DISCLAIMER: Do I own Merlin? Hmm… Let me think… no.

"Merlin! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Arthur's cry reverberated through the ancient ruin. The king's sword flashed in a shining arc of steel as he fought, every move executed flawlessly, thought out to the tiniest detail and yet performed in under a second. Watching him was not unlike observing a dancer, gracefully in sync with every beat of the music.

The raven-haired sorcerer stood stock-still, bright blue eyes trained on the sorceress they were fighting (and the ogres she had conjured up). He did not stir, even when a battle-axe passed so close to the side of his face that it shortened the ends of his hair a few inches. It looked as though he were listening to something… because he was.

How dare you betray your kind, Emrys!

I've betrayed no one! It is you who have betrayed yourself, using magic for everything that is wrong, stirring up the belief that it is evil!

No, Emrys. You have chosen to follow a Pendragon… and have therefore sealed your own fate. I wonder how he would react to the knowledge that you are everything he despises…

What do you mean?

The truth will out, Emrys. You shall learn this very soon…

The sorceress raised her hand and pointed at Merlin. Arthur yelled something; it was hard to hear over the sounds of the battle. But the sorceress's words carried clearly over to where the warlock stood.

"Sóþfæstnes asprít!"

The spell hit him square in the chest and felt the vague sensation of flying backwards before darkness slammed over him, and he knew no more.


"No! Merlin!" Arthur could only watch helplessly as his servant― no, his friend― was flung back by the power of the enchantress. Could only stand there as he slumped to the ground, unconscious.

A harsh laugh brought him back to reality. He turned to the sorceress, cold fire in his eyes. She was going to be sorry.

"Worry not, Pendragon. He will be fine, though I think after you learn the truth, you may wish otherwise."

"What do you mean?"

"I cannot tell you; for only Emrys himself may divulge his secret."

"What? Who is Emrys? What are you talking about?"

"Goodbye, Arthur Pendragon." As she spoke, the enchantress disappeared in an unearthly gust of wind, leaving in her wake a very confused king and a very unconscious manservant.

Arthur sighed. This was going to be one of those days. It was as though sorcerers had some kind of rule that stated they all had to be so enigmatic, they probably had no idea what they were saying. He snorted at the thought. At least Merlin was usually straightforward, though he was probably too stupid to be anything but.

Speaking of which… oh, gods. Merlin. Oops.

Arthur all but ran over to the servant, for once praying that the sorceress had been telling the truth. He had to be alright, he had to be… thank the gods. He was breathing. The king unceremoniously hoisted the younger man and draped him over his shoulder, then set out to find the horses.

Stupid sorceress.


Merlin woke in his bed, with the frowning face of Gaius leaning over him. He sat up slowly, trying to recall what had happened that could have made his mentor so worried.




"Merlin, are you alright?" Gaius asked gently. Merlin frowned. His head hurt, his shoulder was sore from where it had struck the wall, and his thoughts were racing from all that the sorceress had said. He opened his mouth to say his usual, I'm fine, Gaius, no need to worry.

"N-no. I'm not." Merlin reeled in shock when he heard the words come out of his mouth. That was not what he had meant to say. He tried again.

"What I mean is… I-I'm not alright, Gaius… but… I don't know why I'm saying that!" the warlock burst out. "What's going on?"

"I've no idea," Gaius said. It was clear he did not understand the situation at all. "Why aren't you alright?"

"My shoulder hurts… and my head… but that's not the problem!"

"What is, then?"

"I― I don't know!" Gaius frowned suddenly.

"Merlin, tell a lie."

"Like what?"

"Say you don't have magic."

"But― I do have magic!"

"Say you don't!"

"I can't!" The reality of the situation sunk in. Merlin sat forward and put his head in his hands. "I-I can't tell a lie, Gaius. What do I do?" His mentor placed a reassuring hand on Merlin's shoulder.

"That, I do not know, my boy." Gaius sighed. "The sorceress must have cursed you to only tell the truth."

"I've got to keep away from Arthur," Merlin realised. "If he finds out about my magic―" He was interrupted by a loud, very prattish banging on the door, followed by the voice of Arthur Pratdragon himself.

"Gaius? Is Merlin awake yet?" The king did not wait for a response; instead he simply threw open the door, his gaze alighting on Merlin. "Merlin, there you are. Feeling better?"

"I― uh― no," Merlin stuttered. Arthur's face took on an expression of surprise.

"What? You're not trying to get out of work, are you?"


"C'mon, Merlin, I was just joking." Now that Arthur thought about it, something about Merlin did seem.. off. The man never admitted to any sort of malady afflicting him, no matter how bad it was. And he'd shrugged off Arthur's attempt at the usual banter. Besides, the servant was looking paler than usual, and was visibly trembling. He even looked as though he might have been… crying?

"I think it best, Sire, if you let Merlin be right now," Gaius said, ushering the king to the door. "He's still recovering." Arthur nodded and, casting a last glance back at the lean figure of his manservant, left. Gaius turned back to Merlin and smiled.

"Now, Merlin, I'd like you tell me what actually happened whilst I was possessed by that goblin."

Merlin groaned.

*Spell translation: "Truth shall sprout out,"