Epilogue 2

Daniel being born inspired me a lot, and in the end, I wanted to be a role model to more than just him. So after I graduated, I began volunteer work and that volunteer work resulted in me going to Uni and working towards my MSW to become a social worker.

I had experience of being on the street, coming from a broken home and in general, just being messed up. I was the perfect candidate. I could reach these children on a level most social workers couldn't begin to comprehend. I wanted to save lives, like Edward had saved me.

I can't even begin to express how happy I was on the day of my graduation. I knew I was finally someone that would make my parents proud, and it was all because of Edward. If he hadn't come into my life, I knew there was a good chance I wouldn't still be around. I had been well on my way to my own destruction.

"There she is," Edward beamed as I walked out of the main hall. He was holding little Daniel in his arms, only Daniel wasn't so little anymore. He had just turned four. I had to admit I loved seeing Edward holding Daniel, but part of me couldn't wait until he was holding our own.

Daniel pushed against Edward's chest so he would let him down and then ran to me, leaping into my arms. "I saw you on stage," he exclaimed as I picked him up.

"You did?" I asked, pretending to be shocked.

"Yes, and I was cheering for you."

"We all were," Jasper said, walking over to me and placing a kiss on my cheek. "Have I told you lately how proud I am of you?"

"Hmmm… maybe once or twice," I smiled.

He took Daniel from my arms, and Alice pulled me into a hug. "I know you are going to make a huge difference in the world, Bella."

"I hope so."

After she let me go, Rosalie and Emmett embraced me, telling me how proud they were of me. We had all grown pretty close over the years. We were like a family. I wasn't sure what I would have done without their support.

Carlisle was next. "You've come a long way from that lost, scared girl who walked into my doctor's office looking for a job. We're all extremely proud of you. If I can help you in any way, all you have to do is ask."

"Okay, enough of the manhandling," Edward said, playfully pushing his father away from me. "It's my turn." He pulled me into his arms and looked down at me. I could feel the pride radiating from him. "You make me so happy, you know that, right?" I nodded. "I can't wait to put that ring on your finger in a few weeks."

Edward had asked me to marry him a few months after Daniel was born, but by then I had my mind set on earning my degree, and didn't want any distractions like wedding planning. Although I had eagerly said yes, I had asked him to wait until after my graduation ceremony. He had been happy to wait. He knew I wasn't going anywhere. I think he would have waited forever if I had asked him. That man was too perfect for his own good, but I was ready to become Mrs. Cullen now. I was ready to begin living our happily ever after.


A/N: First of all, a huge thank you to Tiffany and Sherry. I appreciate all that you ladies do for me and all the time you give to me. Reckless Bella wouldn't have been the same without you x x

A big thank you to all of you as well for reading/reviewing/recing. I have really enjoyed writing this story. Sadly, I have no plans to continue at the moment, but never say never, right?

Next I plan to work on My Laird's Bairn and Jurisdiction. I also have a Halloween fic coming out closer to the time called The Creatures. Watch out for that.

Until next time…