AN: Hi all! Well I did it! It's finally finished. I admit the last few chapters have been a struggle, as my muse seemed to take a looong vacation, but I have enjoyed the journey, and loved reading each and every one of your reviews and comments. I hope you too have enjoyed the journey, and I hope you like the final destination! :-D
Disclaimer: Story told from Stephanie's POV. I own nothing.
Chapter 35.
I sat in the row of graduands and couldn't keep the beaming smile off my face. It matched the beaming smiles in the row of people seated in the audience looking at me. Even Carlos had his 1000-watter on today. Today was the culmination of a dream, the ending of a chapter in my life, and the start of a new chapter. I couldn't help reflecting on my journey.
Two and a half years ago I had flown to Atlanta because I couldn't bear to be away from Carlos. It was the best decision of my life. We had spent our time figuring out how to make the details work for both of us, until we had to fly back up to Boston. The next three weeks were a whirlwind, as we packed up my things for shipping, negotiated with the BUM and Diesel, and worked out even more details of my transfer.
Finally, I said a fond farewell with a final French toast breakfast to Mandy, and a very teary farewell to Diesel and Lizzy and set off to my new life in Atlanta… with two boxes of the most scrumptious cupcakes on earth of course! Boston cream pie and pineapple upside down cupcakes. Does she know me or what? I couldn't let Ranger leave the Ferrari in Boston, so we drove off in it to Trenton for the next week.
I worked online on seven for a few hours every day and spent time with my family and friends, while Ranger caught up on work with Tank and Bobby. It was great to see my dad, grandma, Val and her family, Mary Lou and her family, Connie and all the Rangemen. Lula was still ignoring me, and my heart ached for the loss of her friendship. I had talked about it with Janice and she helped me to see that some friendships last, while others fade. I was just sad to see this one die.
The less said about my mother the better, but at least Ranger and I were not subjected to her cold and unforgiving disapproval. We ate with my remaining family one night at Val's place and another night we all went out to dinner with Mary Lou's clan as well. One day Mary Lou and I escaped to Point Pleasant for a few hours, basking on the beach and having fun at the arcade to relive some old memories. I was rebuilding my relationships that mattered most, and it soothed my heart.
We also had a fantastic, raucous night at Shorty's with Tank, Soo, Bobby, Cathy, Cal, Hector and Hal where we gorged on pizza and beer and laughed at everyone's stories.
I took an afternoon to go up to New York and see Janice. We had a great session, and set up for our mostly online sessions in future. Janice had me start something new. She said I had moved into a new phase in my life, and it was time to look forward as well as backward, so she wanted me to start a new, parallel journal she called a 'hope journal'. Instead of analysing my past, she wanted me to start writing my hopes, dreams, plans and expectations for my future. It was really challenging at first, as I had not spent much time in the last few years planning and dreaming, but it was also really liberating.
Staying on seven at Haywood that first time had been a bittersweet experience. There were so many memories there, many good and some not so good, but each night Ranger helped eclipse any bad memories with lots of much better ones. I knew over time it would become easier to be there, as we built our lives together and overlaid so many new memories that the others would fade. But I was glad to know right then that we would be leaving soon for Atlanta.
Finally we packed up the Ferrari again and headed off to Atlanta. We stopped overnight in Charlotte NC to break the long drive. Ranger and Lester had a surprise waiting for me in Atlanta. Ranger had organised to refurbish his spacious personal office in his apartment, to create a separate workspace for me. Two-thirds of the office was now screened with a large desk, extremely comfortable chair, private phone line, and a large safe with bio-metric security for me to store my confidential documents for my research. Ranger's own desk had been move to the side into the remaining, smaller space. It was a fabulous, private workspace for me to finish my confidential research and tears leaked from my eyes at his thoughtfulness and caring. It was so typical of Ranger.
Over the next six months, I worked hard to finish the research for Diesel and Lizzy, and was rewarded when they had found both of the final two stones just seven months after I left Boston. Ranger had had to travel to Boston twice since we left, and I made sure to accompany him, so I could see Diesel and Lizzy. Lizzy had cupcakes waiting for me, and Diesel took me for walks on Winter Island to burn off the calories! In fact, I traveled with Ranger to all the other offices, using the time in Trenton to spend with my family and friends and loving Ranger's Miami beach house.
I also worked hard to fit into the Atlanta office at Rangeman, Lester helping by organising weekly, informal dinners at a local restaurant, similar to Shorty's, and telling outrageous stories of my time as the Bombshell Bounty Hunter. Unfortunately they were nearly all true.
Once the research was complete for Diesel, though, I found myself suddenly at another crossroads. Ranger, sensing my conundrum, organised for us to spend another week in Trenton, and I managed to get two appointments with Janice to talk about my plans and my future. The 'hope journal' had helped, but the time spent with Janice helped more to clarify my plans and dreams, and I headed back to Atlanta with a renewed sense of possibilities.
With prior credit from my business degree for all the general courses, and my experience as a BEA, I was able to enrol in two diplomas at Atlanta Technical College simultaneously; a Database Specialist Associate Degree, and a Diploma in Criminal Justice Technology. I was learning database design, management and programming, and I was thoroughly enjoying this aspect of computing. But the truly fascinating part was the criminal justice technology, where I was learning about crime scenes and forensics, and various aspects of law and justice. It was a new side to the criminal justice system and I was loving it. I couldn't help feeling like I was on an episode of CSI every time I stepped into the lab.
