the floor, he kissed her as he encouraged her to lift her butt for him to slide it under. Gasping at the new depth, Hanna wrapped both her legs around his waist as he began to move inside her again.

"I'm gonna come," She whispered like a closely guarded secret, her eyes squeezed shut as Caleb continued to pleasure her with slow, deep movements. Her hands moved to hold her head before Caleb recognised and felt the familiar signs of his wife going over the edge tightening around him and reaching for him blindly. Leaning down to connect their lips once again, it wasn't long before he joined her in the familiar place of unadulterated pleasure.

Taking a few minutes to catch their breath, Caleb pulled out, encouraging her to move onto her side so that he could lie beside her. "That was amazing," He said, one hand resting on her butt as he slid his other arm underneath her head to tangle in her hair. "Remind me to take Friday afternoon off every week," He murmured, placing a tender kiss on her lips as she pouted up at him.

"I think baby would kill you," Hanna said, her eyes fluttering shut as tiredness overtook her. "We've now reached a billion and one degrees." Caleb let out a small laugh, tucking a piece of sweaty hair behind her ear as she finally drifted off for a nap.

"It was worth it," He whispered, before resting his eyes too, just for a second…

Ashley thought it was odd how quiet it was when she used her spare key to let herself into Caleb and Hanna's house. Throwing her keys into the dish on the side, she let go of her grandson's hand as he ran off into the familiar setting.

"Logan, can you see Mama or Daddy?" She asked, following him down the hallway.

"Momma!" He squealed as Hanna and Caleb's naked bodies came into view, racing over to the sofa to pull himself up.

"Oh dear lord," Ashley exclaimed loudly, whipping her body around to face the wall. "Hanna! Caleb!" She snapped, hoping to bring them from their nap. If that hadn't done it, the small fingers and toes that were trampling over Caleb's body soon did.

"Fu-dge," He exclaimed, sitting bolt up right and grabbing onto Logan as the little boy nearly fell off the sofa. They didn't even have a throw over them.

"Wus going on?" Hanna murmured as she came to.

"Momma," Logan called again, scrambling to reach Hanna, completely unaware of the predicament he'd caught his parents in.

"Hi Logi," She whispered, her eyes still shut as she felt Caleb shift his weight and get up. As he riffled around to find his boxers, he couldn't help but stop and watch as Logan bedded down in his place and cuddled against Hanna before closing his eyes.

Caleb threw a blanket over the two of them before pulling on his jeans. "Ok, safe to turn around."

Ashley turned and walked over to him. Placing a kiss on his cheek in greeting, she reminded him why exactly he'd taken the afternoon off. "Doctor's appointment in one hour, don't forget," She said before flitting out of the room and leaving the young family to it, a huge smile on her face.

Caleb walked over to the sofa and bent down to press a kiss to each of their foreheads. He rubbed Hanna's shoulder gently to try and rouse her. "I'm going for a shower, when I come back down you'll need to get up," He whispered in her ear.

"Okay," She mumbled in response before he disappeared upstairs and let them sleep for another 20 minutes.

"Hanna Rivers," The nurse called. Caleb stood with Logan in his arms, holding his hand out for Hanna to take before leading them down the hallway to the examination room. "Okay, how are we doing today?" Nurse Katie asked with a smile as Hanna got herself comfortable on the bed.

"Good," Hanna replied, "Struggling to cope with the heat a bit," She added, her cheeks flushing as Caleb scooted his chair closer and reached his arm round her shoulders, interlinking their fingers.

"And who is this little visitor we have with us?" She asked Logan who was intently looking around from his perch on Caleb's lap.

"Say hi bubba," Caleb encouraged, squeezing the toddler's waist.

"Hi," He muttered, giving a small wave before smiling and burying his head into Caleb's chest. Both Hanna and Caleb laughed as shyness overcame their usually outgoing two-year-old.

Katie smiled at the three of them, "So apart from the heat, anything else we should be concerned about?" She asked, as Hanna lifted her top for her to spread some gel over.

"Not that I can think of," Hanna responded.

"Good," Kate said reassuringly, pressing the transducer into Hanna's belly. "Well, here we are at 20 weeks," She said, moving the transducer over Hanna's bump. "I know you had some problems earlier in the pregnancy, but from what I'm seeing we are halfway there with a very healthy baby," A loud heartbeat filled the room, as both Hanna and Caleb stared at the screen in awe – it never got old. Caleb squeezed their interlaced fingers, leaning down to press a kiss against the side of her head. "Last time, baby was being shy and we couldn't see what sex you're having, but I've got a pretty good view now – do you want to know or keep it a surprise?" Katie asked and looked over at the parents expectedly.

"What do you say, Logi?" Hanna asked, "You wanna know if you're getting a brother or sister?"

The little boy scrambled to join Hanna on the bed. He nodded furiously as Caleb ensured he sat comfortably next to his Momma. "Looks like we're finding out then," He said with a smile, pushing Hanna's hair back off her face.

"Okay Mommy and Daddy, baby number two is a girl."

Caleb's face lit up like the Cheshire cat as Hanna's eyes began to water with emotion. He couldn't resist and pressed a tender kiss against her lips. "We both wanted a girl," Caleb said.

"No, we both wanted healthy," Hanna retorted.

"Healthy but with a vagina," Caleb smirked. Hanna scowled at him – she knew he was right. He couldn't help himself and leant over to kiss her pretty little frown away.

Katie laughed at the two of them, "Let me print you guys some pictures. All vitals are looking good, I'm happy with her rate of growth so I'll see you in a month for another ultrasound. Dr. Monroe will probably be here then too."

Hanna wiped the gel off her belly and then sat up with Caleb's help. "You excited bubba? You're getting a baby sister!" She tickled Logan's tummy, making him laugh with glee.

"Momma and Daddy are pretty damn excited, that's for sure," Caleb said, unable to resist connecting their lips. When they pulled away, Hanna grinned back up at him, not breaking their connection until Katie handed them the scans.

"Shall we go see Grammy and tell her the news?" Hanna asked Logan, letting Caleb scoop him up before she pushed herself off the bed.

"Yeah!" Logan exclaimed with glee, throwing his hands in the air. "I wove Grammy,"

"Babe, she literally saw us butt naked today – can we at least leave it 'til tomorrow?" Caleb asked, taking her hand and leading her down the hallway to book her next appointment.

"Unless this baby got in here via immaculate conception, she knows we have sex." Hanna said bluntly as the receptionist printed off a reminder card for her.

"Knowing about it and seeing the aftermath of it are two very different things."

"She really wants to know, and we should say thanks for looking after Logan today. My mom doesn't hold onto stuff like this. God knows what her sex life's like with Ted."

Caleb grinned, "And just too many pictures being created in my head right now."

"Calm down horny-boy," Hanna teased. She paused and took his hand, pulling him in front of her. "If you're not careful, I'm going to have to heat to a billion and two degrees to take your mind off this."

Caleb laughed. "Trust me, I wouldn't be complaining." He said, pressing one more kiss against her lips before they went off to tell everyone about the new baby girl who would soon be joining their family. "It's words like that, that got baby girl in there in the first place."

Let me know what you think! Logan is pretty cute so I may add more oneshots with him in and new baby girl of course.