Power Rangers Music Force


Chapter 89: The Mystic Knight Song of Music Part 5

Both teams and mentors nod as they head in the spooky and desolate headquarters. "This place is really creepy". Bay said to them as she feels a shiver down her spine.

Robbie nods as he looks around. He also feels the shiver down his spine as it is really cold. "Guys, why is it getting very cold all the sudden? I mean the more we go into this direction, the colder it gets". Robbie said to them.

Corey frowns as he has felt this cold before as they walk into a big chamber like room. He looks above as he spots a bird cage as there is two frozen statues in it. "Levi", Corey said to them. He is upset as tears are coming down his eyes.

Alex looks at Corey as she spots Emi in the same cage. "Emi", Alex yells as she is freaking out about it.

"Well, well, well, it is so nice for all of you to be in my trap". A female voice said to them.

"It is good to see you again red ranger". A male voice said to them as he is talking to Corey.

"This going be extremely good". Another male voice said to them.

The rangers and mentors see the three beings that appeared to them. Abigail is really pissed. "What did you do to them"? Abigail asks them. She has that mama bear in her eyes.

Sonatina looks at them as she laughs at them. "I merely used my ice spell on them, and they are frozen statues. Plus it would have been more interesting if it was you that helped that non ranger instead of your brother. That way you would have suffered in Nicholas's hands. Plus Lucian did hurt them and yet that bronze ranger took a pounder more for that non ranger".Sonatina said as she looks at Corey.

Corey grits his teeth as he is angry that they did this to him. Adrian looks at the veteran red ranger. Alex is getting angry as well as she glares at her. "We will set them free and defeat all three of you". Alex said to them.

Nicholas looks at the as he has something up his sleeves. He looks at Corey and Adrian as he uses a spell. "Lets make things more interesting and fun". Nicholas said to them as he unleashes the spell.

Lucian looks at them as he snaps his fingers as he summons more of the minions from the other world including more Mutezoids. "We would like to see you try and fail". Lucian said to them.

Corey and Adrian gets hit by the spell as they are stuck together. A black energy bound is around their arms. "What the", Corey said as he tries to pull away from Adrian, but he can't go very far. Adrian tries to cut the bound but it is useless as well. "This is ridiculous", Adrian said to them.

Just as they start the battle, Natasha Amy also arrived to the room. Sonatina looks at the new arrival. "This is everything that I could have hoped for". Sonatina said to Natasha Amy.

Natasha Amy glares at Sonatina. "I defeated you once before and I can do it again". Natasha Amy said to Sonatina. Kira and Abigail nod as they are ready to fight. "She is not alone this time". Kira said Sonatina. "That's right you are dealing with us as well". Abigail said to Sonatina.

Sonatina, Lucian, and Nicholas look at each other as they have more Ancient Mutezoids coming into the room. "Attack", they said in unison as the battle begins.

Sonatina is facing against Kira, Natasha Amy, and Abigail. She looks at Abigail as she notices the angry look on her face. "I really made that non ranger cry when I comely froze that bronze ranger into the statue before I froze her up". Sonatina said to them as she aims it towards Abigail.

Abigail grits her teeth as she wanted to charge in towards Sonatina. "You witch", Abigail said to Sonatina.

Kira holds her back as she shakes her head to Abigail. "Abigail hold on, she may have something up her sleeve". Kira said to Abigail. Abigail nod to Kira as their fight gets started.

Facing Nicholas, it is Corey and Adrian as they are stuck together. Adrian looks at his fellow teammates and the veterans as they are facing Lucian. He wants to be with them but couldn't because of the spell. "This is not what I had in mind. I should be with them fighting that Gradios not being stuck together with you". Adrian said to Corey as he is frustrated by the situation.

Corey looks at Adrian as he can tell. "We have to make best of the situation even though it is something that neither one of us likes. I have been in worse situations than this, and I still got through them even if it was going through a hell spot. You should not take your frustration out on others. It is something that the enemy would want to get from you and take advantage of". Corey said to Adrian.

