Six months had passed since Regina asked Emma to "move in." The two grew closer and closer to each other. Henry would often crawl into their bed in the mornings and lay between them in what Emma liked to call, "a ducky sandwich." Most mornings included Regina prodding the two out of bed, with the promise of pancakes. They would agree but only if they were their special, "duckycakes."

Regina had formed the habit of calling Emma "Momma Duck" in front of Henry, hoping to rub off on him. And it did, unfortunately the daycare providers and Mrs. Lucas had picked it up as well. Emma wasn't bothered by it. She was surrounded by people that she loved, and that loved her.

Several of her sleeping habits still carried over from being homeless. Including waking up in the middle of the night from nightmares. However now Regina was there next to her to calm her down. Emma's leather jacket collection had grown, as well as the addition of a used yellow bug. Regina was very reluctant to having Henry ride in such an "untrustworthy car." She was relieved that it took Emma several tries to pass the driver's test, because it gave her time to let the local mechanic fix what needed fixing. But the smile on Emma's face was worth it as they drove to get ice cream for the first time as a family in the bug.

The first night they made love it was full of exploratory touches, whispers of "Is this ok?" and giggling over awkward moments. It wasn't perfect but it was enjoyable, their bodies seemed to mold together in bed, like they were made for each other. Regina tried to be the dominant one but had lost with mock annoyance when Emma rolled her over. They both kissed passionately and let the night last long. Nothing was rushed. Everything was at a comfortable pace for both of them. When they came they came together, and sparks flew between them. Regina grinning like a child who had won a prize and Emma beamed down at the brunette proudly.

That was when Emma truly realized she had fallen in love with the right person. She had moved her face down to Regina's and before placing a soft kiss below her ear, and whispered, "I love you."

Regina breathed in and smiled as tears filled her eyes, "I love you, too."

"This is nice Emma." Regina said smiling as she sat in the chair the blonde had pulled out for her.

"I thought you might like it." Emma beamed as she sat across the table.

"So what's the big news?" Regina asked impatiently leaning forward to grab her girlfriend's hand.

Emma said nothing but pulled a small badge out. "You're looking at one of the new deputy in training's at the station."

Regina gasped and smiled. "I'm so happy for you dear."

"There's one more thing." Emma said pulling her hand away and reaching into her jacket pocket before dropping to one knee.

"Regina Mills, it may be a cliché thing to say, but you saved my life. I wouldn't be here if I hadn't found that little lost boy in the park. I wouldn't be head over heels in love, if you hadn't insisted to give me a ride home, or the lack there of. I would probably be in even worse if I didn't feel comfortable enough to call you to bail me out. I definitely would have never felt the need to want to be a mom till you showed me that I was. You have made my life a million times better than my best dreams. Which is why I'm here on my knee in this restaurant, I used to think was too good for me. I want to wake up to your beautiful face every morning and fall asleep with you in my arms every night. And most of all I want to raise our little duckling together. Maybe even have a few more. No Pressure." She winked. "So would you please do me the honor of letting me be Mrs. Mills?"

Regina responds with. "No," Emma frowned slightly, but Regina continued. "But I would love to be Mrs. Swan-Mills."

Emma squealed as she placed the ring on Regina's waiting finger. Somewhere in the background she heard a voice say "Kiss her." So she did.

Emma lifted Regina out of the chair and dipped her placing their lips together sharing a kiss.

AN: Well this is it! Sorry it was late, I've been SUPER busy with school! I know it is a quick way to wrap this up! But there is a possibility I will do one shots of them into the future when I get bored. Thank You guys so much for the reviews! I LOVE YOU ALL!