A/N: Hi all! I hope you're having a great day! This is my first Jurassic World story and I hope you like it. Please let me know!
Disclaimer: I do not own Jurassic World
Another morning, such a glorious feeling. The sky was a light navy-blue through my small bedroom window and I stretched happily, swinging my legs over the side of my bed and standing, today was going to be a great day.
My optimistic nature had me practically skipping to the bathroom, I didn't even stub my toe on the dresser this time as I usually do when I wake up at 5:30 in the morning. I flushed the toilet and slipped into the shower, not bothering with my pajamas because I don't wear any. Washing quickly, I rubbed the towel over my short black hair and brushed my teeth before smiling at my reflection in the merrier and going back to my bedroom, slipping on dark grey cargo pants, my favorite black wife-beater, and a light tan blouse that I buttoned up and neatly tucked into my pants. I slipped on my soft leather belt and pulled on mixed matched socks, one blue, and the other green.
I pulled on my riding boots and picked up my black framed glasses just as Shelton, my little Bantam rooster crowed outside the house. Fingering my leather bracelet that I never took off, I made my way through a tiny hallway to my tiny kitchen and poured myself some chocolate milk and grabbed a pop tart. I was never a coffee person.
Today was going to be good, two of my girls would be meeting the crowd today for the first time and another would be starting her training. I was so excited, this batch was exceptionally great in their training and would be so good with the kids…I stepped outside my small trailer and went to the dog kennel that served as a chicken coop, I collected the eggs my four hens laid as Shelton crowed again.
Going back to my kitchen and placing the eggs into the fridge, I locked up the house and bounced down my porch steps and hopping into my Jeep, headed out to the girls' paddock.
Driving by the only other person up this early in my small little neighborhood of four camper/trailers was a man who loved his job just as much as I did. Owen Grady. I waved as my jeep bounced over a dip in the road. Crickets and frogs still singing as I drove.
My name is Natalie Fisher, I'm twenty-six years old, a long time equestrian rider and trainer, growing up I was an active member of the FFA and 4-H and lived on a dairy farm in Lynchburg Virginia. I've shown and trained horses all my life and now I train Triceratops for Jurassic World, the actual dinosaur, the actual, real life, extinct but brought back, real life dinosaur. It was the greatest thing ever.
Parking in front of my girls' paddock I hopped out of the Jeep and let myself skip to the iron barred gate where a half asleep security guard stood, about to drool on his own uniform.
"Good morning Larry!" I said brightly, causing the man to jump and hit his head on the bars behind him…"Ow, hey Natalie, why are you always so cheerful?"
I smiled as I grabbed his key card and scanned it before pressing the red lock button on the gate, "Because life is beautiful Larry, Luna and Thorn have their debut in the rides today." The man scratched his head, mumbling "Wonderful" and I rolled my eyes, none of the security guards that ever worked here in the four years I've been here never truly understood the importance that my job held for me.
I closed the gate behind me and turned to a second gate that was stronger than the first with enforced iron. I walked over to a side compartment and pulled out a container with carrots and broccoli, along with a very complex and large halter, this morning I would work with my young girl first.
Unlocking the gate with my own key card, lifting the latch, I looked into the large gloomy green pasture surrounded by a nice mini forest of tropical plants and trees and made out four shapes. Letting loose a sharp whistle, I watched as the largest of the shapes started making her way towards me first.
I smiled as my big girl let out a loud bellow and the three smaller shapes answered her, falling in line behind the big four year old. As the big Triceratops reached me, I gave her two large carrots and stroked her nose affectionately "Good morning Esme," I greeted the four year old, Esme was my first Triceratops I'd ever trained, she was the first to enter the "pony ride" program and perform a choreographed show in front of crowds when the company thought she was too large to safely carry small children. I always thought of her as a large circus horse….or elephant…since she was getting bigger every week.
I stroked her light-tan nose and forehead some more before turning to the two girls that just turned two years old behind her; Luna and Thorn, their skin a light-blue, speckled with brown, they were finally old enough to take Esme's place and I was so pleased that they were following in her footsteps, the children would love them and they would love the attention.
Handing them both a carrot and a head of broccoli I walked past them to my little one hanging in the back. Phoenix. I cooed softly at her and she tossed her head, her reddish coat starting to shine in the rising sun, Phoenix was my littlest Triceratops, she was just turning a year old and beginning to be started under saddle, she also almost died when she was a hatchling, being very weak and having a low immune system she got phenomena and had a very hard time recovering. But she was a fighter and after three weeks in the incubator and being hooked up to fluids and steroids, my little Phoenix came through.
"Hey my little fire bird," I crooned, stroking her neck before slipping on her halter, buckling it and taking up the lead rope. She took the carrot I gave her and let out a sigh as we started walking to the round pen, something I had requested the company to install when I started working with Luna and Thorn.
The pen was 200 wide and 250 long, made up of reinforced steel panels that stood seven foot tall. Leading Phoenix through the gate I quickly closed it as Thorn tried to follow us in.
I started Phoenix off with lunging to get her loosened up and then brought her to the cones that were set up in the arena, leading her through them and having her touch the ones I said were "Target" something she learned last week. As she touched one cone, the sun was rising higher and it was much brighter outside Esme let out a bellow and I heard the outer gate close.
