** Setting: After the SSS qualifying round. **
The chanting of the crowd had been divided into a steady rhythm of three names being chanted, Quartet Night, Starish and Heavens were being chanted with the same determination. Heavens had made an unexpected return during the event and although people were shocked their names had instantly became one of the three chanted names. They had disappeared after the events of the Uta Pri and no one had seen or heard from them ever since. I can tell that the crowd is in confusion over the arrival, but the real confusion was only just beginning.
That was when the purple lightsfilled the stadium. Everyone must have thought that the reason was the same. It was most likely just the President doing ... some stunt. If only that was the real cause…
Something was off, except no one moved from their place. Everyone was still exactly where they had been standing moments before. The crowd was still cheering the three names. That was when it happened. The screaming. Haruka couldn't help herself as she moved just right to see the three figures falling from the pillars on stage. Although she had no reason to be concerned for the three males that had fallen, she couldn't help but want to go towards the stage and see if they really were alright. What if they were hurt? What if something worst had happened?
Starish didn't need to win just because of panic. If they won it needed to be because of the happiness that they brought people. They had to win but not like this. She couldn't help as her legs began to move and she began to leave the backstage area to the stage where other people were going to aid the three males that had fallen.
"Nanami what are you doing?" The voice hardly reached her ears. She was too concerned about the three fallen boys. What if something really bad had happened? Although they were the 'enemies' of Starish it didn't matter, she had to help.
"I have to help. It is wrong just to stand here and do nothing." She barely saw the look on Ittoki's face. He looked shocked that she was going to help them then it faded. This was just her nature, nothing was wrong with it. Right? Please be okay. As she was going to go to the stage that was when it happened. There was a loud crash as more people fell, this time it wasn't from pillars and it wasn't the 'enemy' but people who she had grown to care a lot about.
Her direction changed as she appeared beside the fallen bodies of Ichinose, Syo and Hijirikawa. What was happening?
"Ichinose-san, Syo-kun, Hijirikawa-san…" her voice was rushed as she kneeled by the three men that she had had so many adventures with. What was she going to do? This couldn't be how this ended. They had come so far together, this couldn't be the end. They had to be okay. Ichinose had collapsed before, it had just been from overdoing himself, but it hadn't been like this. None of it made any sense. That was when she remembered the purple lights that had filled the stadium. What if it wasn't just their President's doing. Although everyone else seemed fine, why would it only effect six people in this place?
"Haruka they are going to be okay."
"Cecil-san…" Cecil's arms had enclosed her in a tight embrace. Did he know more than she did? Or was he just trying to comfort her? She didn't know. She just couldn't help but cuddle into his chest and quietly sob. What if it wasn't going to be okay? How did the purple light fit into all of this? They had to be okay. "Please be okay…" she couldn't get any other words out as her consciousness began to fade.
Haruka's eyes slowly opened. Where was she? She looked around the room, it was her room. Maybe that had all been a dream. Yeah that was it, it had to be a dream. Except two people were in her room. Tomo-chan was sitting at the desk chair when her grandmother sat on the bed.
"Is she going to be okay?" That was Tomo-chan's voice, had they not realized that she had opened her eyes? She couldn't bring herself to speak as she listened to the conversation between her best friend and her grandmother.
"Yes I am sure Haruka will be okay. She just had a long day, it was all too much for her." What was all too much for her? Were they talking about the odd things that had happened at the stadium? Was it not a dream? No it couldn't be a dream, it felt too real. That meant she had to make sure they were all okay. She jolted up in the bed.
"Are they okay? They have to be okay."
"Shhh. They are just resting, like you need to be Haruka." Her grandmother was trying to comfort her, but they had to be something that she wasn't telling her. She was being lowered back into the bed. She didn't want to stay when they needed her. What if something had actually happened to them?
"What happened to them…?"
"Haruka, they are all okay." Tomo-chan was trying to calm her down, she could tell. Though she had to see them for her own eyes. Something felt off. It was probably all in her head, but she had to make sure.
"Please I want to see them. I am fine." She could hear sighing. Were they going to deny her this or were they going to just let her go?
