"Boruto, what are you doing?" The smash of a vase echoed throughout the dark house.
"Leave me alone, Himawari!" The voice of Boruto Uzumaki trembled throughout the darkness. In the doorframe, Himawari lifted a hand to her heart. It had been a few days since they had received the news, and Boruto hadn't stopped hurting.
"Boruto, please. Mom wouldn't want to see you like this." The shaking of Boruto's stopped before he turned to face his sister. A glare was frozen on his face as two blue streaks raced down his eyes.
"Mom's gone. She isn't going to want to see me anymore." His glare softened slowly into a look of depression as Himawari gasped. Unable to control herself, she glared at her brother as the resonating sound of a slap echoed in the empty house. Holding the already reddening mark on his cheek, Boruto turned to see tears forming down Himawari's eyes.
"Don't you dare talk about mom like that. Don't you dare!" With a huff, she turned to the door, looking back at him. "I'm going to the hospital to see them. Come if you want, or stay in this stupid pity party you are in." With that, she slammed the door behind her, leaving her brother in the darkness.
With a sigh, the violet haired Uzumaki jumped to the roof of their compound before jumping towards the Konoha Hospital. Himawari had never been alone prior to these last few weeks, but she felt she needed to get used to it. She had recently graduated from the academy and was placed on Konohamaru Sarutobi's genin team. She was looking forward to the upcoming Chunin Exams, really only to gloat to her brother about becoming Chunin at 12, but the stress of being ninja vanished. Being with her father was all that mattered to her at the moment.
Like most ninja, Himawari wore the standard black sandals, but that's where the similarity stopped. She liked to keep the sense of style her father had, but with an updated style from her mother. As a result, she wore a purple and orange jacket, fusing the colors of her parents, as well as tight black capris. Her jacket was zipped halfway to reveal a gray chainmail like armor, and her jackets sleeves were pushed to her elbows. She wore standard ninja gloves on her wrists. Like her mother, her headband was tied around her neck.
Arriving to the hospital, she wasn't shocked to see it in disarray. It had been like this ever since her father had made his announcement. Ninjas and civilians all tried to stop her, in order to give her sympathies, so she just thanked them and continued on her way.
Arriving to the door of room 1030, a pink haired doctor stood outside, a look of distress on her face. Seeing Himawari, her face dropped lower, allowing her to see the physical pain inside the doctor's eyes.
"Himawari." Nodding to the doctor, Himawari attempted to smile, which only succeeding in breaking the doctors heart more.
"Sakura-san. How is he doing today?" Looking at her, Himawari could tell it was a bad day for her father. How much time he had left was something only Kami knew.
"I'm sorry Himawari. I think it might actually be time. For him to go."
"For him to die." Sakura grimaced at the coldness in Himawari's voice, but she ignored it. She never understood why they treated her like a child still. Naruto had told her he would die one day, and she knew it would come. She wished it wasn't so soon, but she wasn't going to mope all day like her brother.
"I'd like to see him if that's fine." Biting her lip, Sakura nodded, opening the door for the girl. The first thing she noticed was the tired eyes of her instructor from her first year at the Academy. She recognized his scar. She noticed the red around the man's eyes as well as the slight shake of his arms. Looking away, she saw the Sixth Hokage, sitting near the bed without his trademark mask. Unlike Iruka, she saw no symbols of crying on him, but could tell the man was near the edge of tears. Towards the window, the Uchiha Patriarch stood, staring out the window aimlessly. If she were to guess, the Uchiha was likely to break down back at his compound and never tell a soul. Directly against the bed, her mother sat, a trembling arm in between her hands. She looked up to see her daughter and managed a smile. Her eyes were puffy and red and she had tear tracks down her cheeks. Walking to her mother, she smiled. It was a fake smile, but she had a feeling her mother knew.
