I don't own Merlin sadly. It belongs to the BBC

This story is dedicated to a great friend of mine, Forevercullen. More sister than friend. She got the job! So happy for her xx

This story has six chapters and there will be a chapter posted everyday like always :) I know I am posting a lot of stories lately but I seemed to have finished writing them all at same time lol

Summary: Uther and Ygraine sick and tired of just how spoilt their son Arthur and daughter Morgana are, Uther makes them a deal, question is, will they go through with it when they find out all what it entails?

Warnings: Malexmale. AU. Rated 'M' for swear words

I apologise in advance for any mistakes I may have made

Uther Pendragon was a hard working man, he ran his own business but always made sure he did a lot of the work, he hated those who sat at a computer all day saying they have been working hard when he knew they didn't even know the meaning of the word, he had left school at fifteen and went straight into work, he worked from the bottom and made his way up, after thirty years of hard labour and putting in no less than ten hours a day Uther Pendragon owned his own newspaper, one that was getting more readers and was only growing and growing.

He walked into his home he shared with his wife who he met at school, Ygraine, she had left school with him and gone to work in the local shop later joining Uther at the paper as he made his way upwards but when Ygraine fell pregnant and gave birth to their first child, a son, Arthur, Ygraine and Uther both agreed she would stay home for their son and Uther would work, two years after Arthur was born they had a daughter, naming her Morgana. Uther had vowed he would work hard and make sure his children never went without like he had to, made sure they always got what they wanted.

As he walked into the living room and saw his twenty five year old son Arthur on his phone typing away looking from that to his laptop and his twenty three year old daughter Morgana laughing and giggling on the phone, Uther now wished he had been more firm with his children, instead of giving them all they wanted that is now all they knew.

Arthur and Morgana hadn't worked since leaving school, they had studied and got great grades but their attitude was why work for what we want when Uther was there giving them what they wanted.

"A little help please." Ygraine's voice sounded.

Uther looked at his children who hadn't even moved.

"Please? I have heavy bags here." She called out again.

Uther lost his patience, he walked over to Morgana and took her phone off her and pocketed it.


"Your mother is calling for help, go, now."

"But I just got my nails done."

"Does this face look bothered? Go, now!" he said moving quickly over to Arthur, taking his phone as well and shutting down the lid of the laptop.

"That was really stupid!" Arthur said as he stood up.

"No Arthur what is stupid is you not lifting a finger to help when your mother is asking for it."

"Why do I have to go? Morgana has gone,"

"Your mother has heavy bags."

"Well you are home now."

"That I am, difference being I haven't sat on my arse all day doing fuck all! Go and help your mother!"

Uther followed his children and saw Ygraine come in with some bags, kiss his cheek thanking him before going to get more bags. He shook his head when he saw Morgana carrying one bag, placing it on the table and started to look through it, once she found what she was looking for she went to leave the kitchen but stopped when she found her dad blocking the way.

"There are still bags to collect, you can eat that later."

"But I want to eat this now."

"You will eat it when you have worked up an appetite."

Morgana all but slammed her low fat snack down and stormed back out the house to help get more bags.

Ygraine came in once more and sighed as she placed the bags on the table, smiling at Arthur who had at least four bags in each hand. "Thank you love, just place them there."

Arthur nodded before he and Morgana walked over to Uther with their hand out. "Phone please?"

Uther put a shocked look on his face as he handed his children back their phone. "My children actually know manners? Shocking!"

Once alone Uther started to help Ygraine unpack the bags.

"Thank you love. I can't believe they actually helped."

"I am sorry to say they only did so as I had words."

Ygraine shook her head. "What has happened to our children Uther? We didn't raise them to be like this, they are getting worse."

"I know they are love. I have been talking to some people at work and I have an idea that might work. Are you willing to give it a try?"

"I will give anything a try if it helps."

Uther nodded and held his wife close to him.

