A Story Isn't Just a Story
This was not the end of their story. This was just the beginning. The start of many things to come. Where it would lead them, no one knew. For that is a story for another time.
There would be stories told of Skikru and what came with it. There would be told stories of a girl who had lost so much and had fought so hard to get it back. Stories of the boy lost in his own internal war but had loved her like no other. There would be stories, some happy, some tragic, some lost but always a story.
Stories don't end with happily ever after. They are continuous and always developing, always moving forward. Stories of love, happiness, and laughter. Stories of anger, pain, hatred and ugliness. Stories that never end. How we get there and what we do defines us, it shapes us, it is what makes up the human race. What we do to protect it, keep it safe and never let it go is part of that story. So, it's in the stories that we tell and keep close that is our most prized possession, our future and our past. For a story isn't just a story. It is our legacy.
Their story didn't end on the day they lay siege inside to the mountain. They had many years that followed. Some good, some not so good but they always faced it together. Together with their friends and family they faced the trials and tribulations of their new world. A world full of dangers, wonders and experiences. They had created a home, a family with both Skikru and Grounders alike. There would be kids, grand kids and great grand kids, nieces and nephews and an assortment of others they called family. Kids of their own and kids they had taken in, including twins, a brother and sister born during a storm that they were named for. They proved to themselves and the rest of the world that they could survive and survive they did. They had survived death, war, near extinction and sickness, but above all they had survived. That was what they knew for this was their story. This was their legacy, for they are the 100.
A/N So after much consideration I have decided that there WILL be a sequel but I'm kind of waiting out season 4 to see what direction I will take. As of now I have a clear idea on how I will start it. Until I start it I thought I would throw you all a bit of what I am planning
-Someone will die
-Someone we thought dead is indeed alive and ready to cause more problems
-Clarke will go on her "walk about"
-Bellamy will explore his relationship with his newly found father.
-I will divulge into the horror that is Ali with my own spin on it and how Rylie is connected.
-More Murphy Whump because it's just fun and last but not least…
-There is a title
So, stay tuned for The Catalyst Within coming soon and as always thanks for reading!