Notes: And now the (hopefully!) good stuff. I've promised to do a reverse sort of roleplaying scenario (aka Klaus in the power position) but if anyone has any ideas for further smutty adventures, feel free to hit me up. I'm lalainajanes on Tumblr. No promises I'll write everything suggested though! Warnings for this chapter: Smut, sex toys, dirty talk, roleplaying.

Roleplaying (One)

Klaus had compiled a mental list before he'd even cleared the doorway of his studio. First order of business, informing his siblings that, unless they wish to take a daggered nap, they're to steer clear of the house until further notice. He receives varying replies. Exasperation from Elijah, indignation from Rebekah, vulgarity from Kol. He ignores them. It's not like they can't cool their heels at any of the three other properties in the city that Klaus owns.

He grabs the first vampire he sees and informs them that everyone is to vacate the grounds in the next ten minutes, and that stragglers will be dealt with severely. It seems to be enough motivation, because he hears various people making use of the exits.

Now, Klaus recognizes that he's limited due to the time constraints, but he thinks he can make something simple work. He's inspired by all the teacher talk, and what better way to convince Caroline of his prowess in this arena, than to take on the role of misbehaving student?

Klaus visits his closet, selects a pair of grey pants, a white button up, and a muted plaid tie. He also unearths a discrete black box that he'd picked up a few weeks ago. Klaus did like to be prepared.

His next stop is Caroline's closet (they'd tried sharing, it hadn't worked, necessitating a renovation) where he selects his best guess (helped along by his memories of posing as Alaric at her high school) of what a teacher's outfit should look like.

Depositing her clothes in a bathroom down the hall, Klaus then does some quick rearranging of the furniture in their room. The bed's pushed to the side, her desk situated in the center of the room. He flashes away to collect a straight-backed wooden chair, and tucks the ergonomic one she uses, despite not really having to worry about back pain, away in the next room. A couple of her textbooks piled on the corner, a few pens and a notebook on the other and Klaus thinks he's set.

He's fairly certain that she's right, and that Caroline will be a natural at these games. Her sexual confidence has always been part of her allure, to him. But he's sensed a little hesitation, from time to time, to ask for what she wants. She likes it when he narrates, likes when he tells her all the things he wants to do to her. But she rarely manages to do the same, and Klaus usually lets her non-verbal cues, the sweet little sighs and increasing pitch and frequency of her moans guide him. It's not exactly a hardship, to play with her delectable body and catalogue her reactions.

But Klaus thinks that putting her in the power position, at least to start, will be an interesting experiment, and will give him a better idea of how to go forward. He pulls his phone out, and sends a text to Caroline to let her know he's ready.

I've left some clothing in the bathroom down the hall from our room. Along with a little gift, to use as you wish (or don't). Once you've entered our bedroom, detention is in session, Ms. Forbes. I'm afraid I've not been the best pupil. Use my full name. If at ANY time you're not comfortable call me Klaus and we'll stop, sweetheart.

Caroline's been trying to focus on her book, but in reality she's been straining her ears, trying to guess what Klaus' movements mean, while idly flipping pages. She's surprised when her phone buzzes, surely it hasn't been 30 minutes yet?

Her eyebrows fly up when she reads Klaus' message. It's not what she's expecting from him (has he ever even gone to school? She's pretty sure he hasn't) but she supposes it was probably pretty easy scenario to throw together on the fly. Plus, they had just been talking about it, in a roundabout way.

Getting up, Caroline can't help but be a little nervous. This is new territory, and she'd talked a big game, but what if this went terribly, scarring her for life, and dooming her to the most vanilla-y sex life imaginable for all eternity?

Her phone buzzes again and she looks down at where it's clutched in her hand. It's Klaus again, either reading her mind, or more likely correctly assuming the reasons behind her hesitant footfalls.

We don't have to do this now, Caroline. We can talk about it more, if you'd prefer. We've nothing but time, love.

Caroline pauses, bites her lip. God, whoever would have thought that Klaus would be the one who just got her? Certainly not her eighteen year old self.

Shaking off her nerves, Caroline picks up the pace, taking the time to send a quick text back to Klaus.

I'm fine. I want this. Just… don't laugh if I screw it up?

Not possible. And I would never.

