Phoenix Trails does not own WWE or any of the people participating in WWE. However I do own my OC's including Vyn and Lillian. This story is rated teen or some language and violence during wrestling matches.

Recently I had a guest review that while pointing out a flaw in the first chapter was very rude. However I would like to thank that person for pointing out the flaw and complementing my character on the fact that she is a Mary Sue at the moment. Many think that would be an insult but because that is what I wanted her to be at the moment, I thank you for noticing. Hope you keep reading.

I will not be posting after this week, till Christmas. Phoenix Trails.

I stared in my mirror. This outfit would have to do. I had no clue where Roman was taking us after he picked me up. So I decide on something casual that still if need be could pass for fancy. I was wearing a pair of lace trimmed shorts that came to half way up my thighs. My top half was adorned by a silky, long sleeve, emerald shirt. Tingles ran up my back, as cold air assaulted the skin that was laid bare by the low cut design. I added a few gold bracelets and picked up a pair of huge black pumps.

My bare feet were tickled by the carpet as I walked down stairs of my house, a yawn escaping my mouth just as I reached the bottom. Shuffling across the living room, I grabbed my silver IPhone off my knee level couch. Tapping on the screen I pulled up my messages to see if I had any new messages for Roman. And I did. Five in fact.

Vyn I'm on my way to your house hope you're up from your afternoon nap

Hey I'm fifteen minutes away see you soon

You know its nice to reply to people's messages

Vyn wake up I'm here

Vanesa we've been outside for the last five minutes get your butt out here.

Oh that is so not good. I ran over to my blinds to see if Roman actually was outside my house. Indeed I saw his black rental car waiting in the drive way. Pocketing my phone, I grabbed my heels and raced outside after locking the door. I ran across the walk, the bottoms of my feet getting burned because I had no shoes on. Finally reaching his car, I yanked open the door and leap inside.

"Finally made it, shorty."

"Shut it Ambrose." I yelled as I rubbed the burns out of my feet. I looked over at Roman as he backed up the suburban. He at least looked slightly concerned for my well-being.

"Ya know Roman it's nice when you come up to the door to let someone know you are outside and waiting!" I said as I glared at him the best I could from my bent position.

"Not my fault you don't read your text messages."

34 minutes later….

My pumps clicked against the wooden floor as we entered Lydia Russell's Pub and Grill. The boys shadowed me as we walked in however Roman quickly stepped forward to show his pass. The attendant waved us through with a giant grin on her face. She basically screamed fan.

We briskly walked to the back where there was a private party area; Dolph, Seth, and Barret were waiting for us. The first one standing was Seth, who quickly greeted his SHIELD brothers.

"Hey Vanesa."

"Hi Wade." I said as I walked over to the super star for a hug, he embraced me willingly. It had been awhile since I had seen him.

"How was your trip to England?"

"Good, the place I was at really liked having a WWE superstar there to scout for talent. Nobody would leave me alone."

"So basically you were treated like a king."


I smiled at him before sitting on one of the orange, leather bar stools that surrounded the slab of marble. Roman quickly came over a talked with the bartender. I gave him a glare as he left, he just killed my fun for the evening.

"Vyn stop glaring at me you're not 21 yet." Roman said from his position on a couch. How he could see me I don't know because his back was towards me.

"You could have let me have my fun though. I was going to see if I could trick him into thinking I was 21 yet. I dude seriously I will be 21 in like 4 months, so take a chill pill." I said settling the back of my elbows on the bar. The brown eyes getting dark with annoyance.

"You know your uncle would kill me here and in the ring, and I prefer everything not bruised or broken. Plus you're making sure we get home, because I have a feeling getting drunk tonight is not out of the picture."

"So you're torturing me because I missed your party?"

"And for the prank."

Dang… he knew about that. Well I'm screwed.

"So… what we gonna do tonight?"

"Torture you…so anything to do with sports."

"I hate you."

He and Dolph got up and went over to the Foosball table. Taking off my heels, I slowly padded over to the contraption that I personal thought was always rigged against me.

"Okay pick a partner Vyn." Dolph said as his smirk appeared on his face. The smirk that said I already know I am going to wipe the floor with you. I gulped.

"All be your partner, I've beat Roman and Dolph before." Relief crossed my face as I turned to look at Seth who was quietly sitting in a chair. He smiled before coming over to my side and giving me a brief lesson on how to play, you know just a refresher. His smile made me catch my breath a little bit before I regained control of my emotions and got to work. He picked the blue side because he thought that color was lucky.

We immediately started off horrible, Roman and Dolph immediately got a point. I tucked a piece of my silver hair behind my small ear before intently watching the game. They scored again. Seth put his hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear some encouragement. I smiled before nodding my thanks to him. We started again, this time I managed to move my thing fast enough to block it and score in their goal. They stared in amazement, after all I had never been able to do that ever. Eventually we won the game, much to the chagrin of the other boys.

The rest of the night turned out okay. The food was great, everyone liked it and we got dessert to. Eventually I drove the boys home, none of them sober enough to do it themselves. I parked in the hotel drive way where the boys were staying and made sure they got to their rooms before calling a cab to take me home. I paid the taxi driver before heading into my home.

Dropping my midnight pumps onto the floor with a bang, I made my way clumsily up the stairs. After brushing my teeth and hair, I collapsed on the bed, sleep deprivation finally forcing my body to sleep.

Thanks for reading, hope you liked it. Please rate and review. Phoenix Trails.