Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto! T_T...
Warning: There is yaoi m/m kissing in this chapter! if you don't like then DO NOT READ!
Matchmaker: Chapter 4: Stay for dinner...
Kakashi released a groan, blinking away the dazed confusion that swam around his head, he propped himself up on his arm, frowning down through the dispersing smoke to see what, or rather who, had broken his fall.
His lone blue eye met wide blinking brown, his body freezing as he drank in the sight of the caramel skinned Chuunin beneath him, a sudden blush reaching his masked cheeks.
"K-K-Kakashi-sensei?!" Iruka stammered up at him, his face turning an even deeper shade of red. Kakashi felt his breath hitch, hearing Iruka trip over his name tugged a concealed smile from his mouth, the beauty of the blushing Chuunin taking him completely by surprise.
"Yo," he blinked, unable to hide his surprise at the situation they both found themselves in. Wondering silently how this had happened, his brow knitted, not that he minded, the bewildered Chuunin was surprisingly comfortable, laying warm beneath him and clinging to him gently.
Why would Naruto lead him here? 'Naruto!' his mind growled, his head snapping up to glare over his shoulder, scanning the street for his aggravating student, seeing no one, he released a frustrating breath, 'I'll deal with him later,' Kakashi promised himself, wondering what the idiot could possibly be up to.
Stealing his Icha Icha was one thing, but provoking a chase all the way through the village? For what? To lure him here? Directly on top of, Iruka-sensei? Kakashi's blue eye narrowed, 'Why?' it just didn't make sense.
"W-When did you get back?" Iruka's shy voice made him start, blinking back down at him, noticing the younger shinobi had made no attempt to move or push him away. Kakashi stared down at the scarred ninja, he couldn't help noticing how angelic, Iruka looked laying on his back, simple civilian clothes, blush tinted cheeks, unbound hair splayed over the wooden floor like melted chocolate, flawless skin and a delicious looking parted lips.
Kakashi swallowed hard, frowning as he struggled to maintain control of his urges. He dragged in a tight breath, feeling a familiar cinder of arousal beginning to smoulder inside of him. He tore his eyes away from the beauty beneath him, trying desperately to keep himself together, "Uh- late last night," he muttered a delayed response, frowning at the floor beside Iruka's head, trying hard to analyse the situation.
His mind began to swim, why would, Naruto lead him here? The Genin was a prankster but he wouldn't be this reckless, and to involve his precious, Iruka-sensei? That made no sense at all, the grinning fool cared too much about his beloved Chuunin to risk embarrassing the tanned shinobi like this. 'Why? Why would, Naruto go to all that trouble to- '
Kakashi gulped looking down at the wide doe eyed beauty beneath him, '-to lead him to Iruka!' His white brows furrowed, his stomach clamping in fear, was that the reason? Did, Naruto somehow know about his feelings for, Iruka-sensei? Is that why Naruto had brought him here? Kakashi swallowed hard, Naruto wasn't a mastermind, It didn't surprise, Kakashi that Naruto would be this blunt.
And now here he was, in a totally unorthodox position above the boys guardian, who was still lying there staring up at him with those hauntingly beautiful eyes and that delicious looking mouth.
Kakashi sucked in a breath, he couldn't deny his attraction for the younger sensei, it had been burning inside of him for countless months. Iruka-sensei was the only one who gave him the time of day, Kakashi found himself longing for the scarred shinobi's company, hiding all his lingering glances and pointlessly drawn out conversations just to send five minutes longer with the Chuunin and now here he was, pressed against him on his hallway floor.
It had to be obvious to anyone with eyes that, Kakashi had a soft spot for Iruka, Kakashi had become increasingly obsessed since he took on team 7. All the late talks about 'Naruto's progress,' an easy cover for him to get Iruka's undivided attention, but the thought of Iruka possibly returning his affection made his heart leap.