Adrian looks at Corey as he got his butt kicked by Corey's wisdom. "You really have kicked my butt twice today and it wasn't physically". Adrian said to Corey. Nicholas charges in at the both of them as their fight gets started.

In the third group, it is the veterans and the Rangers fighting Lucian and the minions that he summoned. Alex is upset and angry as she is fighting Lucian. As Lucian kicks at Alex in the stomach, she rolls to the ground.

Julianne and Delia went over to Alex to give her a hand. "You ok Alex"? Delia asks Alex.

Alex shakes her head as she is still thinking about Emi. "No I am angry that they did this to her and Levi. It is the first time that she disappeared to this dimension unwillingly and being taken unwillingly as well. Alex said to them as she is upset.

Julianne gives a look to Alex as she slaps her face. "Alex listen to me. Emi means a lot to you guys just like Levi means something to us. They see that you are fighting them emotionally, and they can and will take advantage of it. We can and will find a way to reverse it". Julianne said to Alex.

Alex looks at Julianne as she notice the frozen statues of Emi and Levi. The Knights are stunned as it is the blue veteran getting through to her. "Thanks Julianne", Alex said to Julianne as she got through to her.

As the fight continues, the rangers, mentors, Natasha Amy, and the veterans are getting tired and exhausted. Corey notices that each time Sonatina uses her staff Nicholas and Lucian has more power. Plus each time Sonatina uses her staff, it adds a layer of ice to the frozen statues.

Adrian looks at Corey as he realizes something. "Ok what's going on in that head of yours". Adrian asks Corey.

Corey looks at Adrian as he points towards the staff. "That staff, it is giving Nicholas and Lucian more power. Plus it is adding more layers of ice to Levi and Emi. If we can destroy that staff, it could reverse the effects on them and remove the power that Lucian and Nicholas". Corey said to Adrian.

Adrian nods as he notices the staff. "You are one observant ranger". Adrian said to Corey.

Corey nods to Adrian as he looks at Alex. "Alex, we need to get that staff away from Sonatina". Corey said to Alex.

Alex nods to Corey as they come up with a new plan. They regroup as they face Sonatina. Sonatina frowns as she is holding to her staff. "So you figured it out that my staff holds the key to this. I will personally freeze all of you starting with her". Sonatina said as she uses the staff on Natasha Amy and Abigail.

Kira notices the ice frozen statue spell. She pushes both Natasha Amy and Abigail out of the way as she gets turned into a frozen statue just like Levi and Emi.

Everyone is shocked by it as they glare at Sonatina. "Kira no", the veterans said to Kira. Abigail is shocked by it as she has never seen a mentor sacrificing herself to save someone else including herself.

"You really asked for it. Guys lets go into Guardian mode". Corey said to them.

The veterans nod as they morph into their Guardian forms. "That looks a bit much for a secondary form". Robbie said to them. "That is more like a special form than a secondary mode". Adam said to them.

Diana nods as she looks at them. "That is because it is our special form". Diana said to them.

Abigail looks at them as the fight continue. 'If Kira did something to help her Rangers, I can do it as well'. Abigail thought to herself. She charges towards Sonatina as she wrestles with her for the staff.

The rangers are stunned as they see Abigail fighting back against Sonatina. "Woah she might be a bigger mama bear than me". Laura said to them.

Bay nods in agreement with Laura. "Yeah but she is not going to last for much longer". Bay said to them.

Delia nods as she uses her water manipulation powers as she waits for the right moment. Alex notices that Delia has an idea. "Abigail try to knock it out from her hands". Alex said to Abigail.

Abigail nods as she hears Alex's voice. "You turned Emi and Levi into a frozen statue and nearly did the same to me and Natasha Amy but Kira took the spell to protect us. You are done". Abigail said to Sonatina as she kicks at her wrist thus knocking the staff out of her hands.

Sonatina looks beyond horrified as the staff is out of her hands. "No my staff", Sonatina said to them.