"It's nice to see you Himawari." Nodding, she looked to her father in the bed. In front of her laid the great Naruto Uzumaki, the savior of the world and the Seventh Hokage. Despite his rank, he laid in front of her, dying in front of her eyes. His chest was bandaged together, showing off the heart surgery Sakura had tried and failed. His skin seemed paler and wrinklier. She had assumed this was possibly due to a reverse of Kurama's healing as he died. He had no tears in his eyes, but they were already turning white. His face lacked the spark it always had and instead had a look of defeat. He defeated Kaguya, the mother of all chakra, but even Naruto couldn't defeat death.
"I'm happy to see you Himawari. You've gotten so beautiful." Nodding, she felt her mouth contort upwards. He was dying, but he always managed to make her flash a genuine smile. He let out a small chuckle. "That's what I like to see," he coughed out.
"I'm happy to see you too papa." She wanted to give her father a hug of reassurance, but she felt any movement would break his frail body. Looking at her broken father, she was sure of one thing; a lesser man would have died already, but not her father. He was the only man she knew that wouldn't let the absence of a heart stop him. Looking to her, he looked around for his son.
"Where is Bolt?" She shook her head, signalling that her brother neglected to show up. She caught a glimpse of her mother frowning, making her hope that Boruto's assumption about their mother's feelings wasn't true. Laughing, Naruto attempted to squeeze his wife's hand.
"It's alright. I didn't expect him to show up. This is all hitting him so hard." Then why was she there? She neglected to share her opinion. It wasn't the time or place. Besides, her parents always expected her to be the more sound one, as she never betrayed her emotions and hid them. A sudden groan pulled Himawari out of her thoughts as she looked down to her father, panic evident on her face. Chuckling, Naruto faced her daughter and wife.
"I think I hit my limit guys. I feel so lightheaded," Naruto's eyes started to close slightly. Next to her, she could hear the muffled cries of her mother. "Remember… I want Konohamaru to replace me as Hokage. Tell teme to shove it daily for me, honey." A soft 'tch' sounded nearby, making her father smile. "And remember. I love you all. But I love you two and Boruto so much," Himawari noticed how her father used his real name on not his nickname, possibly to show his love. "I love you three with all my empty space where my heart used to be." He chuckled slightly as his eyes started shutting. Hinata couldn't help it and started sniffling, tears flowing down her face. Her head rested down on his chest, allowing Himawari to look back at his face. That brief moment made her miss the moment and her father's eyes were shut forever.
The Seventh Hokage Naruto Uzumaki was dead.
"Are you coming to the funeral?" Himawari stood in the familiar doorway of Boruto Uzumaki's room. She was dressed in a black dress and her brother sat in his room, dressed in a black suit. Based on his clothes, she was sure he was going to go, but he couldn't move.
"Should I? I look so much like him, people will probably get sad." He looked back down to his desk, making her roll her eyes.
"It's a funeral, people are going to be sad regardless. Besides," she took a few steps towards him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "we are shinobi of Konoha. We all die eventually. Papa would want us to smile and cheer people up today." With a sigh, Boruto rose from his desk, brushing her hand off his shoulder.
"You're right. I'm being selfish. I'm sorry Himawari." I let out a smile that even I didn't know was genuine or not.
"It's fine. Let's go though." Boruto nodded and followed his sister out of the house. She didn't let her brother know, but she hoped her father was in a better place.
A sudden light rushed the eyes of Naruto Uzumaki, making him groan and cover his eyes. After a few minutes, he opened them once more, allowing them to adjust to the sudden light. After the rush passed, Naruto made out what seemed to be a bright blue sky. Sitting up, he looked to see shacks and homes, as well as people spread around in kimono's.
"Whoa… Where am I?"
"Well, that's an odd question!" Jumping from shock, Naruto turned behind him to see a small black haired girl who looked no older than 10.
"You scared me little girl!" She let out a small growl, making Naruto gulp.
"I'm not a little girl you stupid ass old man!" Chuckling, Naruto bowed.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I just have no idea where the hell I am." He stated, scratching his head, making the girl laugh.
"Come on mister! Don't be a dummy! You're in the Soul Society!"