Warning: The story contains spoilers for season 3, 2 and 1

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, the title or plots of Chicago Fire and Chicago PD. I do not own the text taken directly from the show. This story is intended for fun only and I am not making any money with it!

A/N: "Italics" – memories

Okay, I split what was supposed to be one chapter into two, shorter, so I can update. Sorry once again it's taking so long (already explained why), and Thanks so much for still sticking with this story!

Chapter 12

The beginning of the end

"You serious?" Kelly muttered as Erin pushed him down on her desk chair at the precinct, still struggling to understand the whole theory about the mysterious client…

Matt slumped down on Antonio's chair, then buried his head in his hands…Ruzek and Olinsky shot him a sympathetic look, but he couldn't care less…it suddenly felt more real, if it was possible…what if Kelly had gone to the meeting? What if they both had gone? He couldn't block the memories that flooded his mind…


Casey felt a sudden rush of adrenaline…Fight for your life…and Gabby's face flashed in front of his eyes…all he had ever wanted – a family…he couldn't leave this world without having had one…Fight for your life…

Matt twisted his upper body to the left escaping Oleg's grip, his right hand grabbing the Russian's. "SEV!" He yelled, too weak to win the battle…but Kelly was unresponsive, lost somewhere in the darkness…he had to get that gun from Oleg…

"Let…go!" Oleg's elbow connected with Casey's jaw, but the lieutenant just ignored the sharp pain, swallowing the blood flooding his mouth…he reached for the gun, but the Russian was quick enough to lift his hand, Matt's fingers landing on the lighter in Oleg's other hand…

Laughter filled in the small room…Oleg's laughter. "You want it?" He removed the lighter's lid, then pressed the small button, igniting it…"Catch!" He snarled, tossing the lighter in Casey's direction…

But this time Casey wasn't fast enough…and it landed on a puddle of gasoline…he couldn't stop the flames…flames that engulfed the room, ruining Oleg's otherwise perfect plan…


"Okay okay." Olinsky spoke, an idea growing in his mind…an idea he knew Erin would not like. "At least now we know what their next move is going to be."

"Then go get them!" Kelly hissed through clenched teeth, then rubbed his tired eyes with one hand, Lindsay keeping a firm hold of the other.

"We can't." Ruzek replied from behind his desk. "We've got nothing on them."

"What do you mean - "

The distinctive sound of skype ringing cut Matt off, Antonio's face flashing on Erin's computer. She forced herself to let go of her hero's hand and reached for the mouse, then turned the display around just in time for everyone to see Voight, Jay and Dawson appear on the screen.

"Casey, you okay?" Antonio spoke first, disturbed by the expression on his future niece's father's face.


"What's up, Hank?" Erin pressed.

"We've located Oleg. Left Sofia yesterday under an alias. The Bulgarian police thinks he's headed east toward the Turkish border. Once outside the EU it's gonna be a nightmare to find him again."


"Looks like Sergeant Bonev has a lot in common with our own Hank Voight." Jay smirked, having witnessed the interrogation of a member of the Bulgarian group…a low-in-the-hierarchy, but quite scarred guy, with three teenagers living in a tiny apartment. "Gave us enough information in exchange of a one way ticket for him and his family to any developed country."

"That easy?"

"Things are different over here, Kelly."

"Then get that piece of shit!" Severide shouted, sitting up straight in his chair. "Or just put a bullet through his head and…no one will miss him!"

"We're heading to the border in an hour. Will block his way - "

"Make sure he doesn't come back here." Lindsay hissed.

"Copy that." Jay smiled before sinking back into his bed, clearly exhausted.

"What've you got?" Voight shot Olinsky a suspicious look.

"A plan." The detective shrugged, attracting Erin's full attention. It took him five minutes to bring the three men up to speed and reveal his idea, Kelly just cursing his naivety…usually he was more careful with his clients, did jobs for people he already knew, not for money, just to feel useful, to use the time between shift someway more productive because after Shay what else could he do…

"Let me stop you right here - " Erin raised her voice, but Kelly gently squeezing her hand was her clue to stop…that was a battle he had to win, soon, and if Olinsky knew how…."

"I'll go." The Squad's Lieutenant barked, locking his fingers around Erin's even tighter…yeah, it was the right the thing to do, the only way to bring it to an end and maybe, maybe get one more shot at fixing his life.

"The hell you will." She muttered, just loud enough for everyone to hear it….

"You need evidence? I'll…I'll get you evidence." Well, he had no idea how…couldn't be that hard, right?