"I can assure you Nanami-san that all three of us are perfectly fine." That voice. She couldn't help herself as she jolted from the bed and into the man's arms. It was something she normally wouldn't have done, but after the shock she couldn't help herself. Ichinose- san had said that everyone was okay. She was so happy. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Do you want to see for yourself?"
She nodded. Though something felt odd. The kindness that she usually felt when she was with Ichinose was not there. She let go of the man, but the man looked like he was going to hold her to him again. No one stopped her from leaving the room, so everything had to be okay. She was being led to one of the practice rooms where she noticed upon entering the room Syo and Hijirikawa were already gathered but everyone else was missing.
Something had to be wrong. Sure everyone in Starish did get along, but it was rare for these three to just be alone together. Even during the cross units everyone had stayed untied for each other. What was going on? The moment the door closed, that was Ichinose took her into his arms again. He wasn't acting like normal.
"See everyone is perfectly fine." Well their definition of perfectly fine weren't the same in this. Sure Hijirikawa was quiet but never this quiet and Syo wasn't acting normal either. Then there was Ichinose. Why had he led her to this room and locked the door? It couldn't be her imagination it had to be real because there had to have been a tiny click when they walked in. What was going on?
She tried to get away from Ichinose. "I'm glad that you are all alright. You scared me."
"Really I heard that you were concerned for those Heavens jerks as well." Syo was getting closer. This was a trap, she couldn't help but think of it like that. There was no way anyone could do a complete 360 out of nowhere. Wait, that purple light might have done something. No it couldn't be. Could she test it?
"Yeah it wouldn't have mattered who it was, I would have always been concerned" she kept her voice soft and looked at the ground rather than the three she was in the room with. "I'm not even sure who collapsed in the first place, I just knew I wanted to help."
She looked up to see that the three men were looking amazed. So something had happened. How did she get herself out of this one? More importantly how did she get the real Ichinose, Syo and Hijirikawa back? She wondered if anyone else would be able to tell if something was different. She took a seat on the piano stool. Should she say something? The room was too quiet, were they watching her?
"You know someone else will notice…" she couldn't help the words as they left her lips.
"Whatever do you mean?" Ichinose asked.
"You aren't the real Ichinose-san, Syo-kun or Hijirikawa-san. You're the three who collapsed from Heavens."
"I wouldn't say those words too loudly. Plus you have no proof at all. If you said that to anyone else they would just believe you bumped your head way too hard." Syo was too close to her. No this wasn't Syo. She knew as the words left her lips that they were true. How? She had no clue, but she needed to rescue those three.
"You have no choice but to play along. I told you we would get you in the end. This wasn't plan but I'll take it." Ichinose said no it wasn't Ichinose. It was then that she realized she didn't even know any of the names of the Heavens members.
"If you want me to play along, you need to tell me your real names." That was it she would get their names and then figured out how to get everyone switched back.
"Fine that is a reasonable price for your cooperation. I'm Otori Eiichi." So the leader of Heavens was in Ichinose's body. She needed to stay away from him as much as she could. The one in Syo's body went next.
"I'm Mikado Nagi, otherwise known as the cutest idol ever!"
Next went the Heavens member in Hijirikawa's body. "I'm Sumeragi Kira." That explained the 360 personality change. Which meant that the real Ichinose, Syo and Hijirikawa were in trouble.
"I don't know how you're going to pull this off."
"Oh angel so cold. You write such passionate songs, but you act so coldly. We are going to pull this off because you're going to help us."
"If I refuse?"
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. You do remember who my father is correct?" Why did that sound so much like a threat? She nodded regardless.
"Fine." She would help but only so Ichinose, Syo and Hijirikawa didn't have to suffer.
"Good idea" Nagi said in her ear. Why did they keep getting closer to her? She had to be good or they could do something to Ichinose, Syo and Hijirikawa. She couldn't risk that. Now the question was how to switch them back? She wasn't looking forward to this at all.
** So how was it? This is my first time writing in Uta no Prince Sama but I decided to try my hand at it. I couldn't help but see something like this happening upon watching the end of season three upon seeing the 'purple lights/sparks' between Raging Otori and Shinning Saotome. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it. To come in Chapter Two: Ichinose, Syo and Hijirikawa reactions with Heavens **
Until Next Time…