He's left a boring grey dress on the bathroom counter (she's pretty sure she's only worn it once, to some soul crushingly dull luncheon with the human city councillors), a yellow cardigan and blue flats. It's not an outfit Caroline would ever put together for herself, but it's still miles better than some of the crimes against fashion she remembers her teachers committing. There's also a box, sitting unassumingly next to the pile, that Caroline eyes with a hint of trepidation. She's pretty sure she knows what it contains. She'd done her research, before making her first vibrator purchase, and every subsequent one, and Lelo had always been a bit out of her budget. Trust Klaus to only buy the best.

Caroline takes it out, familiarizes herself with the settings. It's quieter than what she's used to, but feels more powerful.

Putting it in the pouch it came with, Caroline sets it aside and twists her hair into a bun, before changing. She wishes her underwear was slightly more attractive, but maybe the plain cotton (because it's freaking hot in Louisiana, vampire or not) feeds into the whole mousy teacher thing she's trying to portray.

Taking one last glance in the mirror, Caroline straightens her spine and tries to adopt a stern expression. She giggles quietly, feeling a little ridiculous. But another calming breath and she thinks she's ready to go.

She walks down the hallway at a brisk pace, throwing the door to the bedroom open. She can't help but notice the changes, but Klaus is seated with his back to her, so he doesn't notice her wandering attention.

Steeling herself, she strides towards him, "Ah, Niklaus Mikaelson, why am I not surprised to see you in detention, once again?"

Klaus waits until she's rounded the desk, his eyes lingering on the black satin bag swinging from her wrist, before he slouches back in the chair, offering her a smirk and an insincere, "Sorry, Ms. Forbes."

So he's going to play it like he's an arrogant douche, who thinks he's above high school? Probably for the best, and the least straining to any acting ability he claims to have.

"Oh, you will be," Caroline says lightly, keeping her smile polite. She leans forward, giving Klaus a pretty good view down the front of her dress, which he shamelessly takes. She waits until he meets her eyes again before she continues, "you're disruptive, Niklaus. You lack the ability to concentrate. We're going to work on that."

"How so, Ms. Forbes?"

"I have some ideas," Caroline replies with a secretive smile. She walks around behind him, places her hands on his shoulders, "Grab a book."

He does so without hesitating.

"Pick a page," she instructs, lightly kneading his shoulders.

"Am I supposed to be learning anything in particular?"

Caroline glides her hands over his chest, leans down, and presses her breasts into his back, so she can speak into his ear. "It's not about the content, Niklaus. You'll see." She brushes her lips down his neck, lets him feel the edge of her teeth for a moment. There's a little stutter in his next inhale, and Caroline steps back.

She stands along the side of the desk and crosses her arms, "Well? I haven't got all day. Unless you'd like to add a few more detentions?"

"No, Ms. Forbes," Klaus says, and the sulky adolescent tone he manages is pretty impressive, for a man who's not qualified as such for a millennium.

"Good," she watches his as he opens the book in front of him to a random page, and then he looks up at her again. "Pick it up," Caroline instructs, "your hands stay on the book at all times, unless I tell you otherwise, do you understand?"

Klaus nods, his expression resentful, but his eyes hot and lingering on her mouth.

"Now start reading, and don't stop until I tell you to."

Klaus licks his lips, and begins. It's a Political Science text, and he's picked a chapter on the history of the Electoral College. Not exactly scintillating, but Caroline focuses on the sound of his voice, the letters he rolls and the consonants he clips, closing her eyes briefly to savor it.

When she opens them, Klaus is darting his eyes up from the book every few seconds, waiting for her next move. Caroline lets a smile curl her lips, and then she reaches under her skirt and peels off her panties.

Klaus eyes dart to them immediately, heaped on the floor, and his recitation trails off. Caroline clicks her tongue, lets out a dismayed sigh, as she languidly removes her cardigan, "Now, now, Niklaus. This is not a very good start."

"Sorry, Ms. Forbes," there's a little roughness behind the contrition and Caroline feels triumphant when she hears it. It's nice to know she's not the only one affected here.

Caroline eases herself to sit on the corner of the desk, adopting a concerned tone, as she lets her shoes slip off, "I'll be lenient. This time. But my patience is not unlimited. Do you understand?"