The next day Uther took the day off work to sort everything out which didn't take long. Once it was all set up he called down Arthur and Morgana from their rooms telling them it was a family meeting, Arthur and Morgana knew it must be serious if Uther had called a family meeting.

Arthur walked into the living room closely followed by Morgana to see their parents sat at the table, two chairs pulled out for Morgana and Arthur to sit on, once they were seated a phone beeped and straight away Morgana and Arthur took their phone to check and see whose it was. Arthur started to laugh. "Hey Morgana Cenred just sent me this video, I will send it to you, check it out."

Seconds later Morgana's phone beeped that had her laughing. "That is funny."

"Shall I show you what is also funny?" Ygraine asked.

Arthur and Morgana looked up. "What's that?" Morgana asked.

Instead of answering Ygraine reached over and took her childrens phones, throwing them both over her shoulder, not caring in the slightest when she heard the sound of either one or both of them breaking.

Arthur and Morgana were just about to stand up and get their phones when Uther's fist making contact with the table stopped them from moving. "Don't. You. Dare." he warned.

Once Morgana and Arthur sat back down he looked at his children. "Your mother and I have been talking and we have decided to send you both on holiday."

"Really?" Morgana asked.

"Yes. Your father has sorted it and paid for it all you leave at the weekend and are away for three days."

"Wicked!" Arthur laughed.

"Oh it will be wicked." Uther smirked. "You even get to take three friends each with you."

"So we go on holiday with three friends of our choice and you have paid for it all?" Morgana has asked.

"Yes." Ygraine smiled. "We just need to know who you are taking."

Morgana nodded. "Morgause, Gwen and Freya."

"Arthur?" Ygraine asked.

"Merlin, Leon and Lancelot."

Morgana looked at Arthur. "Merlin? Are you sure? You are always falling out with him."

"Only because he keeps going on about him having to work for what he has and that I have it easy, trust me after this holiday he will be thanking me."

"Where are we going then?" Morgana asked. "Does it have a pool?"

Uther smirked when he thought of the lake where his children will be camping next to. "Oh yes. A great big one and I have sorted it so the only ones who use this 'pool' are the both of you and your friends."

"What hotel are we staying in then?" Arthur asked.

Ygraine blinked and looked at her son. "Who said anything about a hotel? I didn't mention hotel." she looked at her husband. "Did you?"

"No dear."

Arthur and Morgana looked at their parents. "I don't understand." Morgana said.

"Oh I am sorry I haven't explained have I. Let me make myself clear." Uther said as he placed his hands on the table and stood up, looking from Arthur to Morgana. "This so called holiday is a camping holiday, you will be sleeping in tents by a lake in the woods. You will have only your phone with you, not your phones but ones I provide you with, ones that will be locked so that you can only call your mother or me."

"You will be looking after yourself, only eating what you manage to catch in the lake, washing your own clothes, keeping yourselves warm, taking some damn responsibility!" Ygraine snapped.

"I don't know what has happened to my children, when we first had you we vowed you would never have the life me and your mother did, that you would want for nothing but the more we gave the more you took, you both don't care any more. You will be camping for three days looking after yourselves doing everything for yourselves learning how to make it on your own."

"You can't make us do this!" Arthur said.

"No we can't, you do have a choice. Do this and survive three days and learn and show us the change in you when you come back and me and your mother will give you anything you want, the one thing you have always wanted, money is no object." Uther stated.


"Or you leave home with nothing." Ygraine said.

Arthur sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "When do we leave?"

"Arthur no. I can't live in the woods for three days and fend for myself."

"Morgana we have to, would you rather us kicked out? We won't be able to get a job for months and months, can you just imagine peoples faces if we went for interviews and they ask for experience and we say we don't have any as mummy and daddy have always given us what we wanted?"

"Well?" Ygraine asked her daughter.

"Fine, but I am not happy about this, any of it."

"Of course you are not happy dear, you are not getting your own way." Ygraine smiled as she stood up from the table. "Oh and one more thing. No make up or beauty products taken. Just soap and shampoo."

