Hey guys, it's sh0ckw0lf back with yet another Fairy Tail NaLu story! I know the basic idea of this story is probably already been written, but I'll try my best to make it awesome and creative! If not, then I'll probably just cry in a corner while I get Voldemort to use his Avada Kedavra curse on me(Harry Potter reference) or get Lucy to use her Urano Metria spell on me...

{Spoiler alert****}

My life is over! I just read chapter 416-420 in the Fairy Tail Manga and (SPOILERS****) the guild disbanded. MY FRAGILE HEART SHATTERED. THERE IS NO REASON TO LIVE. WHY, MASTER MAKORAV?! IS THIS WHAT MAVIS VERMILION WANTED?!

Ok, enough with my pointless complaining. ON WITH THE STORY! *epic heroic music*

Chapter 1: Operation Puppy Love

It was a normal day in the guild. Natsu and Gray bickering, Juvia stalking Gray, Cana drinking, Happy trying to impress Carla, and Erza enjoying a slice of strawberry cake.

However on this very day, Mirajane decided she's had enough. She's been trying for so long to set up couples that she's beginning to question her matchmaking skills. So, as devious as Mira is, she chose to take action on this very afternoon. She's prepared 4 drinks for her targets. A spicy fire concoction for Natsu, a cold iced tea for Gray, an iron shake for Gajeel and a normal beer for Jellal. (If your wondering, Jellal has decided to visit the Fairy Tail Guild disguised as Mystogan for a week, after many protests from Ultear and Meredy. Don't question the story. Go along with it.)

However within the drinks, Mira mixed in a potion she got from the local magic shop that turned anyone who drank it into puppies. Her plan was to get Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, and Jellal in the kitchen to discuss a job, give them the drinks to drink while supposedly discussing "important matters", turn them into puppies, give them to Lucy, Juvia, Levy, and Erza to take care of, and let fate do it's work.

"Hey Kinana? Can you get Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, and Mystogan(Jellal) to come here? Tell them I have something important to discuss with them." Mira asked Kinana with a devilish grin. Step one complete of operation Puppy Love. Mira thought.

As soon as the boys arived at the bar, Mira dragged them off to the kitchen.

"So, I need to talk to you boys about taking a specific job. This is going to be a long talk, so I've prepared some drinks for you," Mira explained, handing out the drinks to them. While Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel inhaled their drinks, Jellal handed his back.

"Sorry Mira, but I'm not thirsty." Jellal protested.

Mira started to cry.

"B-B-But..*sniffle*..I-I...*sob*...made t-t-them..*cry*..j-just for you...*sob*" Mira cried.

Jellal, obviously uncomfortable, apologized, gulping the beer down.

Mira quickly recovered, a bright smile on her face.

"Mira...I feel funny..." Natsu complained.

"Did you rig these or something?" Gajeel accused.

"Mira..." Gray sighed.

A puff of smoke appeared and the next thing the boys new, they were puppies.

Gajeel- Black Pug Puppy

Gray- Little Greyhound Puppy

Natsu- Pink Golden Retriever

Jellal- Blue German Shepherd

"Sorry guys, but the 'job' was a lie. I "rigged your drinks", as Gajeel put it. You're now puppies. Again, I'm sorry, but anything must be done for the price of love!" declared Mira, gathering up the pups in her arms.

The price of love? Is this one of your matchmaking missions again? Gray accused Mira.

She can't understand you. Since we were transformed into puppies, we also bark like them. Jellal explained.

This is all Natsu's fault! Gajeel accused.

How is this my fault? If anyone's to blame, it's you, metal head! Natsu fired back.

GUYS! NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR POINTLESS FIGHTING! The effects of the potion will wear off in a week. Knowing Mira, she'll probably make us go with who she thinks we should date. Jellal pointed out.

So I have to spend a week at Lucy's? Well, that's not much different than what I already do... Natsu said.

Meanwhile, Mira carried the puppies out to the bar. She waved Lucy, Erza, Juvia and Levy over.

"Hey guys! I found these puppies stranded outside! Would you mind taking care of them for a week? By then, I should be able to get them more...permenant owners." Mira asked.

"Ok! But only if Juvia gets the grey one! It reminds Juvia of Gray-sama!" Juvia says with hearts in her eyes.

Mira gave her Gray, sweat dropping in the process.

"I'll take the black pug. It's just so kawaii!" Levy squeeled, hypnotized by Gajeel's "cuteness"

Hey! I'm not cute! Kittens are cute! I'm deadly! Gajeel barked angrily as Mira handed him over to Levy.

"I'll just take the pink one." Lucy shrugged.

Good choice, Luce! Natsu complemented, although all Lucy heard was a happy bark.

"Awww thats cute! You picked the pink one because it reminds you of Natsu!" Mira teased.

Lucy glared at Mira, asking, "Where is Natsu anyways? Also where is Gajeel and Gray?"

RIGHT HERE! Gajeel, Gray, and Natsu all growled in sync.

"Come to think of it, I thought that Jellal- I mean Mystogan was here a while ago, too." Erza questioned.

"The four of those were requested on an important mission and just left," Mira lied.

"Oh, and I guess that leaves Erza with this little guy," Mira said, giving Erza Jellal.

"Juvia's going to name her puppy 'Gray-sama'!" declared Juvia.

"Wouldn't that freak Gray out?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah, I prefer another name," Levy agreed.

"Ok! Juvia will name her puppy... Snowflake!" Juvia decided.

"I'm going to name mine Jacob!" Levy exclaimed.

HAHAHHAHA! Gajeel's named after a Twilight character! Gray laughed.

Can it, 'Snowflake' Gajeel threw back. Then looking at Levy, Gajeel whimpered, Why, Shrimp? Why?

"This little guys going to be known as 'Canis'! I got it from the constellation Canis Minor, the little dog!" Lucy proudly said.

Yes! I got a name better than you, Gray! Natsu bickered.

"I'm going to name mine Cake!" Erza decided.

At that, Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel bursted out in laughter.

Mira, Lucy, Levy, and Juvia all gave her questioning looks.

"Is there something wrong with Cake?" Erza asked in a sharp tone, cuddling Jellal closer.

"No!" The girls yelled quickly, wanting to avoid angering Erza.

"So we've got Snowflake, Cake, Canis, and Jacob! All very...interesting names!" cheered Mira.

"Oh wow, look! The sun's already setting! I'll be heading home now!" Lucy waved, rushing out the guild doors, Natsu in hand.

"Me too! I've got a book I've gotta read! Bye!" Levy said, walking out the doors after Lucy with Gajeel.

"Since we both live at Fairy Hills, let's walk together, Juvia. I would've asked Levy, but she's already on her way." Erza told Juvia.

"Ok, Erza-chan! Juvia has to hurry home so she can feed Snowflake," Juvia said, linking arms with Erza and trailing after Levy.

"Bye, Girls!" Mira waved goodbye.

I can't wait to see four new couples blossom! Mira thought excitedly.