Disclaimer: I, in no way, shape or form, own the Transfomers franchise. Why, you may ask? Because Hasbro says I can't have it. :(

So, the summary should be really self explanatory, right? Well, earlier today, I was walking around the streets of NY, and I saw a Chevy Camaro modeled after the 2011 Bumblebee. It had the little Autobot symbols where the wheel axles were in and everything. So, I had an idea, which blossomed into this.

In the future, this thing is going to get Cracky. Really fast.

So, without further ado, 'Operation: I don't want to be a Mary Sue' is a go!

Have fun~!

May 25, 2013, John F. Kennedy International Airport

"The flight 7522 to LAX is now ready to board in Terminal 7," came a female voice over an intercom. "I can't believe we're really moving to California, Sarah!" squealed a grey eyed, brown haired woman to another woman with brown eyes and black hair. "Aura, we've decided a long time ago," complained the woman, hefting her carryon onto her shoulder. "Oh, Sarah, don't be a wet blanket," laughed Aura Moran, pulling her own carryon. "Now, goodbye temperamental New York, and hello LAX!" "Yeah, yeah, let's go before they leave without us," groaned the younger woman.

Six and a half long hours later

"Yay!" squealed Aura as she stepped into the hot California weather. "Oh my Primus, stop! I had to deal with you for six and a half pit spawned hours!" "Sarah! I know you love me!" pouted Aura. Both girls wheeled their luggage over to the chain of people waiting for a taxi, tapping her foot as she watched other people pass by. "Yay," she said sarcastically when the luggage was piled into the trunk of an SUV.

About an hour later

The two women pulled their luggage into their new home, leaving it in the living room as they left to get dinner.

Two weeks later

Aura and Sarah unpacked their stuff after it had arrived with a moving company. They also got their joint owned car, a blue 2008 Dodge Charger SRT8 with two black racing stripes their parents had gotten them when they graduated college. They were location hunting to open their own mechanic's garage, but hadn't left the house for anything other than new furniture and food.

Sarah glanced at her sister, troubling thoughts creeping into her brain. Aura was playing around with various Transformers memorabilia, the old classic figures their parents had in storage in the attic while they were in college. After an unfortunate drive, their parents crashed into a drunk driver in a minivan while they were coming back from a trip to Gateway mall. Basically, their parent's car, a 2004 Nissan Altima was involved in a three car pileup, and their mother was diagnosed with brain damage, while their father died on impact. After two weeks, the two sisters had to pull the plug on their mother, unwilling to see her suffer any longer.

Exactly after another month, Aura and Sarah Moran decided to sell their house and move to the West Coast to make a new life.

Sarah picked up her house keys, pocketing them and went over to her sister to take one of the toys, a Generation One Blitzwing. "Hey. Why don't we put them away and go out to eat dinner. My treat." Aura looked up, folding G1 Prowl into his vehicle mode. She shrugged, standing up, moving to take her wallet and book bag. "Yeah. We should go," she said softly, banishing negative thoughts.

On the way to a McDonald's, Aura's eyes were scanning the streets as her eyes laid on a car. Grey eyes were fixated on yellow and black paint, mouth agape as she stared at the car in front of her. "Aura? Hello, anyone home?" asked Sarah. Her arms were crossed, foot tapping as the girl watched her sister with annoyed brown eyes shielded behind dark sunglasses. "Oh. My. Primus," said the grey eyed girl dreamily, not paying any attention to her sister. "OH MY PRIMUS!" squeaked Aura, which caused the girl next to her to poke her roughly with a finger. "Aura! Snap out of it!" yelled the girl, and Aura finally turned to look at her sister. "Sarah! Why aren't you excited?! It's Bumblebee!" shrieked the girl, the decibel causing Sarah to cover her ears. "What?! Aura, are you insane?! Are you still thinking about that poor excuse of a Transformers movie?" asked Sarah, exasperated. She sighed at her sister's antics, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"Come on, Sarah! They weren't that bad! The cars in there were awesome. A Topkick, the Peterbilt, the H2 Hummer and the Solstice! Not even you can deny that! Its fangirl heaven!" squealed Aura. "Stop squealing! People are looking at us weirdly! What if the owner decides to walk up here and sees you squealing over his or her car like a maniac! It's embarrassing!" groused Sarah. "Oh, don't worry, I'm sure California can deal with a couple more crazy people," said Aura, waving a hand in dismissal. "I mean, come on! A yellow 2007 Chevy Camaro with black racing stripes! You don't see that every day! Look, it even has the symbols~! It's totally fangirl worthy!"

