"Thank you so much for saving me from Bowser Mario,oh and thank you as well Luigi."

Mario nodded and Luigi,who was sitting next to his brother,seemed to brighten from the princesses words.
Mario was about to say something when suddenly..


The brothers and the princess turned towards the sudden noise,a toad had rushed inside,and slammed the door open with all his strenght,he was gasping for breath.


"Toad,please calm down and tell us what´s going on."
Peach said as she took a step towards her distressed subject.

The toad took a deep breath,he then turned towards Mario and Luigi.
It was clear that he was scared.

"Theres this scary guy outside,he says he´s looking for you.."

The brothers looked at each other,wondering who it could be..
"Let's go."
Said Mario.

The brothers ran out of the room,down the hall and to the exit.
Peach and Toad were right behind them

They soon stood at the front door of the castle,and they were shocked by what they saw.

Toads were silent,staring at the stranger,they all looked terrified,but some sighed in relife when they noticed the Mario brothers.

As for the stranger himself,he was tall,he was dressed in dark clothing,he had a hat similar to the ones that the brothers wore,he had dark brown hair and a smooth mustache that rivaled the ones on Mario and Luigi,
but what really scared the Toads,were his eyes.

His silvery-grey eyes gazed around the kingdom,they had a certain dangerous feel to them,
that if you looked at him the wrong way he would beat you up.

But even as shocking as the man and his sudden appearance were,
no one was prepared for what happened next.

The citizens as well as the ruler of the Mushroom kingdom stared in shock and confusion,
Luigi rushed to the stranger and literally jumped to the mans awaiting arms.
They were hugging.

All the Toads and Peach turned to Mario,waiting for an explanation.
Mario sighed.

"Why didn´t you tell me you were coming to visit?!We would have met you at the house if we knew you were coming."

The Toads flinched when the man smiled.

"Sorry bro,just wanted to suprise you..so are you going to introduce me or not?"

Luigi looked around to see many confused faces staring at them.

Everyone,this is our brother,L."

The toads started whispering.

"Is that true Mario?"
Peach asked the eldest brother,who sighed again.

"Yes,L and Luigi are twins,four years younger than me."
Peach nodded.

Luigi's smile grew even brighter.
"Oh this is going to be great!I can show you around the kingdom,
i can take you to my favorite places,oh and you have to try some of the princesses cakes!
Your love for sweets hasn't changed right?"

L chuckled and ruffled his brothers hair.

"Of course not,now show me where this cake is."

The two brothers entered the castle,the Toads outside decided to get back to their normal routine,
Peach smiled slightly and turned to Mario.

"Is something wrong?"
The plumber shook his head.

"It's nothing that you need to worry about Peach,
now let's get back inside before those two eat the whole cake."

Peach slowly nodded her head and followed Mario back to the dining room.

The three brothers and Peach were all sitting in the dining room,
Mario Luigi and Peach had just finnished their first cake slices,
while L was starting his fifth.

Apparently this was one of the best cakes he had ever tasted(though not as good as his brothers)

"Oh,i drank all the milk,i'll be right back."
Luigi rose up from his chair and walked to the kitchen.
Once he was out of sight,the two remaining brothers jumped on the table,
looking at each other with the angriest expressions Peach had ever seen.

"Why are you back L?I thought that i made it clear that Luigi lives with me.."

L snorted.

"You made that clear allright,but you know you can´t keep me from seeing Luigi,
he's my brother too you know."

"Well,maybe he dosen't need you around,he allready has me what would he need you for?"
By now the two brothers nouses were touching,they were looking straight into each others eyes.

"Well,as you may have noticed,he was rather happy to see me,
so i must mean something to him."

Mario remained silent for a while.

"Perhaps we should finnish what we started,huh brother?"

"Finally we are agreeing on something."

Peach could have sworn that they would have started fighting right then and there,
if it wasn't for Luigi who had just come back from the kitchen with a glass of milk in his hands.

Mario and L jumped right back to their respective chairs,and continued as if nothing had happened.

"Did i miss anything?"
Luigi asked as he sat back on his chair.

Mario and L shook their heads.

"No bro,we were just having a little chat."Answered Mario,who now reached to take his second piece of cake.

"About what?"

It was L's turn to reply

"About how long i will be staying,but i suppose that's up to Mario."

Mario was going to say that L couldn´t stay too long,but then he made the mistake to look at Luigi,
who now had the biggest most adorable,yet sad looking puppy eyes.

Mario knew that he was defeated.

"I..suppose he can stay for a while."

Shouted Luigi who turned to give his twin a big hug,which was returned.
Without Luigi noticing L smirked at Mario.

Mario knew that this was going to be one hell of a visit.