It's been two years since Daniel's dad Jeremy died in the battle of Iraq. His mother decided to send him in war for that's what his father would have wanted. The only issue was Daniel has a below average physical body strength and barely passed boarding school. He was more into books and now has an IQ of 124. His days in the military were horrible. Nearly always killing his allies to kill an enemy in the midst of his "trigger unhappy". He was sent away from the Iraq war and sent to a smaller rebellion in Tasmania. His quadrant was sent to the lower eastern side filled with wetlands. Daniel figured out that through all the gun shots fired through the wetlands gunpowder and sulfur started to build up, so he through a grenade near the shore and told the others to run. He failed he miscalculated the range of the explosion and a whole area of rebels and soldiers were wiped out. That was the last straw for the military and he was sent back home. His actions had proved he was not fit for military circumstances and could not handle the arms of any weapon. Paige, Daniel's mother, was unsatisfied with his work in the military, but she thought that would at least put his fathers body to peace. The next few months were more adventurous for Daniel. He decided to start making inventions that he thought could make a top-selling inventions for the future. All of the inventions were actually just copycats or spinoffs of company items like the IPear. The sprouting inventor decided to take a break for a day and cruise the TV he had in garage. He found that all the channels were of the new president. The president was saying something about AREA 51 and the mysteries of it. He stated that he looked through the archives and all he found was items about military air crafts and testing weapons. He concluded saying all items that belonged to the families of the ones who disappeared in AREA 51 would receive a box of what could be found that was marked their loved ones'. A few weeks passed and a man came to the door. Naturally his mother would open it, but his mother wasn't home. He came out of the garage and to the front door awaited by the man and a box of items. The man stated that these belonged to his mother's grandfather who worked in AREA 51. He smiled and took the items as the man walked away. After shuffling through all of his grandfather's stuff from AREA 51 out of curiosity, he found that someone had missed place the archive that the president held during his statement about AREA 51. Scare, but curious Daniel flipped through the contents of the archives. Then he dropped the archives in awe. He couldn't tell anyone. The archives stated sights of extraterrestrial life.