"Yeah, and it's in the middle of the street in Los Angeles. Let's go, we're supposed to explore the house we bought!" Sarah tugged her sister by the arm, literally dragging the older girl away. "Sarah!" whined Aura. "Stop it~!" "If I do, will you walk away like a normal person?" asked Sarah sarcastically in a mock whisper. "I'm a grown woman, I do what I want," huffed Aura. "Yeah huh, and we got to move so we can get out of the place we're going to live in," sighed Sarah. "Now let's go, I want to eat some burgers." "Yay~!" cheered Aura.

As the two girls walked away, the yellow Camaro's engine turned on, and a blond haired boy appeared in the driver's seat. "Optimus? This is Bumblebee, listen, I heard a very odd conversation…" The boy tilted his head when he got a reply. "I'll get Sam and regroup, sir."

Meanwhile, at a McDonald's

Both girls were sitting inside, Aura with a Big Mac with fries and a soda, and Sarah, with two double cheeseburgers with a side salad. "I don't know why you like the Movieverse," commented Sarah, taking a bite. "All the special effects were awesome, Sarah. I'm a pyromaniac. Those explosions were, well, explosive. And the characters! I liked Lennox and Epps a lot, and Sam was alright, I guess," replied Aura. "I think it isn't very true to all things Transformers, considering Transformers Prime came out. Bay wasn't not very original. An all-powerful Allspark? Give me a break, Aura. If Megatron wanted it so bad, why did it kill him?" asked Sarah, finishing her salad. Aura shrugged, and thought about it, balling her wrapper and tossing it on the tray. "I think it was because there was too much power. Like it overloaded his systems with raw energy," speculated Aura. "Why did they kill Jazz then?" asked Sarah, eyebrow raised. "I don't know. Jazz and Prowl are my OTP. I wonder if Prowl was killed because of the backlash of a broken bond."

Aura reached into her book bag, pulling out her laptop. She connected it to the internet, and after a while, she frowned. "Sarah? There's something wrong with fanfiction. Net." Aura looked up to her surprised sister. "I can't find the Transformers or Transformers/Beast Wars category anywhere."

"That's odd," replied Sarah. "It was open yesterday. I remember, I showed you that funny G1 story with Prowl brooding and everyone else thinking the world was ending." "Well, I don't see it anywhere. Even my bookmarks-they all say that the story I'm looking for doesn't exist. I even tried to look up the wiki page, but nothing showed up, other than electrical Transformers. Hey look! Huffington Post has a news label…Says that Mission City is still in repair after two months… but I think the date on it is wrong." Aura turned her computer around, eyebrows furrowed. Sarah stopped what she was doing and found the date on the website. "It says it's August 17. 2007. That's…" Sarah leaned back into the booth, deep in thought. "This whole thing sounds strange. Like we're in a fanfiction plot…Oh Primus. I know where this is going. We're going to be Mary Sues." Sarah's voice dipped into a deadpan.

"This cannot be happening," she groaned, forehead hitting the table with a painful thump. "Wait! So that means…" Aura trailed into thought, mind rewinding the last hour, then her mouth opened. "Oh. My. PRIMUS~!" The squeal directed the other customer's eyes to automatically swivel to the two girls. "Shh! Not that loud!" hissed Sarah. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod-Oh. My. God," rambled Aura. "Hush! We're going back to the house. Now," said Sarah, her voice dropping into a whisper. "I. Can't. Wait," clipped Aura. Sarah could feel that her sister was going to jump out of her seat like the fangirl she was. "Come on, before the military finds us or something." Once Sarah threw out the garbage, Aura snapped her laptop closed and they hightailed it out of there.

Once they were back at the house, Sarah locked the door and had started to pace back and forth. Aura laid idly on a sofa, fingers playing with a custom made symbol of the G1 Cybertronian Alliance, deep in thought. "Okay, Aura, so what are the facts?" asked Sarah. Aura hummed, then said, "Well, first off, the Transformers category is wiped off the face of the internet." "Yeah. The Huffington Post says that it's 2007 and the Mission City clean-up. Like the first movie's time." Realization dawned over Sarah's face. "Means that they came recently."

"But how did we get here anyway?" asked Aura, standing to walk over to her suitcase. She pulled out a Voyager class figurine of Optimus Prime, idly transforming it back and forth as she sat down again. "I dunno. Maybe it was the plane flight here. We both slept on the flight, right?" Sarah shrugged. "That guess is good as mine. Hopefully, that Bumblebee lookalike didn't contact Prime…"

The bell rang at that precise moment, causing both women to freeze. "Oh scrap," muttered Sarah. Aura hurried to shove the figurine into a desk drawer when a glint of metal caught her eye. Her breath hitched, and she palmed the little charm of the Matrix of Leadership into her hand. "Get the door," she breathed, slipping the charm into her pocket. Sarah nodded mutely, and she did.

Yes, I know this idea has been reused in the past. Blame the past, not me. Cheers~!

Oh yeah, before I forget, I put both girl's bio in my profile page.

For sure right now, bye!