"No…you're not trained, you - "

"You'll be there, right?"

"We'll be there." Olinsky nodded. "We'll be there, and the moment we've got enough, we'll act."

"And I'll be there, too." Matt spoke for the first time in the past ten minutes, his tone leaving no room for negotiations.

"No." Kelly shook his head, meeting Casey's eyes. "You've got the new place to sort out, Gabby, a baby - "

"They asked for your partner."

"Gabby - "

"Will understand."

They remained silent for a long moment, Kelly's gaze fixed upon the wall…he had once told Shay he didn't trust anyone else in that world other than her….maybe it was the time to start…for Shay, for Erin and Matt, for himself and for the chance to live life again. Live life and be with the beautiful detective, help Capp get back on Squad, fix the broken relationships in his life…yeah, it was worth a try.

"You think it's gonna work?" Kelly's eyes shifted to the left, meeting Voight's…yeah, he had to trust even Hank Voight.

"Yeah." Voight nodded…he wasn't the only one to notice the pure fear in Erin's eyes, Kelly saw it, too. But maybe that was the final step she had to take to full recovery…yes, Hank knew she was more than capable of protecting the two firemen. And they had Oleg to catch. "No wires. Tell Mouse to find you something else that records!"


"Hey." Kelly gently squeezed Erin's wrist as Casey headed for his truck, Olinsky and Ruzek – already in their car, ready to head to the marina.

Lindsay froze, her eyes pointing the ground of the parking lot of the district…Kelly's gaze followed the single tear that fell on her cheek and rolled all the way down her neck, finally getting absorbed by the soft material of her shirt.

He pushed his own emotions aside. Then placed two fingers under her chin and lifted her head until their eyes met…he was first to take a breath, his mind trying to formulate a sentence. He had to tell her…

"It…it ends today." Kelly whispered, his tone….

"You really believe that?" She whispered back, the softness gone from her husky voice.

No. "Yeah." He nodded firmly, his fingers gently stroking her soft cheek. "You'll be there, right?!"

"Of course - "

"Then I'll be fine."

"Kelly if - "

"Everything's going to be fine! I've seen you use this before." He chuckled, resting his hand on the gun secured to her collar. "Scary." He added just before the corners of Erin's mouth formed a small smile…that beautiful smile.

"They touch you - "

"They'll be on the losing end of my fist!"

"I've seen you use it before…" Lindsay uttered, enveloping his balled-up fist in her hand. "Please be careful."

"I've got too much to lose now." He leaned in closer, their lips meeting. The kiss was all she needed…


"Yeah. My…our life, together. I picture - "

"You coming?" Ruzek's voice ruined the moment…a moment they hoped they'd continue soon.


"Ready?" An anxious Casey fixed his gaze upon Kelly's still figure, his truck now parked at the marina…just like they had done the last time. He narrowed his eyes, examining his friend's absent look, and rested his fingers on the top button of his shirt, then tried to twist it, adjust it...it was a tiny camera, state of the art according to Mouse. Kelly had one, too. Voice recording, video transmitting...they were once again forced to rely on technology...

Severide pressed his eyes shut, trying to stop the sudden pounding in his head. "Do it!" The gun in Matt's hand exploded…


"Kelly!" Erin yelled in desperation, then raised her gun and pointed it to her head…

"Kelly!" Matt raised his voice bringing the Squad's lieutenant back to reality. "You okay?"

"No. Won't be until this is over."

"Yeah…me too." The blonde lieutenant mumbled in response. "Barbecue at my place when we're done here?"

"Who's bringing the beer?"

"Cheapass." Matt chuckled.

"Steak's on me." Kelly shrugged, pushing the door open.

"That's better." Casey followed his friend, letting his lung take in the warm summer air. "Might need something stronger."

"You still have that 30-year-old whiskey?"

"Steak and whiskey…like the sound of that."

No more words were necessarily. Matt locked his truck and followed Kelly, both anxious to finally face the Bulgarians…

Meanwhile Erin sat in Ruzek's lap on the bench not far from the meeting point, ice-cream in their hands…a few steps away, Olinsky yelled to his wife over the phone. Burgess and Roman walked past with their Yorkshire terrier…other patrols covering the whole area…

Ooops our boys will soon face those monsters, how will it go?! Hmmm, maybe Erin was right, maybe they shouldn't have gone...but at least they're together, and you know, they have to have that barbecue in the end. And Linseride have a "moment" to continue...I hope you liked this shorter update. Three more to go... Thanks so much for reading and reviewing, and please let me know what you think :)