He nods, eyes returning to the text. Caroline pulls opens the bag containing the vibrator and lays it down next to her. She pretty sure Klaus misses a word or two. Caroline slides over, and lifts her leg slightly, her foot hovering over his lap as she moves it, careful not to touch him, spreading her legs so they hang down on either side of him.

A glance down shows his cock straining against his pants. Slowly, Caroline begins to pull up her skirt. Klaus moves back a bit, dropping the book so he can look over it and at her, his eyes darting between the pages in front of him and the skin Caroline's revealing.

"You're doing quite well, Niklaus. Now, our next lesson has to do with following directions. I want you to watch what I do. Can you handle that?"

The 'yes' is immediate and a little strained.

"Good. I'm going to make myself come," Caroline tells him bluntly, tracing light patterns on her inner thighs with her fingertips, her dress barely covering her, "And then, I'm going to let you try. With your tongue. If you can manage it, you might earn a reward."

"A reward?" Klaus questions innocently, raking his gaze down her body. Caroline applauds his commitment to the character, because they both know that making her come isn't going to be a problem. She's pretty sure he's just trying to encourage her to talk to him, something Caroline's never been totally comfortable with, always afraid of sounding silly instead of sexy. But she'd wanted to experiment and if that's something he wants from her she's willing to try.

"If you're good I'll let you take a turn, Niklaus. I'll let you come. If you're very good I'll even let you choose where. In my mouth? On my breasts? Deep inside of me with my legs wrapped around you? Or maybe you'd prefer me bent over this desk. Think about it."

"I will," Klaus mutters darkly.

"Keep reading," Caroline chides.

She watches him carefully, the tight grip he has on the book and the clench of his jaw. She almost positive he's beginning to regret the power dynamics of this scenario, but it's too late now.

But Klaus exhales slowly, and returns to the passage he'd been on. Caroline presses the button on the vibrator, bites back a grin at the slight twitch he makes at the sound.

She lets it buzz quietly for a moment while she gathers up her dress and tucks it out of the way, baring herself fully to his gaze. Caroline brings one foot up to rest on the edge of the desk and Klaus says something under his breath in another language that she's pretty sure is a curse. She's very wet, parted folds glistening with the evidence of just how much she's enjoying this. She can smell it, in the air between them, and knows it's so much more potent to his hybrid senses.

"Language, Niklaus," Caroline scolds.

He glares at her for a minute, and Caroline can't decide if it's in character or not. But she grasps the vibrator, distracting him, and pulls out her bun, shaking her hair until it lies over her shoulders. Caroline leans back, propping a hand behind her for support.

She presses the toy's tip to her, delving down, the slick sounds loud in the hush of the room. Caroline swirls it near her entrance to gather some of the pooled lubrication. Drawing the vibrator up, slowly, she rests it lightly on her clit, throwing her head back and moaning when she presses a little more firmly.

Caroline stares at the ceiling, listening to Klaus' restless shifting and less than even breaths, as she runs the toy experimentally along her slit, searching out all the spots that make her hips rock involuntarily, before she concentrates on her clit.

It registers that Klaus has stopped reading, and Caroline considers pointing that out. But it might be more fun not to, just yet. It's entirely possible that the power has gone to her head.

Bringing her head back up, Caroline watches him from beneath lowered lashes, his gaze is intent, focused on where she's rubbing the vibrator over her clit, seemingly mesmerized by the helpless little jerks of her thigh muscles.

Deciding to give him something more, Caroline turns the vibrator up a notch, lets out a groan at how good it feels, and then drags it back down to her clenching entrance. Sitting up, Caroline rests her dangling foot on his thigh, and oh is he ever tense. Caroline begins pressing the vibrator into her with a little gasp. She stops, with it buried just an inch or two inside, even though it worsens the ache she feels. Klaus looks up in question, wild-eyed and lips parted, Caroline fights to keep her voice even when she says, "It really is a pity you can't follow instructions, Niklaus."

His eyes widen in question.

"The book? I do believe I told you to keep reading."

The noise he lets out is nearly a snarl, and Caroline half expects him to break character and throw her on the bed. Honestly, she wouldn't really mind. Practice makes perfect, right? And they'd so be doing this again.