His eye darkened, his lust for the beautiful man becoming too much, He may as well take Naruto's hint and dive in feet first, it's not every day you find yourself pinning the object of your desire to the floor, and Kakashi wasn't going to be the one to waste this rare opportunity.
Kakashi softly cleared his throat, "Iruka-sensei... I think we need to have a little talk about Naruto," he smiled watching Iruka's brows knit in confusion.
"Huh?" Iruka blinked up at him causing Kakashi's secret smile to broaden. Kakashi tilted his head, holding Iruka's bewildered gaze, "I think, Naruto is trying to tell us something," he purred down at Iruka, watching the Chuunin closely.
"What do you mean?" Iruka questioned, frowning up at Kakashi warily.
"Isn't it obvious?" Kakashi chuckled playfully, watching Iruka's blush intensify, his teeth catching his lower lip in a way that made Kakashi's spine tingle. He slowly leaned down so that his face was almost touching Iruka's, staring boldly into Iruka's bottomless brandy eyes. "Naruto, is trying to play matchmaker," Kakashi grinned quietly.
Iruka's eyes widened, "You think so?" his oblivious innocence was so adorable, Kakashi nodded, his resolve crumbling away with each lust filled second, "Yes... And seeing as I am never one to disappoint my students... I'm going to kiss you now," Kakashi grinned hungrily.
"Y-You are?!" Iruka squeaked, blinking up at Kakashi, his face a burning blush as he squirmed beneath the Jounin.
"Mmhmm" Kakashi nodded adjusting to peel his mask down past his chin, he closed he gap between them, pressing his lips against Iruka's ravenously. His brows quirked, feeling, Iruka come alive beneath him, the Chuunin moaned into his mouth, his tongue sliding against, Kakashi's, his hands gripping onto, Kakashi's clothes. The Jounin groaned, feeling Iruka's hips grind beneath him, feeling his heart skip, he struggled to support himself.
He had never been kissed like this before, Iruka's mouth on his was heaven, kissing him back daringly, his tongue exploring every inch of, Kakashi's willing mouth. Iruka's strong grip held, Kakashi in place, the firmness making his mouth water, a lust filled growl left, Kakashi's throat, feeling arousal sparking through him he wanted more, bruising their lips harder together with a possessive moan, never wanting to let, Iruka go.
Feeling his lungs starting to burn, Kakashi reluctantly pulled back, both of them gasping for air, hearing his heart thundering in his ears, his face as equally flushed as Iruka's, both panting for breath as they stared at each other in shared shock.
"K-Kakashi... S-sensei?" Iruka struggled out, fiercely fighting for breath.
"I think we c-... can drop the... formality... don't you?" Kakashi laughed breathlessly, brushing his nose against Iruka's cheek.
"Kakashi?" Iruka corrected as he toyed with the hem of Kakashi's shirt.
"Yes, Iruka?" Kakashi breathed, losing himself all over again in Iruka's pleading eyes.
"Would you... Would you like to stay for dinner?" Iruka asked, his eyes falling to Kakashi's chest, his face burning as he slipped a hand underneath Kakashi's shirt, stroking his fingertips against the small of the Jounin's back. Kakashi's brows rose, a surprised smile lit his face "Sure," he whispered, his eye lidding as Iruka gently stroked his back.
"Good," Iruka breathed, his hand grabbing the back of Kakashi's head and pulling him down to claim his lips again. Before Kakashi could react he was on his back, being devoured by the hungry Chuunin who adjusted to straddle his hips. Kakashi moaned into Iruka's addictive mouth, suddenly feeling like the luckiest man alive, and silently realising that now he had, Iruka he was never going to let him go.
Kakashi smiled against his Iruka, silently reminded himself to thank, Naruto, next time he saw him, running a hand through Iruka's long soft curtains of hair he held the Chuunin close, a deep chuckle bubbling in his throat as he moved his foot to gently kick the door closed.
Thank you so much for reading! please let me know your thoughts! ^_^