I'll admit, I've been slacking off. Two weeks ago, I had this written. I was too lazy to do the editing so I didn't do the editing. That is until today. Feel free to call me out on these things if you want more chapters. Besides that, I'm going to start taking this more seriously. This could have been a lot better if I would've taken the time to script this. For Episode 3-5, I'm not going to make that same mistake. They are going to be scripted.
On a more important note, I am almost ready to begin working on my book, To Save a Life. All I have left to do is the scripting. If anyone is interested in reading it, follow me on WattPad. The book will be posted there a month or so from now. Don't worry. I put a lot more thought and planning into my original works.
"The Transformation" Chapter 8
Amber guided Clementine away from the Walkers and to Andrew Jackson Highway. Clementine remembered leaving the diaper bag to which Amber volunteered to go back and retrieve. Clementine continued down the road alone. The news Alan revealed to her shook her and she was still feeling the impact. Only now the sadness was extinguished by anger, which had taken its place.
Further down the road Amber caught up to Clementine and scolded her not waiting. Clementine did not respond, but instead grabs her bag and kept walking. Once conversations opened up again, Clementine suggests they walk in the woods near the road as to not be seen. Amber agrees. That decision proved to be a smart one. Several trucks drove by and in them the same bandits who raided the town Clementine and her group were located. In spite of the danger, they continue to journey in the direction that may very well lead to their deaths.
Amber had nothing to say about the deathtrap Clementine was leading her toward. After what happened at the strangers' cabin she wasn't sure if living was worth the hassle. At least, in death none of the problems of the living would be her concern. Her mind cluttered filled with like-minded thoughts blinded her from seeing what she was walking into.
Clementine, on the other hand, knew what is at stake if they didn't go. She kept remembering words spoken to her by Carver, "If people don't trust you, how can you trust them?" She wondered if she even wanted Amber's trust. Amber seemed to be a shell of her former self. Her mood shifted constantly and her actions were random. She risked both their safety to get revenge on Dave. Clementine wasn't sure if Amber is fit to hold a gun anymore. Even if she was, the two of them would not be able to take on a large fully weaponized group who took down their former two stronghold.
Clementine looked at the Bible in her hand. Memories of praying with her mom surfaced. Nothing she ever prayed for came to pass. She remembered a kid she went to church who prayed that he'll never have to go back to school. His prayers were answered. While looking up at the sky, Clementine made a silent prayer for Alvin Jr.'s life to be spared.
The girls came across a small river. Clementine gave it a look and thought about stopping to bathe. With three lives on the line, Clementine reconsidered and kept walking. Amber, on the other hand, couldn't pass up the chance to wash the shame off her body.
Amber: Clementine were stopping here.
Clem: There's no time. We need to find the others.
Amber disregarded Clementine's statement. With everything that had happened to her, there wasn't an inch of her body she didn't want to scrub. Amber did not bother to remove any of her clothing before plunging into the calm river. Only after dipping into the river did she begin removing her garments.
This infuriated Clementine. Instead of speaking her mind, Clementine scouted ahead. Only Clementine knew how deep their friends were in. There was no time to engage in luxuries.
Clementine stormed off to let off fume. All there is to see is trees, trees, and more trees. The woods irritated Clementine, she wanted to be back in society. She wanted to sleep in a bed, eat a warm meal and not have to worry about the dead haunting her or people holding her back. Clementine, as frustrated as she is, put all of her strength into her right hand to punch a tree.
Clem: Ahhh!
Her hand recoiled into her chest making her drop everything in her arms. As an instinctive response, she wrapped her left hand around her right. Clementine fell to her knees and waited for the pain to subside. Clementine looked at her knuckles and saw that they were bleeding. Ignoring the blood, Clementine sat there for a few minutes to recollect herself. In the silence, Clementine could hear the groans of a Walker and the sound of someone singing. She opted to ignore it and regroup with Amber. But after further listening to the voice she recognized who it belonged to.
Clementine was in no shape to help anyone nor did she want to. However, this person was the one she made responsible for Alvin Jr. Clementine grabbed the knife she dropped and ran as fast as she could toward the direction of the voice. As she got closer the singing got louder. Upon almost reaching her distressed friend she could make out the lyrics.
"Only thou art holy; there is none beside thee, perfect in power, in love and purity." Clementine thought his singing was atrocious same as the lyrics. Paul struggled to keep two Walkers off of him using a thick tree branch as several more drew near. What she didn't see is Alvin Jr.
Clementine wasted no time in joining the action. She pulled out her knife and kicked the legs of the Walker nearest to her. She repeated this again with another Walker and another after that. More Walkers took notice of Clementine and she was ready for them.
Paul sang his song until the end; then he acknowledged Clementine.
Paul: Clementine, it's good to see you.
Paul struggled under the tree branch as it begins to crack under the pressure of the undead. Along with the tree branch, Paul gripped a blade tightly in his hand. Due to the upkeep of the branch, however, the blade was rendered useless. Clementine made short work of the Walkers in front of her and had time left to save Paul.
The Walkers pressed against the tree branch arched overthrowing their mouths at Paul to bite him. Paul's arms were strong enough to endure the weight of the Walking corpses, but the branch was not. The branch broke and Paul fell backwards with Walkers falling on top of him. He was sharp enough to transition from holding off Walkers with a branch to stabbing them in the head with his knife while falling backwards. Clementine made it to his aide a second before he fell and stabbed one on the head. Despite the effort, the Walkers got close enough to bite. Clementine handled the remaining few as Paul labored to keep them from biting him. Paul was saved.
With no more immediate threats from Walkers, Clementine asked Paul the question lingering on her mind.
Clem: Where is Alvin?
Paul was cheery when Clementine arrived to help. Now, that happy disposition disappeared.
Paul: Clyde and I ran into some trouble and we were separated. He has AJ.
Clem: What! I trusted Alvin with you! He was your responsibility!
Clementine was seethed at his response. Alvin Jr. indeed was put into Paul's hands to watch and protect, not Clyde's. The only question that remained is, where is Clyde?
Clem: Where did he go?
Paul: He could have gone anywhere. We, however, came across this town. Clyde pinned a Walker to a tree in the middle of the woods. He said that is anything goes wrong we'd regroup there.
There were no more words that needed to be said. At least, that's how Clementine felt. She turned her back to Paul to regroup with Amber. Paul called out to her and Clementine picked up her pace. She kept her head forward despite Paul's continued calls.
It would seem that Paul had finally got the message as he ended his pleading. However, Paul grabbed her shoulder. Clementine spun around to yell at him.
Clem: What!
Paul paused for a moment, then, he pulled down the collar of his shirt. There was a bite on his shoulder.
Paul: This is from a moment ago.
Paul then knelt down to lift up his pants sleeve revealing another bite.
Paul: I got this the night we were separated. This is why Clyde has AJ. Keep an eye on me, okay.
Many thoughts went through Clementine's head, many things she wanted to say to him. Some of these thoughts were "I'm sorry," And "I'll keep an eye on you," And even "That took a lot of courage. Thanks for telling me." But, she decided to say something else.
Clem: I should shoot you. Wait here, Amber is taking a bath. I'll go get her.
A few minutes passed, then twenty. Paul was found waiting when the girls emerged from the river. Paul noticed that Jewels was missing which prompted a question.
Paul: Where is Jewels?
Clem: Dead.
Paul: So they did her in.
Clementine paused on the statement thinking would it be best to agree, stay silent or tell him the truth. It was an easy decision for her to make.
Clem: No, they didn't. I did.
Paul's eyes widened, but he kept silent. Amber and Clementine kept walking, Paul stayed in the back until he was called forward to lead the way.