He swallows harshly, and manages a fair approximation of contrition, "I'm sorry, Ms. Forbes."

"That's your second infraction," Caroline reminds him, mock-disappointed. "But perhaps a little incentive would help?"

"Perhaps," he echoes, and Klaus looks a little wary. Smart, because Caroline's kind of enjoying seeing how far she can push him. She really hadn't expected to like this so much.

"Can I borrow your hand?" she asks sweetly.

His eyes narrow and he grits his teeth, but gives a jerky nod, "Excellent. Now," Caroline slowly slides the rest of the vibrator inside, squirms closer to the edge of the desk, because she can't not move with it buzzing inside, pressing against her fluttering walls, "Hold that," she sighs, hips lightly rolling.

Klaus' eyes flare, a ring of yellow lighting up the edge of his iris', and the hand he reaches out actually trembles. His fingers wrap around the base of the toy gingerly and Caroline says, "Steady," firmly, still a touch breathless, because they haven't gotten to the participation section just yet.

He lets out a soft noise, almost a growl and Caroline reaches behind her to unzip her dress. She pulls it off and tosses it aside, and when she reaches back to unclip her bra the arch of her back causes the tip of the toy to rub against her g-spot and she shudders, "Right there," she breathes, forgetting to unclasp her bra and just rolling a nipple roughly over it, her other hand crawling down her belly, as her body twists, trying to repeat the sensation.

"Was that an instruction, Ms. Forbes?" Klaus asks smugly.

"It could have been," Caroline counters between pants, "but I'm afraid you've spoiled it with your bad attitude," she reaches down and brushes his hand away, falling back on the desk, her hair spilling over the edge. She pushes the vibration higher, her back bowing and a desperate whine falling from her lips, her toes clench, digging into Klaus' thigh as she rubs her clit and pumps the toy several times, a hoarse shout announcing her climax within moments.

She pulls the vibrator out, her fingers unable to handle the buttons, slippery and nerveless feeling as they are, letting it drop to the floor.

Her vision had gone a little out of focus, so she blinks up at the ceiling for a second. Let's her muscles relax until she's lying flat, the cool wood a relief against her slick skin. Caroline rolls herself up into a sitting position, eyes Klaus, who's still sitting, appearing carved from stone, the tendons in his neck visible, so taut are his muscles.

She hops down from the table, stumbles on her shaky legs, and catches herself on Klaus' shoulder, drawing another noise from deep in his throat. She retrieves the vibrator, turns it off, and shoves it in the desk drawer, making a note to take proper care of it later. Because it's awesome and she's so not done playing with it.

Her voice is hoarse as she sits back down on the desk, "Were you paying attention, Niklaus?"

"Yes," he answers, practically in a hiss.

"Good. Hands stay on the book, remember?" Caroline threads her fingers into his hair, scratching lightly just to hear the pleased little rumble he always makes, "Now make me come."

With a harsh noise Klaus ducks his head towards her dripping center, groans at his first taste. He usually teases her, little licks and sucks in places that feel good but won't push her over, until she's tossing her head and her words are mindless little sobs, and he has to hold her thighs apart to keep them from squeezing his head. Not so this time, and she certain he's going for the reward she'd mentioned. His tongue traces her clit firmly, before he sucks it into his mouth. Caroline throws one leg over the edge of the desk, widening her thighs, and rests her weight on the hand not currently urging his head on, grinding against Klaus' tongue. "More," she moans, trying to keep it from being a plea, "suck it harder."

Klaus pulls back, adopts a confused expression, "Suck what harder, Ms. Forbes?"

He would take the opportunity to mess with her.

"My clit, Niklaus. I want it in your mouth."

Klaus lets out another soft groan, and leans back down to obey, adding flicks of his tongue, his eyes watching her face greedily.

She tugs on his hair, so hard it must be painful, but she can't stop, her body tensing as the tension ramps back up. "God, Niklaus," she moans out as the suction of his mouth pulls another orgasm from her. He stays with her as she quivers through it, lapping at her with a contented hum that sends another ripple through her.

She pulls him away from her, the pleasure almost painful. Caroline lifts her hair, letting some air caress her burning skin, "Okay," she says, trying to stay in character, though in all honesty her brain is screaming at her to rip off his pants and take him deep inside of her, "I do believe you can follow directions."

