Quick AN: Hellllloooooo! Enjoy the chapter, Easier Said Than Done will be updated next. A big thanks to my editor ItsDillon! #TheBest! Enjoy, thanks, and review!
"Ughhhh!" Bree groaned as she came to. 'Where am I?' She thought, looking around.
After a few seconds of gathering her thoughts she thought back to the mission. Eyes widening, she jumped up and her head whipped around frantically. She was some type of cell with metal walls and a huge bolt door. Her eyes traveled until they landed on two heaps a few feet away from her. Running to the closest one, she started shaking the shoulders of the person.
"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up," she shouted in their ear.
"5 more minutes Chase. Wake me up when Tasha finished breakfast," the person groaned.
"Adam!" Bree shouted frustratedly before sitting on top of him.
"Ok ok I'm up," Adam yawned. "Was goin on?"
"Mission?!" Bree shook her head.
"Oh yeah. Wait where's Leo?"
"Over there," Bree pointed.
"I got it!" Adam runs over to the heap on the floor. The snoring was getting louder and louder every step he took.
Smirking, Adam runs over and throws himself on top of the motionless, yet loud body.
"Ah!" Leo snorts, his eyes shooting open. "Adam get off!" Leo groans.
"Fineeeee," Adam sighs.
"Where are we?" Leo asks while picking himself off the ground.
"That's what I'm trying to figure out," Bree says crossing the room over to the two loud boys.
"Well we aren't home," Adam observes.
"Obviously stupid," Bree smacks his head.
"Owwwwww," Adam pouts while rubbing his head.
"Wait did you hear that?" Leo jumps.
"The echo of Adam's empty head? Yes, yes I did," Bree rolls her eyes.
"No, it sounded like a whimper," Leo says confused. Quietly, he activated his energy sphere and grins when a section of the room lit up.
"Stay behind me," Leo said confidently.
"Awwww, little Leo's all grown up," Adam fake cries.
"Shut up Adam," Leo rolls his eyes.
Leo leads them to the back of the big cell. Leo jumped when the light landed on a foot. A safe distance away, he traveled the sphere up until a head was visible.
"Is that?" Leo's face scrunches up. He walks closer to the figure and turns the body onto the back. "It's Chase!" He yells when he sees the face.
"What!" Adam's eyes widen as the air is knocked out of his chest.
"Is he breathing?" Bree asks. They all crouch down.
"Yeah," Leo answers after checking his pulse.
"Chase wake up, wake up Chase," Adam shakes him.
"Mmmmmmmm," the figure groans.
"Yes Chase, it's us, come on, open your eyes," Bree coaches.
Adam pulls the small boy into his lap.
"Chasey?" Adam whispers into his ear while rubbing the pale boy's soft cheek.
"A...Adam?" Chase whispers.
"Yes, it's me, open your eyes Chasey!" Adam beams.
"Mmmmmmm," Chasey groans, snuggling deeper into Adam's broad chest.
"Chase, where are we?" Leo asks.
"Mmmmm mmmm," Chase says distressed.
"I know your tired, but can just answer our questions first so we can get out of here?" Bree asks frustratedly.
"Ughhhhhh fine fine," Chase rolls his eyes.
Adam sits him up comfortably.
"So where are we?" Leo starts.
"Douglas' lair."
"Obviously," Leo says.
They notice Chase's eye turns blue and his other moves around frantically as he stares at something invisible in front of him.
"We are-" Chase starts. His blue eyes sudden sparks then goes out. "AAAAHHHH!" Chase screams.
"WHAT HAPPENED?!" The 3 bionic siblings shout out simultaneously.
"My bionics are glitching! I can't see! It burns!" Chase shouts, pushing his palm to his eye.
"What?" They all say confused before they all try out their bionics.
Bree starts running but suddenly stops and collapses holding her legs.
Leo tries his energy sphere and unlike last time, it starts burning his hand, it was so hot it burnt through his glove.
Adam tries his super strength, but as he picked up Chase he suddenly shouts and grabs his arms, making Chase fall with a thud.
