Actually kill me this was so hard to write. I'm fighting through having zero inspiration and intense writers block but I finally had no choice to confront it and keep the story going-hope you still like it even after all the changes it's gone through. I really appreciate all your support.

Nico's POV

He wakes up surrounded by the fog.

Where am I? His first thought echoes slowly through his brain before he can process it properly. He can't see anything but the swirling, thick, endless fog. He sees nothing beneath him but he still feels as if he's cemented to the floor. He remembers nothing, not even his own name. He feels confused, like he's forgotten something, but before he can grasp it the thoughts skirt out of reach.

Tentatively reaching out his arm, he swirls it through the eerie mist. His own heart beating is the only thing he can hear, everything else is silent. The mist ebbs and flows in swirling tendrils around him, neither hot nor cold to the touch. The smoky fog flows around his outstretched hand, and slowly he takes a hesitant step forward, uncertain where his foot will land. To his surprise it's solid underfoot, but the sensation of floating stays with him. The endless mist stretches out before him, and with a wobbly determination he makes his way through the unknown.

Then he hears the moans. Unimaginably eerie, they sound far away, but soon grow closer as he makes his way blindly through the fog, sending chills up his spine. Afraid suddenly, he stops moving as his limbs begin to shake. Breath caught in his throat, he takes another shaky step towards the source of the noise, curiosity and confusion winning over the fear. He wishes suddenly that he-

The thought disappears before he can grasp it. On the verge of crawling into a ball and hiding from the world, he pushes forward a few more stumbling steps, and then he sees it. The fog is parting, something dark waits ahead. It's tall and black, with limbs like arms reaching high above it. Breaking into a quicker pace, he drags his disoriented self towards the object. He realizes that the moaning has ceased, and he is again completely alone.

Suddenly another sound catches his ear. It sounds like someone dragging a branch across dead leaves, and it gives him a sense of panic and fear the likes of which he's never felt before, or so he thinks. More put together now, he reacts quicker and spins around, searching for the source of the noise. Nothing but fog lays behind him, but now he realizes it's gathering thicker near the ground. Feeling suddenly like his eyes are truly opening for the first time, his vision goes blurry as shapes begin to form around the edge of his darkening vision. Weakly he lets out a cry that turns into a sharp gasp as he hits the ground.

Blinking the fog out of his eyes, he sits up blearily and presses his hands against his suddenly throbbing head. Then like a switch being turned on, his senses pull together and he can see what's around him.

He's lying in a thicket of straw like grass, their edges poking into his body. But the grass is not green, its grey and stiff, and almost as tall as his knees. He looks down at his hands and slowly raises himself up, seeing that they too are grey. Everything is grey and colorless. Panic growing in him, he feels the tug of forgotten memories at the back of his mind, but they're too far out of reach. Breath beginning to hitch in his throat, he realizes he is no longer alone. He raises himself to his feet as pure terror floods through him. Spinning quickly around, he sees that he's surrounded by shadow like people, all grey like himself. They aren't people, more like shades of whatever their former selves were. The air around them is lighter grey, like a permanent fog, and they drag their feet through the endlessly stretching thicket of grass, moaning in pain and sorrow. Fear almost making him sick, he sees that between them stand tall dead birch trees, void of fruit or any leaves. He hears the moans more clearly now, they're all moaning the same phrase, though it has no meaning to him.

"The fields!" The nearest shadow cries. Its eyes turn and lock with Nico's for a second, and he takes a quick step back in horror.

"The fields, the Asphodel fields! Save us Hades!


Reviews keep the story alive! I'm also looking for beta readers so if you're interested (even if you don't have a beta profile) please PM me!