Turning to look behind me, I didn't see Phoenix pick up the cone and shake it a little before she tossed it a couple of feet away. I looked through the bars and could see a tall figure walking towards the round pen, not knowing who the person was since the sun was in my eyes I greeted them anyway…
"Hello!" I said brightly, raising my hand to wave at the figure just as Phoenix started a jog towards the cone she just tossed, dragging me behind her.
"Phoenix!" I scolded, tugging on her halter, "Whoa!" I turned her in a circle just before she could reach her "toy" and tugged again on the lead stopping her.
Grinning, I shook my head and looked at her "What was that? Is that any way for a young lady to act?" she just blinked at me and I had to smile.
"Now there's something to brighten any man's morning," a voice said from behind me. Flinching a bit in surprise, I turned and smiled at the man leaning against the outside of the gate smirking.
"Good morning Owen!" I said brightly to the man, "I didn't expect you to come by."
Owen Grady was the Raptor handler for the park, he was the only one who could really work with them well, since he's their alpha. Owen was my neighbor and friend, we came to work at the park around the same time and know each other pretty well… but I haven't gotten to see a lot of him lately since I've been prepping my girls and he's been dealing with assholes coming to his paddock.
"Well, I thought since its Thorn and Luna's big day that I would come by and show my support."
Clicking to Phoenix I walked over to Owen, the little red girl following me. Smiling I said "That was awful nice of you! I'm so excited, the girls are going to be great! It took forever to finally get the date settled, Luna had to have her saddle resized and that didn't come in till last week, and…"
"I can see you're pretty excited."
I stopped, briefly covering my mouth in embarrassment…I tend to ramble a lot, especially about my Triceratops.
"Sorry…how is the pack fairing?" I said referencing to his Raptors, Blue, Delta, Eco, and Charlie.
Shaking his head, Owen smiled, "They're coming along, and when people aren't trying to become Raptor food they do great."
I furrowed my brow, "Another one?" twice this year a keeper has fallen into the paddock and almost got eaten.
He snorted, "Yeah, Claire's gonna have to hire new people again."
I rolled my eyes, taking Phoenix and tying her to a hitching post, so I could go get her saddle and gear, "I'm sure that will just kill her."
Owen laughed "Yeah ha-ha, you still sore at her Nat?"
I tied a slip not in Phoenixes lead rope and set my jaw, "No."
Owen opened the gate for me, "Natalie…"
I walked past him, "You know my feelings about her Owen."
Closing the gate, in a few short strides he was beside me, "Didn't know you held grudges little Sunshine."
Going to the storage room, I grabbed a couple more carrots and Phoenix's saddle and pad, I closed the door with my foot, "That woman tried her hardest to get the boss man to not let me and Esme do shows, she called Esme stupid."
She also tried to take her away from me…. 'Not to mention you went on a date with her' I strode past him and he tried to grab the saddle from me but I twirled away and kept walking.
He followed, "She's a bitch. But you won that battle and proved her wrong. Who always tells me to let things go?"
I rolled my eyes, he was going to try and use my own words against me, I opened the gate to the round pen and walked over to Phoenix, letting her smell the pad first before sliding it on, then taking it off, then putting it back on again.
Owen stood a foot behind me, "Natalie…who tells me to let things go and open up? This is not the kingdom of isolation!"
"Don't bring my Disney into this!" I mumbled, gently setting the saddle on the Triceratops back and slowly tightening the cinch.
Owen came up behind me, thumbs in his belt loops, "Ya know, frowns don't suit your sweet face and kind nature. Let it go Natalie, let it go! Let that bitch's comments about your Triceratops go! Let it go, let it go! It happened two years ago!"
I snorted, "Shut up Grady, you're such a dork."
He laughed and opened his arms "I don't care! What you think of me! Frozen is stupid! You made me watch it four times anyway!"
Turning from Phoenix I laughed, "It was my choice for movie night." (We used to have a movie night every week, something that hasn't happened in about a month since we've been so busy.)
He nodded his head "Yeah, for four nights."
I waved at him, about to mount the little red girl and needing focus, "Bye Owen, I'll see ya later."
He smiled, "Good luck today."
Untying Phoenix, I led her out to the middle of the arena and stopped her as he walked out of the gate, closing it behind him. I smiled to myself, Owen always managed to make me laugh when I was down or angered about something (which wasn't often) he was probably one of my closest friends at the park.
Clearing my thoughts, I crooned to Phoenix and put one foot in the stirrup on her saddle, slowly placing my weight on it for a few minutes then stepping down. I repeated the movement a few times, giving her encouraging words before swinging all the way into the saddle.
I could see her eyes widen a little while her body tensed up and I stroked her neck, this was the first time I had ever been on her back.
As she slowly relaxed I smiled and said "Good girl."
Then I clucked at her to go forward, not using my legs for any pressure, she slowly took a couple steps forward, then stopped unsure. "Come on girl, you're okay. This is new, but the only difference between this and what we usually do is that I'm on your back. Have I ever hurt you? No. You're fine." I could feel her heave a big sigh before taking a couple more steps, then another, until we were moving at a slow walk around the arena.
We did this for a few minutes before I deemed it time to stop. I didn't want to put too much pressure on her.
Getting off and unsaddling her, I scratched her back and gave her a couple more carrots before leading her out into the meadow and turning her loose to be with the others.
I looked at my watch and it read 10:35, the girls were getting moved to the pony rides at 12:30, I needed to get a move on.
A/N: Please Review! :)