Wanted to respond to a few comments. Sorry about the formatting. I guess Google Docs screwed up a little and I forget to edit them.

I apologize for that, and I'll make sure to thoroughly edit before posting.

People voted and it seems a lot want Naruto to join a squad, so I'm going to go ahead and do that.

Before people start bitching at me, I just want to say that Naruto has adapted his jutsu into Kido. So his rasengan and stuff are Kido. Don't bitch at me for that. I'm also using it as a scaling system so like a number 10 is weaker than a number 20.

Also, I changed it so Himawari is close to Naruto in chakra, but not larger than him. Sorry about that.

Anyway, enjoy!

"Did you decide, Naruto?" Gengorō Ōnabara stood near Naruto by the front gate of the Shino Academy. Wearing his blue shihakusho, Naruto stood at attention, facing the soul to him, Rukia was standing with a smile.

"Hai. I have decided I will take your offer and rush into being a soul reaper!" Gengorō let out a smirk.

"I'm glad. Unfortunately, no captains wanted some inexperienced kid who doesn't even know his zanpakuto's name." Naruto's face drained a little, but he kept up his serious demeanor. "Well, all but one." Unable to watch, Rukia shouted out.

"Who is it?" As she shouted, a gust of wind blew around the three, blinding Rukia slightly.

"That would be me, Miss Uzumaki." I front of her, a white haori was flowing. He rose his head to reveal light blonde hair. Smiling, Gengorō placed a hand on the shoulder of the stern looking captain.

"Naruto, you will be placed under Captain Urahara." Nodding, Naruto turned to look at the serious expression of the captain.

"Being in my division will not be easy. Is that understood, Naruto Uzumaki?" Nodding once more, Naruto bowed to his new captain. Near them, Rukia was smiling. With a node, Urahara turned.

"Say goodbye. We are heading straight into the Seireitei right away. You have 5 minutes." Quickly, Naruto dashed over to Rukia and took her off her feet in a hug, startling her.

"Oof!" He squeezed hard on her, making her laugh. "Okay okay, get off Naruto!" Laughing back, he let go of her.

"So this is it for me here Rukia." He smiled and she nodded, small tears in her eyes.

"This is you for awhile. I still got at least 2 more years at the academy." He frowned and placed a hand on his head.

"They really do make you stay at this school for so long. 7 years is such a long time." She shrugged, her smile brightening.

"It's no worry. You better be a captain by the time I graduate, or I'm gonna be so pissed off at you!" He chuckled and nodded before giving her one final hug, feeling the impatient spiritual pressure from Kisuke.

"See you later, aneki." Naruto stated, Rukia chuckling at his word usage.

"I'll see you soon, aniki." With a final wave, Naruto walked next to Kisuke, unprepared for the sudden shunpo.

Landing on his feet, Naruto almost fell over. Groaning, he looked around him to see clean stone tile all around him, as well as beautiful white walls with orange roofings.

"Wow. That's nothing like Hirashin… Oi." Rubbing his head, Naruto turned to see the still serious look of Kisuke.

"So it seems you're out for my position are you?" Remembering the short talk with Rukia, Naruto smiled, clenching his fist.

"You might be my captain, but yeah! I'm coming for you!" For the first time, Kisuke let out a small smile.

"Good. I like your determination. You need to become a seated officer first before anything involving captain should be on your mind. You should actually learn that zanpakuto's name of your's. Follow me." He started walking away, making Naruto rush to catch up with the captain. Catching up, Naruto couldn't help but marvel at seeing the seireitei in person for the first time. It was nothing like the rukongai.

"I'm trying. I don't really have access to that area of my mind." Naruto sighed, thinking of the hostility that Kurama had shown him. He wished they were like they were when he was alive, and still friends.

"Foolish. I'll help you enter that part of your mind."

"No, like I have access to the part. I just have to defeat a great demon in order to learn my zanpakuto's name." Kisuke turned to look at the slightly smaller man with a quizzical look.

"A demon? You have a demon in you?" With a sigh, Naruto started in on his explanation about his life with Kurama. Kisuke listened intently, greatly interested in these 'tailed beasts'.

"So you had a great amount of power? With a demon inside of you. And you have to defeat him in order to get to your zanpakuto?" Naruto nodded, placing his hands behind his head.

"Yeah, that's the basic gist of it." Placing a finger to his chin, Kisuke hummed in thought. After a few more minutes of silence, they arrived to what Naruto assumed was the Division 12 barracks.

"Here we are. This is your home for right now. We are going to get you an official soul reaper outfit." As Kisuke explained to Naruto, his vision suddenly went black and he heard a giggle behind him. "Is this really the time for this Yoruichi?" With a gasp, his vision returned and a black womans head popped in front of him.

"No fair, how'd you know?" Kisuke moved away in order to get a better look at the captain. She was smirking slightly with her hands at her hips. Like Kisuke, she wore a white haori with her Squad number on it. She wore the classic black soul reaper outfit with the addition of a white sash around her waist.

