Chapter 1: The Dream

(A/N: Hey fellow Fanfictioners! This is my first story on Fanfiction, so I hope you guys like it. Umm since you've all read my summary or not, maybe you thought that the title was cool or something but in a nutshell, basically [where your OC is from/ if i accept him/her.] they will somehow obtain Aura powers. After they do they will meet someone who will give them information of a place where Aura users are trained. Also, if you have read my summary yes some OC's do have to be bad but that won't happen for a few chapters, maybe. OC Form at the bottom of the chapter, (please PM them) if you get stuck you can go ahead and look at my profile. Present text will be in normal font, and past/future will be in italics, as well as speaking telepathically. Well here's the first chapter of this story and I hope you like it; don't hate, appreciate, peace. )

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon, Nintendo does. I own this plot and my OC.

(A dream)

"What do you see?" A mysterious, yet caring voice asks me. Curiosity fills me, I didn't hear the voice like a person speaking to me verbally, it was like the person or thing speaking to me was speaking to me through telepathy. But in truth, I see nothing, just complete darkness and shadows. When I tell the mysterious voice that I don't see anything, I see two pure golden eyes illuminate the darkness. Then came light, the once black darkness turned to snow white light. Now all i see is two things, not even that but their shadows: An outline of a human, and a bipedal jackal looking pokemon of Aura, Lucario. Both of their backs are turned to me.

"What does this have to do with me?" I ask the mysterious voice, hoping for an answer. As if on cue, the two shadows turned around at looked at me dead in the eyes. I look at the emotionless faced human, I remember that face anywhere, it was mine and the Lucario was also mine.

"I would tell you now but then you would be consumed by fear and paranoia." The voice wasn't coming from the mental link anymore, but from my other self and Lucario. They both were speaking in sync; but it wasn't my voice they were speaking in, it was like they were possessed. I knew the voice from somewhere, but i couldn't put my finger just yet. Then something clicked in my brain.

"You said you wouldn't tell me now; does that mean you're going to tell me later?" The emotionless version of me; Lucario still moving in sync with him, hesitantly took a step back, realising his mistake. I have a feeling that something seems off here, but the thought was shaken off when the voice spoke.

"You may not know who I am; but I have been watching over you. And what people say about you is correct; your wit is clearly unmatched, but your wit won't save you from this." My clone and the Lucario stretched out their arms and in their hands were Aura Spheres.

I say, "Hell no, that's not possible. I am NOT one of them. I am not a Aura Guardian, there is only one family line left who still have the power. That's the Ketchum family bloodline." The two figures laugh in my face, which starts to piss me off.

"Stretch out your arms." The voices command me. Even with every ounce of my willpower, it is still unmatched by the voice. Both of my arms rise and in my palms were red Aura Spheres.

"How is this possible? And why red? I thought all Aura was blue." I ask the voices. The figures shrug like they have been asked this question a hundred times.

"That's only the Ketchum bloodline. All the others have different colors." Something again clicks in my brain.

"You said all the others have different colors, does that mean I'm not the only one?" I ask the voices impulsively. My clone surprisingly facepalms despite his face still being emotionless.

"Oh my Arceus you really are impulsive. Yes there are others, seven of them to be exact. And you're going to meet them all. More on that later. Now I suggest waking up, you have school. And, on a more serious note I will send one of my friends to come get you, around midnight, and he take you to a safe place where you come and perfect your Aura skills. Don't worry about being missed, I will take care of that. Now awaken Alexander, your new life begins now." The last thing I see before waking up is my clone and his Lucario being killed, a sword being driven through their chests.

I wake up drenched in sweat. I look around my room to find my Lucario looking as horrified as I am.

"Looks like that wasn't just a dream after all, huh?" Lucario shakes his head. I do my best to shrug it off and I head to my bathroom. I take a look at myself in the mirror. Icy blue eyes which can chill people to the bone, I've been told. I tower over my sink, being 6 feet tall, flawless olive skin, thank you Arceus. Spiky jet black hair with dark red highlights. After turning on the water, I cup my hands together and wash my face. I shudder, the ice cold water touching my face.

"Master it is time to get dressed." Lucario tells me telepathically.

"So I guess I can use Aura, does that mean we are mentally linked now?" I mentally ask Lucario. I wait for an answer. No answer yet, a fluke maybe? I walk out of my bathroom and to my bedroom, where Lucario was standing up, expecting me.

"Not a fluke Master, even if you were not capable of using Aura, I would still be able to do communicate to you but you could not respond mentally, only verbally." Lucario tells me. I make a mental note of that. I walk to my closet and I look through it. After a few of thinking, I decide to put on a neon blue sleeveless t-shirt, black cargo pants, white tennis shoes, and black fingerless combat gloves. After putting on my clothes I grab my backpack.

"Alright Lucario, you know my school's rules. You have to be inside of your Pokeball at all times. So in your Pokeball you go." I mentally tell him, holding out his Pokeball. He nods at me and puts his paw on the button and in a flash he's in his capsule. I make my way downstairs where my father is making breakfast for me, my mother and my younger sister.

"Hello Alexander, care to join us for breakfast?" My father asks me. Looking up at him, I nod my head.

"No thanks dad, running late for school, gotta catch the bus." I am hungry though. On my way out I make sure to grab two bananas and a muffin. I stuff them in my backpack. I wave goodbye to my family as I run to the bus stop. When I catch the bus and sit down I can't help but think about three things.

"Who are the other seven children of Aura?"

"How is everyone here just going to forget about me?"

"At the end of that dream, I saw myself and Lucario get killed, does that mean I'm going to die?"

(A/N: Hey bros, well thanks for getting this far. I do apologize if there are any plot holes in this story just ask me through PM and I will either tell you or just edit this chapter and fill them. For next chapter a good chunk of it will be placed in school, speaking of which I should update in the next 2 or 3 days. I do hope that people will submit their OC's. I do need 7 OC's, so there can be an even number of good and bad people. And I do need at least 3 of those OC's to be girls, can't have just boys in this story. The OC submission form is below this, so have fun! Please do follow this to the best of your abilities and yeah, go wild. Please review saying how you felt about this chapter.)


Full Name:

Nickname: (If any)

Age: (15-18)

Good or Evil: (If evil please explain how you were turned evil [were you possessed or threatened or just want revenge on someone or own personal reason?])


Normal Clothing: (Go all out with this, these will be clothes your OC will wear when not training)

Aura Clothing: (Basically clothes your OC will wear when training and fighting good/evil)

Aura Color: (You can have any color. Besides red, i already have that. And if two people have the same color i will ask one of you if you can change it.)

Regular Aura Abilities: (I will fill this out for you. Everybody has these abilities. and I'll tell you so you can know.)Every OC has these abilities: Heightened Senses, Strength, Speed, Can grow fangs and claws(more on that later), eyes can change color of their own Aura, Telepathy,and Mind Transfer(I'll explain what that is in either chapter 2 or 3)

Unique Aura Abilities: (Every OC will have 2 of these. These are things that only you can do. Think of it as your superpowers. I won't reveal these until chapter 3. Yeah everyone's unique abilities will be revealed. It will say how. No two people can the same abilities, hence the name. If a person submits a power that someone already has I will ask the more recent one to please change.)

Backstory: (Please be detailed in this, it will make people more interested.)

Pokemon: (People can have 4-6 pokemon. Only two can Mega-Evolve. Multiple people can have the same Pokemon but come on people there over 700 pokemon! If everyone has six Pokemon that's only 48 pokemon. Please have your team be unique. I need the name, nickname(optional), personality, gender, ability and moves [4 move limit applied])