Alright guys, this is the final chapter. I thought this day would never come but here it is! I hope you guys enjoyed the story and I look forward to writing more in the future. Thanks for making it this far and feel free to read and review.

All rights to Cw and Arrow

Oliver and Felicity were on their way to The Foundry when Oliver's phone began vibrating. A.R.G.U.S. was calling him back.

"Hello," he answered after the second ring.

"Oliver Queen, we regret to inform you that the prisoner Malcolm Merlyn has escaped. He killed two guards and has seemed to have since fled the island. How he fled the island is unknown, but we are still investigating. The other prisoner is still secure, but he was let loose in the process. Our team was able to subdue him and lock him back up. Malcolm left a message on the wall that doesn't make any to any of us, but I will state it to you. 'They Found Me, Sorry Thea'. I repeat "They Found Me, Sorry Thea'. Alright Mr. Queen we will continue the search and keep the other prisoner at bay, goodbye," the male voice over the phone said informing Oliver.

"Was that A.R.G.U.S. on the phone?" Felicity asked as they arrived at the Foundry

"Yes, and I don't think that Malcolm escaped," Oliver said vaguely.

"Wait was he missing?" Felicity asked confused.

"Tell you inside," He said opening the door for her. They walked into The Foundry to find Sara on the Salmon ladder. She was almost at the top rung. Diggle and Roy were watching her. She noticed the two had come in and reached the top, jumping down after and smiling at the two.

"I forgot how much I liked that thing," she said giving the ladder another glance.

"I thought you said you didn't tell the league where hid Merlyn?" Oliver asked accusing Sara of lying.

"I didn't, well not yet anyway, why?" She asked confused.

"Merlyn is no longer in his cell on Lian Yu. He left the message 'They Found Me, Sorry Thea' on the wall of his cell," Oliver explained keeping his eyes locked on Sara.

"Look I didn't tell them. They must have somehow figured it out. I promise Ollie, I didn't squeal," she said giving him that look that she used to always give him.

He sighed and said, "Well I did everything I could to protect him for Thea but it's out of my hands now. Look I am going to go tell Thea the news. I'll be back in a little while."

"Tell me what?" She asked as she walked down the stairs.

"Follow me," Oliver said leading her back upstairs to talk.

"Okay last night the League of Assassins found where I was hiding Malcolm and they took him. Look Thea, I tried my best to protect him for you, but I can't interfere with the League," Oliver said watching Thea's face.

She sighed and said, "As much as I want to be upset with you, I know it's not your fault. Merlyn probably deserves all the things he has coming for him, and my life will probably be twenty times better without him being in it. "She wrapped him in a hug and a few tears trailed down her cheeks. "How did I deserve such a caring brother like you? You would do everything in your power to protect me and anyone else you love. Like that Felicity girl. She is really sweet."

Oliver smiled and responded, "It's my responsibility to keep you guys safe. Now come on let's head back down there." They headed back downstairs to see the group awaiting their return.

"You guys good?" Felicity asked trying to get a reading on Oliver's and Thea's faces.

"Yes, we will be okay," Oliver said looking down at Thea.

"Hey Oliver can I have a quick word with you?" Sara asked.

"Sure thing, what's up?" He asked walking over to her.

"Okay look this is going to be a strange request but after Laurel was kidnapped by Malcolm she started taking these boxing lessons. I think she is trying to teach herself some self-defense and I wanted to know if you would train her. Before you object, I'm not asking you to give her a suit and send her out there to fight. I just want her to be prepared just in case she gets taken again, and I'd rather it be from someone experienced then some boxing guy," she pleaded.

"I guess, but it will have to be in a few weeks because I have something planned," he answered.

'Thanks Ollie, and have fun with whatever you have planned," she said winking knowing that it probably had something to do with Felicity.


"Oliver where are you taking me," Felicity said. She was blindfolded and was being led somewhere by Oliver.

"You'll see in a few minutes," he said as they neared her house. "Okay let me take off your blindfold."

He removed the blindfold and Felicity gasped. "Oliver, that, that's amazing! But how did you afford it?"

"Thea gave me some money. Do you like it?" He asked to am awestruck Felicity.

"Oliver, you can't just give me that! What am I going to do with a Porsche?" She asked gazing at it.

"Well for starters, you can drive it on the vacation I have planned for us. How would you like to go visit every state, excluding Hawaii and Alaska, on a great big road trip?" He asked her.

"I think that would be amazing! When are you wanting to go?" She asked excited.

"As soon as you are packed and ready to go," he replied with a big grin on his face. She looked up at him and thousands of unspoken words were said through their eyes. "I love you Oliver."He bent down and kissed her, wrapping his arms around her.

"I love you too Felicity. Now let's go have some fun."