"No one else but you would do that, Yoruichi." Rolling his eyes, Kisuke turned back to Naruto, who had just gotten the attention of Yoruichi. Pushing past the pale blonde, she stood in front of Naruto, hands at her hips triumphantly.

"You must be that brat that can't use his zanpakuto that Kisuke took!" Behind her, Kisuke facepalmed slightly.

"I haven't been called a brat in a long time, but yeah that's me. Naruto Uzumaki." He stuck his hand out and she shook.

"Nice to meet ya! I'm Captain Shihoin! Depending on how strong you are, I'll let you call me Yoruichi! But let's just see how far you get in lil Kisuke's placement." She snickered a little, stepping away from Naruto.

"Can we please get in the barracks and get you a uniform before we discuss placements?" Kisuke ushered them forward, leading Naruto into the building. Behind him, Yoruichi winked at Kisuke.

"I'ma tag along. Thanks!" As she past him, she swiftly sent a hand flying towards his ass, making him groan and roll his eyes, before following the two in.

"Are you sure there is nothing I can wear with orange?" Naruto complained slightly, now clad in a standard issue black shihakusho. He wore the straw sandals that soul reapers usually wore and had his right arm wrapped in new bandages. A standard katana sat against his hip. Naruto stood by himself in a large room that was all gray and white. Nearby, in what seemed like a private room, Kisuke and Yoruichi watched Naruto. Speaking into an intercom, Kisuke glanced at the camera on him.

"Naruto no. Right now, you are an unseated soldier. In all honestly, I don't know a single seated officer without the ability to call forth their zanpakuto, so your chances are already slim. I'll still explain everything to you." Nodding, Naruto sat down, ready to listen to his captain.

"Every division has a total of 20 seats for officers. The captain takes the 1st seat, while the lieutenant under me takes the place of the 2nd seat. Both those seats are taken here in Squad 12. You haven't met our lieutenant yet, but trust me you will. Now, usually in the lower levels of our squads they go into multiple people per seat. For me personally, 10th seat and below all have multiple members. Today, you're going to be fighting a large number of unseated soul reapers from Squad 12. We have standby's from Squad 4 in case anyone is badly hurt. Go all out Naruto, just don't kill anyone. We will be watching." The intercom clicked out, and Kisuke sighed, sitting back in a chair. Near him, Yoruichi placed a hand on his shoulder, getting his attention.

"He looks capable." With a nod, he smiled slightly and looked towards the glass panel separating Naruto and them.

Around 10 feet below them, doors opened, letting in dozens of men, all with swords already out. With a yell, they all began to charge Naruto. Keeping his composure, he was gone in an instant, startling the men. Above, Yoruichi looked on in disbelief.

"He just… That was a shunpo! I mean, it was rudimentary, but he shouldn't be able to do that!" Below, the man in the back of the group turned and gulped, staring Naruto down. With a glare, Naruto's palm slammed into his gut, making him kneel over.

"Hadō #10: Rasengan!" A burst of blue and white erupted from the mans stomach, sending him flying forward. Kisuke leaned in forward on his seat, wide eyed.

"That's not a known kido. He made that kido himself." Now, both Yoruichi and Kisuke were both watching the new guy intently. The man's screaming alerted the rest of the men, causing them to charge. One man jumped and attempted to slam down on Naruto. In an instant, he flipped his zanpakuto out of it's sheathe, deflecting the attack. Quickly, he turned and countered a side slash, rushing towards them and knocking the sword out of his hand. He slammed the hilt of the sword into the man's face before jumping to dodge a low slash. Grabbing hold of another soul reaper in mid air, his hand glowed blue.

"Hadō #10: Rasengan!" Instead of the man going flying, Naruto went flying from the force of the kido. While in the air, he spun to face the men and rose his hand again. "Hadō #44: RasenShuriken!" He let loose a giant spinning shuriken of spiritual pressure towards the feet of the men. Causing a giant explosion and dust cloud in the room, Naruto landed and flipped the blade in his hand, the non lethal side pointing out. In a blur, he zoomed towards each man, knocking them unconscious with blunt of the sword. As the dust cleared, Naruto stood, a scowl slightly on his face and unconscious men all around him. In the booth, Yoruichi whistled slightly.

"I'd say let him join my squad, but he is all kinds of flashy, ain't he?" Nodding, Kisuke pressed the intercom button.

"Naruto… Just how strong are you? Who were you before you came to the soul society?" Sheathing his sword, Naruto placed a finger to his thumb.

"It's been so long since then, but I was one of the strongest ninja in the world, not to toot my own horn!" He chuckled a little before getting serious. "I was the Hokage, who is the strongest ninja in my village, as well as the holder of a demon with almost limitless amounts of spiritual pressure." Sighing, Kisuke disabled the intercom and leaned back in his chair. Behind him, Yoruichi chuckled.

