The Four Way Fight
By Shadowgate
Judas Priest Monsters!
Metalliam-Defenders of the Faith Cover
Hellion—Screaming For Vengeance Cover
Painkiller-Painkiller Cover
Jugulator—Jugulator Cover
The announcer steps up at the big Roman Coliseum. He states in his bullhorn "this morning at 8AM we have a four way fight. Two monsters against two monsters. The first set of Monsters Metallion and Painkiller are allies paired up to take on Jugulator and Hellion.
Alright let's unleash the monsters and let the fight begin.
Metalliam and Painkiller charge out from the internally built cages and they growl as loud as they can.
Jugulator and Hellion are let out from the opposite side and they growl back at their opponents.
Painkiller attacked Jugulator but Jugulator didn't budge.
That's when Painkiller bit Jugulator's leg and Jugulator let out a big howl.
Jugulator became angry and he bit Painkiller's neck and now that he had a full grip on Painkiller with his teeth he began thrashing.
Painkiller was body slammed and sent spinning through the air.
When Painkiller hit the ground he was knocked out cold.
The announcer said "well what a great fight that was, damn short but great."