With great effort, Dick pulled back his heavy lids to see stark white. Blinking slowly the Med-Bay ceiling came into focus. His eyes felt dry, itchy but when he tried to bring his hand up to relieve the itching his arms were met with resistance. Panic started to build as he realised he was chained to the bed. He started pulling at the chains in an effort to dislodge them, all he achieved was the metal cutting into his wrists.
'Woah woah, Dick calm down!' Wally's face came into Dick's line of sight. The ginger placing his hand on the younger man's shoulder to help calm him and stop him pulling at the chains on his wrists.
'The chains were just in case it wasn't you when you woke up.' Wally watched his friend closely as he undid the restraints. The blue eyed teen, lying on the bed, looked caught between exhaustion and genuine fear. When the restraints were gone Dick grasped Wally's wrist.
'Wally, please, tell me the truth. Talon didn't...' he couldn't finish the sentence but Wally understood. He sat on the bed slowly, looking his friend right in the eyes.
'You...Talon went missing for several hours. Batman is still checking but so far there doesn't seem to be any reports of murder.'
Dick nodded softly, biting his lip. 'Where's Jay?'
'I think he went to patrol Blud Haven. You've had a rough week, guess he thought at least you wouldn't have to worry about your city.' Wally's could feel his friends shaking through the mattress.
'I shot him, Wally.'
'I know, I heard. But he had his armour on, he's fine Dick.'
'Doesn't change the fact that I tried to kill him.'
They sat in silence for several moments. Wally knew that there was nothing he could say, as much as they were friends they were nowhere near as close as they used to be. Right now, he didn't need the friend that had abandoned him for a normal life. He needed his family, the people he trusted most in the whole world.
'You weren't yourself Dick.' Was all Wally could think to say to comfort him. 'I'm gonna go and get Batman. Are you going to be alright on your own for a moment?'
Dick nodded slowly, not looking up from his lap until he heard his friend leave the room. When he was finally alone he listened, listened to the quiet of the room. And that was when he realised that it was quiet. He could still feel the presence of his other personas in his mind, but they were quiet, they were under control. Dick sighed in relief, it was over, it was finally over. He closed his eyes and sank his head into his hands, relishing the silence.
Dick lifted his head to see Batman standing above him, he hadn't even heard the man come in; a testament to how tired he was. Batman's jaw was tight, a sign that he was concerned.
'I'm fine. How's Jason?'
'Jason is fine, he's glad that he didn't have to shoot you in return...as am I.' He paused for a moment before tenderly sitting down to the edge of the bed. 'I'm glad you managed to regain control from the Talon. I'm curious to know how you did?'
'I realised something.' Dick said, a smile gracing his face. 'All of the personas, Nightwing, Renegade, Talon: I spent so much time separating them from myself, fighting them, denying their existence. What I failed to realise was that they were all a part of me and by denying them I was denying a huge part of myself.
But what I also realised was I wasn't weaker than them, I'm not the weak link in the chain. All of their traits, talents, the good and the bad, they all came from me.'
Batman nodded in understanding, his hand coming to rest on Dick's shoulder.
'And the Talon?'
'He's still there. He'll always be there, no matter how much I try to deny it he is a part of me that the Owl's dragged to the surface. But I know now that allowing myself to fall victim to those dark emotions is my own choice...and I'm stronger than that. He won't be a problem anymore.'
'Well, I for one am bloody glad of that!' Jason appeared in the doorway. He raised a hand to silence his brother when he tried to speak. 'I know what you're gonna say Golden Boy and it's fine. I've shot you before so it's only fair.' he winked and Dick seemed to relax. 'Now get some rest Dickie-bird, because I am never going to patrol that hell hole of yours again! Do you have any idea how many times I have been shot at tonight? Blud Haven is your problem again as of tomorrow!'
Dick nodded, feeling calm for the first time in a while as he family left him to sleep. Finally, he would be able to sleep alone in his own head.
'Where is the boy now?'
'He's with the Batman again Sir.'
The man smiled behind the black and gold helmet. Finally after several years of waiting they had seen a sign.
'Do we move now Sir?'
'No. We wait. It will not be long before the Bat and his disciples make a mistake, that is when we will make our move.' The man moved to his desk, dismissing the younger man from the room. When he was alone he removed the helmet, revealing a face in his early 60's, greying hair and shining blue eyes. After nearly 3 years of waiting the Talon had finally resurfaced and soon, Richard would return home.
A/N I feel like the worlds biggest cop out! Not completely happy with how this story ended, for which I am sorry, but I have also lost all motivation for the story. I feel if I don't finish it now, then I never will. If you are all really unhappy with the ending then I will, of course, edit it. I hope you have enjoyed this story. I have enjoyed reading your lovely comments. I hope you all enjoy your summer, thanks for sticking with me. Karin xxx