"Thank you, Ms. Forbes," Klaus grits out. Caroline's eyes fall to his wet mouth, and she leans forward to lick her taste off of them, before sliding forward into his lap. Klaus head tips back, his eyes closing as she settles herself over him. She wants to bite him, but she's not sure if that's appropriate, for this scenario, so she settles for licking a line up his carotid. His hips arch up into her, and the book is caught between them. Caroline tugs it out of his hands, tosses it blindly across the room. She's pretty sure his grip has ruined the spine, so he can buy her a new copy tomorrow.

"Did you just destroy school property, Ms. Forbes?"

Caroline shifts back, so his cock is no longer pressed against her, pushes his chest down when he makes to follow her, "Do you really think this is the time to be a smart ass, Niklaus?"

"No, Ms. Forbes," he answers instantly.

"Smart boy," Caroline coos. "Now take your reward and fuck me," she commands.

"Gladly," Klaus growls, and then she's back on the desk, and his pants are gone. Apparently vampire abilities were kosher, good to know. He rips of her bra and flings it away. He pushes her down, kissing frantically down her chest, getting his mouth on a nipple and tugging harshly. Caroline fists her hands in the fabric at his shoulders and pulls, his shirt and tie coming off in shreds, "Legs around me," he groans, pulling her hips up and off the desk.

Caroline scrambles for something to hold on to, wrapping her hands around the edge of the desk, as her legs clench around his hip. Klaus thrusts into her roughly, pulls out and does it again, harder. He straightens, arm underneath her, supporting her hips, fingers biting harshly into her ass as he pulls her into his thrusts. His free hand roughly plays with her nipples and Caroline tightens her legs around his hips in encouragement. She's pretty sure she's started begging for more, and pretty sure that's not something Ms. Forbes would do, but Caroline can't find it in herself to care. Not when Klaus looks like that, desperate and needy, covetous and rapt, curses spilling from between clenched teeth. And not when she's so close, muscles straining and taking desperate gulps of air, her head digging into the wood at her back. Klaus drags his nails down her torso, and she arches up into the delicious little bite of pain with a whimper, before he finds her clit, "Shouldn't have put your little toy away," he rasps, rolling her the hypersensitive nub between two fingers, "but there's always next time, love."

Caroline comes again, the hardest one yet, an actual scream coming from her throat. Klaus looks viciously satisfied, pulling out of her and roughly stroking his cock until he spills all over her belly.

He lifts her up, sets her down more fully on the desk, and then slumps over her, his forehead resting on her sternum their skin sticking together. Caroline brings up heavy arms, strokes his hair again, "Well," she manages to say, once she feels capable of speech, "I'm never going to be able to study at this desk again."

Caroline sees Klaus shoulders shake, feels the puff of air against her skin as he laughs. Swallowing, wetting her lips, Caroline murmurs, "Klaus?"

His head pops up immediately, hearing her hesitance. Klaus looks a little tired, which Caroline takes as a compliment, truthfully, but his eyes are soft and attentive, "Yes, my love?"

"Was that…okay?" Caroline makes a vague gesture between them.

"That," Klaus responds firmly, "was magnificent. Do you not agree?"

Caroline shrugs, trying for modesty, "I had a good time."

Klaus smirks at her, lets out another low laugh, before lifting her and carrying her over to the bed. He sets her down, toes off his shoes and socks before joining her, lying down on his side, "I think that's putting it a bit mildly, sweetheart. But how about we take a little nap, then we'll shower. We'll talk over dinner. Discuss if there's any room for improvement, alright? I welcome your notes on my performance. Although I do hope you no longer doubt my abilities?"

"I give you an 'O' for Outstanding. Even though I think you kind of lost it there, at the end."

Klaus' face turns quizzically, "That's an odd grading system. What's the next letter grade, then? Give me something to aim for."

She decides now is not the time to nag Klaus about his appalling lack of Harry Potter knowledge. Mostly because she'll be asleep before she can really make a good case. Rolling onto her stomach, Caroline can't help but be incredulous. "You really think you can top that?"

"Mmm," Klaus rumbles, a world of promise in the sound, as his fingers tease the skin along her spine, "I know I can."