"Mother! You can't do that."

"I am your mother I can do what I like. Now you leave at the weekend. I suggest you go and check to see how the weather is going to be so you know just what to pack." she said, smiling before she left the room.

"You both get packing. I will inform your friends, strangely enough they all agreed and are looking forward to it, I think they are actually betting to see which of you will crack first."

"How could you have told our friends? We have only just told you who we want to take."

"Oh I know that, but I told all of your friends this and told them I will let them know today who will be going." Uther said before following his wife from the room.

The next day Uther walked into a cafe to see Leon, Lancelot and Merlin sat at one table and Morgause, Freya and Gwen sat at another, knowing girls being girls and will be demanding all sorts he went to the lads table first and sat himself down. "Now are you all still sure you want to do this, you know what it entails."

Merlin smiled. "We do and we are not as spoilt as Arthur, we all work for what we have. Arthur has been doing this for too long, we all actually have a bet to see how long he will last, the girls are the same with Morgana."

Uther laughed. "Well the girls will probably be changing those bets, Ygraine has banned all beauty products."

At this Leon started to laugh aloud. "Morgana won't last three days, when I first started staying over she insisted on getting up first so I wouldn't see her first thing in morning without her makeup on."

"Now then. I told my kids that if they last three days I will give them the one thing they have always wanted, no expense. I am now offering the three of you something similar, you will be having to do this for three, in return for doing this I will give each of you something that you want. Leon, you first."

"I want Morgana to be my wife, but I want to do everything properly, by doing that I want to have yours and Ygraine's permission."

"Leon if you do this for three days and help us see a change in Arthur not only will I give you permission to marry my only daughter I will pay for the wedding, honeymoon, hen and stag nights."

Leon shook Uther's hand. "Done."

"Lets just hope I haven't been." Uther said before looking at Lancelot. "What is it you want?"

"I have just finished University, I have passed all my exams but what I have majored in I can't get a job as no one wants to take on someone with no experience but how am I to learn if no one will give me a chance?"

Uther nodded. "I agree, what is it you have majored in?"


"You have these three days in the woods with my son and friends and when you get back you will have a job at my paper as a reporter."



"Thank you."

"You are welcome." Uther nodded before looking at Merlin.

"And you?"

Merlin smiled. "You know what I want."

"That I do. Merlin you have got to be one of the most selfless people I know."

When Merlin laughed Uther shook their hands before walking over to the girls table. After he explained everything of what the three days included, resisting the temptation to roll his eyes when the girls gasped at the news of no make up or beauty products he asked each of them what they wanted.

Morgause knowing Uther owned a paper and was close friends with several magazines she wanted him to see to it that she became a model in one of them. "I have the looks for a model, it is what I have always wanted to be. I model for a couple of things but I want the big stuff, to be recognised as well. I don't even mind doing nudity."

"You want to pose nude in magazines that is one thing I can not help you with, I am close with a lot of magazines but not those kind, however I will sort it for you." he said before looking at Freya. "And you?"

"I am still studying at University, my bills are getting higher and higher. I can't afford them so I am having to cut back on a lot of things, move back in with my parents, cut classes -"

"Stay with your parents, do not cut any classes, enroll in the classes you have cut I will pay for your university fees." he said, smiling when she looked relieved before giving him a beaming smile.


Gwen smiled. "Lancelot and I are to marry in eight months, everything is still being paid for, we have worked everything out but the only thing we can't afford is a honeymoon."

"Where are you getting married?"

"Registry office."

"You will not, you will both marry in mine and Ygraine's house, your reception can be a big marquee in our grounds that will save you some money to put towards a home I will pay for the honeymoon."

Lancelot looked up when he heard his fiancé squeal and saw her hug Uther before she looked over to him. "We are going to have a honeymoon!" she nearly squealed.

What do you think?

Chapter Two up tomorrow :)

Review? x