Episode 10: Like Father Like Son Part 2

Sorry for the long long wait, we are back we promise.

Last Time On Sonic The Hedgehog Season 4:

The King was impressed. He charges at Sonic and has a duel. They fight to the death. They kept rapidly fighting each other with what they had. Sonic kept firing giant beams at him and makes the King lose his breath. Since it leads to that, the King brings out his full power mode.

A god comes out to them and his name was Shira. Shira appears as a tall, handsome, young man with fair skin and a lean build. He has shaggy, golden hair with blood red eyes. Shira wears golden knight armour with blue lines crisscrossing it and he has a red cloak wrapped around the waist of his armour. He also wears a pair of golden, square-shaped earrings.

''Who the hell is this guy?'' Saine asks.

Shira was covered in light. ''The name is Shira, God of destruction and you are a filthy ant!'' Shira sprints at Saine.

This Time:

Shira rams Saine into two layers of walls leaving him with heavy damage on his back. The King was disappointed by Saines actions.

''Come on, just because he is a God doesn't mean we cant beat him, I eat Gods for breakfast and Dinner.'' The King announced.

Everyone was exhilarated by Shira's attack. Sonic and Shadow saw hope as Scourge and Nightfire had turned up and saw the fight. Shira punched Saine in the stomach, Nightfire came up from behind him trying to surprise him but with his perfect reflexes he was able to spot him and flicks him away to the other side of the room with ''one'' finger. Scourge pulls Shira away but his pulls out his sword he calls the ''Umbra'' and starts swinging it around on Scourge. The weapon removes anything for existence. As he attacked the green hedgehog, he left his super form leaving the chaos emeralds leave his body and his soul leave the world. Shira picked up the emerald and passed it over to Sonic.

''Who is this guy?'' Sonic asked everyone.

''I have no clue!.''' Zones responds.

''No clue Sonic.'' Silver replied. ''But he just erased Scourge!''

He then turns into his form called The Golden Spider. He turned into a speck of a spider leaving Nightfire looking for him. He steps every where on the ground but felt something on the back of his neck, a poison was sent into his body. He was out and falls to the ground. He turns back into his humane looking way.

''Hmm well done. 'Shira' I am impressed with your work.'' The King didn't listen to his words. ''You see I'm also immortal so you wont be able to do anything to me.'' As he speaks Shira pulls out The Umbra and whacked The King with it but it only scratched him.

''Hmm I see.'' Shira says as he puts The Umbra back.

''What is he doing now?'' Shadow asked.

''You have eliminated my allies I will bring them back of course with this!'' Saine comes out of no where, takes out the chaos emerald he consumed and catches Scourge's soul. He pulls Nightfire's body away and leaves the room as fast as he could.

''He got away!'' Jack says.

''Leave him, for now. We have to deal with this guy.'' Sonic reckoned.

Shira looked in the King's eyes with a sharp vision, he kept on pondering if he should destroy this world. The King had something behind his fur. An immortal gun! He pulls it out while they had meet.

''Do you know what this is.'' The King says.

''Guys there is still a bomb so.'' Backlash reminds everyone. ''In 15 seconds this place will blow.''

''Oh crapppppp!'' Knuckles was freaking out.



''Its an immortal gun.'' Shira explains as they gun was right at his face.

''Smart. This gun is full of the deadliest substances in the world which of course cant kill us but with this special gun powder added its not an ordinary gun.''




''We need to leave.'' Blaze bawled.

''Theres no point in leaving.'' Shadow assured. ''Its a nuclear explosion. Even if you run the radiation will reach you.''

''Wait to go on suicide!'' Zoness says.

''Alright I should chaos control us out!'' Shadow beamed. ''But to get far out I need all the emeralds.''




Sonic quickly grabs them all and passes it all to shadow. With all 7 emeralds Shadow is still not amused with the distance. ''Its not use my chaos controls range wont go to far.''

Shira summons a portal with his godly powers and pushes everyone but Sonic, Shadow and Silver in the portal in no more then a second. He was surprisingly quick.




The King wasn't afraid after all he was immortal.

''The portal doesn't fit us?'' Silver says.



''Oh no guys.'' Sonic says as he closes his eye but before he could blink Shira started running around the area. He teleported to the bottom of this world and lifted the planet. He threw the planet into this worlds sun. The world started getting warmer. Shira teleports the hedgehogs to Planet Deity.

''Here it comes—'' As Sonic realises he was teleported in an instant second he was all sweaty and scared. ''Impressive.''

''We've got some questions.'' Silvers bloated. ''Who are you.''

''My name is Shira, I am responsible for destroying worlds so that new ones can be created. I arrived to destroy the world we just inhabited but I was interested in the blue hedgehog and I decided to observe him.''

Sonic bows to him leaving Shadow dumbed out.

''What do you mean observe.'' Shadow says in a rude tone.

''Look attitude, we don't get worlds with inhabitants like you and my race is looking for other races to rely on and cooperate with.''

''Okay, Okay where the hell are we now though.'' Silver questioned.

''Planet Deity. This is the only systematically lavish planet around this Galaxy and judging by your smell, you come from another galaxy.''

The planet had people who were ever prayer or walking around and living. There was no blue sky, it was white as milk but it was about to become dark and the sky became orangish.

''This is a beautiful place.'' Sonic says.

''You need to go back home now.'' Shira cackled. ''Your foes aren't dead you know. I can sense a power level the same as those guys in the direction we came from.''

''Okay take us home then.'' Silver budged.

''Before I do that, their is something I am providing you if something bad happens.'' Shira offered.

''Which is?'' Shadow cried.

''The Blessing Of Deity.''

Shira took the hedgehogs into a mass area which had a water place, fire place, an earth like ground and the air coming from the breeze outside.

''The people here are nice, is there a king of some sort.'' Sonic had asked.

''No most of us are Gods or people who are trying to become a God.''

''Do you like this place.'' Silver asked.

''No its boring, no civilisation, I want to live in a new world and try new foods.'' He opens up a window that shined a light on the hedgehogs. Water had followed them cleansing them, the water wasn't the same as normal pure water it was more special. The fire had burned through them but they didn't feel any pain. The hedgehogs stood in one place as the rocks and sand cover their body and the wind blew it away. Shira bowed his head as he said a prayer.

He was done and he transferred a portion of his strength to each of them and they felt alive.

''Awesome.'' Sonic says. ''What did we gain?''

''You have all mastered all forms of fighting and weapon play.''

''Sick. So can we get weapons?'' Sonic begged.

''You mortals wont handle the impact and weight of these weapons.''

''Can we go home now!?'' Shadow yells.

''I think I lost my patience.'' Shira pushed Shadow down to the ground and stands on top of him. ''Are you gonna have a random tude with me now?''

''Argh— No…''

''Good.'' He clicks his fingers to Mobius in the middle of where the crisis in the city happened.

''We didn't even tell you where we wanted to go.'' Silver said surprisingly.

''Smell.'' Shira says.

''Alright alright.'' Sonic says. ''I guess we will show you around.''

Meanwhile With Saine…

Saine and The King were up in the air as they watched their home collide with the Sun.

''They took all the emeralds.'' Saine says. ''We cant get other galaxies in our condition.''

''He killed our family. We only have 15 strong men alive and if you bring back Scourge and Nightfire we can get to them with a plan.'' The King says.

''Hows that? We are screwed, we've got nothing were just up here.''

''Son, you idiot. That yellow fox, he drop a booklet or some sort and it had all this physics crap and machinery. We are going to build a teleporting machine with the power of the fake chaos emeralds.'' He chuckles.

Next time: Back Up