"Really Adam?!" Chase whimpers.
"Oh God I'm sorry Chase, but my arms really hurt!" He says wincing. He shoots Chase a guilty, puppy-dog look making a blush creep up Chase's neck.
"I'm glad you guys are enjoying my new update to your chips!" A voice suddenly booms throughout the room, making the occupants jump.
"Douglas!" Leo grumbles.
"Hahaha! You see, I made it so whenever you try to use your bionics, they turn against you," Douglas starts.
"Wait that means..." Chase gasps.
"Yes." They can hear the evil smirk in Douglas' voice.
"What what does it mean?" Bree asks confused.
"Every time we use our bionics, it's destroying our chips. In the end, it will not only destroy our chips, but it also affects the part of the body our powers are attached to. Like Adam's arms, Bree's legs, Leo's hand, and my eye," Chase explains in a devastated whisper, as if he was speaking to himself.
"Wait, why would you want to do that? I thought you wanted us on your side?" Bree asks confused at at his motives.
"Bree, honey, princess, lets not play games. What's this, the 13th time I captured you? I've given up, I know I can't get you guys," Douglas sighs.
"Yeah okkkaaaayyy...you give up just like that?" Leo deadpans.
"Well I also might have made better, more powerful bionic chips. Therefore, you guys are useless and old news," Douglas chuckles. "Anyway, have fun destroying yourselves. Unless you do want to join me..."
"NO!" They all shouted at once.
"Grrrrr." Douglas turns off the speaker.
"Ok I think I found a way we can get out of here." Chase announces. "But involves using our bionics."
"Teams are about sacrifice, no matter what, we got each other's back." Surprisingly, that came out of Adam.
The 3 others stare in shock at the tall bionic, but nod in agreement.
"Ok, so I will log into the data base and project a map of the building and exits from my bionic eye. Bree you will use your speed to copy down the map on the back of my mission log paper while Leo uses his energy sphere as a light. We need to go this done in as few seconds as possible to prevent our chips from destroying," Chase explains. "On my count...1, 2, 3, now!"
They all start their designated jobs and finish in under a minute.
"Ok Great job team," Chase says over the whimpering of Leo and Bree as they hold their aching and burned limbs. Chase holds one palm to his eye while squeezing it shut, barely noticing the blood dripping down from his closed eyelid.
"I'm going to try to hack into the system and turn on the lights," Chase explains as they all squint to see the paper.
10 seconds later, all the lights in their huge cell turn on. Chase's palm is smeared with blood now.
"Ok, so there are 2 exits in the building. At the front and at the back of the building, the only windows are in the attic. Right now we are in the basement and the stairs are over here. The best thing we can do is split up. If we all go together and get captured, then we'll all we done for."
"Ok, that makes sense," Leo muses.
"So the teams are Leo and Bree, and me and Adam," Bree and Leo smirk at each other," So we will take the back, you guys take the front."
They all nod.
"Be careful, play it safe, and get out as fast as you can. If I have time, I'll try to make the building self-destruct," Chase explains. "Oh, and destroy Marcus! The map says his lab is near the back of the building, so me and Adam will find the new chips and destroy them, before Douglas makes a whole army. You guys capture Douglas and bring him to Mr. Davenport."
"Ok." The 3 say together.
"On 3. 1, 2,-" Chase starts. "Bionics!"
"Girl Power!"
"Wait on or after 3?"
"Team Leo!"
"Yeah...we'll have to work on that..." Chase just shakes his head.
"Adam, remember, you can't use your blast wave. The energy comes from your whole body like my molecular kinesis, so if you use it, it will do serious damage," Chase says solemnly.
"Ok I understand Chase," Adam says seriously.
"Wait how are we going to open the door?" Bree asks.
Chase sighs, then his eye turns blue. The door unlocks and he holds his head while groaning. "Ok lets go," he whispers.
"Left," Chase whispers to Leo and Bree.
They nod and the mission starts.
What they forgot to realize Douglas was listening the whole time, and he was watching them all...