As she rushes to grab it, Corey and Adrian grab their weapons out. "How about we break together, ready Adrian". Corey said to Adrian.

Adrian nods as he looks at him. "You know it". Adrian said to Corey.

As Corey and Adrian move in synch and in unison, they slash at the staff with their weapons.

As the staff breaks all the power that Nicholas and Lucian had before was gone. The sticky bound on Corey and Adrian is gone. Kira is turned back to normal. Plus the bird cage is thaws as Levi and Emi are returned to normal.

As the bird cage is about to fall, it is Alex, Adam, Matt, and Wally that breaks the cage as they are caught. "Emi, boy am I glad to see you". Alex said to Emi.

Emi looks at Alex as she smiles to her. "Yeah, it is kind of long story". Emi said to Alex.

Matt is holding Levi's morphor. "Here buddy, I do believe you want this back". Matt said to Levi.

Levi is holding his morphor as he nods to him. "You know I do, and it is time for me to get back to this fight. Music Force Lets Play the Music, Guardian form", Levi said as he morphs into Guardian form.

Sonatina, Nicholas, and Lucian look at them as their plan is falling apart. "No this is not suppose to end like this". Sonatina, Nicholas, and Lucian said in unison.

Corey looks at them as he has the Electric Guitar of Musicola in his hands. The others are touching it like they are ready. "It is ending like this". Corey said to them.

"Red Power", Alex said to them.

"Blue Power", Delia said to them.

"Green Power", Ethan said to them.

"Yellow Power", Sam said to them.

"Pink Power", Bay said to them.

"White Power", Ellie said to them.

"Gold Power", Adrian said to them.

"Silver Power", Robbie said to them.

"Black Power", Adam said to them.

"Guardian Power of Rock and Roll", Corey said to them.

"Guardian Power of Blues", Julianne said to them.

"Guardian Power of Country", Matt said to them.

"Guardian Power of Heavy Metal", Wally said to them.

"Guardian Power of Rap", Bobby said to them.

"Guardian Power of Jazz". Diana said to them.

"Guardian Power of Hip Hop", Vivian said to them.

"Guardian Power of Classical", Laura said to them.

"Guardian Power of Techno", Levi said to them.

"Guardian Power of Melody", Iris said to them.

"Guardian Power of Rhythm", Robin said to them.

"Guardian Power of New Age". Natasha Amy said to them.

As the power of the Knights and the Guardian powers combined with the Electric Guitar of Musicola, Corey tunes it up as he is powers the guitar. Kira, Abigail, and Natasha Amy joins them. "Song of Musicola and the Mythic Knights Unite as one", Corey said as he plays a new song.

As the guitar is being played 20 beams are released as 11 of them has music notes in it as it head towards Sonatina, Nicholas, and Lucian.

As it hits the three of them, Lucian is destroyed into pieces. Nicholas and Sonatina gets destroyed as they are turning into spirits. Natasha Amy is holding a book as she opens a page. As a vortex is made, the spirits of Sonatina and Nicholas are sucked into the book as she captured them in it. Natasha Amy closes the book as they are sealed in it.

Alex sighs as she looks at Emi. "I am glad that you are alright". Alex said to Emi. The rest of the Knights nod in agreement.

Emi nods as she is still under the weather. "Thanks guys but where did Sonatina and Nicholas go? I mean Lucian was destroyed". Emi said to them.

Natasha Amy looks at them as she is holding the book. "I asked a friend on the mainland to use this book to capture Sonatina and Nicholas. He agreed that the situation called for it. Once they are captured in the book, they can never come back to life again". Natasha Amy said to them as she vanishes to thin air.

Corey looks at them as he is ready to leave. "Lets head out from here". Corey said to them. They nod in agreement as they teleport out from Mount Siren.

Back at DT Wave, Levi and Emi are being looked over by Abigail while the others are being healed with the healing music Zordon. "Musical instruments with healing powers, it is very unique". Robbie said to them.

The Mystic Knights nod as they see Levi glaring at Adam. "I heard about you hurting my brother". Levi said to them.

