Vic Fuen[tes] goes to Taco Bell. Kellin Quinn is also there.

They strike up a conversation and wait in line to order. When they do get to order, the cashier apologizes and reports that they don't have anymore tacos due to someone purchasing all of them. When Vic asks who, the cashier points over to a man wearing clown makeup and horn-like objects on a headband. Vic walks up to the man and asks his name. The man introduces himself as Gamzee Makara and honks a horn from a pile of said horns. Vic asks him why he purchased all of the tacos and Gamzee replied, but not before honking a horn, "MiRaClEs :o)"

Vic began to ask if he could have one of the tacos, but Gamzee cut him off with a "No Motherfucker."

Vic began to cry and Kellin patted his back, leading him to a table where he laid out seven burritos
