(This was my firat Supernatural fanfic so I hoped I did okay. Thanks so much for reading. Reviews make me smile.)
They pulled into the hospital and the paramedics unloaded Dean. Before Sam could so much as blink they were rolling him through the doors shouting medical terms at each other.
He had to jog to keep up with the fast paced doctors.
One of the nurses put a hand on his chest as they rolled Dean through a set of grey double doors, "I'm sorry sir you can't go back there."
"Like hell! My brother's back there. I'm going."
"I understand sir, but he's in good care. If you'll just wait over there," she pointed over to a patch of what looked to be the most uncomfortable chairs, even by Sam's standards, "We will tell you as soon as we have any information on his condition."
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Realizing how many people have this exact argument everyday and never get anywhere he simply nods his head.
"Thank you. There is a bathroom right around that corner where you can clean up. Also, if you could fill out these papers it would really help us take better and quicker care of your brother."
Sam nodded his head again and grabbed the small clipboard.
It wasn't until he saw the pale red that he was smudging on the paper that he noticed he was covered in blood.
His heart caught in his throat as he slowly talked himself to the restroom. He'd had Dean's blood on him before, more times than he could count actually, but this time was different.
This time it hadn't been some random vamp or demon. It had been a human, a fucking human. Most of all it had been Sam's fault. He wasn't there when Dean needed him.
Maybe if he'd been at the motel Andris would have just shot him and got it over. Dean would have been fine. He wouldn't be dying somewhere in this godforsaken place.
If he'd just been there Sam wouldn't be staring at his own disheveled self starring back at him through the mirror as he washed his own brothers blood from his hands.
He scrubbed and scrubbed until his hands were far past clean.
He shut off the water with his hands that were pink from all his scrubbing and walked back to the dull waiting room.
He sat for hours waiting for any news about his brother.
He had just drifted asleep when an old nurse called Dean Helton. Sam stood up Immediately recognizing their current alias. He rushed over to the nurse, "I'm his brother. Is he okay."
"Yes, he's fine. Right now he is in the ICU I can take you to him, but the doctor would like to speak to you first."
He breathed out a relieved breathe and followed the nurse.
She led him to the 4th floor where a tall man was waiting. "I can take him from here."
The nurse, Sam thinks her name was Maggie, nodded and got back into the elevator.
"Mr. Helton suffered serious trauma. It was touch and go for a little while, but we were able to repair all internal damage. He has a list of injuries all of which need to be closely monitored. We would like to keep him here for awhile."
"Oh," Dean wouldn't like that, "Okay. though he may be a little eh... difficult."
The doctor laughed a deep chuckle, "That shouldn't be an issue. We have many patients who aren't happy with a prolonged stay. However if he wishes to go home early we can probably have him out in one to two weeks."
They had been walking while they were talking and stopped at presumably Dean's room. "Thank you, doctor."
"Your brother is in there. Try not to upset him to much."
Sam replied with a small sure as he pushed the door open.
He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Dean.
Dean was laying pale and small in the hospital bed with wires hooked up all over him.
He looked little and not at all how Dean should. He should be flirting or cracking jokes, not lying still and quiet. Not damaged in a hospital bed because of him.
Sam shook his head to stop where his thoughts were going. He pulled a chair next to the bed and sat.
For hours he sat doing nothing, just staring at Dean and listening to the constant beeping of machines.
Dean hadn't woken up.
The doctors told him he had went into a coma and would probably come out when his injuries healed.
After the first week Sam couldn't handle it. The constant noise and no progress frustrated him.
His boredom got the best of him and he found himself looking through a stolen police file. The police had found Andris and two other men holed up in some warehouse in a few towns over.
At first Sam stayed away not wanting to leave Dean for too long, but after the second week he decided to pay Andris a visit.
Sitting across from the man who nearly killed his brother proved to much for his self control and within seconds of Andris sitting down Sam was driving his fist through Andris' face.
The guards were on him in a matter of seconds dragging him out of the visitors room.
He went back to the hospital to find that there had been no changes in Dean's condition.
It had been two months since Dean was taken into the hospital.
They had put him into a different room.
On his way back from a food run the doctor interrupted him.
"Sam, may I talk to you?"
"Yeah sure. Is something wrong?"
"No, in fact, as soon as your brother wakes up he should be able to leave." He ran a hand through his hair, "However, we do need to consider the fact that he may not wake up."
"No, he will. We're not going to talk like he's dead."
"I understand sir, I know it's hard, but if he doesn't come out soon there are some options you'll need to consider and it would be best if you..."
"No he will wake up. We're not having this conversation."
Sam walked into Dean's room and pulled the door shut behind him.
He went to his spot next to the hospital bed and grabbed Dean's hand, "Come on dude, it's been long enough don't you think." His color had improved yet he still looked lifeless to Sam. "Come On! Don't you think you should join reality man."
Sam felt a small twitch against his hand, "Y'd think y'd be more sympathetic."
"Dean, DEAN! Oh thank God." He hit the call button and a nurse rushed in.
"Okay Mr. Helton if you'll follow this light with your eyes," she shined a tiny flashlight into his eyes. "Good we need to run a few more tests, but as soon as we can get you up and around you'll be on your way."
"M'kay, but ya think I could get some water."
"Sure thing."
"Thanks," Dean smiled and winked.
It was just a small gesture, but a huge weight was lifted of Sam's chest.
The nurse came back with Dean's water and a little later the doctor came to do some tests.
Within an hour Dean was perfectly fine. They walked out of the hospital and once again the two Winchesters were on the road again.
Leaving that town and all the chaos far behind.
"You know man, I really hate humans."
Sam chuckled, "Me to... Jerk."
(Thanks for all the amazing reviews.)