The Mystic Knights does a double take as they look at Levi and Corey. "Hold on you and Corey are brothers"? Adrian said to them.

Levi nods to them as he looks at Corey. "Technically we are half brothers, but he is more like a full blooded brother. In this ranger team being a ranger, it is a family affair. Have you apologized to him about it"? Levi asks Adam.

Adam nods to Levi as he explained that his actions were very wrong and Corey already forgiven him. "He accepted my apology very easily, Levi". Adam said to Levi.

Levi nods as he looks at Adam. "As long you know that you made a mistake, you have to admit it even if you don't want to. Plus if some friends of ours were here and seen and heard about what happened in those woods, they will be pissed especially a red ranger in particular". Levi said to Adam.

Adam looks at them as the other veteran nod in agreement. "Good to know", Adam said to them. The Knights look at Adam as they are ready to tease him about it.

Corey looks at Alex as the Knights are about to part ways. "By the way Alex, if you guys are needed back here in this dimension, there are more female red rangers to meet". Corey said to Alex.

Alex nods to Corey as she is getting intrigued into it. "That is interesting to know". Alex said to them. As they make a portal, the Mystic Knights including Emi and Abigail went through as they head back to Dresden.

Back at the Clubhouse, Dean sighs as he sees everyone returning. He sees Emi as she is feeling better. "Emi are you alright"? Dean asks Emi as he hugs her.

Emi nods to them as she is being hugged by everyone including Adrian. "I am alright. I learned my lesson. Never get the fish tacos from campus and be careful of what you wish because you might get it in the most unintentional of ways". Emi said to them. Everyone grins as they have her back.

Adrian looks at them as he looks at Abigail. "You know we wouldn't have defeated them if it wasn't for Abigail. She kicked that staff out from Sonatina's hands. If she didn't do that, Emi and Levi would be a frozen statue still. I suppose there is a ranger in everyone including interns and mentors". Adrian said to them.

The teens look at each other as they are surprised that Adrian is the one that said that. Ellie smiles as she kisses him on the cheek. "I think you have grew up a bit on this mission, and picked up a thing or two from Corey". Ellie said to Adrian.

Adrian shrugs as he looks at them. "Yeah he is something else. He kicked my butt in his own way". Adrian said to them.

Alex nods as they are exhausted. "I have to agree to that, and I hope there is not another mission to that dimension after the back to back missions like that". Alex said to them.

Dean nods as he looks at them. "I have to agree. I want all of you to take a break and relax for a couple of days". Dean said to them.

The teens nod as they leave the clubhouse. Alex catches up with Emi. "Hey Emi, can you do us a favor"? Alex asks Emi.

Emi turns to them as she has an idea what it is. "What", Emi said to them.

"Don't do anything like that to scare us again, and if you are getting sick call us". The teens said to Emi.

Emi nods as she smiles to them. "I can do that", Emi said to them.

Back at Emi's and Bay's dorm, she just finishing cleaning up her dorm as she got rid of the throw up smell. She went back to her desk as she opens a drawer. Just as she is going to open a secret compartment, Bay walks in the room. "Hey Emi", Bay said to Emi.

Emi turns to Bay as she nods to her. "Yeah", Emi said to Bay. She closes the door as she can't work on something with her roommate around.

Bay looks at Emi as she wants to apologize. "I am sorry about what happened in here. I should have known that you were sick. I could have gotten you ginger ale and chicken noddle soup to help you feel better". Bay said to Emi.

Emi shakes her head to Bay. "It is not your fault Bay. I should have never gotten those fish tacos from the place on campus in the first place. I think Abigail wants to see if it was contaminated with salmonella". Emi said to Bay.

Bay nods to Emi as she looks at her. "Yeah Abigail is a mama bear after all". Bay said to Emi. Emi nods as she wonders if and when Dean and Abigail are going to let her do field work.

End Chapter

Yeah this is a special chapter that taken place a couple of years after Music Force team saved the world.