Diesel had recommended me for another research job that took about eight months, and another followed that took nearly a year. The research was interesting, and I was able to use some of my emerging skills to tap into new databases and look at new sources of information. Realising the potential, I even was able to introduce some new ideas and information sources to Rangeman. Ranger had brought Hector and Silvio to Atlanta for several weeks to work with me in the Atlanta office, and they were surprised and fascinated by the new ideas I was able to demonstrate to them. Ranger again begged me to take a job with Rangeman, but I opted for a consultant role, preferring to keep my options open.
All my hard work for years had paid off. With two new qualifications, a reference from the 'non-profit' I worked for, Rangeman's reputation and Ranger's contacts, I had scored a consultant position working with the FBI in Miami. It was a dream job, conducting part-time research on cold cases involving fugitives. It would challenge me and stretch me, but still would leave me open to consult for Rangeman and the BUM as well.
Best of all it was in Miami! After my graduation, we were packed up and heading to Miami, to Ranger's gorgeous beach house (where I had already spent several heavenly vacations over the years) to live full-time. Lester was, to my distress, staying behind in Atlanta to manage the branch. It was a fantastic opportunity for him to finally move into the top spot, but I was going to miss him beyond reason. He had fast become my best friend in Atlanta, my source of fun and hilarious pranks. But I knew as long as I had Ranger, I could be anywhere.
Ranger was trying to pull back from his full-time, hands-on role in the branches. He was retaining a full core team in Miami, and focusing his time on managing the company, and investigating the possibility of another branch of Rangeman. He was considering putting in an offer on an existing company in Richmond VA, or possibly just opening a branch from scratch in Orlando. I hoped wherever he went I would be able to travel with him most of the time.
Ranger and I were both hoping that we could build a closer bond with Julie in Miami. Her relationship with Ranger had strengthened over the years with frequent trips to Miami and I had built a friendship with her as well. Julie was fifteen now, and starting to think about college. Ranger and I, as well as Rachel and Ron, were all hoping our move to Miami would encourage her to stay in Florida.
Ranger and my relationship had deepened and strengthened over the years. We had continued, separately and together, for nearly a year with Janice on video conference, then she had told us it was time to refer us to a local couples' counsellor for monthly consultations. Alison Murphy, who we called Ali, called our sessions 'monthly check-ins'. Ranger compared them to the final scene in the movie Mr and Mrs Smith, although I tried to discourage him from discussing the quantity of our sex life! After another year with Ali, we had mutually agreed that we had built a healthy, strong relationship that we were both dedicated to maintaining and growing, and Ali suggested we stop counselling unless we felt we needed it in the future. We celebrated our 'healthy strength' with a vacation to Vegas.
Over the years Ranger had mostly become Carlos to me, only Ranger when I occasionally worked in the Rangeman office. At home, at night, he was also occasionally Panther, which usually resulted in him not needing a workout in the gym the next morning! There are all kinds of cardio…
I kept up my fitness, still enjoying Zumba at the gym. Carlos and I had brought our bikes down from Boston, and cycled regularly, although it was me more than Carlos. Carlos had talked me into trying different self-defense classes, since he would always worry I would be at risk from enemies past and future, and I had found I enjoyed Krav Maga, and Lester was an excellent teacher and sparring partner. Ranger refused to spar with me, since he claimed he would never be able to hurt me deliberately, but he assured me we would find someone in Miami to continue my lessons.
We had faced challenges, and had fights, but we always tried to tell each other every day we loved each other. Carlos was learning slowly to communicate, it didn't come easily, and it probably never would, but we kept trying. I kept a printed sign above my desk that read, 'It doesn't matter the where, the how, or the details, what matters is the who, what matters is Carlos'. It helped to remember that, to get past the difficult times.
So today I sit in a hard, plastic chair in the Atlanta heat and humidity, waiting for my name to be called to receive my diplomas. Grinning like a fool as Carlos grinned back at me, causing the woman sitting in front of him to fan herself with the program repeatedly. He was still drop-dead gorgeous at thirty-six. My heart felt like it was going to burst as I looked along the row of people beside Carlos; my dad, my grandma, Val, Albert, Angie, Mary Alice, Lisa, Lester, Tank, Soo, Bobby, Cathy, Mary Lou and Connie. Carlos had flown the Trenton people down on a private jet for a few days before the ceremony. And they were here to cheer for me and my accomplishments. My cup was truly running over.
I listened as they called up the graduates alphabetically, and prepared myself as my name came closer, to stand and walk onto the stage…
"Stephanie Manoso, Associate Degree in Database Specialist and Diploma in Criminal Justice Technology. Well done, and congratulations Mrs Manoso!"
AN: I work at a university, so I know the college thing is possible. But if the FBI thing is unrealistic, please forgive me. I plead Australian ignorance! I hope you like my little 'twist' at the end! Just for all you babes! :-)
I want to take the time to thank some of my reviewers who have been with me from the beginning and have taken the time to review every chapter in some cases! Your constant thoughts and encouragements have inspired me, and I am very grateful. Special thanks to shellbell78, melyons and trhodes9 who (I think) have reviewed every chapter. And grateful thanks to the many reviews from Angela Mueller; MomofPhoenix; suzyq59; jacirose; jwarden; rogerse98; First Generation Scot; Margaretlucylu; got2BaBabeFan; ColdWeatherChica; mandababe15; and dozens more readers and guests! You guys are AWESOME!
The offer still stands – if I make it to 500 reviews (only 20 more!) I will let that reviewer request a one-shot on any storyline or topic up to book 21, or extra chapter on one of my other one-shots. So please review! :-)
I am working on a one-shot, inspired by my dismay with Tricky Twenty-Two (and many others before it...). Plus I do plan to go back and finish Epiphany eventually. So I hope you will all keep reading and reviewing for me.
Cheers! Robyn