"Looks like you're gonna have the first ever seated officer that doesn't have a shikai." He waved her off before pressing another button, signalling someone to enter the arena.

"Naruto, okay that was a little… impressive. So one final test." Nodding, Naruto faced the door that was opening. "Naruto, this time it's serious. Fight for real. I would say try not to kill, but if you don't see will kill you easily. This opponent is nothing like those unseated soldiers. Be careful and good luck.

"Alright… Let's do this." Unsheathing his sword, Naruto prepared himself as a small blonde girl with pigtails showed up with a sneer, her zanpakuto at her side. She wore the standard issue shihakusho he wore, except she had an armband on her left arm.

"This is what this fool has be doing. Whatever. I'll destroy you fast." She gently touched her sword, glaring at Naruto, who was standing at the ready, ready to unsheathe his sword. With a click, the intercom turned on once more.

"Naruto, I'd like you to meet Hiyori Sarugaki, the Lieutenant and 2nd Seat officer of Squad 12."

"Himawari, I'm doing the best I can." Konohamaru was standing against his desk in his office, addressing the purple haired kunoichi currently staring out of his office.

"This mission was a covert mission, with only kages pertinent to the mission details. The only other people that knew were myself and Boruto. I want to know how these details were leaked." Groaning, Konohamaru placed his hand on his head.

"I don't know. I really don't. I'm as angry as you are! Whoever leaked this mission will be imprisoned, believe me." Himawari turned away from the window in order to look back at Konohamaru.

"That doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is the fact that Konoha is calling for my banishment. They did it while Boruto and I were setting up in Kumo. It's smart, really. A council meeting where the Uzumaki's have no representative." Konohamaru looked down at his desk.

"I didn't expect the sudden meeting. I shouldn't have sent Hinata on that mission. I didn't expect the people to actually start listening and agreeing with your execution." She crossed her arms and let her body lean against the wall.

"I saved Konoha. Do they not understand that? My father would be disappointed in them." Before Konohamaru could speak up, Himawari interrupted him. "Yes, I know he would be disappointed in me too. I can only imagine how angry he would be at the amount of killing I did."

"I won't let them kill you Himawari. In the council meeting later this week, I refuse to let them kill you." She turned to face her father old rival with a scowl.

"What makes you think I'll let them kill me, Hokage-sama?" Konohamaru cringed slightly at the spite in the sama. "We will discuss this more at the meeting. I'm tired and I wish to sleep." Nodding, Konohamaru shook his hand, effective dismissing her. She disappeared in a quick flash of purple.

"I want to destroy them all for trying to hurt my baby." Hinata sat on the couch in the Uzumaki household. Near her, Himawari sat at a dining table, a drink in her hand. Boruto slouched on the separate seat adjacent from the couch. "Naruto would be fine with it too! Believe it!" Hinata growled out, crossing her arms in a fury. Boruto let out a small chuckle, making sure it wasn't loud enough to antagonize his mother.

"The people are being stupid. They think Himawari is a danger. Don't they know ostracizing creates dangers?" Hinata shook her head, rising to walk towards the table.

"They did it to your father for 17 years. They even did it then still! Even as Hokage, he was still met with intolerant people that hated Kurama." A soft chirp was heard as a red fox jumped to the table, tilting its head to the side questioningly. Hinata placed her hand on it's head and pet it slightly. "Sorry. Not you Kurama. The big guy." The small kitsune purred before jumping towards Himawari, resting in her lap.

"You know, having a pet fox doesn't really help the whole Kyuubi thing." Boruto stated as Kurama made a small growl sound at him. He simply shrugged it off. Kurama never really got along with him.

"You know how your father is. Foxes are still a little taboo in Konoha." Hinata explained, resting at the table now. Looking up from her small meal of ramen, Himawari looked at her mother.

"I think Boruto is referring to the fact that we basically own a kitsune preservation." Hinata frowned slightly. It was true. Naruto had a soft spot in his heart for the foxes and allowed them to stay on their clan grounds, and even fed them all. It was a move that was met with some confusion in the clan's political sense, but Hinata supported the idea fully. Even after Naruto's passing, the foxes still come and are fed.

"I just can't believe this is happening. I will have to go and give Konohamaru a piece of my mind." With a squeak, Kurama hopped off of Himawari's lap as she rose.

"It's fine mother. We will just discuss it at the meeting later. That's all we can do." With that, she walked away to her room. With a sigh, Hinata placed her head at the table.

"I miss you… Naruto." Near her, Boruto sat, playing with a kunai. He was unsure what to say. Sheathing the kunai back into his pocket, he rose from the couch heading to the front door.

"I'll be out." Before his mother could respond, Boruto was already out the door. The room went quiet besides the soft purring from Kurama. Petting the small fox, she let out a small smile.

I'm gonna end this chapter here. Still more to happen, but this felt like a good stopping point. Later guys.