John had carried Stiles into the spare bed room, when the teen fell asleep in his lap he scooped up the boy and carried him before placing him gently on to the bed and removed Stiles shoes before pulling the covers over him. He watched his son twist in his sleep and hug the pillow before muttering Derek's name. Frowning he turned and walked out the bed room to speak to Derek. He found the wolf putting the cups and glasses into the dish washer and putting the paper plates into the bin "I can't believe how much Lydia, Malia and Kira can put away." He said to John without looking up as he closed the door to the dish washer. John sat on the stool at the kitchen counter and waits for the wolf to look at him.
Derek stood up and smiled as he wiped his hands on the tea towel when he notices the Sheriff's odd look "Ask your question?" Derek asked him as he took two beers out of the fridge and took the cap off and handed it to the man
"What do you want from my son? From what I understand your and my son's …relationship was one where you treated him like a pest." He said as he warped his hands around the cold bottle before he took a sip of the beer as Derek frowned down at his own.
"Ever heard of boys pulling little girl's pig tails?" Derek said as he watched the man
"You…You… your too old for him." John said as he tried not to choke on his beer as the wolf chuckled as he looked down at the table.
"I know how old I am and how old Stiles is which is why I never did anything but now… now I think I have to. I can't risk losing him Sheriff he is my anchor and if something bad happens to him I…I…I don't know what I would do." Derek tells him with a soft voice as he take a drink from the bottle.
It was true up until recently he hasn't realised that Stiles was his mate, he realised this when he was with the bounty hunter and he started to think about the hyper smiling teen and then he started to get the uneasy feeling over the last year that something bad was happening. His wolf was acting out and he was finding it hard to control it. He learnt that his wolf was pinning for Stiles and he had to come back. "You left with a bounty hunter you have been screwing for a year while my son had to hiding the fact he had to kill someone in self-defences thinking he was a horrible person." He told him.
"I and regret not being here to help." He sighed and rubbed his head he really did feel guilty "Did Scott behave his usual away and made it worst for Stiles?" He asked
"Yep, so I gave him a parking ticket." He sipped the beer once again "Many times." Derek chuckled at him before looking at him
"I want to be there for Stiles, I want to show him how much he means to me help him though this pregnancy and protect him." He smiled softly as the sheriff downed the rest of his drink and sighed
"Okay Derek as long as my son is happy." He told him as he stood up and walked towards the bed spare bed room.
When Stiles woke up he was alone. He didn't think his dad would be in bed with him but he thought he would be in the bed room at least. Sitting up he rubbed his eyes still feeling sleepy but needing to pee. But as he pushed himself up from the bed he felt his stomach churn "Uuuuha son of bitc…" He threw his hand over his mouth and ran out the bed room.
Derek watched as he left the bathroom to see Stiles fly pass him in a blur and into the room and drop to his knees and empty his stomach. The wolf walked into the room and ran the cold tap as he soaked the face cloth before ringing it out and placing it on the back of Stiles' neck. Once the teen finished emptying his stomach into the toilet he looked up Derek and gave him a watery smile as he flipped the flush and leaned back against the bath tub "Thank you." He whispered with a horsed voice.
"Can you stand?" Derek asked him as he held out his hand. Stiles nodded and took Derek's hand and pulled the teen up and smiled at him as he ran his fingers down the boy's face loving the way he blushed "Come on I made you breakfast."
Stiles kept blushing as Derek lead him to the living room "Your dad is sorry he couldn't stay but he was called in but he asked me to make sure you were okay and to take you Deaton." Stiles looked at the wolf and frowned
"Why?" He snapped pulling himself away from Derek and eyeing him up and down. The wolf looked around at him and saw the teen warp his arms around himself as he was afraid what that they had planned to do to him.
"You get you checked out Stiles. We just want to make sure that this fox was telling you the truth and if you are pregnant how far long are you and how health is the baby." He smiled softly as he held his hand out again
"You promises you're not going to try and kill it?" He whispered. Derek walked over to him keeping the same soft smile as before and walked behind Stiles and warped his arms around him.
The teen gasped feeling Derek's hot hands moved under Stiles baggy shirt and rested it on the teen's stomach and rubbed soft circles with this hands. Stiles groaned and leaned back into his hold and closed his eyes "I just want to protect you Stiles." He whispered as he nuzzled his neck.
"Why?" The teen whispered as he felt his stomach rumble braking the moment Stiles had wanted for so long. Chucking Derek pulled away hearing Stiles whimper at the lost "Come on your pancakes will get cold." He told him, Stiles blushed and walked with him getting to the breakfast bar. Stiles blinked at the stack of pancakes and smiled as he looked up at him as he sat down
"Thank you." Stiles said as he ate his fill.
When they arrived at Deaton's Stiles saw Mellissa was there as well, the teen started to feel worried again and held onto Derek. They both smiled as Stiles walked into the room. "How are you feeling?" Deaton asked
"I'm okay, just really tried and I was sick today. Then Derek made me the most fantastic pancakes." He told them with as he watched Mellissa walk over to him
"Did this girl tell you how far long she was?" She asked him, Stiles thought for a moment and shook his head
"No she didn't tell me." Stiles said as he watched her writes something down
"When did the morning sickness start?" The Dark haired woman asked him
"Today." He said softly
"Okay sweet heart hop onto the table and we can find out." She smiled as Stiles moved to the cold metal table. Stiles looked at her and frowned
"How are you not freaking out?" He asked, because he remembered his dad didn't freak out either. Mellissa turned to him and sighed
"I have no idea." She tells him with a shrug.
The scan was little burry and for some reason the ultrasound machine wasn't working right, but the machine was old and had a habit of sorting out once in a while or so Scott told Stiles. But after a few moments they could see the start of something. Stiles blinked as he saw a head and some other shapes "Oh my god is that it?" Stiles asked as he looked down now seeing a small swell of his stomach…fucked that happen quickly…he thought
"Well it's there you are pregnant Stiles." Deaton said "3 months by the looks."
"How can it be three months?" The teen asked
"She must have been three months long. Anywhere between the first weeks of knowing to 5 months you can do what she did if you know what you're doing. This girl must have been a powerful fox to pull this off." Deaton told them as he cleaned the gel of Stiles stomach. Sitting up the boy frowned as he pulled his shirt down
"So why do I know feel tried and being sick?" He asked as he watched Derek stare at the frozen image of the baby on the screen.
"It would have been the spell, as you told us she was meant to come back and if she didn't the spell keeping…the gate way open will close. The spell will change the baby's DNA form hers to yours making you able to keep it and grow it safely."