A/N: Firstly, I would like to thank my ladies, Sherry & Tiffany. Thank you very much for all that you do.

This is a drabble/flachfic/500word chapter story.

It will update every other day and half of it has already been written. Woot woot! Let's go!

Chapter 1

"Things are going to need to change Bella, now that you're living with us," Jasper said, as pulled on the handbrake. "You can't continue to act the way you did in Philly. No more drinking, no more shoplifting. If you get into any more trouble here, I won't be able to help you. You'll go to juvie and do real time."

"You're not my father," I muttered, opening the door and stepping out of the truck. "Save the lecture."

"No, I'm not," Jasper said, getting out after me, "but I'm all you have left."

I flipped him off and pulled up the hood of my hoodie with my black, chipped nails. My eyes were painted black too. It was surprising the amount of people that avoided talking to you when you dressed a certain way, which was just the way I liked it.

I started walking away from him, heading down the street, towards the beach and the boardwalk. I heard him shouting after me, but I pretended I didn't. I wasn't in the mood to deal with his shit. He had no right to lecture me. He didn't have a clue how it felt to be me. He didn't have a clue how it felt to be all alone in the world and he never would. Not until he lost someone, someone that he loved.

The boardwalk was full of people, families, enjoying the rides and playing carnival games. It was sickening to watch. I couldn't stand to see all these happy people, going about their day as if there wasn't any suffering in the world. I started to walk away from the hustle and bustle, heading down to the beach, looking for a place to find solace. That's when I bumped into him. He was throwing a football ball with his friends. He wasn't watching where he was going and ran right into me.

"Watch it, jackass," I said, shoving him away.

He looked up at me shocked, his green eyes staring at me with concern. "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you alright? Did I hurt you?" I didn't answer him. I just turned around and kept on walking. To any normal person that would have been a sign to leave me alone, but not him. He ran after me. "Hey, I asked if you were okay."

"I'm fine," I snapped. "Now will you fucking leave me alone?"

He held his hands up in defense and then started jogging backward, towards his friends, never taking his eyes off me. Creep.

I sighed and started walking. I headed under the pier, walking towards the water's edge. That's where I stumbled upon a group of kids about my own age. They were sitting in the dark, leaning against one of the posts, drinking beer. I pulled my hood down further and kept on walking.

"Hey!" one of them called out to me.

"Hey yourself," I replied, turning around to see who had spoken. It was a blonde haired guy with neck tattoos and piercings. I knew the type. I knew the type well. He spelled trouble.

"You new here?" he asked.

"Yeah, I just moved into town today."

"Cool. Where you from?"


He whistled. "You're a long way from home Philadelphia." I nodded. I didn't need reminding. "Hey, do you fancy a beer?" he asked, going in the cooler beside him and offering one to me.

I glanced between him and the direction I was headed. I knew I should say no. I didn't know anything about him, but part of me, the reckless part, walked towards him. "Thanks," I said, taking the beer and sitting down beside him.

"I'm James by the way," he said, offering me his hand.

"Maria," I said, shaking his hand, giving him the first name that popped into my head.

"This here is Vicky, Garrett, Jane and Alec," he said, motioning to his friends. I offered them a small wave and they smiled at me in response. "So, what brings you to Santa Cruz?" he asked.

"Family, my aunt's sick," I lied. "So, I came to help look after her."

"That was kind of you."

I nodded. "Yeah, that's me, the definition of kindness."

He smiled. I wondered if he bought my bullshit. "So what did you do in Philly for fun?"

I shrugged. "You know, this and that."

He pulled out a baggie from his jeans. "Ever tried some dank?"

I shook my head.

"Want to?"

It looked at the bag. It just looked like weed. "Sure, why not."

What was the worst that could happen?